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After the bombing — 13 Comments

  1. His psyche shows the compartmentalization evident in SS death camp functionaries.

    After murdering thousands during their shift — they’d relax with the fellas and have a brew — maybe even take a group photo shoot.

    BTW, the FBI is discovering that the duo lived in a circle of muslim fiends — with every manner of AQ sympathetic regalia in their lives.

    They’d been living dual lives for quite some time.

    Perhaps in the style of reverse super heroes — secret identities and all that.

  2. Funny — I’m not seeing many civil liberties anti-surveillance types jumping and hollering and screaming about the ever-present surveillance videos’ role in identifying and subsequently capturing this guy.

    Might anyone out there need to reconsider a thing or three?

  3. Certainly doesn’t fit with the current MSM depiction of him as being sweet as a puppy and only participating because he idolized his brother.

  4. I have been wondering lately about the Spanish Inquisition.

    Was it really true, as we have been led to believe, that it was all some Christian pathology rooting out the “other” and not accepting diversity, and wickedly torturing some Muslims and Jews to find out if they had truly converted or were living “double lives”, only appearing to be normal citizens but in secret holding their first beliefs?

    Maybe the Muslims really were a danger to Spain. They had militarily conquered it centuries before, and Osama bin Laden himself wrote in one of his manifestos how they wanted it back. How much more then at a time closer to its loss to Christian Spain.

    As with the Crusades, it may have been Muslim atrocities that led to the Inquisition.

    I am not saying this is the case. I don’t know, and as I said, we have all been taught otherwise. But now knowing that so much…so so much….of what we have been taught is merely Liberal Lies and Propaganda, I am wondering even about things like this.

    In any case, this is something both new and old. It is new that we can’t tell who is on our side anymore. The enemy looks like the ally. It is old in that it has ever been thus: evil always lurks inside of us and is not advertised for obvious reasons.

  5. Mike M @ 9:58 pm . . .

    One day I too got interested in the “Spanish Inquisition,” and I did a quick search on Wikipedia. I don’t remember the details of what I found, but my conclusion from that search was that the “Spanish Inquisition” was a lot more complicated than we’ve been led to believe via those who create the memes that we all live by.

    If I were still in college, as a history student I would definitely write a paper about the Spanish Inquisition. It’s time for revisionists to step in and reexamine this subject. Apparently, a lot had to do with local politics. As a mass-murdering event, it’s definitely small potatoes compared to the gigantic democides of the 20th and 21st centuries.

    The Spanish Inquisition has been used for centuries as a stick to beat up Christians. Muslims and Communists probably killed more people (Jews and Christians both) last week than were killed by the Spanish Inquisition.

    In fact, the history of Chechnya and Armenia are kind of interesting in this regard. Too bad I have a poor memory, or I’d be more specific. Wikipedia is usually helpful until the marxists/progressives rewrite it.

  6. Its now being reported by a number of different sources that at the end of the early morning running gun battle, when cops were trying to wrestle the older brother and cuff him, the younger brother tried to rescue him by driving their jacked car toward them, but that the cops jumped out of the way and the younger brother only succeeded in running over his older brother and killing him as he took off in the car.

  7. I will be interested to see how the MSM and the Obama administration will contort themselves into all sorts of odd positions to try to avoid the obvious fact that these guys were Muslim Jihadis/terrorists.

    No doubt they will just try to ignore the whole “Muslim” thing if they can and, if not, will try the approach that has been very successfully used in other cases, of describing these terrorist attacks as the work of nut jobs, loners, and /or “youts” who have somehow become “disaffected,“ because, of course, American society somehow failed them, and that the fact of their being Muslims is not relevant or of major import, except to exhort us to be “sophisticated’ and “multi-cultural” about this, to not be “bigoted” or “prejudiced,” or “Islamophobic,” but to be “fair” and “unbiased.” (Phobias by definition being “irrational” and “baseless” fears, but the fear of being blown up, shot, or run over by some fanatic Muslim, it seems to me , is a very real fear, and one that—from the evidence–is getting more “real” by the day.)

    Moreover, it seems to me that this terrorist episode impinges directly on two key items on the Administration’s agenda; immigration and gun control.

    On the immigration front, I would imagine that a lot of people will now be wondering why we should make our already lenient, porous, and slipshod immigration system even more lenient and import even more primitive, hostile Muslims, more potential Muslim terrorists rather than limiting or even banning any further immigration of Muslims to the U.S.

    Up until their liberalization in the 1970s (there have been even more liberalizations since) our immigration laws used to ban the immigration of Communists and Anarchists, on the basis that they were potential threats to our country that we just didn’t want to allow to come here; having enough trouble already of our own, we did not want to “borrow trouble.” I see no reason why we can’t ban immigration by Muslims on the same national security grounds–heaven knows we have enough empirical evidence of their propensity for terror against U.S. citizens i.e.”Infidels.”

    On the gun control front, Hannity asked the key question the other night during his coverage of this terror incident. How many of those citizens of Boston, confined to their homes and “sheltering in place” because of these terrorist attacks, would have felt safer–and been safer– if they had a firearm to protect themselves?

    I think that this latest terrorist attack has the potential to derail any administration gun control efforts, as individual citizen’s needs for arms to protect themselves become very clear indeed, for, as the saying goes, “when you need a cop in the next 15 seconds, they are only 15 minutes away.”

  8. I can tell you one very subtle way. The NYT headline:
    “Bombing Inquiry Turns to Motive and Russian Trip”

    Get it straight bub. These boys were on some sort of weird trip to Mother Russia, one of those modern nation type things we’ve all heard about but which is very big and important and who knows what. We’ll blast that in the headline just to make sure your mental furniture is properly arranged. Then we’ll mention in passing that Chechnya is a part of Russia – in the Caucasus which you never heard, and there is some kind of Muslim thingy going on there.

    What we will NOT do buster! and how reactionary and neanderthalic of you to even think it! Is ask any questions about Immigration, or Islam, or Terrorist Immigrants whose schooling we pay for and who blow up our kids.

  9. Mike M
    I have been wondering lately about the Spanish Inquisition…Was it really true, as we have been led to believe, that it was all some Christian pathology rooting out the “other” and not accepting diversity, and wickedly torturing some Muslims and Jews to find out if they had truly converted or were living “double lives”, only appearing to be normal citizens but in secret holding their first beliefs?

    Whether the masterminds of the Inquisition were right or wrong in persecuting conversos , they WERE correct in suspecting that some conversos were “in secret holding their first beliefs.”

    Years ago I met a Spaniard at a company school who was Jewish. His family had practiced Judaism in secret for the 400+ years that Judaism was prohibited in Spain. THAT is tenacity.

    A lot of the conversos ended up in New Mexico.

  10. The Inquisition is another one of those things well all “know” about, but is what we have been taught all these years really true?

    If you look at recent material on the Internet discussing just exactly how many people were killed by the Spanish Inquisition, it turns out that although the impression that I and everyone else was given in school in my antediluvian day was that practically every person in Spain over the 500 year life of the Inquisition was dragged before this panel of raving sadists and lunatics, tortured, and then promptly burnt at the stake, one current scholarly estimate is that, while approximately 125,000 people were called before the Inquisition during the course of those centuries only a comparative handful–an estimated 1.8%, i.e. 2,250 or so—were actually executed, and that most of the other punishments meted out were in the form of various penances that had to be said (see, for instance, http://askville.amazon.com/people-killed-Inquisition/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=3878676)

    Even one execution would have been one too many, much less the horrific number of 2,250, but the magnitude of such actual executions was much smaller that I would have thought from the figures of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of brutal executions by the Inquisition that I have seen tossed around in various supposed works of history.

  11. “I’m not seeing many civil liberties anti-surveillance types jumping and hollering and screaming about the ever-present surveillance videos’ role in identifying and subsequently capturing this guy.”

    Rights are only for humans, not Republicans, conservatives, or anti-government militia.

    The Left knows this to be true, even as far back as WACO or Watergate.

    It’s only bad when evil people use it. When good people that work for the Left’s utopia use it, it’s a justified weapon.

    ” The enemy looks like the ally. ”

    The enemy is the Leftist alliance. It begins and ends there.

    “No doubt they will just try to ignore the whole “Muslim” thing if they can and”

    The real threat, as is always the case when one speaks of Super human utopias, is right wing extremist nut cases like Sarah Palin. They must be watched, observed, and secured. Same went for gun and bible clingers like those at WACO. No matter how many people or children must die in the process, the purity of abortion, freedom from guns, and so on, will be preserved in the Left’s Obamaca.

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