Home » Finally, Obama is inspiring me


Finally, Obama is inspiring me — 16 Comments

  1. He sounds so desperate and flailing doesn’t he? What a difference a couple of years make. It’s tragic the American voter didn’t make this epiphany just a little bit sooner.

  2. I HOPE that there will be a CHANGE to a Republican majority in both Senate and House of Representatives come November. My predictions: 230 Pubs in the House, 47-48 Pubs in the Senate. But I HOPE for more.

  3. I suppose what’s implied here is that it’s the fault of the American public if the change wasn’t what they expected.

  4. actually he might like it if the economic collapse comes after the election, then he and the media can blame the evil republicans….

  5. For those who remember, change happens when you give a dollar to the nickel lady at Horn and Hardart’s. In any event, they have given up on the hope.

  6. There was a zeitgeist for something that leaned a tiny bit Left and something that demonstrably shook up the status quo, and that something grew more focused and stronger as a fairly wide field of pitiful candidates narrowed to Obama/Biden v. McCain/Palin.

  7. According the the latest data from Intrade, Obama isn’t going to like the change one bit.

    The market today puts the probabilty that the Republicans will take back the House aftert the mid-terms at 80%. The is the lifetime high for the contract.

    The contract the Democrats will control the Senate after the midterms traded as low as 43% this morning (now 45%). 43% is the lowwest probablilty in the life of the contract.

    The contract that Sharron Angle will be elected to the Senate over Harry Reid was 55% earlier today (now at 53.5%). Yesterday was the first time the contract traded above 50% since Angle won the primary.

    All the talk about Democrats experiencing a recent surge is certainly not reflected in the prediction markets. Where people have to back up their opinions with money, it’s the Republicans who are still surging.

  8. Nyom,

    One set of candidates had Marxist ideas (the virus).

    The other had supply side economic sense (the prescription).

    You chose the virus due to a few “God” comments (and have validated your choice with the word pitiful)

  9. I finished early voting and mailed in the ballot. At two pages the thing was too short.

    I ran out of Democrats to vote against.

  10. …but then again if anyone can pull defeat out of the jaws of victory it would be the Republicans.

  11. Michael, LOL the only time I ever vote for Democrats is when they are running unopposed for registrar of probate or whatever. This year I just might vote against those guys anyway just for fun.

  12. Does Obama understand that he lives in Washington, and that he is the president? He is the nowhere man, sitting with his nowhere plan. I still keep asking his supporters to quote a line from one of his “great” speeches. It can’t be done.

  13. Rupert, I am NO Obama supporter (to say the very least), but I’m sure an Obama supporter could supply you with this quote:

    “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!”

    Trouble is (for the Obama supporter), there’s that quote and probably a few other doozies that the Obama supporter is trying desperately to forget.

  14. The president has accomplished a great deal of change. Here’s one change he’s wrought that I absolutely never thought anyone could do: I read this morning of an expected Republican landslide and I think, “Oh, good.” Never thought that would happen.

    If I had more confidence in the Republicans to practice what they’ve been preaching I’d be even happier.

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