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SCOTUS kicks… — 4 Comments

  1. I’m just a simple small-town tax lawyer, and don’t understand such high-falutin’ Constitutional law stuff, so could somebody explain to me where a federal district judge gets the power to order a President to continue a program initiated by Executive Order — not statute or regulation — of his predecessor? A fortiori when 1) another federal district judge has ruled the program is unconstitutional, and 2) the President referred the issue to the Legislative Branch.

  2. I am so confused. Didn’t the SCOTUS decide that the previous POTUS’s DACA order was unconstitutional? If so, then why do the courts have to decide again if the current POTUS can be allowed to end it?

  3. Legally, the issue is a simple and straightforward one.

    Do I detect a reluctance on the part of some justices, before neccessity forces it upon them, to reveal an unfitness for the office they hold?

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