Home » Wisconsin recall thread


Wisconsin recall thread — 53 Comments

  1. Man the country needed this and you people in Wisconsin did it. Thank you from Alabama!

  2. With 51% of the votes in, it’s Walker over Barrett 58% to 41% — a lot of votes to overcome to keep from becoming a blowout.

  3. I’m hoping for a 5% (or more) margin when the final tally arrives, but victory no what the margin is victory. This is great news!

    “Now we know why Obama was MIA.”

    It doesn’t matter, the stink is on him.


  4. Obama’s % chances of winning in Nov. on intrade.com dropped a bit more that 1% this evening down to 52.0%.

  5. I find it amusing that all of the lib media outlets were blaring “too close to call!” and “tight race” which made me quite nervous the first hour after polls closed. But then I see “Fox calls it” about an hour later, which they would not do unless it was a big margin.

    If 60-40 is a “tight race” let’s hope Mitt has a tight win in November.

  6. It’s a butt whipping. Moderates and conservatives were very unhappy with the radical take over of the capitol, all the union thuggery and the dirty tricks. The silent majority is alive and well in Wisconsin.

  7. JEB-
    The lib media’s call of a tight race was their slightly oblique way of trying to mobilize the Leftist voters.

  8. It is good for Wisconsin that the margin is beyond any reason for the recount that the Democrats were predicting. Even Walker’s opponents, much as they may hate it, will know that he won. I hope that our country fares as well in November.

    I wonder if, paradoxically, it may benefit the Democrats to know they have been decisively beaten. If they can face the failure of their policies, they might change and come out stronger. One can hope.

  9. NBC calls it for Walker! They held off as long as they could. It’s now obvious to them too. May the Force be with Walker, Romney, and all Republican candidates. On to November!

    But let’s not get cocky!

  10. Watch the State Senate races too. If we keep all four then we keep the Senate and maintain legislative control. Walker and the State Senate and House have been doing lots of other great things besides just the public union bill. Look for lots more awesomeness once this BS is behind us. On Wisconsin!!!!!!!!!!

  11. It begins.
    We will not
    be supine.

    Our ideas,
    and elders

    Shall say what
    may do, and

    When the era
    is done, the
    final word
    rung, shall be


  12. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,


  13. I really didn’t see this: Walker by 9 with 89 reporting. Oh Lord, thank you much. This is better than I hoped for.

  14. MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker beat back a recall challenge Tuesday, winning both the right to finish his term and a voter endorsement of his strategy to curb state spending, which included the explosive measure that eliminated union rights for most public workers.

    Eliminated union rights?

    Can you believe this bullshit?

  15. “What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.”

    Conan the Barbarian . . .
    and Scott Walker

  16. THANK YOU, Wisconsin voters! My faith in humanity has been somewhat restored. Only somewhat, because I live in California where the unions have a death grip.

  17. As it has been said:

    “There is a tide in the affairs of men.
    Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
    Omitted, all the voyage of their life
    Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
    On such a full sea are we now afloat,
    And we must take the current when it serves,
    Or lose our ventures.”

  18. Wisconsin may now find itself as one more border state in the crosshairs of the federal government. Look for regulations on cheese production to surge.

  19. I just read the take on this at Yahoo.de. Walker supporters were called Erzkonservativen (arch conservatives). I guess that means balancing your checkbook puts you in Naziland.

    Thanks to the Wisconsin voters.

  20. Liberals just don’t get it. This reminds me of the story about dog food. A big pet food company commissioned a big advertising campaign for its new dog food which was not selling well. When the campaign failed, the company was surprised and asked for an explanation. The advertising company said that the dogs don’t like the dog food. That’s the explanation that liberals will not understand today. Look for wrong candidate or being out spent.

  21. So is this a harbinger of Obama’s coming defeat? If so, then how best to ensure that result?

    Brit Hume argues that Obama now has little choice but to go completely negative on Romney. He also argues with Bill Reilly that Romney should stay positive.

    I agree with the caveat that PAC and Republican party ads should relentlessly remind the public of just how pathetically inadequate Obama’s economic leadership has been and, how ruinous the increased national debt democrats have saddled the country is and will be, while Romney should simply state that Obama’s had his chance and that his record proves that he’s clearly not up to the job.

    The way for Romney to win is to focus solely upon the economy because for independents (who will decide this election) this is, once again “about the economy, stupid”.

  22. It doesnt matter.

    Whats coming up is a heads i win tails you lose situation.

    Then after that, then what?

    Look to the LONG game, as that is what dynasty plays on (spanning a century or more – how’s the Kennedy’s doing? know others who have families “serving” that long?). Rubes, Dupes, slaves, and idiots play on the short term table. they are independent, ignore family, don’t team up, and burn out like shooting stars…

    they complain about the result of coordination and method, and yet, never coordinate or learn methods.

    play “what happens next” more than 2 ply

    Getting close to the truth of a chess position requires the calculation of a minimum of 6 ply (3 moves). The higher your rating the higher the ply calculation requirement increases since your opponent will be delving more deeply into the position than you. If you calculate anything less than 3 ply you are playing hope chess, since you are not forseeing your opponent’s responses.

    Anyone remember the soviets passion for Chess? anyone remember that those that are enamored, use chess speech? “he plays 3d chess”, etc

    basically most people here musing at the surface level, cant reason wahts going on. they cant even use the fact that a move not being understood by them, may be a move thinking farther ahead than they are.

    liek most people who play hope chess, they tend to think the moves that slam them are crazy moves and make no sense to them. but they cant think ahead enough.

    been trying to get you guys to learn the rules, identify the players, and look 20 ply ahead, as they do.

    then they are no longer confusing…

    when you can think farther ahead than your opponent covering all options, then the reason for their choices become a menu of things to select from, and make sense.

    when you CANT think farther ahead than your opponent, many of the moves they make will make no sense as they are setting things up for a play many moves ahead… their moves seem confusing, and stupid – which is your ego screwing you, and not allowing you to imagine a better player, as a better player is a hurt to the ego, and a crazy one is just lucky all the time..

    Stopping your calculations too soon can prevent you from finding the winning move. Many times the winning move comes after a series of seemingly unfavorable moves, and stopping your calculation too soon will prevent you from finding the best move in the position. At the same time, not looking deeply enough into your opponent’s moves will cause you to miss defensive opportunities against your opponent’s threats.

    nice thing about chess, is that the edges of the board and whats used are clearly defined, and play is what is the focus.

    hard thing about life is that EVERYTHING is the board, and there are boards in boards fractally, and everything exists in an infinite mass of eigenstates superimposed on each other waiting for a choice. 🙂

    this is illustrated in how SOME of the best chess games work..

    hows this…
    Thompson computed all combinations for five pieces on the board…

    RATHER than analyses the impossibly huge spread from first move to last move… he basically said, every close game gets down to only a few pieces, and if you get down to five, the computer will play a perfect game.

    to quote Thompson:
    “You might as well be playing chess against God”

    In the past decade people have completed a perfect analysis of positions with six pieces, and are now working on seven. This discovered a position where it takes 517 moves to force a winning capture, and then a few more moves to checkmate. That position hasn’t come up in any real game, but others do all the time.

    in 100 years and all that money into sociology research and so on..

    how many plys and moves on humans and gaming inputs, outputs, and methods exist, and how far have they evolved beyond the point of the constantly refreshed newly born to detect and figure out from INSIDE the box..

    which is why the Horror movie the CUBE resonates. its a metaphor for life in the real world…where everyone dies, but the losers and unlucky die earlier. those that can figure things out, will live longer, but no one escapes, even if they escape.

    our brains respond sot such abstractions even if we dont understand enough to dissect them.

  23. Want to know how to win this in a REAL way?
    change the game..

    They exist only if there is an enemy
    otherwise nothing they do ‘works’

    they NEED the enemy to direct the bad too, and to generate good to take claim for. without the enemy, all the bad goes to them, and there is no one generating good to take credit for.

    got it?

    Russia figured that out, that’s why it reorganizedin 1995, not collapsed – it removed the enemy and so the other went nuts like a rat in a cage with nothing to push against to define it.

    and it no longer had the cultural basis of its definition, feminism destroyed that. it couldn’t go back to families, and customs, and so on… could it? the refuge that it had against not having an enemy was removed under the auspices of progress.

    the country became narcissistic as the people were induced and conditioned to be

    Thanks self esteem movement, you didn’t create self confident people, you created a nation of egoist narcissist projectors – but that’s what was intended – the self confidence thing was the idea to get you to swallow the poison!

    they couldn’t make you crazy, but they could give you behavior pattern disorders.. basically conditions that can be learned by pavlovian methods and mimicry of others that comes natural.

    they provide the alternative anti-thesis for you to take like a blue pill.

    you have the reality, the thesis. when the thesis is not something you want or like or your ego and such cant grasp or tolerate, you then have to do something about the thesis.

    now. you can work against it, and swat that fly and remove it. and that would be the natural inclination… but if you were a side that wanted that bad thing, how could you maintain it against the force that would regress it back to the better option (three steps back)?

    ah… and here is the trick.. you provide the antithesis, the excuse. the lie. if the thesis is truth, then the antithesis is the lie to negate the truth.

    now… your choice is between action to remove the actual bad thing… or just accept the anti-thesis and the bad thing becomes a good thing, and you dont have to act.

    is it any wonder that there are so many useful idiots who want to feel like they are doing something meaningful but every time they find something bad to get rid of, that meaningful action is negated by their laziness and ego, which instead accepts the false antithesis.

    which is easier… putting abortion, redistribution, unequal state intervention, and personal social consideration of good and bad people, all together, and seeing a egenics system..

    or. looking at abortion alone, like looking at a spark plug and not being able to see or envision that a CAR is a system, a spark plug is a part. the reality is at the system level not the part level. details to hide the larger thing (and sometimes its a larger thing to hide details). most of the time, like the purloined letter, its out in the open and we are too lazy, incurious, or assumptive to look at whats in front of us).

    its easier (and nicer to the ego that petulantly wants the world to be for it, and the way it wants.. nyah nyah, so there!), to look at the part, and accept the anti-thesis, than it is to assemble the parts and look at the larger more complicated whole and turn down the antithesis on that basis.

    when its wrapped inthe candy of superior morals from people who claim there is no morals, well then, its just a warm fuzzy thing to eat and fill you up.

    ie. its like philsophy which is like cotton candy… all big and full of subtance, volume and size, but once you actually bite into it, there is almost nothing there but the cloying sweetness that got you to bite into it in the first place.

    it ego that gets you to tell everyone how full you are eating it so they dont know you were mistaken as to its substance and reality


  24. “the refuge that it had against not having an enemy was removed under the auspices of progress. ”

    like a chess move that makes no sense that later makes sense once everything converges to the event that the move was made in anticipation of.

    [sorry guys, but in my head, every salient idea moves to 20 lines of salient ideas going outwards… divergent thinking keeps me from settling on one answer without seeing all the others – convergent thinking tends to weed out options till it gets to an answer which it cant reject without starting the process over again and rework it]

  25. Coffee and chicken soup for a hangover. I don’t see a whole lot of celebration out there in web land. I celebrated. Beer and chicken wings. Pizza Hut mild chicken wings. Love em. Wish I had seen the Venus event. But other than that, Walker’s election was an affirmation that an intelligent and good candidate wins by sticking to tea party principles. They were illustrated in Walker’s victory speech: God, family, work, and peace if possible.

  26. On the chess game, A:

    The problem for evil (and you are describing evil) is that life isn’t a chess game. Well, I suppose it is for one “person.” But only that one “person.”

    Let me illustrate with a recent political development: Bill Clinton’s “support” for Obama. BC has recently referenced Romney’s “sterling” business career and stated that Bain, basically, was a good company with good results. Then there’s his name for Obama: Amateur. That become the title of a book derogatory to Obama. Lately, Clinton has been reminding the country of budget surpluses in his administration.

    This is rather like a chess game where your own pieces suddenly are moved by the opponent.

    Chess has no free will. There are a finite number of combinations. Life isn’t like that. That’s why evil, which thinks it can win by superior manipulation and intelligence, is already defeated.

  27. The Washington Post and New York Times headlines stated that Scott Walker “survived” the recall. He won by 7.1%.

    The current president beat McCian by 7.2% in a “landslide”.

    What a difference 0.1% can make.

  28. Curtis. your wrong..
    as evil triumps over good most of the time
    and more so when they are driving and the passengers think they are stupid, have lost, etc.

    if so, then why are they where they are?


    Divulging the mechanics of the game:

    First, why Narcissism, and not something else?

    First weed out the clinical and the pathological, those are people whose imbalance is mostly caused by a biological ‘problem’. No individual or group targeting mass games will target the chemically unbalanced except as a whole and as a helpless group who are ignored/silent in participating.

    So what you have left are relatively normal people, and you have a panoply of behavioral disorders and such you can induce in them. If one wants to tag ages with such, the prior age was one of paranoia, the current age is one of narcissism.

    Why engineer such a change? (And “how do you engineer such?” will have to wait as there is no way to fit it on to the back of a match book cover. Suffice it to say it has many parts and stages, and each of them, if you look is controlled or mediated by the same groups or groups in concert (collectively))

    Putting aside the mechanics of inducing such things in the body politic, and blindly accepting it was done, so we can move the conversation along and it doesn’t take a library of empirical facts to be established before we can converse… (the game of the left is to require that, then ignore it, wasting the time and life of the person suckered into it)

    Narcissists vs paranoiacs – which is easier to beat and control, and why?

    In addition, note when I give the answer, the narcissists will be compelled to defend themselves and so in doing, prove that they are what they are trying to disprove! (ya got to love it when you can paint the floor a certain way over other ways, eh?)

    Now, remember we are talking about biologically normal people who have, through mimicry, justification, conditioning, media, and so on, have had certain behaviors that are abnormal made normal through acclimatization, refreshment, omission, environment control, etc.

    And if you think you find the exception to disprove the rule, remember it proves it, and in this case, will tend to be seen as a redirection of their focus, when their view doesn’t change.

    Well, its easy to tell who is harder to beat and who is easier if you think how each looks at the world, themselves, and so on. Which one is self-confident out of proportion to the actuality, and who has the opposite inducement…

    The narcissists are easier to beat, control, and handle…
    (And the female, given beauties permissions, custom, etc. tends to be much more naturally narcissistic, and easier to induce such given the difference in vanity, and desire for control of their local environment)

    The man who started Intel wrote a book, and have mentioned it before..
    Only the paranoid survive…

    Why did he pick such a title?
    Well, if you compare that with narcissism, it becomes very apparent given the psychology of both, its desires, its beliefs, defenses and RESPONSES to things.

    When a paranoid sees a situation, do they ever settle down and rest? No.
    When a paranoid person, or one who would be considered paranoid by todays anti-stimulatory desensitized population, sees things they do not understand, they work twice as hard. When they are offered a compromise and cannot work out all the angles, they decline, not accept and see what happens.

    Let me see if I can make it clear as a vacuum…

    You have a condition… a politician or some something is pushing forth some idea, and that idea and the timing of its pushing is not understood by our two sample test subjects. That is, neither knows the reasoning behind the behaviors, and so has to make some kind of call.

    The above is a very common situation when looking to see why a politician wakes up one day and says… we have to do X and so on.. and its imperative.. Like it has a timed goal to meet, or a schedule. The thing to do is not something that seems to make sense doing now, it’s out of proportion to other things, and so on…

    So much of what we see today fits this… and it’s how each group sees it and handles it that will tell you what they will choose (or can choose) and what they won’t, and why… and that will tell you why one may be favored and created more or induced more than another.

    So given the example what would a paranoid do? Would they say.. “I don’t get it, their behavior makes no sense, I will ignore it”? Does such a situation demand MORE focus from them, or less? (Can you use this against them, just as you can use other things against other types?). When a paranoid or cautious personality sees things that don’t make sense, their cognitive dissonance alarms come into play and they hyper focus. They want to work it out.

    Now remember, they are not abnormal pathological people, they are normal people who have been conditioned to favor some responses over others and think that is the normal way to think things out, and have no alternative…

    Clearly in a world of manipulative people, schemers, and predators, leaning a bit towards paranoia or caution is a much better thing to do.

    But what if you were told that the world doesn’t have thos,e it’s the condition of the world that creates them? What if the idea of predators, and such are negated. No one conspires, there are no conspiracies, is an anti thesis to the extreme of paranoia… ie. no middle ground either.

    But what does a narcissist do under the same stimulation of this hypothetical?

    Easy… when they cant fathom it, their ego protections go into high gear, and so they have to come up with a defensive response. The defensive response of the paranoid is to be alert, to focus, to work out… the paranoid is constantly on the look out for someone faster, smarter, more clever, and who is willing to turn that on them. (the pathological do that to the point were everyone is looked at that way and it’s the only way, and so on)

    The narcissist first of all is the center of the play of their lives and is the hero. And so no one can be smarter than them… their ego cant accept that… they HAVE to hammer down the tall poppy wherever they see it… they ALSO have to come up with rationalizations that will justify doing so, and make it ok.

    So… the narcissist has many options to deflect the thing or change how it appears to a more pleasing thing… but the ONE thing they won’t do, is want to see that thing for what it is.

    If they are playing chess, they will not think that their opponent is smarter and better than them, and so will consider any move THEY WOULD NOT TAKE, as crazy, stupid, impossible, ill advised, and a ton of things.

    The same is true of political analysis… in fact more true… since the person doing the analyzing cant put their personality quirks aside.. especially when their quirks are of the nature that they have to be the star and figure it out themselves.

    So by inducing narcissism, they get to act, and rather than the response be more focus, watching, and problems for those inducing… they get less focus, as ignoring that which implies your not up to it, is the first defense. If that cant be done, then the next defense is to deny that what they are doing is a competent thing to do, as you’re the competent one who has to come on top. Next is to deny the ideas of others who may be better, or that you don’t understand, or that demonstrate that you lack somewhere… like education, knowledge, curiosity, etc.

    You see… the population of narcissists even fits the cartoons they present kids now… ever notice that while Africa and Madagascar are not that great a place to live, if you’re a narcissistic partying lemure with a hindu accent from another continent, you too can be happy doing line dances showing symmetry to the other narcissists watching you watching them.

    By switching from caution and slight paranoia in a real world… to narcisisms, they put everyone to sleep. That which would cause the first to perk up and say what the heck is going on… makes the other one justify their superiority by claiming the other is an idiot, then ignoring them as not worthy of the time of someone above that.

    So being above everything that they cant understand, they seek to find distractions rather than empiricism, affirmation in numbers rather than isolation in truth.

    But most of all. They are easy to control… all you have to do is tell them that they are smarter than everyone, and prettier and the future, and the narcisissts will ignore anything that may imply that they aren’t. like being conned, dupped, tricked, or manipulated.

    How many guys here know the players methods (even if you don’t accept that they are moral), and realize that the easiest to manipulate are the ones who claim they cant be manipulated. They will of course, work over time to prove that whats happening to them is not whats happening to them.

  29. I like that A: Curtis, you are wrong.

    How refreshing. I love it. At times, I like to tell illibs “Your opinion is wrong.” Which is manipulative in itself, but how does one argue with fools? It angers them and keeps my humour going, something which, when lost, is replaced by anger and lessened reasoning ability.

    If I’m wrong, how do you explain that the good v. evil fight continues. If I was wrong, there would be no fight at all.

    I know I’m not going to wrench you out of your world system, but, as a believer, I believe that God is in control, His will shall prevail, and His statement that “the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.” is true, and that such goodness can be found if honestly and diligently sought for. (Psalms 33:5)

    You see, you can relax a little. It’s your duty to serve God, not win his wars. Paranoia is a good thing? C’mon. How monstrous. Neither paranoia or narcissism are good things. Now, understood that paranoia as “wisdom” or “knowledge” or “understanding” is good if you mean it in that context.

  30. “There’s an interaction between personality and physiology,” said Dr. Gary Small, director of the UCLA Center on Aging. Small was not involved in Barzilai’s study, but has done research in this area. “It makes sense that being more positive causes less stress and seems to get people on the right track to live better.”


    This study suggests that there’s an advantage to those who are not paranoid.

    “Researchers found that having a positive attitude and a sense of humor could play a role in living a longer, healthier life.”

  31. So proud of you badgers !!!
    you folks are awesome, you made history
    just a smile on my face & a giggle in my heart all day long !!!
    Enforced by excellent talk radio hosts in NE area
    jen Brien & howie carr who have been gloating along with all the rest of us !!!
    my Mass friends stay clear of the granny warren & you make history again by sending Scott Brown back & keep his seat the peoples seat !

  32. Even I am not a big enough fool to try to predict the future, but, I do know something about the past. Ideologues have not usually been adaptable, as a general rule. They stick with “Updating the message” or “positive spin” or some other such nonsense, never recognizing that people are not believing them. I can’t help thinking that this will be the Democrat party in November. Maybe someone will come along to convince people that up is down or whatever, but I can not, at this point, believe so. People know when jobs are plentiful, wages rising, inflation minimal, and, more potently, when they are not.

  33. Jeepers, Y’all, the Washington Post declared it “Very close”!! Yep, Lefties and MSM-Lapdogs, gimme more of that ‘squeaker’ like yesterday!!

  34. Howie carr our local (NE) radio guy is so funny
    He says he was doing some channel flipping and came across CNN & Wolf Blitzer gleefully chime ing “too close to call in WI” “too close to call”
    well Howie says that held up for about 1/2 an hour then Wolfee was forced to say “it looks like Walker has survived recall” then “Wolf Blitzer had to hold the fort until the grief consolers came in ” Howie just has a way with words 🙂

  35. Molly NH: even though I almost never listen to talk radio, I sometimes turn on Howie Carr because (to coin a New England phrase) he is wicked funny.

  36. JEB Says:

    “I find it amusing that all of the lib media outlets were blaring “too close to call!” and “tight race” which made me quite nervous the first hour after polls closed.”

    At least that tends to be better than spinning it that one side as won or lost to try to get the [non]losers to stay home since they think it’s a done deal. Neck and neck (when it is not) might help the group losing a bit but not as much as what they did.

  37. Curtis Says:

    “This study suggests that there’s an advantage to those who are not paranoid.”

    Sure; until they come to get you. 😉

  38. pt 1

    To most (I am avoiding names as it distracts),

    I tried to be VERY Careful that i was pointing out that the BEHAVIORS are normal. NORMAL people are a little bit paranoid, care about their egos, and so on.

    thats what it means not to be pathological, or to be clinical.

    there is a famous joke among professional comedians, its the aristocrats… the jokes purpose is to teach, not to be funny, and its not often told outside the purview of stand up comedians, though has been done and you can find examples of it.

    its an eye opener, if you do it, not necessarily if you think about it. the joke is always the same, but there is a place where you get to ad lib. the format is that an agent representing a performing group comes to a producer, and gives a pitch that their troupe should be part of the stage show with their ‘act’. the key is that their act is created to be so completely offensive. that’s where the comedians get to adlib, and psychologically its cathartic, and why they end up getting a certain world view.

    if you play this game what your trying to do is top everyones elses idea of forbidden taboo shocking perversion. and what happens it rarely ever does at all, given that its so over the top, and that you then realize that the only reason in talk that these are unacceptable is because of the reaction to them that is conditioned. (As the act never actually happens – real vs fantasy is a whole other ball park and game)

    the point is that all mental conditions and abnormalities are normal, but they tend to be mixed up. a serial killer doesnt do anything abnormal in itself, its abnormal in who or what the act is to, its regard, and so on and so forth.

    but each tiny part of the act is normal in other contexts… like eating a steak, vs being a gay porno actor eating your roommate. eating is normal, what you eat may be abnormal. in some circles, the Donner party context makes it ok. but in others the chess board killer is not ok.

    humans are mimics, and we tend to sink to the lowest behaviors in kind. that is, we fight fire with fire, not with ice. the more populated and less social return to a person, the more ‘freedom’ of action is allowed. in a city of 8 million you can offend new people every day and never ever meet the same person again.
    in a town of 800, you do that and what happens?

    when you worry whether you should carry your defensive spray in the parking lot, your being paranoid, but normally so. you have no actual reason to believe someone is there to get you, as you have not seen that someone. you can go to that garage every night for years and such a someone will never be there. so why do you carry protection at all?

    so the behavior itself is not abnormal its degree and context… is it normal to talk to your mother when walking on the street? yes. if she lives in California, your in NY, and she died 10 years ago, is it still normal?

    the narcissistic response is to give an ego boost. do normal people do narcissistic things? yes. but again, its degree, and what they feel after, and whether they realize it and so on and so forth…

    and behavior disorders are easy to induce, you just promote and validate abnormal behavior while denying that abnormal can exist at all.

    those that want to stretch my points to make then not fit then make fun of it, are doing the narcissistic group commisseration thing.

    like hux, they are trying to build a internal coalition rather than accept the whole as a coalition. in this case, they are sorting among those that GET what i say, and those that dont, and can be induced to rally and so then carve out a small group they can twitter about to each other and feel bonded. (even though they will probably never ever meet each other)

    this is what social people do. and being outside this game system, gives me a lot of insight in watching them do things they dont even know they are doing (And assume i do the same, which they dont assume mostly)

    the key to mental health, if there is such a thing attainable by those not lucky enough to have it… is balance of the qualities that make us up. keeping them within bounds of idea, operation, context and ability…

    this becomes clear in things like schizophrenia when the thought processes are so disordered that they are completely alien

    but its a whole different ball game when its not so extreme and they are learned behaviors and techniques that have become reflexive habit in how you deal with the world.

    can you adjust them? yes. as there is proof people have. will you? probably not. have i adjusted my writing to be other than me? no. nor can I. i cant be somebody else even if a selection of people would like me to be to make them happier or in some way meet their desire they feel entitled enough to try to impose on me, even in collusion with other like minded people.

    the reason behaviors like paranoia and narcisism, when not medically serious, are so hard to get or understand is that they are normal and they are not so wacky that we dont understand them and even have empathy for them. our ego gets their ego is hurt and so understands, and excuses the negative behavior as justified.

  39. pt 2

    if you live in Alaska and your have to fly a plane to get to your property… should you install ADP Alarm systems in case burglars come by? if you live in Detroit?

    the culture kind of has a temperature to it. its referred to as the zeitgeist, the common knowledge, customs and ways, etc.. whatever..

    the more these things are in line, the less we percieve that what we are doing may not be normal. this is what Zimbardo really shows.

    that withotu taking the time to stop, take a step back, and question WHAT and WHY you do what you do, we just happily generate justifications and act on them, never realizing that we never say no to ourselves.

    those that CAN take a step back, see others as people and put a break on, feel guilt not shame, and so on… are more able to self control, and we call them more normal.

    but note our culture ALSO, because of feminism freedom to ask no questions and no one to notice, validates the wackaloons… like the employee in the book store that ejected a man in the childrens section looking for books because another wackaloon she validates with ideological conditioning, expressed some arbitrayr fear.

    this is why the poltiics focus on women so much. women are more fearful and paranoid than men are when normal. period. so its easier to induce a out of healthy level of response. the truth is that women were made to NEVER feel safe. to have constant vigilance and even not to notice it.

    despite not being the major victim of most crimes, they still act like they are number one.

    ever watch the news?
    “today police are searching for a serial rapist who has attacked 9 women. each of the women were near 5’9, blonde, trim, and all were wearing red dresses…” then they turn to some woman for an opinion.. and invariably you get some 90 year old, 4 foot brunet who is 130 lbs overweight saying she fears being attacked…

    THATS social narcissism…
    no one even tries to question her sanity on it… they just node and move to sports.

    but thats because we went from the reasonable woman perspective to the victims perspective.

    women changes that from i control what i feel and my egos response to the world, to i cant control it, and so the world has to change and stop assaulting me and making me feel unsafe.

    men operate on the first. ergo they dont sue when the firemans catalogue comes out or want women to wear clothing like burkas. women operate at the latter, and eventually they will require their men to require other women to cover up and stop acting out!!!
    [its why italy and spain had a version of them too]

    this change from i have to deal with the world, to the world has to deal for me i am entitled.

    is the converstion of the zitgeist from being normal to narcisistic and entitled.

    are you all now going to say we dont live in an entitlement society?

    what validates that? the legal idea and state laws and actions (against laws), that shows everyone that such ideological ideas and conditioned response is more important than law, yourself, your children, etc.

    now, to me thats quite abnormal.
    so is human sacrifice a la the aztecs and egyptians.

    but witohuot some outside rationality that engenders respect for others (redistribution of wealth does the opposite), the whole of society can swing to wacky… that is the problem with one world government, once its achieved, there is no more perspective. there is no more outside looking in. and anything that comes to mind of the powerbrokers becomes possible, uncluding self immolation through policy (eugenics?)

    so think of how NOT SMART the bilderburgs and the CFR and trilateral commission are… the end result of one singularity, is lack of perspective and pluralism.

    ie. the population locked up in a room without another population separete from itself will lose its anchors and moorings. it will get cabin fever. without anything to tell it its acting abnormal, it will just swing to abnormal and keep going.

    this is why the society is closing… in the light of day these narcisistic normalizations and things, woudl whither. we would switch to merit, we would accept reality and not try to act on the premise it was made for me because narcisisstically thats what all childrens egos thing until they learn and grow more.

    this is why kds are afraid of monsters, they are narcissists who are paranoid of others superiority

    this is why adult narcissists, whether actual, or induced, are not paranoid, they are convinced of their superiority, so no one can trick them. and every action that the other would see as such, will be assuaged by declaring the inscrutable as idiotic and climbing up on the throne and patting oneself on the ego

  40. Final

    Only the Paranoid Survive
    By Andrew S Grove

    a strategic inflection point is when the balance of forces shifts from the old structure, from the old ways of doing business and the old ways of competing, to the new. Before the strategic inflection point, the industry simply was more like the old. After it, it is more like the new. It is a point where the curve has subtly but profoundly changed.

    when a society moves from merit based and rule of law based to a feudal oligharchy its going through a structural CHANGE.. a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE (in structure)

    when generals plan a war, they fight the last war.

    when people of a society do not get how and what rule changes have happened, they keep trying to apply the old rules and assessments.

    they dont work, but they are warm and fuzzy. their paranoia gets them to adopt narcissistic behaviors. like ego protection and so on.

    they lack the tools to operate and asses the new, and rather then get the tools, they will instead seek a status quo to stay on familiar ground. they will attack the person that says things have changed, take a look. they will refuse to admit such and admit that someone else can know what they don’t, and so on.

    this is the REAL thing the left is referring to when they do the cargo cult idea of it.

    just note that Grove is right when it comes to businesses, but not right when it comes to ideologies. do the same without assesment and knowlege and jumping on the wagon fast can put you into a repeat of germany 1935, as we have now.. (but dont accept it)

    When an industry goes through a strategic inflection point, the established players may have trouble. On the other hand, a 10X change provides an opportunity for outsiders to join and become part of the action.

    but its the larger idea that he is valid on, in that those who are way too comfortable and who negate reality in favor of ego, will not act.

    they will NOT make a choice and say, no. that is wrong. at least not in a way that actually has material meaning. inside the fishbowl they thing its important, outside the fishbowl, you see 300 million fishbowls all thinking they are the same importance. they are right and wrong)

    Most strategic inflection points, instead of coming in with a bang, appear slowly.

    They are often not clear until we can look at the events in retrospect. Later, when we ask ourselves when we first had an inkling that we were facing a strategic inflection point, our recollections are about a trivial sign hinting that the competitive dynamics has changed.

    So how do we know whether a change signals a strategic inflection point?

    ah… so we dont see them because each change that occurs is below our perception level.

    ie. if a pickpocket dont jostle you enough that your system alerts, then they get to walk off with your wallet and life.

    if you deny that there is a pickpocket when someone external to you is telling you, what will the outcome be if you refuse to check for ego sake? now, if you were more adult and had a more adult ego and proper public paranoia of the few humans that act in bad ways… when alerted what would you do?

    not that hard to get.
    the people inventing pedagogical ways to induce this in as many people as possible, isnt hard to get either. ie. make more people favorable to thinking the way i need them to think to do what i want. been done for thousands of years.

    however, if the victim is too busy trying to defend their ego from the actuality, they can be victims forever and never ever do anything meaningful about it… (ie, that changes the outcomes)

    First, we must figure out who our key competitor is.

    When the answer to this question is not as clear as it used to be, it’s time to sit up and pay special attention. Does the company that in past years mattered the most to us and our business seem less important today? Does it look like another company is about to eclipse them? If so, it may be a sign of shifting industry dynamics. Do people seem to be “losing it” around you?

    Does it seem that people who for years had been very competent have suddenly gotten decoupled from what really matters?

    see? been trying to apply method to the problem, and mostly ego has people being dysfunctional rather than adding to the knowledge base and so on. rather than understand the analogy, the analogies become tangents…

    ergo. you make fun of my talk on narcissism vs paranoia… rather than decide that it may be true, put the childish crap aside, and say, ok.. what do we do about a society that is so narcissistic that a woman tweeted for obama like stalin to pardon her traffick ticket?

    otherwise, your saying, that’s not how it is, or rather, thats now how I am… which then absolves you of the rest, which is the point of defensive mechanisms.

    a desire to be equal is also a premise to reject any answer that everyone doesn’t realize and agree on – lowest denominator replaces highest merit… group dysfunction guaranteed, till some leader they accept comes in and tells them which answer is right.

    The Cassandras in the organization are a consistently helpful element in recognizing strategic inflection points.

    Although they can come from anywhere…

    They usually know more about upcoming change than the senior management because they spend so much time “outdoors” where the winds of the real world below in their faces.

    this is why engineers, and others tend to be conservative, not liberal, except if they teach.

    the above describes the situation between those who want to preserve ego, save energy, and so on… vs those who want them to get up and move out of the way of the 50 foot wave thats comming.

    of course.. the MAJORITY of people fall back on reflexive choices and reactive positions, and tend to not consider things.

    so, how many stayed on the beach when they saw that the water was not doing what it should be doing (Rather than running like crazy?)

    how many people sat at their desks in world trade center rather than get up and leave (by not obeying the others who were telling them to sit and wait as was conditioned by office safety officers)

    how many people left germany, or opposed what was coming when it was easy to? when all it took was to believe the facts that were around and be like a paranoid and play it safe.

    did we play it safe with Obama, or did we do the narcissist thing and mutually fawn over each other, he pretending to fawn over each person, never picking a side, so they can believe he was on theirs, and they on him.

    the loved him because he fit and was living their narcissistic fantasies which the media reinforces over the other alternatives of more prudent living

    everyone liked him for the same reason they like sociopaths on tv shows… they can pretend to feel powerful in sadistic negative way by living through the other narcissist they help.. when this is all couched in terms of racial justice, and so on.. big emotional things..

    then people get caught up in the thing rather than consider the thing and choose.

    but this is what sociology and medicalization is all about.. learning how to control the machine so you can induce actions without the machine having a choice.

    even mengele thought he was doing good
    it took he outside world to say.. thats not right

    with no outside, the system is free to go completely off the rails…

    and thats all i will say as its impossible to cover topics in any real way in a tiny space with people who dont share the sources of information so writing can be short on establishing references and knowledge, and long on points….

    given that education is so spread out and uneven and so forth, means we are in the tower of babble

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