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Pro-choice Democrat women… — 17 Comments

  1. Is ObamaCare a Rovian plot? It is hard to imagine a scenario that could do more damage to the Democrats than what is happening now as a result of their own stupidity

  2. Just when you thought that politicians could not possibly demonstrate any less character and morality, they, on a single Sunday, have sunk to depths so low one couldn’t find them by drilling off the continental shelf, which, of course, Obama will never allow.

    But all is not lost. One can absolutely trust the word of Obama and the Dems on any matter that will be detrimental to freedom, democracy, America and American allies. Oh yes, taxes and death too. Come to think of it, that pretty much sums up Obama’s agenda, doesn’t it?

  3. Republicans have a lot of work to do to repeal this legislation. I know they have the support of the people, but they are going to need significant amounts of power over the next few years in order to dismantle Obamacare.

    Once a national health care system takes root, it only ever grows. It will breed a massive structure of government employees and Obamacare lobbies. The political forces become almost insurmountable and the apathy of the public quickly sets in. This bill needs to be nipped in the bud, and that means republican majorities in the house and senate, and a republican president in 2012.

    Good luck with that,

    From Canada

  4. James doesn’t know how right he is. The earliest this bill can be repealed will be 2013, due to presidential veto. This bill appears expressly designed to crash the existing insurance and medical system before then. Single payer (if not a true US version of NHS) will be the likely Democrat solution, and a sufficient number of people are likely to be desperate and ignorant enough, that it’s got a good chance of support.

    James, what’s going to happen in Canada, once you can’t depend on sending people south-of-the-border as a overflow mechanism? IMHO, Canadians may be almost as big losers as the Yanks.

  5. Perhaps this is all just a ploy from NOW to feign outrage. Surely they cannot be so blind and stupid to believe the Executive Ord…oh yeah, these are Democrats.

  6. “they must have thought it was okay because the crocodile would eat them last.”

    ‘Useful idiots’ are always shocked to discover that the appetite of the tyrant is always sufficient to include them.

    Which is not really a surprise, for if they weren’t gullible and naive, obtuse and illogical, they never would have been ‘useful idiots’ to begin with…

  7. “Once a national health care system takes root, it only ever grows. It will breed a massive structure of government employees and Obamacare lobbies.”

    That certainly has been the case in the past.

    However; welfare reform did happen and vast socially transformative programs always before had significant bipartisan support.

    This legislation is mathematically unsustainable, it will collapse of its own weight, even if the Republicans do nothing.

    Just as the Dems are being led over the political cliff’s edge by leftist and liberal radicals, the deficits Obama and this Democrat Congress are creating will lead this country over the financial cliff’s edge into bankruptcy and complete financial collapse.

    That is not opinion, that is a mathematical certainty…

    Finally, this take over of health care, 1/6 of the largest economy in the world is the tip of the iceberg.

    As many have pointed out, for the left this is not about health care, it’s about power and in order to achieve the power they seek, to impose the nanny state needed to secure that power, they must greatly reduce our freedoms.

    A reduction of freedom which essentially eviscerates the Constitution.

    And that will not be accepted.

  8. Let’s strip away the PC bullshit that got us in this fix. NOW is a bunch of lesbians. Every member of NOW is presumptively a lesbian. For them impregnation involves acrobatic maneuvers (personeuvers?) and a turkey baster.

  9. Soviet of Washington: yes, but I believe it could be de-funded by the House starting in 2010.

  10. NOW shouldn’t be that upset. Obama obviously did what he had to do to get his beloved “Health Care Reform” passed by the House. Once the government health care system is in place, can rescind this order any time he wants. And it’s a safe bet that he’ll do just that as soon as it’s convenient. He is, after all, as pro abortion as NOW or anybody else

  11. Actually, the first chance to turn this over- or at least part of it, will be when the state AG’s take this to court on Tenth Amendment grounds- which I hear is likely to start as soon as the bill is signed.

  12. Hey NOW,

    You’re surprised the One doublecrossed you? When Hillary got a million more votes in the primary than the One, and yet, the dems gave the One the nomination and no one put up a fight? Especially most women were quiet about it, except a few who were mocked in the media because they post menopausal and considered unattractive??

    And where is NOW whenever Sarah Palin gets attacked by misogyny every other day in the media? Completely silent of course.

    Yeah, well gals, you got what you deserved, maybe you’ll all wake up now. The dems are not on your side. Especially the One you’re all so fond of.

  13. Ok class, lets all memorize the Tenth Amendment together:

    “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

    Now be prepared to be called “racists” and to be told “You want to bring slavery back!”

  14. Julia NYC: I don’t know about that. I think Obama will rescind his own order and placate the NOW women, and Stupak won’t care at all because he would have gotten his cover to vote “yes” as Pelosi wanted, and nobody but us conservatives in the blogosphere will notice.

    One can never go wrong being cynical about Obama, but I find I can never be quite cynical enough to keep up with him.

  15. People are beginning to see what is in front of their eyes. They see the unexplained policies, elitist recommendations, faulty reasoning, and bad results.

    There are no examples of past success. The economy is falling apart because Obama is unrestrained by consequences, and so he is unpredictable. Worse, the parts that are predictable are awful. He is a bundle of promises unconnected to any plausable means of delivering those promises.

    Why isn’t he subjected to outright public ridicule? He has only one message.

    “Life is complicated. Give us control and we will work out the details later. Even if it doesn’t work out, we’ll keep trying. You will know that your life is being directed by people who have pure hearts and care about you.”

    Leading The People

    They have a solution that will work if we would only stop arguing and agree with them.

    They may need to omit some information about the new arrangements and what these will cost. They believe ordinary people do not think well enough to make decisions in their own long-term best interest.

    Dissenters are either uninformed or selfish. There is no need to argue about the specific meanings of words. The good of the society justifies telling some lies, if it comes to that.

    The solution requires that we all pitch in and not be greedy. The people with the most resources will put their extra income or property into the pot.

    They will modify or replace the solution if it doesn’t work. They will design a new solution the same way they designed the first solution, through thought, research, and discussion among themselves. Further solutions may require more resources. They are willing to devote their entire lives toward leading us to a better world.

  16. Bob from Virginia: I haven’t read the breakdown in the poll, but I would expect Obama’s stock would go up among liberals and leftists who were previously frustrated because he seemed powerless to get HCR passed. They were always some percentage of the “disapprove” column.

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