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It’s come… — 33 Comments

  1. If you ask me, Big Bird isn’t even that great a role model for little kids. (a) He’s not funny. (b) He just acts stupid most of the time. He ambles about, getting confused about stuff, seemingly incapable of ever getting a clue. Characters like Elmo, Bert and Ernie, Kermit (obviously), and even The Count all come across as intellectual giants compared to BB. And, perhaps more important, they all exhibit much more energy and initiative.

    It’s no wonder the Dems chose Big Bird as the Sandra Fluke of the PBS funding controvery. If they tried to make it about cutting off government support for, say, Grover, everybody would be like “Hell, yeah! That blue dude don’t need no check from the damn government!”

  2. Btw,

    They point out that the funding for birth control is supposed to be from insurance companies.

    But the government is providing insurance for those who can’t afford.

    How about this:
    1) PBS makes do with a little less.
    2) People tell their man – use a condom

  3. It’s the standard hostage-taker’s argument seen in every public-sector shakedown (“Either we take more of your money, or it’s teachers and first-responders on the chopping block!”). Once again, they march out chanting the claim that there’s somehow nothing else in the entire apparatus that could be reduced instead — no overpaid executives, no overly-extravagant expenses, and especially no extraneous personnel, because Government Jorbz Are Forever.

  4. Conrad: Big Bird reminds me of Edith Bunker.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  5. This is the same team that:
    *Spent almost its entire convention screaming about abortion
    *Sent a tweet about Obama 2012 sweatshirts while Obama & Hillary spoke at Amb. Stevens’ televised memorial.
    *Set up a registry site so that newlyweds & graduates can redirect gift $$ to Obama (followed by the Obama Yard Sale event in September)
    *Sent an email from Michelle asking people to forgo pizza dinner and send the pizza money to Obama 2012 instead

    The Big Bird “issue” is ridiculous, but the campaign has been so consistently out of touch it makes me wonder if there are any adults present. Also a clear sign that Obama has no direction, too.

  6. Big Bird would make a perfect mating partner for Sandra Fluke. She wouldn’t need contraceptives as cross species mating could not produce a pregnancy. However, she might have to worry about avian flu.

    Team Obama has crossed over into Onion territory and provided more fodder for the R&R campaign. BHO’s worried about Big Bird while Romney is concerned with an assassinated ambassador, embassies being stormed, the debt clock passing $16 trillion, u6 unemployment north of 14%, and the approach of the fiscal cliff. Meanwhile Team Obama is dealing under the table with campaign cash, and as Lizzy notes Michelle hustles for pizza money.

    I smell an electoral college landslide if Romney can maintain the momentum of the first debate.

  7. My liberal co-workers are buzzing about the Big Bird thing, thinking it’s Romney’s undoing.

    They look perplexed when I tell them, “This works with Progressives because it fits on a bumper sticker.”

  8. I think this is just grrreatttt! Bill West, the hard core liberals will never get it because they live in a Never-Never land of impossible theory, but sentient voters will.

    The more the Obama campaign looks as if it being directed by the editorial staff of The Onion, the less and less credibility the adminsitration has. (I’d include MAD Magazine, but MAD is just too serious for current circumstances). Furthermore, the more the MSM supports the Onionbama candidacy, the less and less credibility and influence the MSM has. This is all good. Be of good cheer!

    I have said before the country owes Obama a debt of gratitude for bringing the fundamental truths of the progressive cause to a head in such brief and vivid fashion.

    The implosion may have begun. (Romney 55% to Obama 45% and Romney 320 to 340 electoral votes. You heard it here first, folks!).

  9. Aren’t you all forgetting something. The type of low information voter that would consider voting for Obama worries far more over the fate of Big Bird than the fate of the economy, national security or freedom. This is a well thought out, reasonable campaign message aimed at potential Obama supporters.

    Once again we have to admit that Obama, whatever his shortcomings, is a vote getting genius.

  10. Big Bird, Elmo, Bert and Ernie, Kermit, Oscar, the Cookie Monster, The Count. Anyone see a pattern? I think Sesame Street is where the real “War on Women” is taking place!

  11. Bob from VA says, “The type of low information voter that would consider voting for Obama worries far more over the fate of Big Bird than the fate of the economy, national security or freedom.”

    I may be wrong, its happened before, but the voters you describe are at best 40% of the registered voters. And perhaps only 30% who will show up at the polls.

    “This is a well thought out, reasonable campaign message aimed at potential Obama supporters.”

    I see it as a lame attempt to distract. Big Bird and the rest of the denizens of Sesame Street have big merchandizing franchises bringing in hundreds of millions every year. Big Bird can co-habitate with Sandra and still rake in big bucks. I see a future mini-series starring BB & Sandra as the ultimate multi-species celebrity couple. Lady Gaga will make a surprise guest appearance.

  12. “Big Bird can co-habitate with Sandra and still rake in big bucks. I see a future mini-series starring BB & Sandra as the ultimate multi-species celebrity couple. Lady Gaga will make a surprise guest appearance.”
    You’re warped, Parker – but I think I like that about you.

  13. Completely tone-deaf. They’ve opened the door for Romney:

    “If you’d been as excited about saving the jobs of 12 million Americans as you are about Big Bird’s, we might not be in this mess.”

  14. It is precisely the same as with the big deal about Sandra Fluke’s plea for free contraception – except Rush hasn’t called BB a ‘slut’ – that is to say, all the fuss is about a program that wouldn’t be cut in any event, except perhaps the closing of public TV. It isn’t about the bird, it’s about making people pay for things that they don’t want to pay for, for other people’s benefits.

  15. The Big Bird producers have very forcefully told the Obama Campaign to that the ad goes down.

    Speaking of post-debate Bammy ads…Anybody else ready to scream if they see the hideous Andrea Mitchell in the latest Boy King blather??

    Or, is it just me? (-:

  16. T: i agree. The longer the Obama campaign dwells on this stuff, the more it trivializes his candidacy. But that’s consistent with most of his presidency. An adult seeking the presidency would take the lesson from the debate that his command of the facts on serious issues needs some attention, instead of resorting over and over to the same infantile comedy lines. ( infantile comedy is best left to me)
    Michelle, in an interview I saw in 2008, described her study partner Barack as “not very well prepared”. Not much has changed.
    Oscar the Grouch Biden needs to pull Ernie aside and go over the daily lessons.

  17. Southpaw,

    We are on the same page. Obama is “unprepared” because there is no way to prepare to defend the indefensible with facts.

    As for Sandra FLuke, why doesn’t Big Bird pay for her contraception? After all, if they’re cohabiting, and he’s part of the 1% . . . .

  18. The Big Bird-SandraFluke connection has great potential. What will the kiddies think if BHO announces that Sandra is aborting Big Bird’s multi-species love child in the 3rd trimester and if the mutant child is still alive after the abortion it will be left to die of starvation or smouthered to death? Such is the death machine of the Obamaniacs.


    Forget about “I vote for children” bumper stickers, I vote to kill babies is the correct epitaph. This part of ‘liberal’ ideology disturbs me greatly and makes me willing to hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats.

  19. The Obama camp has truly lost it. truly.

    The Mideast is in turmoil, terrorists attack and kill a US ambassador, unemployment is still high (despite the spin on that “drop”), gasoline is hitting record prices, and this, THIS is what the Obama camp has chosen to run an ad about. Big Bird!?

    Does Obama really expect anyone to take him seriously when he and his advisors don’t seem to take the job of being President seriously?

  20. I want to see ten years of Big Bird’s tax returns. He’s a very wealthy bird so I don’t understand why I’m expected to keep him in seed…

    But actually PBS does have some very good programming. The only problem is that they only seem to run it during their multiple yearly begathons.

    My objection is that my taxes go to produce and show their political pornography. For eight years the only mission of Frontline seemed to be to find some (any) form of malfeasance they could pin on Dick Cheney. I haven’t seen any of that grade of curiosity directed at the current administration. Maybe that would just be too easy a target.

    I watch all the good programming I can while they are in fund drive mode, ignore them the rest of the time, refuse to pledge a nickel and feel no guilt.

  21. Pursuant to my contention that we owe Obama a debt of gratitude, Jennifer Rubin writes:

    [Obama’s] ideas, the left’s hymnal, collapsed on contact with reality.

    The link:



    I agree with you about the low information voters. They certainly exist, but I believe that they are hardly a near -majority.

    I’ve mentioned union blue Democrat steel workers citing their antipathy for Obama. I’ve also cited the PA undervote, i.e., Democrats refusing to vote for Obama, the only presidential candidate on the primary ballot. These people get it. They may not be highly educated, they may not be political wonks who follow campaigns closely, but the are good people and they get it because they all hold traditional American values. They now recognize that Obama doesn’t share these values and they resent being told they didn’t build what they have worked so har to earn.

    Finally, Big Bird. Just how does anyone think that the majority of Americans view this Dem campaign ad which focuses on Big Bird up against Romney’s claim that we shouldn’t be borrowing money from China to pay for things we can’t afford? This is a concept that comes right our of hard-working blue-collar get-your-hands-dirty America. It’s no wonder Romney has Mike Rowe’s support. Much underpublicized, in fact virtually ignored, I offer that it was this comment that will prove to be a major turning point in changing voter’s minds in this election.

  22. My contention has been that there are three types of voters this election: 1) Pro-Romney; 2) Anti-Obama; and 3) Pro-Obama.

    In an earlier thread I mentioned that I thought Romney, int he aftermath of the debate, firmed up some of the tepid Anti-Obama votes and made them soundly pro-Romney.

    Gay Patriot quotes the most recent Rasmussen report:

    Romney now leads by six among those “certain” of their vote, at 46/40. The soft numbers for Obama may be a real problem if he can’t dent Romney’s polling surge, as a preference cascade may wipe out the 7% that are leaning towards him now in these swing states. Romney does even better among independents in this measure, leading 43/31 among those “certain” of their choice. Romney has a 14-point lead among “certain” men (and a majority at 50/36), and only a three-point deficit among “certain” women, 41/44


  23. T,
    I had the same thought about Big Bird being in the 1%. Shouldn’t we be worrrying about the 47% who are in danger of being chopped up by windmills?

  24. Israeli strike at Iran seems eminent, it became impossible to delay it until after election. Big October surprise is in final stages of preparation, huge refueling tankers were made from jumbo airliners bought by Israel last half year, and these birds are much bigger than what is discussed now. I wonder, what will be Obama’s reaction on this crisis?

  25. Sergey…

    It’s going to be a DECEMBER surprise.

    No WAY Bibi is going to move during Israeli elections.

  26. “”Anybody else ready to scream if they see the hideous Andrea Mitchell in the latest Boy King blather??””

    Andrea Mitchell. She’s like the poster child for articulate dumbassedness that permeates television.

  27. “Andrea Mitchell. She’s like the poster child for articulate dumbassedness that permeates television.”

    She embodies the phrase “a mile wide [verbosity] and an inch deep.”

  28. Bob from Virginia says:

    “This is a well thought out, reasonable campaign message aimed at potential Obama supporters.”

    parker says:

    “I see it as a lame attempt to distract.”

    I think you’re both right. Obama’s entire success has been predicated on the dumbing down of America having reached critical mass. Let’s pray it isn’t irreversible.

  29. While people are focusing on Obama & Co.’s admittedly stupid and telling “Big Bird” ad, other people are taking a close look at Obama and focusing on things that might just matter a little more.

    Here, for instance, is the story–one I am sure that you will not see spread all over the front pages of MSM newspapers or on TV–about the ring that Obama apparently wore in his college days, the ring that was used as his wedding ring, and the ring that he wears today.

    What is so unusual or important about this ring? Well, according to Jerome Corsi, who took the time to look, the ring has inscribed on it the opening lines of the Muslim confession of faith, i.e. “There is no God but Allah”( see http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/obamas-ring-there-is-no-god-but-allah/) .

    So, if true–and reading the linked article it is clear that Corsi has done his homework and then some– isn’t that a kick in the head? Talk about “hiding in plain sight.”

    The President waves the proof of his true allegiance and agenda in front of us 24/7, and we never notice it.

    Moreover, the ring, the subject of curiosity noted even in Obama’s college yearbook, is just totally ignored by the MSM–its a non-story–while we are treated to seemingly endless articles about how “toned” Michelle’s arms are, or about her nifty new White House Garden.

    I don’t know about you. but when I see someone who wears a cross or who wears a ring with a cross on it, or the fish image, or perhaps a Chi-Rho on it, I take it that they are a Christian and are telling the whole world so, and if they have a Star of David on some item of jewelry, I take that to mean that they are a Jew, and are telling everyone that they are. So, what does this ring tell us about Obama?

  30. P.S.–As I have pointed out here and elsewhere, there have been all sorts of “secret handshakes” given out by Obama, that just went over our heads. Telling actions, or words, or deeds or, as above, symbols radiating out from Obama that we, as Westerners and “unbelievers,” would not have noticed as being significant or understood, but which those in the Muslim world understood all too well.
    The ring is an interesting example of the complete failure of the MSM–fascinated by and investigating in great detail even the most minute and long ago aspect of the lives of those opposed to Obama as, for instance, Romney’s supposed bullying of a fellow student in high school–to do its job. After all, we are not present and close enough to the President to notice the ring, they are.

    There was Obama’s education as a Muslim as a child in Indonesia, and the information from his fellow classmates and neighbors who said, when asked by bloggers–not reporters–who went to Indonesia and asked around about Obama and his life there–that they saw Obama passing by to go to the Mosque to pray with his step father Lolo Soetoro, and that Obama, already being given the traditional Muslim, Qur’an lessons and education required in his school, even enrolled in the optional after school classes in recitation of the Qur’an in Arabic that only the pious children took; all very relevant information that, somehow, never made it into the MSM.

    There was Obama famous (if not for the Internet it would have been much more completely forgotten, I am sure) interview with New York Times Middle Eastern correspondent Nicholas D. Kristoff, in which Obama famously said that the Muslim “Call to Prayer” was the “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset”–a curious statement to be made by a supposed “American” and a “Christian,” one would think–and then his chanting of the opening lines of the Call, in what Kristoff–who should know–said was a perfect accent. The “secret handshake” for Muslims here was in Islamic doctrine and practice, which holds that the mere one time recitation of these lines–forced or not–irrevocably makes one a Muslim–as Obama, the grandson, son, and step-son of Muslims, and educated as Muslim, would surely know. So, the coded message for the Muslim world–“hey, I’m one of you, a Muslim.”

    There was the fact that Obama’s first TV interview in Office was not with a major U.S. network, but was–curiously–with the Muslims’s Al-Aribiya network.

    Then, there was Obama’s salutation to his listening audience during his famous speech to the Muslim world at Cairo University. A speech interesting, in the first place, for its indication of his priorities, but which was more interesting for the fact that his opening salutation was that used by one Muslim to another–something that the MSM, again, just happened not to report.

    And on and on over the years. The latest “tell”? Obama’s recent speech to the UN.

    “Unbelievers”–Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Baha’is, Animists, Pagans, and anyone else who is not a Muslim (and many insufficiently pious Muslims (who might as well be unbelievers), or those Muslims who are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and are just regrettable “collateral damage”)–are under violent, constant, and steadily increasing attack by Muslims throughout the world as, indeed, the Qur’an and Muhammad’s example instructs Muslims is their sacred duty.

    Christians, Jews and other unbelievers are harassed, intimidated, attacked, jailed, expelled, beaten, raped, despoiled, tortured and killed, their Churches and Synagogues and other places of worship (and their sacred texts) attacked, defaced, desecrated, bombed, set on fire, and destroyed –sometimes with congregation members trapped inside.

    See, for instance, one such an example in Kenya a few years ago, where violent, mostly Muslim mobs loyal to Obama’s “cousin” and fellow Luo tribesman, then Presidential candidate Raila Odinga,* –labeled by some the “Butcher of Kenya”–set afire a Christian church full of parishioners–mostly women and children–who the mob had chased there, trapped inside, and prevented from escaping to safety (see, for instance, http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/01/obama-islam-and.html) .

    The United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, which are the foundation of our country and which, in the past, also used to inform and direct almost every aspect of most people’s lives. That foundation and influence, having been under constant attack by the Left (today joined in an alliance of convenience with Islam) for several generations, has been pretty heavily damaged, and is now a diminished and diminishing force; waning, but still a stabilizing force, with residual power and influence.

    The range of world trouble spots and urgent crises is vast, and Obama could have chosen from among many subjects as the topic of his speech to the members of the UN. For instance, Obama could have gone to the UN to truly defend freedom of religion, America, American citizens, and our Judeo-Christian heritage, to warn people against attacking Judeo-Christian values, institutions, and worshippers, and saying the United States would protect and defend them, to try to head off what is shaping up to be a Muslim “pogrom” against unbelievers around the world.

    But, instead, Obama went to the UN as the “Protector of the Faith,” and the champion of our persecutor, of Islam, claiming that it was, instead, Islam that was under attack, and warning people not to criticize i.e. “attack” or persecute Islam.

    Could there be any more stark or concrete an example of just where Obama stands, what his priorities and allegiances are, who–at the core–he is, and what he truly values?

    – Obama and Michelle went to Kenya and spent several days there campaigning for Odinga, while Obama was a sitting U.S. Senator, triggering a diplomatic protest to the U.S. by the Kenyan government. Again, what one would think was major news story, but news that was hardly even mentioned by our MSM.

  31. Given the present state of Obama’s campaign and his foreign policy advisors, it’s entirely possible Obama will launch an air strike on Iran’s nukes with his secret weapon, Big Bird.
    This would in effect be a master stroke Romney could not easily counter in the next debate, at once justifying a seemingly trivial goverment expenditure while addressing an impedending foreign policy crisis.
    Soon afterward, Cookie Monster will appear on the Sunday talk shows, giving the inside details on the bold attack, planned and orchestrated by the same bold leader who personally took out Bin Laden.

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