Home » Poll: Obama’s a (gasp!) politician


Poll: Obama’s a (gasp!) <i>politician</i> — 24 Comments

  1. It took him long enough for him to come around to former Vice President Cheney’s position on same sex marriage. I know someone else said it before me and probably better, but I can’t remember who.

  2. This ^has^ to be strictly a rhetorical question, given that I am ^not^ in favor of naming names of anyone who wishes not to be named in this circumstance,


    So President Obama’s children have friends both of whose parents are of the same gender? How interesting. Name them. Just one such pair. Who are they? What are their ^names^??

  3. I don’t think Obama really cares that much about gays or gay marriage. The pro position is simply the cool one, and Obama thinks he is the coolest person on earth. Obama’s only comittment is to Obama.

  4. “Obama, profile in courage. Not.”

    “So the Obama administration, desperate to revive its sagging re-election hopes, deliberately put the life of a British agent in jeopardy—not someone who commuted to a desk job in the CIA, but someone who had infiltrated al Qaeda. ‘Despicable,’ indeed. And damaging to American security, as al Qaeda in Yemen now knows it was infiltrated, and by whom; and knows that we know about its latest bomb technology.” (H/T Instapundit @ 10:15 AM today)

    A hero stands in front of women and children to protect them from danger; a coward stands behind women and children to protect himself. Obama hides behind the burnoose of this brave agent to protect his re-election. Just when you think this administration can stoop no lower . . . .

  5. The prior post is off topic, but I’ve used Neoneocon’s “courage” comment to jump off on this tangent because I am absolutely livid at the intellectual morons (. . . er, betters) ruinning (er . . . running) this country.

    Apologies all around.

  6. Just how does one take Obama’s words at face value? Every spoken word teeters between a lie and nonsense; every outlandish utterance is in need of rectification; and every ‘is’ necessitates an ‘is not’.

    “They’ve a temper, some of them – particularly verbs, they’re the proudest – adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs – however, I can manage the whole lot! Impenetrability! That’s what I say!”
    As relayed to Barack Obama from Humpty Dumpty

  7. Tammy Bruce suspects Obama supports gay marriage b/c:
    1. his internal polls tell him his re-election prospects are dismal
    2. therefore, support for gay marriage will
    ……a. create legacy (if he is going to lose anyway, why not do what he actually believes in?)
    ……b. ingratiate a post presidency Obama with the left (for instance, enhance his fund raising opportunities for his Presidential library).

    When Obama announced support for gay marriage, it immediately occurred to me that Obama knows he is going to lose in Nov. But, Tammy Bruce speculated it, publicly, before I did. Her analogy: Obama is “going gay for pay”. http://tammybruce.com/2012/05/newsweeks-cover-why-obama-turned-gay-for-pay-because-he-knows-hes-being-fired.html

  8. more than 4 years to late, the obvious becomes the obvious…

    (not to mention the 6 figures they gave RevW to STFU)

    and now, the new obvious that will be obvious is:
    Liberal = Progressive = Socialist = National socialist = democratic socialist, communist, Maoist = Trotsky-ism = Feminism = humanitarianism = Communism = communitarian = lesbianism = and on and on.

    differences with no distinction..

    as only a person whose consciousness is lifted could think that Palmolive, Lava, Dove, Irish Spring, Dial, Gain, Tide, Camay, Ivory, Tone, are all different things, and not all soap.

    which proves that under hegel, consciousness raising is consciousness numbing and downgrading… not raising.

    after all, only someone whose consciousness is dulled would consider self genocide, self actuated slavery, and so on, would be potentially decent things to try if not outright jump to.

    with Thomas Sowell pointing out the parallel history, of the Volk mudering, beating up, attacking in groups the Oppressors…

    whats different
    Germany, Volk beat up jews, gentiles, etc
    America, Protected classes beat up Whites (a set that contains most jews, gentiles, etc)

    whats different?
    same ideology
    same hucksters and methods
    same mass actions
    same group hatred
    same nationalizing auto
    same nationalizing banking
    same nationalizing health
    same denial common rights to the oppressors
    (oppressors here have no constitutional right to freedom of assembly – a Volk must always be present to watch the jews, i mean white males)
    same hyperinflation printing
    same disparate impact getting the Volk to target the able, and resourceful, etc

    and since we adopted it 60 million children have been exterminated… untold more have been chemically excise, many more gone due to infertility, and others due to education/wealth redistribution
    [edited for length by n-n]

  9. Scott Lively [5] wrote:
    “ “Most people don’t realize that male homosexuality does not always lean to the effeminate. Historically, male homosexuality was much more often associated with hyper-masculine warrior cults which were usually very brutal and very politically aggressive. The most recent example was in Germany. Hitler’s initial power base when he launched the Nazi Party was a private homosexual military force organized and trained by a notorious pederast named Gerhard Rossbach. Rossbach’s homosexual partner Ernst Roehm, who was also Hitler’s partner in forming and building the Nazi Party, converted the “gay” Rossbachbund into the dreaded SA Brownshirts.”

  10. Neoneocon,

    Thanks for the 2008 link. it was especially nice to read Fredhjr again. Thanks. (BTW. I wouldn’t care if you moved that comment over to the newer post where it would be more appropriate and it could stand sans apologies).

  11. <blockquoteLudwig Lenz worked at the Sex Research Institute in Berlin, which was destroyed by Hitler's Brown Shirts in 1933 likely because its records, including 40,000 confessions from members of the Nazi Party, would have exposed the sexual perversions of Nazi leadership. Lenz said that "not ten percent of the men who, in 1933, took the fate of Germany into their hands, were sexually normal."

    According to Nazi historian Louis Snyder, Roehm recruited homosexuals into the SA because Roehm felt Germany needed “a proud and arrogant lot who could brawl, carouse, smash windows, kill and slaughter for the hell of it. Straights, in (Roehm’s) eyes, were not as adept in such behavior as practicing homosexuals.”

    Gerhard Rossbach who created the Storm troopers was also gay…

    in history Gays and homosexuals have a long historical line of being BETRAYERS.

    feeling apart from the society they live in (The way a leader from outside is apart from the society that he leads)… they were targeted by spy agencies and so on, for two reasons. the hatred of their fellow people, and the living of dual lives.. which is what spying requires…

    and that a larger proportion of homosexuals are SOCIOPATHS… ie. they have no guilt, so why would they care as much about who they used for sex?

    (this is why our society favors the oppressed sociopaths who liberalism and socialism has set free and in ruler-ship over decent people)

    in case you haven’t noticed, there is a huge hatred of homosexuals against the Jewish religion and against any religion (except islam) who persecutes them…

    The subject of homosexuality in Judaism dates back to the Torah, in the books of Bereshit and Vayiqra. Bereshit (Genesis) treats the destruction of the cities of Sedom and Amorrah by God. Vayiqra (Leviticus) forbids sexual intercourse between males, classifying it as a to’eivah (something abhorred or detested) that can be subject to capital punishment under Jewish law, although Halakhic courts are not authorized to administer capital punishment in the absence of a Temple in Jerusalem and the entire judicial system as mandated by Jewish Law.

    the enemy of my enemy is my friend…

    or has anyone forgotten the recent brouhaha over nazi sex fetishes among the political class?

    ah.. .
    but then again.

    who remembers ILSA KOCH?
    (the sex movie, and the real ilsa?)

    Ilse Koch was the wife of Karl-Otto Koch, commandant of the Nazi concentration camps Buchenwald (from 1937 to 1941) and Majdanek (from 1941 to 1943). She was one of the first prominent Nazis to be tried by the US military.

    She was known as “The Witch of Buchenwald” (“Die Hexe von Buchenwald”) by the inmates because of her alleged cruelty and lasciviousness toward prisoners.

    Woody Guthrie wrote “Ilsa Koch”, a song about her abuses in Buchenwald, her imprisonment and release; it was recorded by The Klezmatics.

    Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS
    [a kind of sex film cult classic. like rocky horror]

    ‘A toast to the Third Reich!’ Oxford-educated louts ‘face prosecution’ for dressing as Nazi and taunting French waiter… while Tory MP looked on

    Tory MP Aidan Burley Apologises After Attending Nazi-Themed Stag Party

    you may think or want this not to matter
    but it does.

    ESPECIALLY when thomas sowell and others are drawing attention to the race groups beating up whites..

    after all, didnt OBAMA resurect Father Coughlines nazi anti semitic “Social Justice”?
    [edited for length by n-n]

  12. If the polling data continues to look increasingly dismal for Obama, what will his reaction be? Will he try some desperate Wag the Dog strategy to attempt a comeback? Or will he decide to kiss the election off and attempt to fulfill his radical agenda at any cost and by any means necessary?

  13. Good points, Artfldgr. The first question about a gay is what kind? Very poetic that the name of the latest gay-bully, Dan Savage, is Savage, as that definitely defines his behavior. He is to the gay movement what Sharpton is to the civil rights movement. Savage is a Nazi type gay who has been “glitter bombed” three times due to a suspected “transphobia,” which, by itself, is strong evidence for the type of gay he is. Savage shouldn’t be thought of as a gay, but as a threat to mankind the same way the Nazi’s were. Their primary dysfunction is not homosexuality but sociopathy.

  14. Even worse,’Yo: The NY Pravda..errr..Times had WOMEN voters a few percentage points ahead for Romney….Ahhhhhhhhhh, poor little victimized Majesty.

  15. Living Pain

    Pain, thy name is Life.
    I see nemesis
    in a white pill, the
    length of submarine
    named a Vicodin-
    cruising polar caps
    and pale ocean depths
    beyond Sun light’s reach.

    Pain, thy name is Thought
    purified and stark.
    Gloried in my choice
    to choose you and not
    the path well traveled
    because after all
    the goodly teacher
    has a switch in hand.

    Pain, thy name is Go.
    Can’t be stopped although
    Cain and the nations
    have tried. Finding No
    requires ablution,
    sorry negation
    of one’s awful past.
    But just get through it.
    Pain makes you do it.

  16. “Better, perhaps, that we should look at it cynically…”

    I take every syllable he utters cynically. Its all about little Barry. Its mirror mirror on the wall 24/7 with BHO.

  17. Parker: Exactly. Other than BHO’s knee-jerk responses on racial issues, he has passion for no causes. Everything he cares about ultimately comes to self-promotion and self-advancement. Inside he is hollow.

  18. there’s a new Beauty and Beast, Parker

    with Guillermo and Emma. Wow.

    Messiah is the ultimate Sensei.

  19. I actually don’t think Obama does support gay marriage, since opposition to homosexuality is something of a feature of African-American male self-identification, and Obama obviously has a real chip on his shoulder regarding his own “blackness”. Particularly coming from the militant black liberation movement as he does, overt support for homosexuality would probably make him feel less like the “real black man” he obviously strives to be. So his “coming out” was almost certainly purely in reaction to the expected loss in funding if he didn’t; the same thing happened with the Israel lobby: originally taking a stronger pro-Palestinian position than is customary for a US president, he was eventually obliged to grovel before AIPAC just like his predecessors by the threat of large Jewish donors witholding their campaign contributions.

  20. T: “Just when you think this administration can stoop no lower…”

    AMEN. Bravissimo.

    Ain’t it the truth? From…ohhh..say…January 21, 2009 till this moment. I knew he’d be awful, but even my ground level expectations of the catastrophe he’s piloted were way too optimistic. I now fully know that IF one wants a look into the ‘Truth’ of Obama all one need do is play the Rev.Wright’s famous Rant video to his assembled minions. Liberty loathing. Freedom despising. Individuality hating. Anti-American Exceptionalism and Anti-American Power.

    He will soon come full face with his Nemesis in the true ancient Greek depth of its meaning. So be it. As my Sicilian Firecracker wife says,”Time wounds all heels.” Baa-Daa-Bing. Like dat.

  21. …although one represents his true opinion and the other doesn’t

    I don’t think it is necessary to postulate that he has “true” opinions — just useful ones.

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