Home » He never calls…


He never calls… — 8 Comments

  1. Republicans are weak. Not physically or morally. Just… weak. Weak against evil, true evil.

  2. The easy answer is that Republicans are indeed the stupid party. Even worse though, I think it shows how much of politics is just theater. Grassley and others have big battles on the floor and in front of the camera with the opposition party. And then they go have lunch with their friends on the other side of the aisle.
    He probably doesn’t understand why Obama doesn’t want to play the game in the usual way. Are RINOs clueless or do they just not like their boat being rocked? They don’t like being backed into a corner. They want to get-along to go-along and Obama is making that harder.

  3. That was Bill Clinton’s purported problem with Obama too. It seems narcissism is the currency of DC and Obama just requires more tribute than most.

  4. The Wan has been tied up meeting with his Jobs Council.

    The Congress needs to get over itself.

    Grift for rubber stamps is the trade — and they’re making it.

  5. I din’t think Grassley was surprised. This was dig at Obama dressed up pretty.

  6. I know Chuck, he is not surprised. It is indeed an elbow to the ribs wrapped in velvet.

  7. Well good. If Grassley’s deal making speciality is no longer used we taxpayers should celebrate. Bipartisanship after all is just another word for hand over your money taxpayers. We need the GOP to stop making deals. Obama’s intransigence kept the RINOs from signing onto Obamacare and the stimulus bill. The more Obama won’t deal, the more the GOP will have to grow a spine.

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