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Heredity… — 28 Comments

  1. It would be nice if we had a picture of Bette’s mother along with this one. I bet that daughter has a fabulous voice, too.

  2. We may be witnessing a scientific miracle. Somehow a child was created with none of the father’s genes passing to his offspring.

    And another miracle seems to be that Midler has avoided the aging process. She looks amazing at 65. Either that, or she has a gifted plastic surgeon.

  3. brains… dey aint inheritable… eh?
    even if so, they are the same, no?
    [rolling eyes upwards…]

  4. It’s not just looks – my husband, who was given up for adoption, reconnected with his birth mother in his 30’s. I’ll never forget their first meeting, where I just sat back and enjoyed watching them engrossed in conversation, making the same facial expressions, the same gestures, and discovering how alike they were in their various habits, lifestyle choices, etc. It makes you realize how un-random we are.

  5. Pinnochia I and Pinnochia II.
    But who knows? With further, multigenerational proboscis enlargement and elongation, maybe they’ll eventually become GOPers.

  6. For someone with lots of money, the young woman deciding not to get her nose “fixed” shows lots of self confidence.

  7. I always loved Bette. I’ll bet her attitudes are the key to her anti aging miracle. She just exudes passion and joy. And what a brilliant actress, and comedienne. ON TOP OF THAT VOICE! She’s got it all.

    And her daughter is a beauty. I agree with the post about her not getting her nose fixed.

  8. When people who have interesting noses get them fixed, it leaves them looking like their face has been erased. I like a noble schnozz, myself.

  9. Always loved Bette, too. I always considered her the most consummate performer and entertainer. When she is performing, there is an electricity and a feeling that you can’t take your eyes off her, whether it was when she was doing her campy, vampy numbers with “The Harlettes” in gay bathhouses, or wonderful comedic turns in movies, or her dramatic performance in “The Rose.” I still remember being transfixed when she sang the theme song of “The Rose” at the Oscars – she is absolutely riveting!

  10. “Somehow a child was created with none of the father’s genes passing to his offspring.”
    These genes were passed all right. But they were not expressed. Genes are just like books in a vast family library: they are inherited, but will they be read by offsprings? Nobody actually knows, and this is another story, much more complicated than just genetics. Heredity is about traits, not genes, and this fact bedeviled evolution theory and makes Neodarvinism a hopeless mess.

  11. I think Bette Midler’s best dramatic performance was indeed “The Rose”, but my favorite character she ever played was as the 300 year old witch, Winifred Sanderson, in that silly, campy, Halloween movie called “Hocus Pocus”.

    Yes – that one.

    It’s become a tradition in our house to watch that silly movie every Halloween and we still laugh out loud at her costume and her antics. Really – if she can play that role well, she can play anything, and she does play it well.

    I have several record albums of hers from the 80’s. Her voice is phenomenal. She is a great all around entertainer.

  12. Libby,

    That reminds me of the original Back To The Future: McFly pé¨re et fils sitting in the malt shop, still unaware of each other but nevertheless making the same gesture of leaning their heads on the table, putting a hand on their heads, and rising the same way when Biff opens the door.

    I had no idea such a scenario existed in real life as well.

  13. 1. The name isn’t Bettemidlersdaughter. It’s Sophie. Sophie Midler.

    2. Libby Says:

    …It makes you realize how un-random we are.

    The small, apparently random differences can be important.

    Bette Midler has always struck me as unattractive and abrasive to the point of nastiness. Sophie radiates a kindly, individual beauty.

    3. If cosmetic surgery makes people feel and look better, I’m all for it. My advice: Sophie, don’t even think about modifying your nose.

  14. But can she sing like her mother? Judy Garland could; her daughter is a shadow of her mother who fakes it.

  15. speaking of nose jobs. Jennifer Grey “Dirty Dancing” was beautiful with her distinctive profile when she was young. She is unrecognizable as the same person, post-nose job, and while kind of pretty, mostly pretty unremarkable.

  16. *laughs* Awesome!

    Coming from a family where there is no question of whose we are– a woman who’d last seen my mother in high school, 30 years prior, got my attention by yelling “Hey, (mom’s full maiden name)’s daughter!” and our family pictures from several generations ago sometimes have folks accusing us of digital editing– it’s kind of cool to see someone else with a strong family resemblance!

  17. Unfortunately, the Left has a lot of eugenics based policies that I just don’t tolerate. Racist beliefs based upon blood. Classist ideas that being born in a class means you die in that class.

  18. @gs: “Bette Midler has always struck me as unattractive and abrasive to the point of nastiness. Sophie radiates a kindly, individual beauty.”

    Yeah, excellent tits too.

  19. Ymarsakar,

    The Marxist Left and the Nazi (or neo-Nazi) Right are both committed to the worldview of historical materialism, only two different branches of it. Marxism adheres to socio-economic historical materialism (human history as class struggle), Nazism to racial historical materialism (human history as genetic competition).

    Historical materialism in both manifestations is a deterministic worldview, antithetical to human free will. The denial of free will is a heresy according to Judaism and some Christianity (but on this I’m as far as possible from being an expert, so I apologize if I’m talking rubbish); in contrast, it is a staple of Islam.

    (The Jewish worldview could be called theocentric nationalism–human history as the history of nations [not races] and how God, the Creator and Lord of history, relates to them.)

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