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White/Jewish — 28 Comments

  1. They do not respect individual dignity. Paradoxically, the people who profit from these schemes, and have the most to gain from their perpetuation, are supremely aware of their own dignity, and are adamant about protecting it. This selective perception of reality is degenerate.

  2. The proper label next to the check box should read:

    [ ] Jewish (make of it what you will — you will anyway… eventually)

    or, perhaps:

    [ ] Jewish (the harbinger canary of choice)

  3. George Pal:

    Clearly the second. In America, it’s the white Jews. In Africa, it’s the black Jews. In the Middle East, it’s the Jews. And why not, they are, after all, the “chosen” people. In more ways than one.

  4. your sure well conditioned…

    you will discuss what crap they hand you, but wont analyse the crap you ingest.

    WHY did they do this?
    first of all, its was for themselves…
    they say so… to improve their image…

    but why would they find it necessary to up the ante on their image of diversity? why would they want you to think more that way than less that way?

    could it be the recent revelation on demographics being early? [ie. aren’t the demographic outcomes that are no longer refutable a result of their policy ideas, teaching such things and so on?]

    what would such desigation do in terms of the nationalized race based student loan system?

    you have to note that there is a two pronged problem here…

    one is, how, after using the same tactics as nazis to lower birth rate to below replacement (as lemkin details as the inventor of the term genocide) in this population, how do you avoid being labeled?

    i mean the below replacement level of births is going to make for questions, and they are going to see that the policies did this, and that those policies were the synonyms…

    the second question is how do you prevent your children from being part of that target class?

    you see… the colored jews have no problem… they are colored, so they are volk, and have access to the loans, sba help, tax deferrments, bank help, free classes, mentorships, and dont forget the advantage over the scapegoats… (the non volk, etc)

    by declaring them to be a MINORITY group, this group of white males just figured out how to escape the group of white males, and abandon them to their lack of future without having to fight it.

    the bigger question will be if the powers that be at the federal level will let them and then that would open the door to them getting the tax help, business help, education and such that all minorities deserve to have from their white producer slaves

    who cant afford their own children, but pay for anyone who can get their minority designation!!!

    in one swoop, they not only distance themselves from the ones who the genocidal policies are on, but get to shift from scapegoat to protected voik
    [edited for length by n-n]

  5. Maybe it’s all just a warm up for the requirement to slap on the star of David armbands.

  6. As a 2010 Census Enumerator, I was instructed to record race exactly as the person wanted it.

    This distinction seems parallel to the Census notion of “Hispanic”. It is a classification separate from race. I do seem some demographic merit to tracking that combination of identity. The next census could have a checkbox for “Jewish of any race”.

  7. and there is ONE other reason for them to do it

    if you look in the reports that i linked to and many others, they are being lambasted for not showing the performance in the minorities as they claimed we are all equal and should have

    that is… they got rid of the largest population of high performers, and replaced them with women… but alas, the women outperformed the minority men and women.

    so since i was in school the left and its experiments have claimed that they will make these groups perform equally. look in the reports and you find that they dont…

    so, if you move white jews into the category of minorities, what happens to the minorities educational scores and attainments as far as the reports and such go?

    ie. by moving them from column A to column B they move the educational attainment from non minority white oppressors, to minorities as a single category

    so they get several benefits…
    their children, like mrs 1/200th indian could and others lied to get…
    their children will now be allowed to succeed more and so that will help their birth rates
    the competition of similar males will be impinged by the system, which will help the group changing categories over their prior place
    politically it seems to remove the obvious (the jews were being hurt by the same policies)

    and lastly
    in the age of obama, and the new loans, and such, they have to show that Obama and his changes have resulted in a sea rising in acheivement among minorities. since they cant do that, and were using that to dumb down others to make numbers seem more equitable, the short time frame, requires them to move the “ringers” from the oppressor category to the Volk category (as far as statistical games is concerned)

    in a year or so you will see them back recompute and claim that since obama was in office minority scores and achievement has gone up… and that is evidence of the racisms, and so on.

    welcome to the “we make history” part of leftist history… most people call it “cooking the books”

  8. foxmarks: actually, it reminds me of the MSM calling Zimmermann a “white Hispanic.”

  9. i am sorry that my post was so long that neo cut out the statistical proof of what i was saying.

    so now i am a crack pot, as there is no empirical evidence to back what i say.

    i think its better i change sides…

    becuase THAT side dont care about empirical truth
    and the side that does, has no patience for it

    and if i just state things in short sentences, i am boxed into sounding like a neo nazi.

    so better to be on the other side…
    you get support, you don’t have to prove yourself, you don’t have to write long things as you can blindly assert, and so forth.

    the changing of categories is not about deciding whether jews are a religion, a race, or alien basketballs in costume… is it?

    the answer is in the empirical data.
    otherwise, the rubes will just discuss whether the category shift is invalid or not, and not settle either way, then move off to some other seeming important choice ot make in their lives

    what they wont do, is seek out the reasons why the change. what game they are playing. know where to look, etc.

    or as the last psychologist says, they all WANT this to fail, because technically what does that do for the ego of those who are helping, but seeming not smart enough to act without helping the opposition!!!

    this is a war about truth, validity, honesty, history, and so on

    brevity is the enemy of those things.

    when a king orders you to do something, do they debate with you, show you why, get you on board, respect you with the knowlege as an equal?

    no, its a short something, and you just obey

    how was the age of kings defeated?


    and reason requires space to make its case and back it up..

    even Frederick Douglas got 16 pages to make a speech on why a slave was less than a free man!

    it only takes the left a sentence or two to foment race hate on the same subject.

    the left would LOVE if everyone cut every long tract from the age of reason to a deconstructed short burble.

    where would the federalist papers go?
    where they have gone… mostly down the memory hole, and you cant quote them, the idiots egos cant handle it. (after all, the way they talk and reason puts todays thinkers on blogs to shame, and narcissism egos demand protection)

    if you all think your going to get around an ideology and nasty people who have enslaved 90% of all living people on the planet (add up the populations of all such states)… without information, truth, empirical evidence you can show etc.

    after all.
    neo only had her change, once she saw that the facts she was basing her allegiance were lies.

    the left knows that if they can stop people like her from seeing the cracks, their version of the truman show can keep going!!!

    imagine if neo never got to read the points and facts that got her to think and then question and then realize that their values are not hers, and seek a new place that DOES meet her values

    what if all of those who have slowed down, or halted or screwed up such plans never got to see that which influenced them to the aid of their fellow men (and women)?

    i would dare say, dont bother discussing anything of meaning. unless your going to do so with no meaning no reason, and no facts…

    without the facts from cuny herself, i come off like a nazi. and guess what? i dont want to be someplace where my writing is edited and the empiricism is taken out and i look like something other than i am

    so please delete the whole post..
    remove the whole thing….

    cutting them in half is worse than deleting them

  10. Artfldgr: as I’ve said many times, I edit your comments for length without paying too much attention to the content. I tend to chop them off somewhat arbitrarily; I don’t have the time to do otherwise. If you consider something especially important, you need to put it near the beginning.

    And as I’ve said many times, I allow you to comment here at great length and with great frequency because I find that you bring to light a lot of very interesting information that most people are not aware of. But I can’t allow you to take over the comments section with such great length because it will drive people away. That’s just the reality.

    I would delete the comment in question as you’ve requested, but I’m not entirely sure which one you referring to. Could you point it out?

  11. Artfldgr says, “so now i am a crack pot, as there is no empirical evidence to back what i say.”

    That cracks me up! You are a ‘crackpot’ in societal terms! You are a genius, you have “empirical evidence” coming out of your yin-yang near the speed of light, and everyone here knows you are a self-selective encyclopedia of knowledge, facts, and sometimes factoids. Like everyone else, you have an ax to grind and you often grind it to exhaustion.

    I have the privilege to work with elementary students on the so-called spectrum. My job is to assist them in adapting to the educational system and society at large. I attempt to assist them to learn how to cope with societal norms while retaining their unique personalities and impressive intellects and talents. Sometimes I get through and sometimes I don’t, but I never stop trying to do my best.

    My sincere advice to you, Artfldgr, is try to LIGHTEN UP. Most of us can not absorb 90% of your posts. Take pity on we mere mortals and feed us your valuable insights in smaller doses.

    Sincerely, honestly, and truthfully to the best of my ability,


  12. Artfldgr,

    I have a postscript: over the last 7 years I have assisted 15 kids on the spectrum. Out of the 15, 3 have at one time or another hugged me and thanked me for being their friend. I don’t want you to hug or thank me…. 😉 but it would do you good to find someone in your daily life who gives you respect and consideration and thank them or even hug them.


    We all need someone to lean on.

  13. Is space a limit issue on this blog? Are there limits on the number of words per post? Art makes thoughtful statements that usually flow to a conclusion. He is not a MSM journalist that puts the Big Stuff in the 1st para, and omits relevancies altogether or puts them into the article’s obscure tail on the indicting belief that a) they don’t fit the ‘narrative’, or b) most readers are not thorough enough to read the full story anyway.

    That Neo would edit for length without reading, as she admits, self-negates the value of her blog for others. Editing for brevity without reading? Really, now.

    Are we all of us to be reduced to twitters and soundbites? That’s really finding the lowest common denominator. Neo has been longwinded on occasion. Plus Neo’s amusing tendency to lighten the blog with irritants like dance, pop, Groucho sans eyebrows…..readers tolerate that People mag touch, so let’s give Art and any lengthy others the same courtesy.

  14. Don Carlos: Most bloggers would just ban someone who writes such long comments, and not take the trouble to cut them off at all. I cut them off in order to facilitate people reading Artfldgr, because most people will not read his longer pieces (you actually have no idea how long the originals are; trust me, they are exceedingly long).

    If I read every word and edited them carefully, it would be a full time job and then some. Your suggestion that I do so is a completely impractical and totally unrealistic one.

    I skim them very very quickly, by the way, and cut them off when I think a major point has been made. Sometimes, however, I don’t even have the time to do that. There are busy times when I don’t have the leisure to read the comments on the blog, although most of the time I try to do so.

  15. Artfldgr is one of the main reasons I visit this blog Neo. I am uneducated but hungry for insight – something I can understand. Artfldgr isn’t the only person who shines light on the underside of what’s happening, but he does have his moments. I count myself thankful and blessed.

    Thank you for your patience Neo. I’ll return to my lurking. 🙂

  16. What Artfldgr conveys is what shrinks used to call ‘pressurized speech’ (and maybe still do), plus (usually) a great seal of supporting data, much of it obscure and unknown to the rest of us.

    He is frustrated, indeed desperate, in his attempts to get his messages out. He doubtless sees himself a voice crying in the wilderness. Despite his personal travails, which seem to be many, he continues his efforts to raise his alarms and fears for the future. I am sure he sees himself on the losing side, as of course did Whittaker Chambers.

  17. find someone in your daily life who gives you respect and consideration and thank them or even hug them.

    I wish…
    in fact, i spend most of my daily life forced into complete isolation from other human beings. in a room 47×57… 83 degrees… a bit smaller than a bathroom stall…

    there is no one in my life who does that, they have all died, as they are family. outside of family, i am not allowed to run the race, so i am not allowed to succeed, and success is the only medicine that makes such things acceptable.

    so i have wasted my life and have no such kind people. i work in academia, and am a white male who is not allowed to perform.

    so with 30 years experience, business analysis experience, and more… might as well not exist..

    such respect comes from achievement
    and if your a white male in a socialist realm, the inexperienced female and tanned male or those with sexual preferences which will not compete with the elite children, you can move forward. otherwise…, i cant

    i wish neo would put my office pic up and ask or discuss if such isolation of a person who hasnt committed a crime is ok.

    even brievek is getting hired friends because solitary confinement is mentally harmful.

    i get up and from 8:30 to 5pm, am in a room smaller than a closet… which also tells others not to bother with me… by the time the day is over, i have been sitting in the heat so long i want to throw up and just drop… lunches are in the office too.

    with the liberal people who know everything about me from their liberalism, there is no way to get a different reputaiton, and when i do the same thing others do… i get punished.

    ie. they are able to demonstrate, i am not.
    they get the best tasks, i get crapola
    they get raises, i cant

    so just shoot me already and get it over with

    as i am just a waste of existence thanks to them… now my wife and i may be barren too… we cant afford a house and such as i am white. but my wife is south asian, so if she divorces me, she can get one.

    and yes don carlos i am on the losing side
    but the side that represents truth…

    better to be on the side of good, and truth, and so on, and lose… no?

    but i lost before i was born
    i never really had a chance
    the cards were stacked

    this is a case of someone who can run, proved they can, and before all this social engineering that made me a jew in nazi germany, i had good salaries, respect, raises, awards, and so on.

    but if i am there, you cant prove women are smarter, can you… if my friends too.. most of us who went to bronx science who were white males went no where.

    the guy who had his face eaten was from Stuyvesant… the assumption is that he is psychotic, but that may or may not be so. i know that very smart people outside a place where others understand them, are not seen as such.

    better to be dumb… than have a 175IQ and nothing to do…

    my son going through academia mill without me, doesnt respect me on many levels.

    why should he. he has a degree
    and he thinks his father is a nothing

    the professors here are mostly that way too. not all. but my boss isolates me in the closet. after all, if they knew i was doing this work, getting things done for them, doing extra work on my own for no reward but punishment.

    watch the movie ADAM
    i do wish for a public service message neo would go over it… from the movie adam, to the way business does things now to such because we are not equal. are we?

    some of the most productive minds of the past 200 years were like me… made by god to find answers and seek the truth as nothing else satisfies. for nothing else is real.

    i wish i never existed.
    and thanks to all this
    even heaven would not be enjoyable
    if i had to remember my life

    watch ADAM…
    you might get an idea of waht bone crushing isolation and abuse of common people is like
    and i am not as bad as ADAM… in fact, you may not even tell if you werent looking to fit me into a middle class privleeged white suburbian box i never existed in.

    Adam, a lonely man with Asperger’s Syndrome, develops a relationship with his upstairs neighbor, Beth.

    I will say that almost none of the descriptions of the movie are accurate… because they are how NT would describe it if they had to do it.

    Though he frequently escapes by submersing himself in the world of space exploration, Adam senses an opportunity for a real human connection after Beth (Rose Byrne) moves into the apartment just upstairs.

    the man must not have seen it, as he does none of those things… and what he does is not by any choice given how people are…

    the movie is not really about the girl or the relationship… which is sad no one described it accurately

    i have just as special a life
    in fact MORE so…

    you all would be blown away by the stuff i have and do… just one thing would set me apart, but i have many

    but like ADAM, my family is dying away
    and i have no one who supports me

    ADAM – Theatrical Trailer

    ADAM – Rose Byrne’s Favorite Scene

    you might notice that ony a few people have the ego that can withstand someone who can reference material and think so fast to things.
    and note how he cant tell that a request for information is not a request..

    todays self esteem people… believe they are equal, but when they go up against someone with almost perfect recall, and who has spent most of their lives studying…

    they are outstripped..

    so they hurt me.

    i do have one phd friend, who has ASD and such in his family. HE is a partner, but they have isolated him from me, and have prevented me from doing the thing that interests me most… ie. the thing that brings stability and respect to my life…

    he is cool, as he realizes that i know a whole lot. and he has included my work in science papers and he has watched my work be confirmed over and over… and wants to help, but alas, he is stuck…

    i am not approved to think…
    but its all i do.
    constantly, never shuts off, always turning one idea or another. hard to sleep…

    ADAM – Director Max Mayer’s Favorite Scene

    Adam- I’m Not Forrest Gump

    i came to the research hospital as i hoped that it would be like the fortune 10. those top companies dont care about quirks, and they like people like me. so does wall street.

    but alas, we are also attacked and used and helpless. so someone ruined that for me… destroyed the career, and the courts and such did not follow court and law, but did the soviet feminist asymetrical thing…

    i lost career, reputation, friends, family, went bankrupt, and nearly went to prison for no crime…

    thanks for caring.

  18. thank you everyone.
    you cheered me up.
    its been a bad few months
    dad died xmas eve while i was in anotehr country
    sister just got told she has cancer
    mom alone and too far away
    wife barren and we cant move to have a child

    so thanks
    thanks so much…

  19. to quote the last psychiatrist

    I’m thankful to those who defend me, and I’m not surprised by those who hate me, but either way you are missing the point. I don’t matter. It’s debatable whether my ideas matter, but for sure they matter much more than I do.

    like the crystal glass
    i am already gone…

    “One day some people came to the master and asked ‘How can you be happy in a world of such impermanence, where you cannot protect your loved ones from harm, illness and death?’ The master held up a glass and said ‘Someone gave me this glass, and I really like this glass. It holds my water admirably and it glistens in the sunlight. I touch it and it rings! One day the wind may blow it off the shelf, or my elbow may knock it from the table. I know this glass is already broken, so I enjoy it incredibly.'” – Achaan Chah Subato

  20. I loved the comments on Don Surber’s blog, but there were those I just had to skip. Artfldgr I hadn’t noticed before. Sorry, Art, I don’t have the time.

  21. Each person tries to find ways of affirming themselves; but when it is done through identity and not behavior, it always leads to misery. last pyschiatrist

    but if the system requires identity before you can behave, then what? if your not a woman, have tanned skin, or sexual relations with your own sex, then behavior cant be a affirming thing because even if you succeed, its not acceptable given the prerequisite

  22. Neo, I think you are making a mistake and dragging your own life down. It’s not worth it.

  23. “i am not allowed to run the race, so i am not allowed to succeed, and success is the only medicine that makes such things acceptable.”

    Sincerely, I say success has nothing to do with running the ‘race’. Quite plainly, fuck ’em. You determine what is ‘success’.

    “but i lost before i was born
    i never really had a chance
    the cards were stacked”

    OK, the cards were stacked. The cards are stacked for many people. You are weird by societal standards. You don’t fit into the round hole of society because you are a square peg. Do you really care what society thinks? Learn to fake it! Learn to not care! Personally, I don’t care what society thinks and I am ‘normal’.

    I’m sad to read about your familial difficulties, that sucks, but that does not define you! Only you define you.

    “its not acceptable given the prerequisite”

    You greatly disappoint me Artfldgr! Acceptable I recognize but cast aside, prerequisite I piss on from a great height. Once again, you determine what is what in the world of Artfldgr. I know your journey is difficult. I know there are road blocks and detours and collapsed bridges. But I also know you are very intelligent and that you can find a way forward.

  24. “Neo, I think you are making a mistake and dragging your own life down. It’s not worth it.”

    Not my blog, its neo’s, but I have to ask: WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN?

  25. Artfl,

    Why don’t you do yourself and everyone else here a favor.

    Start your own blog.

    Once you get it up and running, then you can post and comment to your hearts content – no limit on length. Then, when you return here, instead of your usual “War and Peace” sized comment posts, just hit the high points and reference the data with a link to the appropriate post on your blog.

    Those that read your every word no matter the length, can still do so. Neo wouldn’t have to edit anything, but she could still post or comment on any points you’ve made. And those that want to skip it all can do so with little fuss.

    If you did this, I promise you that more people would pay attention to what you have to say. I would.

    I don’t see a down side. Do you?

  26. “…Plus Neo’s amusing tendency to lighten the blog with irritants like dance, pop, Groucho sans eyebrows…”

    Oh good grief. Who’s blog is it anyway.

    Don Carlos, if something irritates you, just skip over it.

    At least with Neo you won’t have to wear out your “Page Down” key doing it.

  27. Artfldgr,

    You make me sad, you make me wonder why no one took your situation at hand and offered guidance many moons ago, and you make me marvel at the incredible power of our intellect and the laser focus you can bring to bear upon a multitude of issues. At least on this little turf of neo-neocon you are a valuable asset IMO.

    I am so glad to read your above posts as you bare your soul. Here, in the confines of this blog, you have friends and admirers. I’m in Iowa. If you are ever going to be in Iowa let me know. We can sit on the porch and you can astound me.


  28. Forgive me, O Roy, I beg of you. I should have said “distractions”, not “irritants”. But it seems that one word irritated you, so you see even leetle things can be irritating to the best of us, even you.

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