Home » SCOTUS: the South has finally learned its lesson?


SCOTUS: the South has finally learned its lesson? — 16 Comments

  1. Obama’s slander of so many people in so many states just demonstrates, again, what an ugly, despicable leader he is.

  2. “…. Congress must come up with a new formula based on current data to identify which states should be covered.”

    Ohio and Florida would be a good start.

  3. The South was leashed to the Democrat party at least as strongly as Jews and blacks are today in the US.

    The rhetoric was always the same. Vote for us because you can’t trust Republicans, they’ll do the whole War of Northern Aggression federal government thing on you and make you poor again. Vote for Democrats because the blacks are stealing your jobs, ruling over you, and they can’t be trusted. Vote for Democrats because black votes are stealing your white votes. As always, the cruel and unkind ruling caste used the fears and culture of the population to control the population by giving it an external and an internal enemy to fight, to hate.

    It wasn’t until just a few decades ago that Southerners had achieved enough economic and spiritual independence that they started throwing off the Democrat slave chains.

  4. “Beneath the legal ruling is a broader social statement, with the justices saying that a state cannot be perpetually held responsible for past discrimination if there’s no evidence that it still exists.”

    The even broader implication of the legal rationale of this ruling is that neither can individuals, nations and races be held perpetually responsible for past discrimination when a society has ended institutional, regulatory and legal support for discrimination.

    This ruling directly threatens the rationale for affirmative action.

    The left has responded to the threat of ending selective, reverse discrimination against whites by creating the meme of ‘white privilege’.

    The canard of white ‘privilege’ allows the left to enforce selective, reverse discrimination against whites as long as whites remain a majority.

    Since the left, and many non-whites, do not support our Constitutional principles, we may be sure that when whites are no longer a majority, it will be ‘their turn’ to experience overt oppression and discrimination.

    That overt oppression and discrimination will be for the left, a means of control.

    While for non-whites, revenge for the imagined slights that the left has long indoctrinated them with, as the needed excuse for a failure to embrace the means to success; education, reason and logic, a strong work ethic and a firmly interconnected family.

  5. “The only black person currently on the Court–and one of the most conservative–is of course Clarence Thomas, who is also the only one from the South (Georgia). He grew up when it really was a pretty racist place.”

    Where are race relations worst now? The North.

  6. Isn’t it strange how you sometimes see the conservative-leaning judges making a surprising decision that sides with the liberals but you never see the liberals voting with the conservatives? Why are the liberals so lock-step in their decisions, never once wavering from the liberal position?

  7. “Why are the liberals so lock-step in their decisions, never once wavering from the liberal position?”

    Ideology is a stern task-master. Ideology takes no notice of objective principles grounded in logic and reason, for if it did so, it could never have taken form as an ideology.

  8. It dosnt look good for us. The Republicans will offer up another “moderate” who will still be pilloried in the press as Hitler with gold cuff-links and even though Hillary has proven herself to be just as inept as Obama when it comes to answering 3 AM phone calls, even bringing that fact up will be portrayed as reigniting the “war on women”. I dont have a lot of hope for the future of this nation.

  9. Northern Leftists, in particular, are extremely bigoted against the South.

    It’s one of the Approved Hatreds.

    They’re no more willing to give it up than a junkie will give up smack.

    Meanwhile, all the large Southern cities are pretty much ruled by black majorities. I grew up in the South in the 1960s. I never IN MY LIFE heard my parents, or my family members, or my extended family members, OR our friends, OR our acquaintances, use the “N-word.” No one tried to “keep the coloreds” from voting. Not by my childhood, anyway.

    Our kids are basically color-blind, and most everyone is sick and tired of hearing about race, race, race.

    It’s been decades since the Jim Crow laws, but to the Lefty haters, the South will forever be guilty: we make such a delicious whipping boy.

  10. “Ideology is a stern task-master. Ideology takes no notice of objective principles grounded in logic and reason, for if it did so, it could never have taken form as an ideology.”

    But here’s where Magician Geoffrey comes in and tells us how he will separate the 1-2 billion Leftists on this planet from the “real extreme Left leaning Leftists”. And solve this issue for all of us, with the drop of a hat.

    The ideology must be so easy to expose, the cult so weak that its authority is meaningless, for a few people to get rid of the Leftist alliance so easily.

    Somehow, I doubt the Leftist alliance is currently that weak.

    “Why are the liberals so lock-step in their decisions, never once wavering from the liberal position?”

    When people can remove/convert cult members from a Jim Jones death cult, then they have something powerful to use in breaking that circle dance.

  11. The Left doesn’t like the South because Southerners rebelled and threw off the Democrat party’s joke, for the most part. There are so called “Blue Dog Democrats”, but they are ultimately the same thing. Just a different coat of paint. Those Southerners that try to do things too weird, will get exiled from the Democrat party. Their influence would be too dangerous for the Left to keep inside.

    The Left, btw, also don’t like “changers”, “neo-cons”, or turn coats. Because often times the easiest way to defeat the Left is with a former ex Leftist.

  12. “here’s where Magician Geoffrey comes in and tells us how he will separate the 1-2 billion Leftists on this planet from the “real extreme Left leaning Leftists”. And solve this issue for all of us, with the drop of a hat.”

    “When they attack one personally, it means they haven’t a single political argument left.”

  13. The old narcissist trick of projecting one’s own actions against their enemies.

    Doesn’t fool me.

  14. I’m sure not much can slip by you.

    But “narcissist trick of projecting”? Tut, tut, ‘bearing false witness’ is still a sin, you should be ashamed of yourself. Narcissism and projecting are emotional defense mechanisms and it is not I who’s engaged in personal attack but you.

  15. Subject: Why the Left matters to some people but not to others

    “Which means that sooner or later, the Far Left is going to have to discard all pretense and, through illegal means, attempt to fully abrogate the Constitution. That is when low-information, useful idiotEliberals will face an unavoidable choice; awaken to what their political support has really wrought or become through willful denial, fully complicit in tyranny.

    Upon that determination hangs the fate of the Republic.”-Geoffrey Britain

    Really, now.
    Link will be sent to the bottom footnote wise.
    Really, now.

    This is your work is it not, Geoffrey. It looks like it. Oh well, I’ll just go with it. This is your version of debate and reason, huh. “Useful idiots”. If they are so useful or so idiotic, why do you think someone like you who separate them from the “Far Left” is doing anybody a favor here? Do you understand what happens to “useful idiots” when your nation, your country, and your religion loses a war?

    I’ll tell you who is fully complicit in tyranny. It isn’t the cannonfodder slaves of the Left, their complicity equals the gun mass murderers use to kill children. It’s the people in the intellectual community that think themselves gods because of their intellectual reason, who’ve been parading themselves through the Glorious Golden Age of the US for the last past 6 decades, living off the riches and spoils of the Left’s war against humanity. That’s who is complicit in helping the Left’s war.

    It’s not me you should be looking at here when it comes to… in fact I’m not even sure what you plan to do with the Left’s cannon fodder, what you call useful idiots. Perhaps you believe you don’t have to pay the price for aiding and abetting the Left’s ascension, which is a responsibility of humanity, not merely Republicans or Democrats. That if most of the Left rebels and fights against the Left, it will make things easier for you. That it will become a short and victorious victory, because the people will choose to fight the Left after being in the Left for their entire lives.

    The authority of those who live on their thrones of glass, sitting on the pillars of sand, do not matter to me. In the broadest view, all things will fade to dust and sand.

    Slaves don’t get to make choices, unavoidable or not. What magic trick are you going to pull from your intellectual’s hat then?


    You have a seriously distorted view of liberals, not committed leftists mind you but liberals.

    I have within my family a number of liberals and more than a few friends who are liberals as well. None of them are rotten peopleEnor are their motivations in the least, racist.

    None of them are too lazy to bother to change their objectively hideous viewsE All of them have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the left’s narrative and memes through incessant, lifelong repetition from the very institutions that they have been assured are most trustworthy.

    None of them can conceive of academia and the mass media’s collusion with the left.

    They simply cannot give credence to the left’s betrayal of America.”-Geoffrey Britain

    “[[[“All those relatives, neighbors and “friends” you have that voted twice for Obama and you think are basically good people but just a bit wrong about politics? Yes, they absolutely would let it happen to you, and they might even be happy about it. You are lying to yourself if you believe otherwise. at this point there are simply no facts or data that I can see that indicate otherwise.” ]]]-neutral commenter

    Permit me to offer you a slight change in perspective.

    I too are among those whose religion and, philosophy about the size of government might someday result in my being hauled off to a domestic internment camp where those judged beyond reform are ‘disappeared’.

    Despite my vociferous efforts at persuasion, both my daughter and father voted for Obama in 2008 and, in 2012. Nothing I said mattered and facts and reason were simply dismissed. Both have been so thoroughly indoctrinated in the memes of the left that despite them both being highly intelligent, for them everything is filtered through the left’s narrative.

    That said, both love me deeply and neither would ever silently look away as I was led off to a domestic internment and reeducation camp. BUT…they would look away if it was you, a STRANGER being led away.

    Conversely, your liberal relatives, neighbors and “friends” would look away if it was ME being led away.

    The banality of evil requires that a moral and emotional distance be available. That it is happening to ‘the other’, to someone we do not care much for or even better, do not know.”-GB

    So in summary, the “Far Left” as GB calls it, indoctrinates the members of the Left, including his family, into doing evil+tyranny. But it’s not their fault, because love says it isn’t. Backed up by reason and logic. What kind of self justified rationalization is that? They’re “useful idiots” and “stupid” and that somehow means you are superior than they are GB and can offer them atonement and redemption at the drop of a hat, is it now.

    You couldn’t convince your own family using your “reason and logic” to do anything important. Yet you think you understand what the Left has been doing. Everybody else’s friends and relatives in the Left are “useful idiots” but your Leftist loyalists are “highly intelligent”.

    You have a clue yet why I don’t particularly take your “opportunites” to debate about the things you want to debate me on, seriously? It’s not because I lack arguments for my subject matter. It’s because you, as a person, is not someone that can be convinced using reason, logic, or the written word. You rely too much on your emotions and your personal experiences (as if they were truth) to justify yourself. Everytime somebody talks about the Left’s internal structure, your mentality brings up the issue of your own family, as if they are somehow rationally included in the issue. You didn’t bring it up this time but it was driving your thinking, as it did in the past. That could explain why I detected certain ulterior motives in your rhetoric.

    Having fun on the internet declaring your justifications and debating people to prove yourself right while your nation dies through torture, that’s a very useful goal to strive for in human affairs is it not. I have no interest in debating you on the subjects you find near and dear. Mostly because you only think about yourself and those that care about you, not about anybody else involved. I have no interest in debating subjects of national importance with such a personality. But I’ll argue something I do like to tinker with: human psychology.

    P.S. Source links

    geoffreybritain.wordpress .com/2013/06/05/the-fate-of-the-republic/

    pjmedia .com/richardfernandez/2013/06/18/the-age-of-faith-2/

    neoneocon .com/2013/02/16/allan-bloom-on-the-ubiquity-of-moral-relativism-in-1987/
    Links are broken on purpose. Copy and paste.

    P. P. S.
    Defending your family from whatever threats you see on the internet is one thing. Trying to pretend this is all about the noble fight against the Left…. is something else entirely. Logic and reason that thinks itself justified when it was merely powered and motivated by pure blind emotion alone, is not going to find truth in anything.

    Know this. You may not take what I say seriously, when I said that I am not interested in debating with you or what your opinions may be (strong hint to go your way). It’s just that if you do get me interested, it’s not going to get what you want, and I’ll be talking about subjects which you may not be interested in. You can either find a better target to debate with and prove your bonafides on (which leaves me in peace), or you’ll be debating me on the subjects I decide (you won’t be getting to decide). Like any other human on the net, I have things I’m interested in and things I’m not interested in.

  16. Chief Justice Roberts was quoted as saying that the state with the biggest difference between white and black turnout was Massachusetts. That’s right: Massachusetts.

    Massachusetts, home of the self-righteous.

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