Home » On the eve of the Obamacare decision…


On the eve of the Obamacare decision… — 7 Comments

  1. So, Commercial Clause and limited government are not compatible. One of these provisions must be nixed. I wonder, which? The first was established as a part of New Deal. The second is a fundamental constitutional principle. The choice seems easy. Either New Deal, or Constitution as we know it. Commercial Clause in itself is unconstitutional, it is like cancer eager to metastase. It serves no valid purpose today, being an artefact of long gone era, when states were feared to create protectionist barriers against each other. This is simply impossible in today interconnected economics. This provision must be nixed.

  2. Having experienced life in a totalitarian leftist state can tend to concentrate the mind and create an intense appreciation of liberty.

    YA think?

    Pacepa’s recent articles are pointing out that Americans are like the dodo (not his example, mine). they do not know Marxism in its hidden and varied reformations and equivalences. Which has been what i have been talking about all along. learning to identify the opponents, not their tools, which they use up like toilet paper and waste your energy on. If you try to fight their army of idiots told they are the future, they are smart, they are the one, they are they are they are…

    the sad truth is that if they are using a class or targeting it, they are not using it because its superior, but inferior and controllable (through some means, not necessarily just intelligence)

    ANY side that is the scapegoat target is the target precisely because they CANT control them by any means OTHER than using the idiot army to hold them down or exterminate them.

    [in the case of feminism, its monolithic, even if your not with it, your counted as part of it as there is no other thing to put your number ticker under (and until such is created, you don’t count as opposition, but as one of them. so your irrelevant except to yourself – neutralized from action, and choice) one column, all power, and the excuse to do anything as you represent everyone and can point to a subgroup to validate and make appearances of permission from their constituency (which serves them not that they serve as in a constitutional republic)]

    another thing to remember is that they LOVE to put something in place that becomes something else. and the larger point is that the army of those in their sphere, force the others.

    who is forcing gay rights? men and family men, and that? or feminists who vow to destroy marriage and move children to being raised by the state? (think of dickens minus the families, and all children in workhouses – “cradle to grave”, and “education to work”)

    IS anyone noticing that the Americans have very little understanding of whats going on, and when their analysis fails they don’t educate, they don’t listen to someone else, they declare their winning opponent crazy, or doing something stupid. Really? Crazy and stupid wins and has lots of Nobel prizes, and so on… right? or ruthless, conspiring, manipulative a better reason, and those things are incomprehensible to an average person?

    the average american does not really know what the implication of no morals is. having no real metaphysical view any more, they cant imagine IMPLIATIONS to their end results.

    Todays Dilbert is a perfect example of it, as the tiny white dog that does evil…
    “None of my clients understands how the future works”

    same thing here… the people spend most of their time telling us ex soviets that what it is, is something else. is it any wonder?

    if i say its a tiger, you say its a lamb, who is more confused when bitten? why do the confused not look to the unconfused?

    In one word: Conditioning / Habit / Reflex

    PC denial of it tells you to leave it out of your equations and assessments

    so if PC says women can multitask, then your assessments have to assume they can. Even though no one can once that was tested.

    if PC says all white men are stupid and oppressive, then your assessments have to use that variable as input, not your own.

    if you see a manhole cover, you have to correct any speech about it, by replacing the variable with personal access ways.

    See? Sociology is not to learn about man to inform him as to his own nature so he can better act (As ayn rand would approve of),

    but so masses of people can be controlled at fulcrum points of decision. it didn’t matter whether the people would like Obama, all that mattered was getting that vote, by hook, by crook, by social engineering methods and interventions.

    after the tool makes the left turn, the women put off marraige, the X does Y, it dont matter.

    all that is left is for them to defend their egos, which sets them up for a lifetime of such usage, rather than frees them.

    you are a prisoner of your own ego
    and self esteem movement was designed to inflate that. ie. make the chain that binds thicker.

    but how can you explain that to someone who woudl rather concluse that he is about to lose all his freedom to a bunch of crazy people. after all, all the despotic movements claim the failures are crazy people, no?

    kim jong? sane or crazy like a fox?
    Saddam? Hitler? Stalin?

    you would think that someone with a thought process disorder would not be able to mobilize a country to kill a innocent targets rather than the person controlling them…

  3. All this only works when you have that view. if you respected your enemy, as in the cold war, you would fight him. but if you dont, you think of them as no consequence and they are free to act.

    the group being targeted is the group that would maintain western civ… the groups that are used to smash them, diamond rough against diamond faceted, are controlled by their EGO… and refusal to accept reality as that would hurt their EGO.

    which is why we get more pissed off at a tiny geek who doesnt get the girils, does not run billion dollar megaliths, cant afford to fix their glasses, and so on.

    they beat up geeks not because they are a threat to them. they beat them up because they are a threat to their ego and sense of self.

    the Germans didn’t murder the Jews because they were Jews or a race. they murdered them because the people in power used disparate impact to remove any idea of compassion and humanity from them.

    Ie. the German people, like women, like gays, like minorities… (the groups that can be controlled by others used to smash the groups that are free and cant be controlled)

    were given a choice…

    Either accept reality, and that under merit, everyone cant be a winner. And that we dont perform the same, and that disparate impact is not due to oppression, but due to the choices, efforts, and investments we make in our lives and selves.

    to the vanity based egoists, in the population, THAT is not acceptable.

    IT was not acceptable in Germany when disparate impact arguments were made to make it ok to disenfranchise the Jews.

    It was not acceptable in America when disparate impact arguments were made to make it ok to disenfranchise the Jews and their protectors of last century.

    Go to any medical school website and take a look. you will see that women dominate, minorities are next, and if there ARE any images of white men, they are old teachers, or are put far in the back, or have their images cut or blurred.

    you cant find many young Jews there anymore. if they were not wealthy enough to just pay for college, they were pushed out to create the fix on the administrative forms that the social engineering experiment is working (HARVARD papers even say its a social experiment and it failed. without asking, who gave them permission to experiment on the society? Marx did of course!!)

    everyone knows of the kid who blew the curve when everyone was graded on a curve.

    if you keep him out of school, or business, then what happens to the grades? since they are on a curve, and relative, the performance of the manipulable groups SEEMS to go up

    and we as people want that aesthetic, as that meets our sense of fairness, not the sense that no where in reality is anything like that.

    since the 1980s, we have been disenfranchising and socially engineering and the vain controllable classes have been rewarding those cheating on their behalf with more and more power.

    fathers in families would not allow it, nor would men in general… nor would judeo christians, or the handicapped who see that the system wants them gone too.

    When newsreek said “We are all Socialist”
    did people realize that that is equivalent to
    “We are all Fascists”
    “We are all Nazi’s”
    “We are all Communists”

    and that all this is is using synonyms with more positive indices than negative indices..

    Go to Johns Hopkins… or any other
    you will find different focuses and mixes…
    but the RULES will be its ok for professors to be white males, or Jewish. its ok for those who are the patients or under treatment. but if your a researcher, or a student, or such. then the rules say, focus on women, minorities, blur out those others, which is what we have done.

    and funniest in all of this..

    the general public and supreme court say that discrimination is bad, affirmative action is negative.

    yet, the admissions policies of these schools who make the medical fields future people..
    are VOLKish based.

    After the university of California was ordered to stop using race to give bonus points to minorities to control admissions, the Asian rate of attendance went from under 20% to over 40%..

    what happened to the 20% for decades prior to that order from the courts?

  4. in the 1980s, we went feminist crazy and minority crazy. and between 1980, and 2012, we completely shifted who attended college till 66% are women… that leaves 34% for others. but those others are affirmative action and foreign students.

    you can go upstairs here in the medical school and you can see the department Xmas photos, and you have departments with 9 women and 2 men and one of those men is a professor who got his degrees back in the 70s.

    ALL this is very familiar to ex soviets, as this was how the soviet union operated. by doing things in the back channels, and portrayng something else publicly

    if someone dared say the emperor has no clothes, then all those controllable groups that were conditioned to respond (conditioned response training)l respond and do what they were trained to do.

    When Watson said something that was valid and correct but not PC, the Stalinist feminists and racialists conditioning kicked in and they erased his name from his own edifice, and kicked him out and marginalized him.

    that put a shudder across all of science…
    tow the line, but pretend the rope is not there

    one of the biggest examples of this can be seen even in Neo… ie. women cant make bad political choices.. even if its not their fault. ie. in germany a higher percentage of men in the population of men voted for hitler before 1930… however, there were more women by a large amount, and so a lower percentage of women would still be a higher number. and in fact, the women went from 1000 votes in 1928, to 17,000 in 1930… the ones claiming otherwise, stop their analysis at 1928!!! like the naacp starts their lunching list AFTER the democrats murdered and mutilated thousands in the parishes.

    the idea is
    Hide and Provide

    these false things that are put out there, are for people like neo to pick up. they HIDE the truth, and provide a counter argument to the person who is part of that system. we reflexively grab for it because we see others use it and win, and in an argument, we grab anything (as winning is more important than how you win, whether your right, etc)

    we can freely talk of the African Americans following democrats and not knowing the history. but we are NOT allowed to say that women made bad voting choices, are easily manipulated and so on. but if they weren’t they woudl be a scapegoat, not a volkish class. the leaders are picking them, but also providing them the power to hide (through social force) and provide a set of arguments to whip out which we get conditioned to respond to rather than think

    the stuff i could tell you is amazing
    and the only reason i don’t use it, is that its amoral… but that dont mean it doesnt exist, people dont use it, etc.

    Victims of cons always protect the thief to save their EGO…


  5. It looks like Obama has fundamentally changed America as the left gains another step toward socialized medicine.

  6. Obama has ended America. It is almost certain that he will be re-elected now. Tragic, but democracies more than other countries deserve what they get.

    History moves faster these days than it ever did in the past. I wonder how far the US will sink before it hits bottom? I suspect we will find out by 2016. By that time we should be Greece.

  7. Supremes Uphold ObamaCare

    Welcome to the Soviet Union Western Annex!!!

    Dobro požalovat Tovarish!!!!
    Добро пожаловать товарищ

    now comes the world war…

    “All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm… these residual fragments of peoples always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character… [A general war will] wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.” — Friedrich Engels, “The Magyar Struggle,” Neue Rhenische Zeitung, January 13, 1849

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