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In which Joe Scarborough finally removes all doubt… — 26 Comments

  1. That has to be one of the stupidest things I’ve heard! It’s Romney’s fault. Because he as ked question’s, they no longer can—that would make ithem look in agreement with Romney. So they’ll need to wait a few weeks, most likely so they can distance themselves from Romney, and hopefully by then the story will be history, and no longer as relevant. Because asking those question’sI wouldn’t be in the best interest of American security would it? And I suppose they can’t blame this on Bush. And

  2. There needs to be an edit option. :-). Then I can correct when I’m typing on my Tab, and hit ‘submit’ before I’m ready.

  3. Mitt distracted us journalists! He’s a shiny object, we can’t help staring at him no matter what else is going on! And we can’t focus on more than one thing at a time, ya know!

  4. Reminds me of the idea that Obama restored respect for the US because the MSM and Democrats stopped bashing Bash.

  5. More and more evidence accumulates that the model which holds there is a center is wrong. This is essentially the model Mitt Romney uses including an assumption that people make rational choices. But a question presents: If that model is not the model for our republic, what model could be? It either is and we have a republic, or it isn’t, and we have something else.

    The Republican convention, with its appeal to goodness and truth, gave me hope that the Republican Party was on the right track. But that may be irrelevant. There must be someone to appeal to.

    But the game is not played out and the charade may drop at any time like some scab when regenerative tissue has properly formed. How amazing the reckless and willful blindness propelled by human weakness and pride.

    Still, when all the forces have been played, and the Democrats rely on zombic adherence and voter fraud and lies/misinformation, the Republican effort to reach those very few whose minds can be reached with an appeal to rational goodness and responsibility might mean all the difference.

  6. Katielee,

    One thing you (and anyone in a similar position) can do is delete your name where it says “Name (required)”.

    As long as that space is left blank, the text of your comment cannot be submitted. When you’re done, fill in your name, hit “Submit Comment”, and you’re good-to-go.

  7. Whenever I think they’ve reached the limits of stupidity, they go and surpass themselves.

    That is the most mind-boggling example I’ve seen yet.

    (BUT, keep the first line of this comment in mind.)

  8. They’re not journalists. They’re “lewinskys”. I believe the name conjures the correct picture.

  9. I love Mark Steyn, a lot! That was a good one – have Mitt Romney arrested. That was my first reaction. My second reaction – how far away are we really from the countries that do arrest challengers to their dear leaders. Maybe not close at all but, not so far away that the thought couldn’t pop into your head. Even in America, as a joke.
    A dime to a dollar that if Obama is re-elected talk about the 22nd amendment needing to be ignored will begin in earnest.

  10. Following zombie’s rules of changing the narrative:

    Press Questions Romney As if He Were President Following Embassy Attacks; Ignores Obama As Empty Chair

  11. I see nothing to be gained by making nice with the MSM. R&R need carefully crafted responses ready to feed the MSM. Those responses have to turn the dems, particulary BHO’s words right back on them. They have to make the election about BHO and the many: unemployment, low job creation trends, mounting debt, decline in credit rating, no budge for 3 years, the debacle of the government motors of volt, respect from the muslim world, etc.

    Simultaneously R&R have offer credible, easily understood contrasts to begin the repair of the havoc wrought by BHO-Pelois-Reid-and the uncritical MSM.

    Starting tomorrow my first answer to a slanted-gotcha question from the MSM would be: “How do you sleep at night knowing you are nothing more than a propaganda arm of the DNC? Ask me a straightforward question, based on facts, based on reality, and free of you bias; and then I’ll try to answer you truthfully.”

  12. How past daft am I? I imagine scenarios where Mitt tells off the media with incredible aplomb (aplomb, people, aplomb!).


    Looks like I picked the wrong time to quit sniffing glue.

  13. Morning Schmoe is a toad. I meant a toad with a tiny lipless weird looking mouth. Apologies to real toads. The Republican party would be in better shape if a tenth of as many Democrats were as turncoat as the RINO’s.

  14. Curtis wrote:”This is essentially the model Mitt Romney uses including an assumption that people make rational choices. ”

    The one outstanding bit of genius Obama has constantly displayed is his recognition that immature people make emotional decisions. The WW2 generation would have laughed him into obscurity, but not one spoiled by 60 years of prosperity without sacrifice. Which brings up a reason why an Obama re-election may be good for the country. The chaos and pain that would result from a second Obama administration would be so great that not even the MSM could hide it; he and his philosophy would (ok should) be discredited for a generation.

  15. Bob from Virginia, I disagree.

    Given the level of apathy and/or ignorance evidenced by a large proportion of the electorate, I believe the MSM would have no trouble at all hiding “[t]he chaos and pain that would result from a second Obama administration.”

    “None is so blind as he who will not see,” and that latter maxim holds even if the MSM weren’t the diseased, malevolent tumor that it’s become.

    God I hope I’m mistaken . . .

  16. “The WW2 generation would have laughed him into obscurity…”

    I’m not so sure that is true. It was, after all, the WWII generation that gave us LBJ, and to a lesser extent Nixon and Carter. (Of course they also gave us Truman and Eisenhower, so there is that.)

  17. Remember: Scarborough is supposed to a conservative voice in the media. Riiiight.
    At this point, the press is so untethered from reality that it is irredeemable. It’s going to take a new generation of journalists to save the industry. if it is to be saved at all.

  18. alanstorm Says:

    They’re not journalists. They’re “lewinskys”. I believe the name conjures the correct picture.

    That’s not fair. Lewinsky was not a presstitute.

  19. Is Joe insane or is he just what the MSM calls a ‘moderate’ Republican? Joe probably thinks he is sophisticated because he plays both sides and gets credit for criticizing Republicans. Many liberals seem to think they are sophisticated because of their criticism of America. In fact both liberals and RINOs are guilty of the same thing: the easy sophistication of criticizing one’s own group. The only person I know doing this on the left is Mickey Kaus. Of course my bias is that he is more intellectually honest than most of the liberal elite.

  20. “The WW2 generation would have laughed him into obscurity…”

    I’m not so sure that is true. It was, after all, the WWII generation that gave us LBJ, and to a lesser extent Nixon and Carter. (Of course they also gave us Truman and Eisenhower, so there is that.)

    The WW2 generation grew up under FDR. Listening to his fireside chats, and believing in big government.

  21. Of course they also gave us Truman

    I’m not sure that Truman was any day at the beach. True, he did help stop communism abroad (Europe and Korea), but whiffed on rooting out Communist holdovers from the FDR Administration. And in large part that’s why we lost China. Thanks, Owen Lattimore!

  22. Occam,

    The sad thing is most Americans have no idea how close the US-China relationship was during and immediately post-WWII. After the war, there was a great opening for an enduring partnership between our two nations, but Truman screwed the pooch.

  23. For some reason Truman apparently viewed McCarthy’s allegations as a purely partisan political affair, rather than considering whether they might have any merit, which as we now know they most certainly did.

    Truman should have put aside his obvious personal antipathy toward McCarthy and considered the possibility that he might have a point. Consulting Hoover, for example, would have been a good idea, since McCarthy’s information was in some cases so good (for example, he once correctly reported on the deliberations of a secret internal State Department committee the day after it met, IIRC) that he almost certainly had a source well up in the FBI.

    If nothing else, Truman most definitely should have applied the precautionary principle. But as the product of the Pendergast machine, he apparently could not transcend party politics at least in this instance, and considered the McCarthy was merely scoring partisan points. A lot of people died because of this miscalculation.

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