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Winning the lottery and sherbert — 13 Comments

  1. “Sherbert” bothers me as much as “Warshington” or that weird British “r” that falls off of doors and lands on girls named Ariana(r). Which is to say, I don’t understand where it comes from, I’ll correct my children if they happen to say it, and hearing it from adults gives me a mental tic, but in the end, I can’t correct everyone so I just let it slide.

  2. I’ve always called it sherbert even though I know it’s spelled sherbet. Is the problem mispronunciation rather than misspelling?

  3. Ricki – I often hear people pronounce it “sherbert” and I did until I noticed the spelling. I do think that the pronunciation influences the spelling.

  4. You say sherbet, I say sherbert. And I remember arriving in Mass as a child and being offered “tonic” to drink. I thought that was something you put in your hair.

  5. Some say tomatoes, some say tomahtoes.

    Some say potatoes, some say potahtoes.

    Here where I’m from, it’s maters and taters…

    …and sherbert.

  6. I remember being surprised at some point as a child, or maybe in my early teens, when I noticed it wasn’t spelled “sherbert.” I thought that was what I had been hearing. To this day I feel slightly awkward saying the word, whether I say it correctly or incorrectly.

  7. Is the problem mispronunciation rather than misspelling?


    Sherbert – Sher bert
    Sherbet – Sher bay

    Those wacky French…

  8. I go with “sherbert” or “sherbit” – usually “sherbit”- depending on my mood. This has more to do with dropping or not dropping of R’s, instead of proper pronunciation.

    Getting on to bet/bert and the French language:

    “Hebert” I pronounce “ā-ˈber,” due to having worked with Cajuns. [I also know a Mrs. Hebert- her husband is Manchester NH French Canadian.]

    Coincidentally, my second grade teacher’s married name was “Abare,” which we we told to pronounce “ā-ˈber.”

    But “Bert and Ernie” I pronounce “Bert and Ernie.”

  9. In my world, it’s FebROOary, ’cause it’s spelled “February”, with “ru” after the “Feb”.

    It’s ^not^ FebYOUary. It’s just ^not^.

    Why won’t the world (the real one, not my little one) knuckle under?

    [ laughs at self ]

    Gimme some ‘o that sherbert, huh?

  10. vanderleun Says:
    March 7th, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    I bet it’s bert before the end of the decade.

    Sounds like a sure bet.

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