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Spilling the beans on Obama — 31 Comments

  1. They are turning on him and it will get ugly. Unless he makes changes quickly Obama will get primaried. The bloom is off the rose and the empereor wears no clothes!

  2. I hope it turns into a blue water feeding frenzy. Like bluefish or sharks slashing through the water and through each other.

  3. It’s too late for Obama to turn it around. His arrogance caused him to act heavy handed in such a way to alienate everyone. Most pols have an arrogance about them, but it’s within the sphere of governance. When in doubt, sit at the desk and govern. Obama has not doen that, and spent more time giving stump speeches about Slurpees and how everyone esle (except for him) was stupid.

    We were even told how he was going to restore relations wth our allies, but I always hear about how he is having one tift or another with Israel, Merkel, Sarkozy, or Gordon Brown (and Cameron).

    He thought it was about him, and it went to his head. Even a doormat such as Carter gave Israel a modicum of respect.

    He could have been great, but he was inexperienced. He will go down as a one rank term ametuer.

  4. Cubz_Fan: Obama could have gone down as great like Hitler was great.

    Ghost: I loved the picture with the article. Priceless.

  5. It’s getting close to time that we’ll start seeing the holes in Obama’s past get filled in. And i suspect it won’t be pretty. The man is making enemies left and right and they’ll be looking for revenge.

  6. Unless he makes changes quickly Obama will get primaried.

    No, he will not. The only reason Obama will not be on the general election ballot in 2012 is if he chooses to not seek re-election. Anyone who would dare run against him is a dirty racist, and the Obamaites would beat that drum 24/7.

  7. This post raises my hopes that Obama can be held to one term, but it’s also disquieting: it implies that with just a little more competence, Obama could have enacted more of his destructive program and held Democrat midterm losses closer to historical norms.

  8. gs its not over…

    its one thing if he was incompetent and the intent was to make things better..

    its another thing if he is competent and the intent is to sell us in a collusion with Russia, and China…

    all he has to do is act wrong with the Chinese who still have culture, traditions, and such…

    do not think that other systems are like ours.
    that is, their focus is not on damage limiting, or mitigation…. we are inhibited (up to recently) as to what the outcome is for everyone…

    but they are not.

    to lose 20 million people and to have the advantage over the US for the future is an acceptable cost…

    so dont think that world turmoil would limit them, it wont…

  9. Tim Wise puts in a nutshell what they think is happening, and whta they like, and note his communist rhetorical language, and his ignorance of margaret sanger, etc..

    Do you hear it?

    The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently?

    Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.



    like Stanely Crouch, you quickly figure out that these people dont care an iota of what they say as long as they are putting into somethig that they think will get them a whole lot…

    its getting VERY tiring as to the BS they make up, then just repeat over and over and over.

    he actually said to the black host that we would lose over 100 years of progressive race progress…

    so i am betting he doesnt know sanger, popenoe, gamble, and if he does, he is like the blacks who sold blacks to others.

    so is stanly crouch… as both men by their actions and words do not want the people to actually know history, understand, and make their own choices!!

    you’re on the endangered list.

    And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.

    In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around who actually remember that Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Opie-Taylor-Down-at-the-Fishing Hole cornpone {EXPLETIVE DELETED} that you hold so near and dear to your heart.

    There won’t be any more white folks around who think the 1950s were the good old days, because there won’t be any more white folks around who actually remember them…

    so i guess he doesnt know it was progressive wilson that did jim crow… or how the progressives were the big people behind “white man” union (that was its name)…

  10. SteveH, let’s hope so, I signed the “birther” petition and I want to be vindicated! I don’t know if you read American Thinker at all, but Jack Cashill has been doing some investigative reporting on Obama’s childhood. Like for example, Obama said that he lived with his married parents until he was 2. Well Cashill discovered that Ann Dunham was actually enrolled in college in Washington State as little as 2 weeks after Obama was supposedly born.

  11. Now Russia AND Germany join China (and Soros) in things…

    Mr Sché¤uble described US policy as “clueless”

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    “ They make a reasonable balance between industrial and developing countries more difficult and they undermine the credibility of the US in finance policymaking.”

    Mr Sché¤uble added: “It is not consistent when the Americans accuse the Chinese of exchange rate manipulation and then steer the dollar exchange rate artificially lower with the help of their [central bank’s] printing press.”

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    Germany’s export success, he argued, was not based on “exchange rate tricks” but on increased competitiveness. “In contrast, the American growth model is in a deep crisis. The Americans have lived for too long on credit, overblown their financial sector and neglected their industrial base. There are lots of reasons for the US problems — German export surpluses are not part of them.”

    [an indirect indictment of progressives using hegel to hold us back while others catch up, as if they would slow down to even out… in general, they run pass you, give you the finger, and laugh at how stupid you were when you were tops]

  12. Obama was hyped up to be something he wasn’t: a messiah. Such packaging came from the useful idiots and the dupes who may be dismayed, but they were only along for the ride.

    On the other hand, Obama accomplished much for his handlers. Who those exactly are, I don’t know. But his accomplishments in bringing about America’s decrease is substantial. He has poisoned race relations; he has increased the debt to a breaking point; he has reduced our defenses; he has alienated our allies; he has delayed our energy independence; he has socialized our healthcare system; he has opened the gates to terrorist sympathizers and terrorists; all in all–a good day for tyranny.

    This is our second civil war. The first tyranny, of course, was slavery. The second tyranny, well, it has many names, but it essentially ends up the same as the first.

    Obama is replaceable and is not our enemy. What over half of our children believe because they were educated by dupes and crooks, that’s our enemy.

  13. Reference the article: let’s get this straight, an inexperienced egotistical obviously unbalanced politician gets the support of everyone and his cousin and when he crashes and burns everyone blames him and not themselves for supporting him.

    Anna, forget the brither nonsense, the birth announcement is accessible in the Honolulu newspapers. We should be far more concerned about the people who voted this obvious nut into office than anything else.

  14. Bob, FWIW I am not a huge birther and I believe he was born in Hawaii – however, when you say “We should be far more concerned about the people who voted this obvious nut into office than anything else” I believe that this leaves out a primary truth about all of those people – their immaturity.

    A lot of Obama voters are much too immature to ever admit they did anything wrong by voting for him. So if something about Obama comes out that shows he obviously misrepresented himself, then those people would be much more likely to abandon him – because now they have a scapegoat and do not have to indict themselves. Saying “he lied” is a lot easier for 99% of people to say than “I screwed up”. So although it would not fix all (or any) of our country’s problems, it would be a step in the right direction.

  15. The only way to know where Obama was actually born is to view Obama’s original birth certificate from 1961 that shows the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor that delivered him.

    Registration of birth is not the same as Certificate of Live Birth (LONG FORM) because as mentioned earlier Hawaii Revised Statute 338-178 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the child’s birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence.

    Registration of live births under the vague laws in Hawaii in 1961 is not proof of birth in Hawaii at all.

    This is what the law actually allowed in 1961.

    “Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.”

    A computer generated Certification of Live Birth (COLB) issued in Hawaii is not acceptable to even their own courts as conclusive proof of birth in Hawaii. Under Hawaiian law in 1961, a child could be born anywhere in the world and have the birth registered in Hawaii by the mother after the birth, with true or false information, without any third party independent verification of said “facts” entered on the form by the mother, upon her returning to Hawaii using this law on the books in 1961.


  16. Given the political dynamic in America, passing a socialist health care package – or one that leads to socialism – would be hugely unpopular.

    Obama knew that and passed it anyway – I think. Given the choice of being popular and choosing the health care package, he chose the latter. Socialism is more important to him than his own popularity.

    I wouldn’t call that incompetence. Though I find it evil. It is just a different set of priorities than the rest of the Democratic party. The Democratic party will call it incompetence, because they don’t want to admit that it was a purposeful decision to cram socialism down everyone’s throats.

  17. SteveH Says:
    November 8th, 2010 at 5:39 pm

    It’s getting close to time that we’ll start seeing the holes in Obama’s past get filled in.


    Obama was a socialist even before he reached Columbia. But it was in April of 1983, in his senior year, that Obama walked into an off-campus Socialist Scholars Conference. That conference changed the future president’s life and gave him a program he’s been following for his entire political career, right up to this day.

    It was in the early eighties that American socialists turned in force to community organizing as a long-term strategy for transforming American society. With Reagan as president, conventional socialist nationalization of America’s businesses was impossible. So instead the focus turned to grassroots strategies for creating socialism “from below.” Community organizations like ACORN would take hold of the capitalist system from the ground up, forcing banks to make risky subprime loans, for example. The idea was to create de facto public control of businesses through community organizations, rather than through formal government ownership.

    The symbol of all this was Chicago’s Mayor Harold Washington, who worked closely with Chicago’s small but influential collection of socialists, many of whom brought the community organizations they controlled onto the Washington bandwagon. The buzz at that 1983 Socialist Scholars Conference was that minority-led political coalitions would work in tandem with community organizations to swing the Democratic Party left. This would incrementally move America toward socialism. Harold Washington became Obama’s political idol, and Obama was swept up in plans to create a partnership between quietly-socialist community organizers and left-leaning minority politicians to reshape the American system.

    Amazingly, the Socialist Scholars Conferences Obama attended in New York in the mid-eighties even put him on the path that led to Reverend Wright. The Democratic Socialists of America, which sponsored those conferences, had just formed an alliance with the black liberation theologians who were Reverend Wright’s mentors. Obama would have learned all about the ties between black liberation theology and socialism at those conferences.

  18. Artfldgr, eleven years ago, as we approached the millenium, we seemed at the brink of the Second American Century.

    Then we went from bad under Bush to worse under Obama, and here we are.

    I don’t know which galls me more: being lectured about economics by the Chicoms, or being lectured about economics by the Europeans.

  19. So – it begins.

    The next thing you know, somebody is going to say that no, actually, Obama isn’t clean and no, actually, Mrs. O doesn’t make Ingrid Bergman look like a bundle of old clothes.

  20. artflgr and gs,

    Obama started the lecturing. He told Merkel to initiate stimulus programs and she said no. Germany is continuing with budget and entitlement cutting, even though it is not popular. Right now, Germany’s economy is recovering and consumer spending is starting to improve. Unemployment is the lowest in 18 years.

    Please don’t forget that Obama’s campaign visit to Berlin was not a great success as far as Merkel was concerned. She did not like his trying to use the Brandenburg Gate for a campaign speech and he had to change the venue. After their meeting then, Merkel was diplomatically polite, while her then opponent for the chancellorship, Steinmeier got a lot of TV coverage grinning and talking about how well he and Obama got along, especially with regard to Russia. Given that Steinmeier’s buddy Schroeder had moved to a cushy job at Gazprom, I was not enthusiastic about seeing Obama take their position on Russia. Obama probably didn’t even realize that he was stepping into a German election in an unacceptable way. That whole trip convinced me that Obama didn’t know s**t about foreign policy, and it showed his pathological arrogance. Merkel saw through him, and she is now standing up to him, just like the Tea Partiers. You can criticize Merkel for many things, but not for her treatment of Obama. I am sure she is well aware of how the subprime crisis contributed to the financial meltdown, and I’m pretty sure she knows what the community organizer position on Fannie and Freddie was.

  21. This is a poem by Walt, a frequent commenter at Belmont Club. I find it quite apropos, considering the C-in-C visit to Mumbai. The act is wearing thin. So many who are beginning top see that the Emperor has no clothes.

    You can find more of Walt’s offerings here: http://verse-afire.com/blog/

    I’m zinging in the reign
    Though it’s raining in the Singh
    What a glorious feeling
    The wonders I bring
    I lower the seas
    I temper the breeze
    I’m zinging in the reign
    Yes we’re here in Mumbai
    Just my dear wife and I
    We’re just like most people
    We like living high
    Then we’ll visit a mosque
    Tea at friendly kiosk
    Just zinging in the reign
    For just millions a day
    We will laugh and we’ll play
    ‘Cause it isn’t our money
    It’s not us who will pay
    The Navy’s on hand
    Just to see that we land
    Just zinging in the reign”

  22. James (November 8th, 2010 at 10:03 pm) Says:
    Obama knew that and passed it anyway – I think. Given the choice of being popular and choosing the health care package, he chose the latter. Socialism is more important to him than his own popularity.

    I wouldn’t call that incompetence. Though I find it evil.
    Seem like a description of socialist suicide bomber 🙂 . To the pure Commiecrat comrades, what Obama and Pelosi did could be viewed as a display of utmost loyalty to ideology. That’s why Commiecrat Pelosi is unrepentant and even claim (commie) legislative success. They don’t really care about their popularity or political safety because there’s not much political unsafety, there’s nothing very risky and threatening to their way of life. If every time they make damnable decision, their fingers could be cut for example, then they would think about it a thousand time.

    I would say United States is the most compassionate country but Americans’ compassion has been unbalanced and being taken advantage of because of too forgiving, that’s why crook commies can take root in America and Islamists don’t fear America. If every time Islamists make a death threat, they’d be carpet bombed, I bet they would think a thousand times before making such a threat.

    To have a balanced compassion, one must be capable of being wholistic, that’s having equal portion of judgement (yang) and mercy (yin). Too much compassion or mercy without firm or even fiery judgement, will just spoil those evil bastards. Being spoiled, those bastards will think they can do anything without having to be responsible for their actions. No wonder evil rules because evil is given a free reign to do whatever it pleased, and people wonder why they are under tyranny, tyranny from minorities, from Islamists and mostly from political correctness. Having fear of being called racist whities, homophobic or islamophobic, is because of having imbalanced mercy/compassion and guilt to appease (such as white guilt) which eventually give in to the tyranny of political correctness as a ruler of our conduct. Today, there’s no more Negro slavery, then why still let white guilt rules? Even saying the word “Negro” will bring out fear for being called racist while the true racists are Obama and the 90+ % Blacks who voted for him just because he’s (half but seen as) black, not because he has any meritable background.

    Okay, if you wonder, let me give all of you a clue why I have no problem speaking that haram/un-kosher word “Negro” (which in reality is just a neutral word for me without that subjective offending tone attached to it by Americans). Well, I am not American :-).

  23. In reading the link, my impression is this puts an entirely new light on the debate as to whether Obama is incompetent or simply a hard core socialist who knows he’s destroying the country.

    Kind of brings to mind a saying: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    I guess now we have the answer.

  24. Obama is ignorant of just about everything. That doesn’t make him any less dangerous with him being a committed communist and all.

    With Obama, I’d take a little navel gazing, contemplating the fuzziness of his own belly button. Certainly could not hurt the country any worse than he is currently harming the country.

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