Home » Don’t say I never post anything nice about Obama


Don’t say I never post anything nice about Obama — 23 Comments

  1. I agree. It really is a shame considering all of his misguided potential. Take away all the marxist mind parasites and he’d be a likable fellow.

  2. He’s not the least likeable and I am suprised to see you charmed.I thought you could see through his facade by now.

  3. He’s good with kids. Because of that strength he applies that talent to all of his relationships, including his relationship with us. That’s how a strength becomes a weakness. He’s too young to be my father.

  4. Maybe he should have been a kindergarten teacher. He could always reconsider now.

  5. Poor kid must have discovered how much of a tab this generation and president are going to leave her.

  6. Take away all the marxist mind parasites and he’d be a likable fellow.

    Nah, he’d still be a narcisistic butthead. Unless that’s a marxist mind parasite?

  7. Maybe he should have been a kindergarten teacher. He could always reconsider now.

    He’d still need a teleprompter.

  8. @rickl

    Classic! It’s comments like yours that make me wish I had the skills to be a political cartoonist.

  9. “”Maybe he should have been a kindergarten teacher.””

    He’d have a class of little militant bastards wearing “My Parents Oppress Me” t shirts.

  10. i agree from bob from virginia

    the baby (keen natural instincts seem much more attuned in infants) senses michelle obama’s true colors behind the smiling facade

  11. expat
    Maybe he should have been a kindergarten teacher. He could always reconsider now.

    But may he bring the teleprompter along to assist his teaching?

  12. I seem to remember a photo of Jim Jones holding a baby during the fateful week of murder and suicide. He was the nurturing fatherly type even as the purple kool-aid was being administered!

  13. Whenever I see Obama interacting with his own daughters, or with other children (as in this case) it’s literally the ONLY time I perceive him as being sincere. Even likeable.

    It’s a saving grace for him, I think. Otherwise that core is pretty empty of guiding principles.

  14. It’s a pity his job requirements aren’t limited to interacting with babies. I’m not swayed by the cute public moment; it’s outweighed by countless arrogant and clueless ones.

  15. Says the video is no longer available. I’ve heard about it. I just figured the kid could tell which of the O’s was most likely to be capable of lactating.

  16. Yeah, sure, he just exudes decency, genuine caring, sincerity. People, this is just a photo op he pulled off better than most. At risk of breaching the online rule, may I mention that Adolf loved his dog?

  17. I’m surprised that anyone would think I attach any deep and/or larger meaning to the incident. All it really means is that (a) I pointed out something good about Obama, and (b) in this moment, he seemed relaxed and funny and good with kids.

    As for commenters who mentioned Hitler and the dogs, or Jim Jones and the baby—well, of course. Charismatic figures can be very evil. Pockets of goodness—or seeming goodness—usually also exist within them. Those pockets are usually very small.

  18. You just made my point about Barack better than I could, Neo. Question is whether you believe he has more than a small pocket. I do not.
    How hard is it for him to be relaxed for a brief moment with an inarticulate defenseless passive infant when the rest of your day is filled with lying malignity?

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