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Now it earns a suspension… — 41 Comments

  1. Seems to me that there has been a concerted effort by teachers to smack down anything related to gun culture since the Newtown murders. I’d be interested to know if this has been initiated by one of the teachers unions or the Dept. of Ed. There’s some serious student intimidation going on, making it clear than anything related to guns (regardless of the context) is unacceptable and punishable. So glad my son is in private school.

  2. The kids must be put back in their place as slaves and fodder for the Utopian cause.

    Their only value and worth is in keeping them hostage and their parents obedient to the Word.

  3. It is going to get a lot worse around here before it gets better (if that is even possible anymore).Parents need to rise up at school meetings or it will continue and broaden in scope.
    Saw an article somewhere yesterday that while kids were getting suspended for 10 days for toy guns, some third-graders were suspended 5 days for forcing an eight year old to fellate them.
    Sending your kids to public school – will it become akin to child abuse?

  4. Our lib friends always operate with the BEST OF INTENTIONS, which in this case reeks of soft totalitarianism. This prohibiting of mentioning of guns is supposedly done with the intent of maintaining safety and order in classrooms. Yet, when faced with evidence that minority students disproportionately have a negative impact on the safety and order of these classrooms, as shown by suspension rates, our lib friends want to insure that these troublemakers stay in the classrooms and are not suspended.

  5. People will still be taking the Left lightly, even as the foot of tyranny and Social Justice stomps on their child’s head and crushes it.

    Maybe everyone will believe it… or not, when it comes for them.

  6. George Pal
    What does this warrant? Rikers? Devils’ Island? Kolmya?
    I vote for Kolyma, as it is the worst possibility. Using a tuba like a gun deserves the Gulag.

  7. For baby boomers this criminalization is so hilarious, Remember Roy Rogers, Cisco kid, Lone Ranger, Gene Autry, Wyatt Erp
    everybody had a holster
    boys & girls
    I saw a documentary life of Roy Rogers, he was visiting a children’s hospital, injured little boy had a bandaged face, Roy took his hand & placed his 6shooter in it !! Too funny with this witch hunt going on these days >

  8. I remember going to the principle’s office at our local elementary school to discuss some problems one of my boys was having. There on the wall was a poster that said “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will surely hurt me”. I looked at the poster, looked at the principle and said that it was completely wrong, in fact backwards. She ignored me. The attitude has been there for years it’s just that they feel freer to act out now about thought crimes about guns and whatever else the bogeyman of the day happens to be.

  9. There’s a story out there somewhere on the interwebs from the past couple of days (no time to find it right now) about a boy who was disciplined by his school for intervening and grabbing away a knife that some kid had just pulled out to use on a classmate. The teacher was on the other side of the room and hadn’t noticed what was happening. The principal scolded that the school doesn’t “condone heroics.” Well all righty then!

    One day not so long ago I was crossing a supermarket parking lot when some kid leaned out of a parked car, pointed his finger at me and yelled “Bang!” I sent him into transports of joy by dramatically miming an awful death. We both had fun. I’d probably get arrested for doing that today — as would whoever left him in that parked car.

  10. Neo:
    You looked like a real Annie Oakley in that get up! But you and the others are right: The entire Boomer generation was raised in an environment that took the presence of guns for granted: cowboys, cowgirls, sharpshooters, frontiersmen (“Daavey, Davey Crockett! King of the wild frontier!”). Cops and soldiers too. Everyone agreed on who the good guys and bad guys were, no?

    What the hell happened? And just as importantly, what the hell is happening now? I agree with that woman from Alabama who testified yesterday before the Ways and Means Committee: Things have gone terribly wrong in this country and I’m afraid we’ve lost our way.

    Or is is more like we’ve been the frogs in the pot and the water has just started to boil?

  11. This is the first way that boys are targeted in their lives.

    Next, they’ll be subject to sexual harassment allegations throughout their academic career in a system that presumes them guilty and assures they are through subjective standards.

    Then, during their work career, they might look at naughty pictures on the internet at work while women are shopping for purses on Amazon. Guess which one is a fireable offense because sexual harassment or something?

    It’s about taking interests that are natural to men and making them punishable.

  12. Cute picture, NEO!
    My son’s most recent Halloween costumes have been: soldier (in 2012 with plastic gun), SWAT guy (with gun), astronaut, and policeman (with gun). At his public school (K-3) he often played FBI with his buddies, where they would chase whoever was playing the bad guy that day, shooting at him using finger guns. This is all perfectly normal play and costumes for a young boy – at least it was until late 2012. Now it makes him double plus ungood and worthy of suspension. The world has gone mad.

  13. And of course most elementary school teachers are women. They want conformity not independence.

  14. Steve
    And of course most elementary school teachers are women. They want conformity not independence.

    But most elementary school teachers were also women when I was a kid, and I never got hauled to the principal for drawing a picture of a gun nor for using a my hand as a play gun. Look at Neo’s cowgirl picture from that era. Also note that Darrel Prioleau, the school principal responsible for handing out that suspension, is a male.

    The issue at hand is the cultural change enacted by the politically correct- be they male or female.

  15. southpaw:

    get along little dogies (which I used to think were doggies, which was confusing):

    Dogies are orphaned calves, it turns out.

  16. “Sending your kids to public school — will it become akin to child abuse?”

    All parents need to consider homeschooling, online schooling or private schooling – now. It doesn’t matter what grade the child. Any conservative, especially in a left leaning state, needs to completely stay away from government schools. It’s too late to change the system, we need to make our own now.

  17. Have you heard Pelosi’s latest …..
    Now that we have Obamacare she s lookin to provide
    Universal pre kindergarten type day care !!!!!
    How wonderful the moms can turn the little ones over for state
    indoctrination before the age of 5
    & continue it along in primary school, junior high, high & college.
    Just like they do in China.
    China the place were a billion people are held on a short leash
    by their bettors. What the Dems over here aspire to.
    Some animals are more equal than others.

  18. “Mrs Whatsit”

    of course they don’t condone heroics. If they did, who knows what number of women, blacks, and Jews would be able to leave the plantation for freer lands.

    You got to keep those heroes invisible and the slaves in check. Whenever some uppity serf and field hand starts talking back and organizing resistance… we all know what’s going to happen to him and his family.

    So thinks the Left, for their grand Utopia requires sacrifices of humans.

  19. People may be under a slight misapprehension.

    While the policies are enforced by school teachers and administrators, they are not, for the most part, the ones who decided the policy. That goes higher up to the Left’s organization top, the Ruling Class, made out of spiritual, religious, and political leaders.

    Just as police SWAT kicking in your door and shooting everyone in the house (oops wrong house, my bad), isn’t because they thought it was a good idea. They were just told to do things like that in training by union type standards.

  20. It’s not about gun control. It’s not about protecting children. It’s about indoctrination. Like all ideologues, they can’t conceal the agenda.

    On a healthier note, at 8 years of age I was the ‘fastest gun’ on my block. Yet somehow, I’ve avoided ever having to fire a gun in anger and haven’t been in a fight in 45 yrs…I was 20 and the other guy insisted.

    I just don’t understand it, you’d think all that repressed aggression inculcated in me by TV (50-60’s), archaic parental attitudes and societal memes of the time would have come out by now.

  21. Gringo, women still largely support Obama. So there does seem to be a correlation between gender and politics or political correctness. Right?

  22. Geoffrey Britain,

    Maybe they have come out. Neo-Oakley has become a neocon, and you are are regular reader and commenter on her blog. This seems like an outcome libs would like to prevent in the future.

  23. Granted I grew up on a farm and attend school at small rural school district, but we’ve come a long way down a sorrowful road since I was a fifth grader. In my time 5th graders (mostly boys but there were a few girls) took their 22LR rifle and two boxes of 50 cartridges to school for markmanship class once a month. All of us had been introduced to gun safety around age 6 starting with a BB or pellet gun. We understood the responsibilites entailed in the use of a firearm.

    As a kid I was never allowed to play with toy guns. My parents thought it was a dangerous idea.

  24. I wish to add that I started my daughter (the eldest) and my 2 sons with gun safety training at age 6. They remember those early insturctions. My daughter shoots skeet. Both of my sons are ‘gun nuts’ in that they have multiple firearms, reload, and try to be at the range at least once a month.

    Teach your children (grandchildren) to be responsible citizens. Teach them the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Teach them government is a dangerous force that easily goes astray. Teach them to trust family, friends, and neighbors; and distrust the motivations government at any level.

  25. I’m late on this thread, as I often am. But I’ve been thinking quite a bit about that poster that “Paul in Boston” saw in a contemporary elementary school — the one that said “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will always hurt you.”

    This struck a powerful chord with me because, as a child in the late ’50s-early ’60s, I was all too familiar with the original version. I routinely heard it from adults to whom I complained that somebody had teased me: “Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will NEVER hurt you.” Oh, how this used to enrage me. First of all, it was demonstrably false. Of course words did sometimes hurt, and the pain didn’t go away just because grownups pretended it wasn’t there. Plus, it seemed so uncaring to be dismissed with useless — and newly hurtful — words rather than comforted or helped with the teasing.

    However, in thinking about this new version reported by Paul in Boston, I realize that although I didn’t consciously perceive it at the time, there was a powerful message of help and comfort embodied in the old version of the saying. The adults who I thought didn’t care were in fact telling me that they cared enough to have faith in me to be stronger than mere mean words. I was being taught, like it or not (and I certainly didn’t!) that I had the inner resources to handle this problem on my own, without help from an outside authority. And of course, that did turn out to be true. (It may not be a coincidence that later on I became a lawyer and writer, using words as my tools and my weapons. And it certainly isn’t a coincidence that I turned one of my childhood tormentors into a character in a children’s story, using her real first name, and wrote her a well-deserved comeuppance. Hah!)

    Think of the difference for today’s children. This new version of the old saying teaches them, not that adults believe that they are strong and can rely upon their own inner resources to cope with adversity, but that they are entirely helpless in the face of inevitable harm – not only at risk from sticks and stones but “surely” destined to be hurt by words. This saying instructs kids that they are defenseless victims, so lacking in inner strength that they must look outside themselves for help. Further, they’re being taught that nothing is more dangerous than words. Worse than sticks and stones, certain to cause harm, words must be stopped — and only all-powerful authority can do it.

    Tie that to the throttling of free speech that’s been going on across the culture, from the Citizens United brouhaha to IRS efforts to stifle the Tea Party to campus hate-speech codes, the criminalization of “offensive” speech, the efforts to silence Fox News (you should see the bumper sticker my liberal brother has on his car on this topic), the stunned outrage of liberals at a dinner party who hear unimaginable words of dissent spoken by some previously-closeted conservative soon-to-be-ex-friend . . . well, for years now, this blog has been cataloguing the left’s determined efforts to silence and destroy any and all words of dissent. (How often did Obama, in his first few years in office, say about one group of critics or another, “It’s time for them to stop talking”?) And now look what our children are being taught about the inherent dangerousness of words and the relationship between that danger and authority.

    Yes, of course I’m reading far too much into a poster on some wall in some elementary school somewhere. Or am I?

  26. The Left values verbal violence. So they focus in on that a lot. The Left also fears physical violence. Those two are interesting profile aspects of the Leftist psychology.

  27. It’s not the teachers doing this or the administrators. It’s the school boards and others who have had to deal with the headache of “I’m going to suuuuueeee” from parents whose precious darlings were terrified of another child pointing a finger at them in a menacing way. Even if it doesn’t end in court, it means endless rounds of bad publicity as the parent(s) show up to school board meetings and/or get the local media involved.

    My local school is a “school of choice,” which means a lot of our students come from other districts. One of our selling points is that we’re safe (not to mention the majority of the staff, from cooks to teachers live here instead of being commuters who consider it just a job). There have been a few touchy safety issues that I know of, but mostly for things like concussions occurring during football games, but the biggest brouhaha was when some well-meaning person brought tiny squirtguns to school for a class that was having a fun outside event (I think it was the French vs. Spanish Cinco de Mayo soccer game).

    Again, it wasn’t the students or the teachers; it was a parent who thought that giving 2-inch “guns” shaped like rayguns and spaceships to a bunch of teenaged boys showed a lack of concern for safety issues. (Nevermind that ALL the kids put them away on the bus, just as they promised, and didn’t take them out until they got home.) Plus they were shaped like rayGUNS and that was the equivalent of taking them to the firing range. Luckily all the administrators did was meet with the parents and then give a synopsis to the staff involved.

    So the people getting upset aren’t always who you think they are. (And I’m not even going into the Navy vet who refuses to let his children stand for the Pledge of Allegiance because it’s “Communist indoctrination.” Sheesh.)

  28. Miss Jeans is a good example of how discipline and control is enforced on teacher union serfs.

    External enemies.

    Who is the external enemy of the teachers? Parents. Who are the internal allies of the teachers? The school board, administrators, anyone who can pay them when they are suspended or anyone who can help them keep their jobs while being sued.

    Now replace “teacher’s union” and “teachers” with police unions, SEIU thug unionistas, IRS union workers, TSA union workers, and you now have a small picture of how they do it.

    For the police, it’s thugs and Democrat backed crooks and liars that are the external enemy. Give money and power to the Democrat police chiefs and mayors and union bosses, they will protect you when they sue you for excess force in capping that blackie, so says the Left.

    The point is, the Leftist alliance is instigating both groups. They are the supporters and allies of both groups. They benefit from both groups fighting.

    This is the nature of “class warfare”. This is how a nation is brought down by internal dissidents and traitors.

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