Home » Third Brussels airport suspect arrested


Third Brussels airport suspect arrested — 15 Comments

  1. ISIS claimed responsibility, yes? The French PM called this an act of war. An act of war on a NATO member invokes Article 5 and we’re all at war with ISIS. Come on, it has to be better than always waiting for the other sandal to drop. And, frankly, it might do Europe a world of good to be able to beat their chests a bit. Crusade, anyone?

  2. Apparently the brother of the white jacketed handler is an Olympic athlete for Belgium in Tae Kwon Do. Doesn’t fit the profile of terrorists being marginalized, lacking in opportunities as the western apologists like to claim.
    * * *
    Andy McCarthy @PJ Media has a good post about how ISIS, being an off-shoot of AQ, knows that the unwillingness of authorities to go too far in their interrogation buys them time to go through with their planned attacks before their captured brother will reveal the details (though they need to move up the date, as they just did in Belgium).

  3. The west is not serious about dealing with Political Islam (historic Islam). History has been excised from the education curriculum for a generation (or 2 or 3) and this is having its intended effect; the escalation of the bureaucracy and a people easily led as sheep. The knowledge that our federal government was formed for the very purpose of protecting our borders and way of life is lost on the majority. It will take a miracle for people to wake up to reality without a full-blown “man-made” disaster potentially waking the west.

  4. Sharon W is quite right.
    Jefferson and John Adams had the same problem with Islam. It took naval combat to squelch the buggers then. “To the shores of Tripoli.”
    Things have not changed in principle. Only the scale has, thanks to mideast oil.

  5. “Thanks to Mideast oil” OK, we can get our own oil, so why do we not?

    Noteworthy: The Spanish Inquisition, a court that pursued suspected spies and traitors, was not founded until the late fifteenth century, three hundred years after the last Crusade.

  6. Michael Adams — Because our whack-job lefties won’t let us, because oil is bad, bad, bad! It would be interesting to know if there is any correlation between Saudi contributions to US universities and their production of AGW activists? Has anybody ever studied that?

  7. Turns out they had a tip about the airport..

    EXCLUSIVE: Belgian Intelligence Had Precise Warning That Airport Targeted for Bombing

    Attack in subway likely also known in advance by Belgian and Western agencies; attack plan was formulated at de-facto ISIS capital of Raqqa, in Syria.

    this is the result of a globalist view…
    when things are about individual nations (nationalist), you have operatives from a certain location and can hold the individual to some kind of result

    but when its globalist, there is no border divide, and so there is no national anything to pressure for result and so, its all over and no where at once.

    the left thinks globalism is the answer
    but what your watching is globalisms change to the war and battle and altercation scene.

    rather than have separate factions you have to build in each country with difficulty moving from place to place, you have a single faction, that exists in all places in which borders are weak enough not to matter.

    the old international conflict has given way to globalist conflict.. and it wont get better, because as stalin said, size is a quality unto itself. meaning that when the whole is so large, there is no way to cover it or operate in it with strength…

  8. What will be the acid test, at some point, will be how some in the West react to “collateral damage” when things get serious.

    The MSM these days is prone to act as 5th columnists in this regard. Just as they did with the massive influx into Europe of “refugees,” highlighting sentimental, anecdotal stories rather than noting the huge percentage of unattached young males.

  9. Belgian Intelligence Had Precise Warning That Airport Targeted for Bombing

    Attack in subway likely also known in advance by Belgian and Western agencies; attack plan was formulated at de-facto ISIS capital of Raqqa, in Syria.

    -Thanks, Art.

    I guess the Euro Ruling Class is insulated from the plebes who get killed while standing in line. It is really too bad a Muzzie doesnt take Merkel or the EU hobnobs out. But the day may be coming.

  10. ” Sharon W Says:
    March 23rd, 2016 at 12:16 pm

    The west is not serious about dealing with Political Islam (historic Islam). History has been excised from the education curriculum for a generation (or 2 or 3) and this is having its intended effect; the escalation of the bureaucracy and a people easily led as sheep. The knowledge that our federal government was formed for the very purpose of protecting our borders and way of life is lost on the majority. It will take a miracle for people to wake up to reality without a full-blown “man-made” disaster potentially waking the west.”

    You are right. You could flay many western victims alive in the street, and they would still not accept what was happening to them. And if they once did, they would either whimper, or else rejoice in having achieved true victim-hood and thus through their miserable and pointless deaths, “righteousness” enough to justify having once been alive.

    Sometime, someplace, normal Americans are going to have to draw a moral line between themselves and the masochists who sublimate their perversion through the politics of “liberalism”.

    If they are congenitally unwilling to defend or justify their own life or right to one free and unmolested. why should anyone else bother?

  11. It is really too bad a Muzzie doesnt take Merkel or the EU hobnobs out.

    I hear that the EU aristocrats have armed body guards. Pretty sweet deal, eh Frog. All the peasants are disarmed though, as is their Place.

  12. President Clinton, 17FEB98:

    [This] is not a time free from peril — especially as a result of reckless acts of outlaw nations and an unholy axis of terrorists, drug traffickers and organized international criminals. We have to defend our future from these predators of the 21st century. They feed on the free flow of information and technology. They actually take advantage of the freer movement of people, information, and ideas. And they will be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and the missiles to deliver them. We simply cannot allow that to happen.
    There is no more clear example of this threat than Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. His regime threatens the safety of his people, the stability of his region, and the security of all the rest of us.
    … In this century we learned through harsh experience that the only answer to aggression and illegal behavior is firmness, determination, and, when necessary, action.
    In the next century, the community of nations may see more and more the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists, drug traffickers, or organized criminals, who travel the world among us unnoticed.

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