Home » Obama is…


Obama is… — 9 Comments

  1. Who cried Armageddon — that would be John Hagee and all the other Pope-type evangelical wishers for the end of times.

  2. The tax thing is, of course, misdirection. Because Obama’s actual solution sounds stupid on its face.

    To ‘solve’ our deficit problems; we must borrow.. umm.. more….

    We could tax the wealthy 100% in the next year and we’d still have a deficit that year… and then they’d flee to other countries and we’d really have karmageddon deficits. I wouldn’t mind though… because even though I’m middle class; I’d flee with em.

  3. onyon Says:

    “Who cried Armageddon – that would be John Hagee and all the other Pope-type”

    I have to send $20 to the last guy that predicted Armageddon (May 21st?). I ended up at a rapture party that night and it was fun.

  4. The fun would be gone out of life if I was provided with even the essentials. It’s the chase, the effort, the loss and gain, which is building something eternal, something more than merely a life without pain, that, if gone, would render life non-life. I would rather have that freedom to screw up my destiny and do that than be limited to the food and ideas a socialist government would give me. And I certainly don’t want to be a vanguard big mouth party boss fish.

    I wonder, if we could get people to be honest: Who do they think is happier? Obama or Bachman? Pelosi or Palin? Holder or Cain? Krugman or Hagee?

    Since life without that freedom means nothing to me, as well as too many, many of us, we aren’t too afraid of threats of Armageddon; if that’s the choice to the death of socialism, I prefer Armageddon. And I will surely give my life as dear as possible.

    Scare tactics only work against Fraidy Cats.

  5. Curtis Says:

    “I would rather have that freedom to screw up my destiny and do that than be limited to the food and ideas a socialist government would give me.”

    You should check out the crime stats for some of the social dem countries. They’re off the charts… and it is not only due to immigrants. I think young people over there feel (even if unconsciously) what your talking about. Re: I have no free choice; might as well get drunk and break stuff… again.

  6. Curtis Says:

    “Mr. Brown has found out the hard way that welfare programs destroy and individual’s independence.”

    It is really bad even in the Scandinavian countries. Seems the left can destroy a civil society just about anywhere.

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