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Hillary’s email server… — 16 Comments

  1. If it wasn’t for the British press and bloggers, we’d have no idea what is going on in our own country.

  2. I also noticed, speaking of the press, how quickly the story about ISIS systematically raping female captives, announcing they were “serving their religion” while doing so — how quickly this disappeared. Then there soon appeared a story about the first two females ever to pass the Army Rangers training course, accompanied by cries of joy.

  3. We know that even “strangling a puppy on live TV” will not turn most of Hillary’s supporters against her. Still, the drip, drip, drip of these stories will affect a few, enough to stay home, if not vote against her. Each topic hits home to a small group of people in spite of themselves. I know deep liberals who know what’s up when it comes to servers and security, and they have been silent on FB recently, though they usually trumpet every Vox or HuffPo accusation.

    It is a long, long battle, likely beyond the reach of my years.

  4. miklos:

    I think that happened in part because people have in a certain sense accepted that ISIS is evil. At this point they shrug and move on, because they know or believe they know that nothing can or will be done about it. The West stands impotent, having gelded itself.

  5. I’m not so sure it’s not harming her. 1) I work in IT where we know about encryption, email, and servers, and my liberal co-workers have made several comments lately that they’d never vote for her after this. They’re still leftists, and would happily vote for Warren or Sanders though. 2) My mother is the ultimate LIV and 50’s Democrat, who watches CNN and always votes straight D. She recently said she’d never vote for Hillary because she’s a liar who can’t be trusted. 3) A few militant progressive / feminist acquaintances on FB were recently mocking her appearance. A clerk in a store told one of them she looked just like Hillary and this person posted her status as “Looking for a rifle.” The rest of them hooted and laughed. All anecdotal evidence, I know, but it seems pretty widespread across geographical areas and types of Democrat voters.

  6. “I hope she’s more able to protect national security than that–although none of the evidence we’ve seen so far indicates any ability or desire to do so.” neo

    Not only does NO democrat care about our national security, they actively welcome the downfall and dissolution of America. They ALL fully share George Soros’ view that, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”

  7. LisaM:

    I wrote about those issues in this post.

    My liberal friends mostly don’t care, although a few have turned on her. Most of them still support her. If she is the nominee, they would probably all vote for her. But they’d all be just as happy, and some happier, with Sanders or virtually any other Democrat.

    The real questions are (a) whether it will hurt her so much that she’ll lose the nomination (b) who her replacement would be if she does (c) whether any of it would turn off enough people who would ordinarily have voted for her, and motivate them to stay home, or to vote for the Republican.

  8. I continue to think hrc will not be the nominee. The 2016 ticket will be Warren and perhaps O’Malley. Bho has no desire to see the clintons in the Whitehouse so his doj will make her suffer a thousand cuts as more email revelations are ‘discovered’. Some time in the next 6 months hrc will withdraw from the race due to ill health.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  9. LisaM : What you describe sounds like the “Barnyard Syndrome” to me. Ask any poultry farmer: There’s an injured or sick chicken out in the barnyard, limping around. After a while, another chicken will come along a peck her, HARD. Then another comes along and does the same. And another, and another, etc. Before long, all the chickens in the flock will descend on the wounded/sick hen and she will go down in a cloud of feathers.

    Hillary’s been wounded by this and the first few chickens from her own barnyard have come by to peck her:

    Scarborough and Brzezinski/MSNBC: PECK.
    Chris Cillizza and the WAPO: PECK
    Mary Dejevsky and the freaking Guardian:: PECK
    And worst of all (so far), the NYT:: PECK!

    There are other examples to be found of the pecking chickens in HRC’s barnyard; I’ve only named a few.

    May they keep on peckin’ ….

  10. Even just observing political candidates is starting to feel like a game of chicken, but I’ll stick my neck out and side with Parker on this issue. I think Obama really hates Hillary, and really wants to see a socialist in the White House. A truly wonderful legacy. Transformation.

    As soon as it’s clear that Sanders has a good chance of winning, Obama will tell Hillary that she’s going to prison if she doesn’t withdraw and support Bernie.

    I too will say “my story and I’m sticking to it.”

  11. I’m with Parker:: death of a thousand bytes… heck even giga-bytes.

    As for back-up — the NSA/ GCHQ // Moscow and Beijing ALL have back-ups.

    Further, EVERYONE who she sent emails to is a very likely source of the emails. That’s the kind of meta-data that her internet provider would have on yet OTHER hard drives// thumb drives.

    E-mail addresses are ALWAYS duped into a second data structure.

    So Congress can grab that meta-data and pursue the other end of her email convos.

    Congress can also go to the NSA and compel that agency to cough up her emails. As a HIGHLY placed player in the US government, the NSA would’ve automatically been trolling all traffic through the internet nodes used by HRC.

    And she was so VERY busy.

    Just right there, the NSA would be attracted. Such ultra high volume accounts are extremely rare… Only a handful of bloggers could match her Web traffic.

  12. I’m beginning to think that this email scandal is going to hurt her; and maybe even keep her from getting the Democrat’s nomination.

    In addition to this story not going away, there is also her reaction.

    They had a clip on the nightly news the other night that showed her answering a reporters question about the emails. (sorry, I couldn’t find the clip on YouTube) In her response she wasn’t just very defensive about it; but, she also answered with such cautious language – something along the lines of “well, we turned over everything that we thought was relevant” or something to that effect.

    That “we thought was relevant” is something that a kid might say – knowing full well that the rest of the statement is a lie. Not only is she a liar; but, she isn’t very good at it either.

  13. Of course the server deal went to a friend — that’s the Democratic Party way and always has been. From fixing a pothole to awarding a road repair contract to Barry’s awarding the $600,000,000 Obamacare contract to a college buddy of Michelle’s. Always has been, always will be.

    My hope is that enough techie pajama boys (and girls) — who know perfectly well the implication of this story — will be disgusted enough that they’ll just stay home on Election Day 2016.

  14. I am in the Denver area, and the way I understand it is as follows: When the company, Platte River Network, was just starting out, it was headquartered in a loft apartment, and ITS servers (NOT HILLARY’S SERVERS) were indeed in a bathroom closet. As the company grew, they moved into a non-apartment building where the servers were not in the bathroom.
    Apparantly, the company did some work for Hickenlooper during his campaigns, too. Please correct me if this is incorrect.

  15. HRC is like the stalking horse, for another goon bug to appear as the Left’s new God Emperor.

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