Home » Schieffer and Axelrod on the Chamber of Commerce and foreign donations


Schieffer and Axelrod on the Chamber of Commerce and foreign donations — 26 Comments

  1. The liberal media won’t report on the hypocrisy until AFTER the election when it will do the least amount of good to the American electorate.

  2. I can’t understand why even the conservative media hasn’t picked up on the following aspect of Axelrod’s response.

    His retort to Schieffer’s comment about a lack of proof (Axelrod: where’s the proof that it’s NOT happening?) is totally unamerican and despotic.

    In this country the acused is innocent until proven guilty. Axelrod, like many in the Obama administration would have have it the other way around.

    Where are all of these lawlerly pundits and the ACLU? (crickets chirp)

  3. Soros has proven he’s pretty good at judging the risk associated with a return on an investment.

    I’ve seen studies that suggest there is little correlation between the amount of money spent on an election and its outcome. Soros’ position this time around indicates to me that he may believe that, too.

  4. The web developers that I work with tell me that in credit card applications, the default is for the most stringent security. You have to deliberately relax or turn off each piece.

    I’ve noticed that Obama loves to accuse others of the things he is most guilty of. The Republicans aren’t being bipartisan, Bush spent too much money, etc. This is one more example. And like Hong says, he gets away with it because the liberal media plays right along. Unless you watch Fox or seek out other news online, you’ll never hear about his shady campaign donations.

  5. George S should be henceforth called George Schwartz, as he apparently once was. Or perhaps he could be called G Swastika.

  6. Has there been any comment about the apparent racism contained in the Dems’ attack ad, as indicated by the face on the suspect currency?
    Ironic, given the Clintons’ affinity for Chinese donations…

  7. Obama and the dems are growing more desperate by the day. I suspect there will be many more accusations such as this in the next three weeks. They will be increasingly more bizarre and without even a hint of proof or support.

    I find it revealing that the major media are growing increasingly skeptical and unwilling to let such accusations pass unchallenged.

  8. LAG, I read it differently. I wondered if Soros’s comment suggested that he could affect closer elections.

    Remembering OB’s theory about Soros (perhaps with a few others) influencing the timing of the bubble burst just before the 2008 election, one has to wonder. The instability and the eventual burst are well beyond the influence of even the wealthiest to create. But the timing, creating a nudge at a politically convenient time? Maybe…

    LisaM “I’ve noticed that Obama loves to accuse others of the things he is most guilty of.” Yes, and while it may only be dirty politics, I have a darker theory. Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Disorders are very likely to do this. The usual explanation is that they feel constantly under unfair assault by others (which is actually only reality assaulting their overestimate of themselves), and thus see attacks in the same mode as merely retribution in kind. Every time they hit, the narcissists’ impression is that they are hitting back.

    In ever-deepening circles, this is the tactic of 1) politicians, 2) Democrats, 3) the Obama Administration, and 4) Obama himself. Not everyone who works for Obama is necessarily narcissistic/antisocial, and he himself may not be at all times. But the collective personality, the culture of any group, bears similarity to an individual personality and can be viewed in that way, not merely as an analogy, but as an understanding of real processes.

  9. Pamela Gellar is point woman on the issue of the sins of Obama’s campaign funding. I watched her on the hatchet job 60 Minutes tried to do on her. When the scumbag interviewer asked her some question presupposing she lies on her website, I saw the steel pop up in her eyes. Oh it was beautiful.

    What we are battling has been likened to the time of the Civil War.

    No. The perfidy of our enemies is much greater.

    There is a scene from ‘War and Peace,’ where the General, Kutozov, looks at the French soldiers and is almost sorry for them. I forget the exact words, but the emotional impact remains. I believe he says, “After all, who invited them. Let them eat horseflesh.”

    Who invited these strange beings amongst us?

  10. All the while ill-favored, nasty, rat-faced boy Axelrod–our very own “Grima Worm-tongue”–is spewing this nonsensical, totally worthless, totally unimportant crap, the real news, the crucial news that is being totally ignored by the MSM, is that Muhammad Badi, the new leader of the extremely influential Muslim Brotherhood, the Ikhwan–whose tentacles are–I think you will find, if you take the time to look–trying to reach into practically every important aspect of life here in the U.S.–has shed its “peaceful” pose, and has declared that its hundreds of thousands/millions of followers should joint in the violent Jihad against the West and the U.S. (http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2010/10/muslim-brotherhood-declares-war-on.html ).

  11. Assistant Village Idiot Says:
    October 12th, 2010 at 2:26 pm
    ” … they feel constantly under unfair assault by others (which is actually only reality assaulting their overestimate of themselves), and thus see attacks in the same mode as merely retribution in kind. Every time they hit, the narcissists’ impression is that they are hitting back. ”

    OT, but that seems to be the Islamists’ M.O. as well: recall that would-be Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad recently told the court upon his conviction that “We are only Muslims trying to defend our religion …”. It seems that many jihadists use this reasoning: declare Islam (or Allah or the Quran or Muslims-in-general) to be “under attack by the West”, and use the “under attack” meme as justification for an orgy of bloodletting in the name of Allah (Fleas Pee Upon Him).

  12. Wolla, I saw that in the off-stream news also (backwater news? what is the opposite of mainstream?)

    I for one hope Israel is on top of things because we sure aren’t. Good thing I live in the least interesting state in the union, in a very backwater city.

  13. George S should be henceforth called George Schwartz, as he apparently once was. Or perhaps he could be called G Swastika.

    Ironic commentary from a Warburton …
    hows Rothschilds doing?

  14. While I generally eschew characterizations of others’ appearances, Axelrod’s demands comment. Never have I seen anyone who so quintessentially personifies perfidy, dishonesty, and ratlike cunning. One look at him and I instinctively reach to protect my wallet. He puts me in mind of the old saying, “He wouldn’t steal a hot stove.”

    It may not be fair, but I’ve learned not to reason away visceral reactions to others (especially one as unequivocal as this), and consequently I wouldn’t trust Axelrod to give the dog his dinner.

  15. “White House officials called on the chamber to go beyond current disclosure laws and establish that no foreign money has been used in its political campaigns. “They can put this to rest,” said Joshua Earnest, a White House spokesman. “They have the keys to the file cabinet.”

    Keys to:

    Obama’s birth certificate, kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, client list from his time in private practice, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, his baptism records and his adoption records . . .

    are in the file cabinet.

  16. I find George Soros’ forthrightness rather encouraging. He’s basically said there’s not enough money in the world to buy the outcome he wants in this election cycle.

  17. Growing up near Chicago I am amazed that people find Obama strange. The dirty tricks that got him into the Senate are mindblowing – for those who are not from this area. I was kind of going for the Glenn Beck conspiracy thing, but stupidity answers most questions.
    * We have the president that was most desired. Do people understand that this is not American Idol? We can’t vote him out on TV. Meh, I still believe that God watches over this nation; why? beats me.

  18. Tragically the Dems are polling better than one would suppose based on Obama’s abyssal record. It does not look anything like the 1994 Repub victory when 10 senate seats went red along with 51 house seats.

    I can’t explain it. Clinton at his worse was vastly better than Obama under any conditions, yet it looks like Obama’s midterm defeat will not be particularly bad.

  19. rickl – those of us who live in New England have seen plenty of this. I am not surprised that in the DC area there are many as well. It is saddening to hear what is essentially “But they’re goobers; we can’t have that” being put forward as an intellectual argument.

    To cheer yourself up, go over to Iowahawk’s site and search under “Coddington.” Multiple uproarious posts.

  20. I must say that it is amazing to me what the MSM presents to us to focus on and what it ignores, and I cannot believe that this is not very considered and deliberate policy.

    Thus, at a time when the supposedly peaceful and relatively passive Ikhwan suddenly reveals itself to be feral and rabid, and declares war on all unbelievers, on the West, and on the United States, and tells its large world-wide following among Muslims to take up arms and to join in the violent Jihad against us, we are presented, not with reporting on and analysis of this major development–which could be a game changer–with ramifications for the safety and survival of our nations and us as individuals, but we are, instead, presented with hours and hours of coverage of the rescue of trapped miners in Chile.

    The trial of the Ft. Hood Jihadi, Maj. Hasan, is apparently to be postponed until after the November elections, as are the disciplinary proceedings against Congressman Charlie Rangel and Congresswoman Maxine Waters but, as with the news about the Ikhwan, we are supposed to turn our eyes away from these suspiciously convenient developments and what would seem to be substantial stories, as our MSM declines to focus on or to explore these stories and, instead, we get endless and obsessive MSM coverage of Axelrod, Gibbs, Clinton, Kane and every other Democratic sock puppet yammering–apparently without a shred of proof–about how nefarious, shadowy, eeevil foreigners (I thought that the cosmopolitan,” “citizen of the world” Democrats have always pointed to their Republican enemies as the ones who are the knuckle-dragging, gap toothed, gun-toting, uneducated “nativists” who are prejudiced and irrationally afraid of “ferreners”)–who are pouring money into the election to influence it to our detriment, and supposedly using the Chamber of Commerce as their conduit, and declaring that, now that Democrats have made this charge, it is up to the Chamber to open its books for inspection in order to prove its innocence i.e. the Chamber is guilty until proved innocent.

    Is it any wonder that the MSM sees its relevance, its audience and its credibility rapidly declining on a daily basis?

  21. In one respect making the Chamber of Commerce the latest whipping boy is sort of humorous. It is liberal projection run amok. But, in another respect this attack is very, very troubling. The Dope and his court are as one in pushing this unsubstantiated charge of foreign moneys even though it is not true (and they know it) and ineffective (and they know that, too). If this is designed to energize the base it will have an even greater effect on independents and members of the other party. This is just disgusting.

    So, as with all of the Dope’s strategies and tactics, one should stand back and sort of seek to fathom what is really behind this counterproductive attack. The answer is nothing than a show of being anti-business. Why attack the Chamber of Commerce? After all, they also contribute to Democrats and many Democrats are members. But, the part that I find disquieting is that it is business that generates jobs and the Dope is doing his best to antagonize the job creators. Is this an unintended window into the Dope’s soul? Who knows or, by this time, cares?

    If this is what the first team will try and sell (without arguing with the Dope) get ready for the second team. They will no more question this sort of stupidity than does Jarrett, Axelrod and Gibbs. After all, they bring no individual strengths or independent thinking to their new jobs. My opinion is that the Dope chooses for his team people with obvious defects or weaknesses who are easier to threaten and maneuver. As examples, Geithner (the tax cheat) and Summers (the misogynist). So, he creates a team of “Yes” men and women, as well as a few who simply “adore” him.

    GIven this mean intentioned attack BEFORE the election, one has to ask with some trepidation what the Dope will be like after the polls close in three weeks. The stars are not in alignment for a very propitious end to his first (and last?) terms.

  22. They are deeply embedded. Everywhere. They are going to have to be removed. Why we are dancing around that is beyond me.

    Hopefully, they can all be voted out, and then the bureaucrats fired and replaced (government unions, anyone?). The MSM will get honest, or go out of business.

    One side will win, one side will lose. Make it happen, watch it happen, or wonder what happened. But “it” is going to happen.

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