Home » What’s the next Congress to do with HCR?


What’s the next Congress to do with HCR? — 4 Comments

  1. First we must define our terms. What I called Insurance they now call Catastrophic Coverage and act like it’s insufficient.

    And let’s stop pretending we’re talking about Insurance for Pre-existing Conditions. When the probability is 1.0 that ain’t insurance.

  2. When I remarked on my blog how ridiculous parents keeping kids on their insurance until age 26 was, I had one mom come crying to me how her daughter has ad asthma since she was 9, and since she was diagnosed so young, she will never, ever, ever, be able to afford insurance on her own because the pre-existing thing means she can’t afford or even get insurance. But then you’re just a big meanie for arguing with them.

  3. Frankly in today’s economy the 26 year old child is not unusual. we have one who is a Phd student and cannot afford her insurance.

    the rest of HCR as far as I know is intended to do as much damage to the US as possible.

  4. Let’s not forget that HCR was passed using the underhanded “Reconciliation” process. Quite frankly, I think it’s perfectly legitimate to repeal the law in the same manner. No need to require 60 votes in the Senate.

    If I were the Rs, I’d try to defund everything in the bill except for any provisions that may be politically dangerous to defund (if there are any). All this for a build up for repeal after the 2012 elections.

    The cherry on top would be that Obama would be so profoundly repudiated. A very humiliating blow for someone that has as much self-regard as he has.

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