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Little Hillary — 28 Comments

  1. I remember that interview, and even being a LIV, Democrat-by-default, I was not buying Bill and Hillary’s shtick.

    Someone her age, with her experience, saying I am “just going to be my own little self” is weird.

  2. 1. Althouse almost as good as neo.

    2. All accents are learned and can be unlearned. No accents in beautiful Nebraskaland.

    3. Hillary Clinton must be defeated. Carthage must be destroyed.

  3. Classic Leftist tactic of saying black is white, or war is peace, or ignorance is strength: Hillary saying “I’m NOT just some little woman standing by her man.”


    I will grant you, though, that I doubt she does a whole lot of cookie-baking.

  4. Cornhead Says:
    July 9th, 2015 at 8:23 pm
    1. Althouse almost as good as neo.
    Err … voted wrong, something is wrong … She’ll vote Hillary.


  5. I’ve been reading a few older books about Hillary, including Barbara Olson’s. “Hell to Pay.” During Bill Clinton’s first term , Hillary turned a lot of Arkansans off with her careless grooming and keeping her maiden name. When Bill was defeated for reelection, and plotting a comeback, a big effort was made by his supporters to do a Hillary make-over to make her more attractive. She had resisted those efforts until her appearance became one issue that was depriving the power couple of their power. It seemed that she had reverted to that “who cares” attitude as Secretary of State, when she let her hair grow long and stringy.

  6. Robert Stacy McCain (“The Other McCain”) just revealed today that he’s been the victim of repeated SWATting, and the FedGov sent him a letter acknowledging it — says he even moved self and family to another house to avoid the attacks and the Swatters found him there:


    Readers of this blog never previously knew that I was SWATted, because I never mentioned this incident. Nor have I described here the numerous ways in which I have been harassed – costing me thousands of dollars in lost revenue and harm to my personal and professional reputation – because I made up my mind to tell the truth about certain people who didn’t want the truth to be known….

    P.S.: Don’t jump to conclusions. I don’t know how (or even if) this SWATting is connected to the general pattern of harassment I have experienced since May 2012, and this incident occurred after I had moved from my former Maryland residence.

    Until I can get more information and provide it to readers, I ask that commenters refrain from speculation about who was involved in this federal crime, or what their motive might have been to target me. Speaking personally, however, I don’t believe in coincidences. – RSM

  7. To SWAT: To drop a dime on an enemy, telling the police that they have, e.g., a kidnapped child in the house at gunpoint — whatever it takes to generate a SWAT team raid.

    The victims are awakened with tremendous shock and fear; their houses broken into by the SWAT team, and the neighbors set to wondering if they’re drug dealers or some other kind of dangerous criminal. It’s also completely dangerous: the SWAT team, high on adrenaline and told to expect hardened, armed criminals, are on a hair trigger.

    This is one of the vicious Left’s pet ways of harassing and silencing dissidents.

    BTW: isn’t it time we started calling ourselves dissidents?

  8. Absolutely Malignant. (*Married to Malignant Narcissist on Steroids*) My God, it’s rash-producing to imagine Hilly and her Billy Boy loose in the White House again. Let’s seeeeeee…Bubba in his First Lady’s office in the East Wing..?!

    And, the Press?? I’m in the midst of reading Kirsten Powers’ new book, “The Silencing”. A MUST READ by all Neo readers/commenters. Witnessing the Blast the Lapdogs are having trumpeting Trump fits in perfectly.

    One More Obama Term we must NOT have. Tragedy for our Country and Horror for many others.

  9. “not only has she proved to be exactly what she denied being”

    This has become classic leftist tactic. The examples are too numerous to relate — “you can keep your doctor” or Harry Reid’s “Romney didn’t pay his taxes” and so forth — but it is clear political strategists at the very highest levels have decided there is no downside to telling a lie, even one that is demonstrably untrue. I think the reasoning is “the intent is more important than the lie.” As in Bill Clinton’s famous “I feel your pain.”

    There are examples on both sides of the political aisle, but I have the impression the magnitude and frequency is greater on the left.

    And though politicians have clearly lied to voters in previous generations, I feel like it has reached epic proportions in my lifetime, and I attribute that to the unwillingness of the media to call Democrats out on their untruthfulness.

    Maybe — but this is clearly not a sure thing — the press will have a moment of of introspection at some point in the future and say “hey, we really dropped the ball, didn’t we?” Don’t hold your breath, though. They have joined the inner circle and that’s pretty heady stuff.

  10. }}} Note how pretty Hillary was back then,

    Hillary was never pretty. She wasn’t ugly (on the outside, anyway), but I would never, ever have looked at her and said she was good looking.

    You could see the shrew beneath, even then, if you looked closely.

    And I’ll lay odds the “southern twang” was a complete put-on. In private, I’d lay good odds she probably sneered at southern people the way Ariana Grande sneers at Americans.

  11. …And her “apology” to Tammy Wynette was about as geniune as Ariana Grande’s, too.

  12. “Little” is a ploy. I don’t know whether it is new and calculated or just comes naturally, but it insinuates harmlessness and creates space to accuse critics of picking on a victim.

  13. Omar Sharif, star of Dr Zhivago and one of the world’s greatest bridge players, dies

  14. That we live in a country where candidates and voters agree that putting forth changes that I think would be good for the country is the purpose of the presidency is reason enough to oppose her.

  15. “So I’m just going to be my own little self and kind of keep going along and saying what I believe in and putting forth changes that I think would be good for the country”

    “Be my own . . . self . . . saying what I believe in . . “

    Good Lord! If she ever really, truly, did that she would never get elected – too many folks would not like the real Hillary!

    Hillary is such a faker – and why can’t more folks see that? Why do they believe whatever she says? Is it really a case of “she’s a woman, therefore I must like her”? Or is it because they somehow or other felt “sorry for her” because of her cheating husband?

    Well, she’s a much a cheater as he is – maybe not the cheating on your spouse kind of cheating; but, she is a liar and a thief, and just an all around not to be trusted type.

    How she ever got elected in NY is beyond belief to me!

    I do think the bumper sticker I saw the other day is correct:

    You think Obama put America in the toilet? Just wait until Hillary is elected – she’ll pull the handle to make it flush.”

  16. charles:

    I think the election (and particularly the second election) of Barack Obama proves that Americans’ BS meter is broken. So that might answer your question about Hillary.

  17. People may be surprised. 110% of voter registered citizens and counting in X. I wonder if they purposefully make political campaigns too nasty for the average viewer, thus reducing turn out, only to pump enough back in that it evens out at 50-60% of total.

  18. G6, your video is a good example of why humans aren’t equal and probably never will be.

    Equality means that everyone have the same talents, smartness, and abilities. But they don’t. And it’s good that way, cause otherwise humanity would never advance beyond fire.

    Somebody has to have the physical and intellectual virtues to pull the pack ahead of the curve, and it won’t be the average, “equal” normals.

  19. “Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle.
    Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.” – Heraclitus

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