Home » Dog bites man: Stupak caves (or is that redundant?)


Dog bites man: Stupak caves (or is that redundant?) — 33 Comments

  1. AVI: they probably have the votes to spare. But they may not use them all. My prediction is that it may pass with something between 217-219, and the excess will be released to vote “no” as cover and protect their seats. I believe that is what happened last time.

  2. The EO is a ruse, and Stupak knows it. It says, in effect, we know an EO can’t trump legislation but it kinda sorta maybe looks like the Senate bill doesn’t provide funding for abortion and we sure hope it doesn’t.

    Stupak caved. Wonder what he got–he sure as hell didn’t get cover for a pro life stance.

  3. Hey Bart,

    Stake your future on the assurance of President Obama, why don’t you.

    The bus just got bigger.

  4. I don’t know about the “to spare” either. I think now it’s just juggling the CYA “no” votes. Pelosi is going to make Stupak wear the red nose and big funny shoes on this one.

  5. He always wanted to vote Yes. (Catholic, he may be; pro-life, he may be; Democrat he most certainly is). It is apparent now that he really just wanted some sort of plausible deniability. He now thinks he has it, and it is also apparent that he set the hurdle really, really low.

  6. holmes, passage will mark the beginning of the second Civil War.

    Frustration will find a violent vent. Small, at first. The government response will inspire more violence.

    And note that, in my view, this is bill is not the only cause. Just the proximate cause. The drive to war has been building since Bush v. Gore.

    Our hope is that the people are merely possessed of an anger that consumes itself quickly. If faith in the structure of politics is lost, there is no alternative to violent reconciliation.

  7. I wish people like KJL at National Review Online hadn’t gone so far out of their way to lionize Stupak and his cohorts. Not only was all the “gratitude” toward these supposedly “pro-life” Dems utterly misplaced, it simply IGNORED the fact that, except for the abortion provisions, the Stupak folks were completely on board with Obamacare. Personally, while I hate the idea of taxpayer funds going to pay for abortions, I am equally disgusted with many other aspects of the health care bill. All the premature praise that went to Stupak obscured the fact that he was IN FAVOR of legislation that will destroy our current health care system, rob us of freedoms, likely bankrupt the country, and cause a generation of Americans to lose faith in our system of government.

  8. Did I hear correctly that ST. Thomas and several other territories will be included?

  9. holmes: This bill feels like the first big battle of a long political war to come.

    foxmarks: holmes, passage will mark the beginning of the second Civil War.

    I prefer to think of it in terms of the Second American Revolution.

  10. Benishek for Congress
    802 Pentoga Trail
    Crystal Falls, MI 49920
    Stupak’s opposition in the coming election. Political contribution in the envelope and ready for mailing.

    Defeat these idiots at the ballot box if we can.
    Or with the bullet box if we must!

  11. I don’t consider any NO vote from any Democrat to be an adequate reason to keep them in office. They caucus with Nancy Pelosi and those majority numbers allow her to remain Speaker. Dems control what bills get voted on and what issues committees look into. I want them a minority party….desperately.

  12. Phyllis Schlafly on Stupak or the myth of the pro-life Democrat.


    Dear Democrats,

    Your leaders are liars and idiots

    Yes Republicans have liars as leaders but at least they are not as big of an idiots on economics 101 matters.

    As a voter – you must wise up. Our credit rating is going down. We are on the path of Greece. Greece has riots going on because the rioters can’t stand their benefits and “wages” being cut.

    You are sewing the seeds of discontent and NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

    Read the book “The color of a conservative” from Congressman J.C. Watts”. He talks about hard work and budgeting (personal responsibility and honesty).

    Take time to VISIT a tea party and talk to people. Read “The Road to Serfdom”.


    If you have any due diligence left. Or….. we go the way of the Roman Empire

  13. “Our hope is that the people are merely possessed of an anger that consumes itself quickly. If faith in the structure of politics is lost, there is no alternative to violent reconciliation.”

    Too little too late. I doubt we have the hardware or the courage of our convictions to buy this country back in blood. We aren’t made of the same stern stuff our forefathers were. More’s the pity.

    But that is certainly not the only way. From without; stoke the fires, burn the house down. Wildcat strikes, withhold taxes, refuse to comply. Just say no. Shut this place down. Show them what ungovernable means.

    From within; make these people pay. Every Democrat voting yes should get a $50.00 contribution to his Democratic primary opponent and a $100.00 donation to his general election opponent. Take scalps.

    Clog the courts with suits. Demand the 10th Amendment be honored. File state initiatives.

    Wow, stepping back and taking a deep breath. I’ll be damned, I’ve been radicalized!

    I’ve a relatively short time left on the planet. Cancer does that to a guy. I’d be dead now if I my treatment had been administered and decisions about my treatment left up to the Fed. My first two grandchildren (twins) are due in a month and a half. What energy I have left is going to be spent restoring the Republic. My ancestors gave me something worth saving and passing down to those kids.

  14. Am I allowed to say “I told you so?”. I said yesterday that I thought Saint Stupak was a pose and a ploy all along. He voted yes first time; he voted yes this time. It was al set up from the get-go.

    There is no honor in Congress. Zero. Unless we reconnect with honor and shame in our society, we are lost as sure can be.

  15. “”Wow, stepping back and taking a deep breath. I’ll be damned, I’ve been radicalized!””

    Lol! I must have a lower tolerance as i was radicalised last November. I think i’ve got a tie dyed t shirt but ain’t wearing sandals with socks.

  16. Mike Mc.: but who would you say “I told you so” to? I think pretty much everybody here agreed with you, at least in the last week or so.

    The only real question was whether Pelosi would need his vote to pass. If not, he might be allowed to vote “no” for cover. Apparently they did need him (and his lackeys) to reach the magic number. And all they needed to do was to be creative enough to provide cover. As I wrote here, all Stupak ever wanted was to give the appearance of attempting to block federal funding for abortion. He never cared whether it was actually blocked.

  17. Neo,

    I’d say it to the universe in the vain hope that more people in America start figuring out what is going on.

    I am tremendously disappointed in Americans right now. In my mind, as bad as Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Stupak and every single elected Dem is this great land of ours is….and that is bad! Worse yet are the 66m people who voted for him.

    I’m sorry but I mean that. All 66m of them are over the age of 18. They are all supposed to be smart enough and good enough to do the right thing. If they didn’t know what Obama would do, they damn well should have. If they did know, well damn them too!

    The single saddest thing I heard in this entire year long debate was Obama last Thursday telling a group of College students that they could stay on their parent’s plan until they were 26. That was his biggest and most prolonged applause line. It was both thunderous and giddy.

    A generation of grown ups has created generations of children who never will grow up, and see leaching off mommy and daddy at age 26 as a wonderful thing. They certainly do not make the leap to adulthood between age 26 and 27. They stay the same. They are with us now and they are in their 40s some of them.

    And how does an 18-20 year old ever get there? They’ve been trained like monkeys (sorry but true) since age 4 to be that way.

    I think America has 7 months (the time between now and November) to turn it around. An impossible task. It means that millions and millions of those 66m will have to undergo a metanoia equivalent to a religious conversion. It means we have to work harder than the devil himself.

    I have made a commitment to myself to donate time and a smidgen of $ to the local Congressional District races near me, and in my State (PA). I’ve never done anything like that before Scott Brown, and now I have the bug. I hope there are millions of me out there. We all need to get ten people to change. A huge task.

    After November, if there is no change, I am going Pontius Pilate and washing my hands of the whole thing and make separate arrangements for my future in a defeated and gone America.

    I never, never thought I’d live to see the end of the America I know and love. Now I fear we all will.

  18. Amused Observer, I hope things turn your way. Don’t worry about Obamism. He is orders of magnitude worse than Carter and McGovern put together and look how those two ended up.
    Your recommendations are kid stuff for what’s coming down the pike.

  19. Mike Mc.: I share some of your frustration and rage, especially at those who either were too lazy to do their research on Obama or who fell for his con.

    However, I don’t think any sort of despair is the answer. 2010 is important, and things need to start reversing themselves, but 2012 is also important. I refuse to be defeatist (except to defeat the forces of Obama, et al). I was very encouraged by the elections in NJ and especially Massachusetts. I believe America is waking up.

  20. Thank you for your kind encouragement Bob,
    As the kids say, I’m down for whatever comes down the pike.

  21. ELC, I like the spirit of your frame. I suppose it will be the second revolution if we succeed. Until then, in the plainest terms, it is civil war.

    Amused, it may not take the same river of blood this time around. I envision more violence to property than personal combat. The enemy has little spine and will back away from battle. We are the insurgents. We blend into the populace after exacting vengeance.

    The big question in my speculation is how will the cops break? We live in a world of selective enforcement. There’s not enough real wealth to deploy troops to support cops. And the soldiers might not act as their commander in chief would hope.

    We win by exploiting the flaws in the system. One tiny crack can collapse a massive dam. Economic reality will bring the structure down.

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