Home » Lanny Davis pleads for the Democrats to reset to center


Lanny Davis pleads for the Democrats to reset to center — 11 Comments

  1. Neo, you’re a New Englander, tell me, didn’t Senator Lieberman make a similar plea before being forced to run as an independent?

  2. I believe my eyes. Lanny is just another in a long line of Leftist Ruling Class members. He is likely trying to curry some favor in the event the present Rulers are diminished by the new Rulers.

  3. If this is what July brings can you imagine what September will be like?

  4. Oh heaven’s sake, they do this every election cycle.

    Enough of the electorate is stupid enough to believe this.

    Then they turn right around and push the country to the left. This has been going on since the 1930;s. Some how magically the Democrats become “moderates” every once in a while.

    This is how idiotic we are in this nation: we believe them. We do not pause to ponder just what “run to the center” means. It means that they have no principles of honor whatsoever and have figured out that a substantial portion of the voters have none either.

  5. If Lanny Davis is being honest in this belief that Democrats really aren’t that big-gov, big-spend, anti-biz group the public thinks they are, the most he can possibly mean is that he knows some Democrats who aren’t that far left. Think about it. That’s the most he can mean, and that’s assuming he’s honest. That is the nearest possible approach the Dems can make to the center.

  6. “It is not completely clear whether he thinks this should happen because it would be good for the country, or whether he believes it should be done in order to win an election or two, but I strongly suspect it is the latter.”

    You are correct Neo, it’s the latter.

    Hopefully Charles is right:

    “It’s waaaaaaaay to late to pivot to the center now,,”

    And I would get a tingle up my leg if Harry Reid were not reelected.

  7. I notice that he uses the term “progressive center” so my guess is we’re meant to hear “center” but what he has in mind probably wouldn’t match what that word means to us.

  8. My conjecture. Lanny Davis is a Clinonista first, last and always. He is laying the groundwork for Hilary to run in 2012 by his later claiming that she is the more traditional Democrat. The Clintons are just standing behind the curtain stage left and waiting for the applause that would allow her to step out and claim the mantle of leader of the party. I still haven’t figured out whether they don’t care that they will anger the black community by pushing the Dope aside or that they have concluded that blacks will go along in any event with nowhere else to go.

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