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And is it any surprise… — 54 Comments

  1. Too many years ago than I like to remember Joan Rivers quipped that every time Jimmy Carter lied he grew another tooth. He sure still has a mouthful. More than a liar he is a hater that hides his true feelings (not very well) behind his smile, which he displays when he says the most atrocious things. He most likely assumes that his good works (of which the most important was hammering away at the houses he helped build for the Habitat For Humanity) will forgive him for his personal failings. He will be remembered as the second worst president (it took only 6 months for Obama to move into first place) and for fending off the infamous attack rabbit.

  2. Dude’s an idiot. Osama Bin Laden apparently endorsed his book.

    Someone once told me Carter had the highest IQ of any president. If that is true, he must have cheated on the test.

  3. The man drips with sanctimonious self-righteousness.

    So, has “raaaaaaacist” reached LOL level yet for anybody else? It sure has for me.

  4. Jimmy Carter has gone down in my personal history as the first President whose heart I finally came to accept was not even in the right place. Barack Obama, while orders of magnitude worse on the particulars, is still only the second, chronologically speaking.

  5. It will be interesting to see if playing the race card still works. My guess is that the tea party movement will continue to grow and if anything the attempt to demonize its supporters will backfire.

  6. neo can weigh in professionally if she wishes, but my amateur diagnosis is that Carter is in some stage of dementia. I think there is something organically wrong with the guy and in his case it fixates on Israel.

    For Odin’s sake, Carter last book inspired a dozen of his top people at the Carter Center to resign, Carter had to apologize publicly for a passage that justified Palestinian terrorism, andthe book got Carter a top spot on Osama Bin Laden’s summer reading list.

    Carter was never the most astute politician but in his day he wasn’t dumb enough to open himself to that kind of infamy.

  7. OTOH, there is the curious case of Charles Johnson and his website Little Green Footballs.

    Johnson was one of the prime movers in debunking the 60 Minutes show that presented forged military documents in effort to sway the 2004 election against Bush towards Kerry.

    Johnson’s LGF was a great site for keeping track of US politics and the ongoing front of Islamic jihad. After 9-11 LGF became a daily must-read for me. I see that it is still in neo’s blogroll.

    But about two or so years ago his tone became more strident and less informative and I stopped reading. That trend continued and now Johnson is waging his own jihad against Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, many other conservatives, and conservative Christians.

    I have no idea what’s going there other than Johnson has somehow been corrupted by the adulation of his sizeable Lizard following.

  8. Huxley, the overt PLO apologetics and animus towards Israel that caused Mr. Carter’s associates to be hurt and offended recently was a surprise only to those who hadn’t been paying attention to what he said and whom he associated with over the last three decades…

  9. Brian Swisher: I get that.

    Lots of people have an animus towards Israel without being clinically demented. However, many manage to walk that talk stealthily without being tagged as blatantly as Carter has been.

    It seems to me that when he was younger Carter could have done the political calculations about how much he could get away with saying without getting caught. He’s not doing that now and it’s kinda pathetic.

    Of course, I’m willing to be open-minded that he’s basically and bigotedly biased against Israel and in favor of the Palestinians.

  10. I see, though, from the photo at the link that Rosalynn is aging a lot better than Jimmy. She’s starting to look like one of Herman’s Hermits.

  11. This is the first time I’ve commented on your blog, but I check it every day; I’m very impressed with your writing and the observations you make about politics, particularly regarding Obama’s narcissism.

    I couldn’t help but think of your blog posts on the aforementioned narcissism when I heard a clip of the now-infamous “jackass” exchange. I’m loathe to recommend you to this site, but perezhilton.com has a link to it. I think you’d be interested to hear the way Obama talks about himself and the dymanic of his casual exchange with the press.

  12. Yes, Lumpy, he was supposedly a nuclear engineer in the Navy, but. as his administration effectively killed civilian nuclear power generation, and some of his statements with regard to nuclear testing have been so basically wrong, that I wonder if his resume has been doctored…

  13. I saw the clip last night of ol Jimmy.

    The wife and I have had a difference of opinion about the man for years. She took a trip to the White House once when she was young and impressionable, and he came out and greeted the visitors personally.

    It made a positive impression on her that, no matter what I said over the intervening years, trumped any negatives about the man.

    She just had this *grandfatherly* type image of him that would not shake – in spite of her otherwise far more right wing than my own political and cultural leanings.

    Seriously, she makes me look liberal!

    Anyway, I happened to be watching her expression when he made the racism accusation, and her eyebrows arched up and her mouth dropped open!

    She’s big on the TEA party movement and is so adamantly opposed to so many things Obama is doing that the idea that it’s based on racism is laughable.

    I do believe the bloom is finally off of that particular rose…..and words out of the failed president’s own mouth did more in a few seconds than years worth of facts from me could ever accomplish.

    Thank you Jimmy Carter!

  14. As far as I’m concerned Carter has done one positive thing: I not only voted for him twice but in 1980 mostly because of his primary opponent, I even did a little volunteer work in my caucus.

    So next week when I go to synagogue to atone for my sins I’ll always have that.

  15. The 1976 election was the first one I was old enough to vote in.

    As a very naive 18 year-old, I laughed out loud at the idea of that exceptionally unlikeable (to me) constantly grinning Jackass from Georgia, who spoke nothing but empty platitudes (much like Mr. “Yes we can,” hopeychangitude 32 years later), and who had the thinnest of resumes (in his first term as Gov of Ga, as I recall – with no real accomplishments under his belt), could possibly win.

    My faith in the “essential wisdom” of the general populace was destroyed that year, at a young age. I was made a cynic by that election.

    The difference between the Carter administration and the current one, in my humble opinion is — I think Carter was well meaning, but simply totally incompetant.

    Versus the current administration. Clueless and inept? Like Carter. Or worse — possessing malevolent intentions?

    I have reached the point that I truly don’t trust a word that comes out of Obama’s mouth. I have to assume – based on his track record so far – that there is a half truth intentionally disguised so as to attempt to fool us.

  16. Jimmy is in keeping with the Progressive tendency of finding racism everywhere. It’s the hidden, unstated assumption of much of the propaganda called news these days. It’s reached its ultimate conclusion in the assumption that all who oppose the Left are automatically racist.

    Carter is also a celebrity example of a wave of anti-Semitism that has swept the globe beginning it seems just a few years after WW2. It could be that the ending of WW2 only served to submerge the phenomenon for awhile.

    Of course Carter and those like him protest that they are only anti-Zionist, only against the policies of Israel, and that is probably true for some. But the reasons they usually give for their opposition generally have not much relation to reality: Israel is the aggressor, Israel purposefully kills civilians, the Palestinians just want peaceful co-existence, etc.

  17. Brian Swisher–as a matter of fact, perhaps 15 years ago, I was tasked to find out just how much of a “nukeyer engineer” ol’ peanut was, and after checking with the Navy, it turned out that the answer was, not much of one; more recent information has enabled me to piece together the following more complete picture.

    Carter did get the usual B.S. in engineering when he graduated from the Naval Academy in 1946. Supposedly, according to the Carter camp, Carter was part of a team that was putting a nuclear submarine, the U.S.S. Seawolf–the second U.S. nuclear submarine–into service. What I found then was that Carter took–if I remember correctly after all these years–two courses in nuclear physics/engineering at a university (apparently part of a 6 month Navy “Nuclear Power School” he never completed, because he resigned his commission to go back to the peanut farm when his father died), so that he could understand what was going on and perform his part of the commissioning, and that’s it.

    Other sites on the Web say that he was never even involved in such a commissioning, and although he was supposed to be assigned to the Seawolf after it was built and commissioned, the claim that he helped to put into service or was to be assigned or served as a “nuclear engineer” the U.S. S. Seawolf, is belied by the fact that he resigned his commission a month after the keel was even laid for construction of the Seawolf (see http://atomicinsights.blogspot.com/2006/01/picking-on-jimmy-carter-myth.html and http://seekerblog.com/archives/20090827/resume-inflation-how-a-peanut-farmer-became-a-nuclear-engineer/) . Funny, how nobody in the MSM, or elsewhere for that matter, ever called him on his claim to be a “nukeyer engineer.”

  18. I am tempted to believe that Carter is a demented anti-semite, but that won’t do.

    I perceive a consistency in his attitudes, which embrace the deepest certitudes of contemporary Leftism.

    On one hand, he embraces multi-culturalism and De-colonialism as the modern antidote to racism. Even his anti-poverty activities (e.g. Habitat) can be seen as voluntary reparations for the past sins of an unjust system.

    On the other hand, he opposes ideas of exceptionalism belonging to the historical oppressors (i.e. Europeans and their descendants), and clearly he looks at Israelis as just another group of European colonists who have take over part of the Third World. He is against Zionism, and he is equally against the kind of “American Zionism” that Gelernter describes as a tenet of “Americanism.”

    These are two sides of the same coin. He is a strange sort of anti-Semite who likes his Jews as victims because they are the same as other Europeans. In other words, they share the race-guilt of being “white.” He and Gobineau wouldn’t know what to say to each other.

    The man has internalized stigma, shame and self-hatred in measures hard to imagine, and the results are toxic.

  19. Every time Carter speaks, I want to ask what color is the sky in his world. He’s walking, talking proof that age and wisdom don’t go hand in hand.

    My diagnosis – he’s completely ga-ga.

  20. I thought people like Carter already had a name: race-baiters.

    I’d be inclined to go with simply “baiters” for all the trolls who rely on class-baiting, gender-baiting, race-baiting, gay-baiting, etc.

  21. Wolla Dalbo’s information is pertinent. Carter’s navy job was to learn to navigate and run a ship. As nuclear-powered ships were coming on line, he went and learned something about it. He wasn’t a nuclear engineer in any sense we would use the phrase, but what he did was decent and respectable and does take some intelligence. I think the rumors of his high-IQ likely stem from people misreading that credential as some sort of nuclear physicist.

    There is no chance he is the president with the highest IQ. Nixon has a better claim, though Thomas Jefferson likely tops them all. TR is also up there.

    As to his antisemitism, it is longstanding, predating his presidency. His comments in the 70’s reflect a theological view common to Southern Baptists of his generation – that the Jews were being deservedly punished because they had forgotten God, and the only way for Israel to survive is for them to get right with God. Getting right with God was defined variously and conveniently. Carter put his own narcissistic spin on that prejudice, melding modern leftist contempt for the west with his 19thC jew-hatred. As president, he loved lecturing Israeli leaders about their lack of religiosity and how that was behind all their problems.

    When I was a Jesus Freak in the 70’s, one could still encounter flat out jew-hatred from old fundamentalists. You have to really scrape around to find it now. Some grew old and died, some changed their minds, some gradually damped down their rhetoric, some developed elaborate rationalizations. Carter is in that last category.

    There are many articles, but one good one is here: http://angelinoview.com/2006/12/02/jimmy-carter-jew-hater/.

  22. Thomas Jefferson was not actually that intelligent … nor that honest.

    Thomas Jefferson was basically William Jefferson Clinton in silk breeches.

  23. we don’t censure Joe Wilson, the KKK will ride through the countryside

    its interesting to see a slow (mentally) man of color say outright that the situation would lead to the kkk again.

    I WISH someone could reach him and point out that the KKK was DEMOCRATS… that during the hayes tilden election the DEMOCRATS were the ones running around intimidating blacks and radical republicans… outside the veiw of the white population… in the view, they gave em parties and free food… a good time for all, so that eeryone would not realize the two faced power hungry since inception DEMOCRATS.

  24. Huxley– I too have been fascinated and appalled by what has happened to Charles Johnson. I was a great fan of his, loved his style and wit so much so that I was less alert than you to the change he was undergoing, which I see in retrospect started quite a while ago.
    I think he was a true 9/11 “changer”, but only in a very narrow sense. It wasn’t as if there was a whole political orientation inside him waiting to be turned. He hated Islam for its fundamentalist craziness, but as the air cleared it became clear that all along he had hated all religion. When the Terry Schiavo thing blew up he announced that he would delete any comments about it, though he never made his objections clear.
    One of the things that I found appealing about Charles was that he was, well, sort of hip, a musician and all that. It was reassuring to me — I live in a blue enclave among academics and writers — that he showed it was possible to be hip and still resist the conventional wisdom that I found so smothering and false. I wonder if he just couldn’t bear the cognitive dissonance any more, and like a chameleon (a lizard, right?) resumed his old colors.
    Also, it must give him a certain thrill to ban any disagreement, to reduce the lizard horde to a remnant of true Charles followers, who will stay with him as he threads the needle. It’s interesting, isn’t it, how hung up he is on ideological purity? I think the process of shaking off any connection with any blog or group or movement with anything suspicious about it, even in its impossible-to-control outermost fringes, has been the way he has gradually shed the skin of his identification with the right.
    Anyway, I find it dismaying.
    Your comments are terrific, by the way!

  25. my amateur diagnosis is that Carter is in some stage of dementia. I think there is something organically wrong with the guy and in his case it fixates on Israel.

    its not dementia… its that you believe (REASONABLY ALL THE TIME) that a person that succeed to office does not wish to tear it all down and start anew with something more oligarchical and favored to him/them.

    so, everytime they do this, you decide to preserve your goal of always being reasonable, and so you have to conjure up mental failings of people who have succeeded more in their lives than you and i combined.

    Carter is a one world government man and has always been and has desired to see either the eradication of the US government or its absorbtion into a world government.

    i will give one question that your world view cant answer.

    why can i list about 40 people who are now in office, who you and others have all called nuts, delusional, crazy, and a whole bunch of other things…

    when have crazy thought process disorcered people been able to organize a 40 plus year consistent push to one side, get the victims to ignore the source of the cancer, and actually succeed to be in a position to tear down the american government and state within 4 years?


    i wish you would read the books and the history of this from the other side rather than the musings of leftist revisionists who leave detail out, change history to justify ideology, and so on.


    lets see how this sounds on my side listening to it all.

    Carter – Dementia
    Obama – Ignorant
    Kennedy – Idiot
    Pelosi – crazy

    keep going… list them all and start to note peoples explanations when the answers are outside their frames of reference.

    rather than expand your frame of refernce, you banish him to the realm of all the super lucky crazies.
    they are not narcisist paranoid sociopaths… (what is known as malignant narcisism), with an aim to totalitarian power… despite being weather underground, friends with despots and terrorists, have lied on almost every point of the election, have printed money to collapse the currency, foster racism, social unrest and violence, furthering such by condoning and assisting in tax fraud, voter fraud, industrial pedophilism, and more.

    that these morons and dummies are accidently following the doctrins of an ideology you ahve bearly read, never experienced, and believe some special state protects us as americans, even though our people are made up of the people who have created such olgharcies all over the world.

    nope… just beginners luck..

    how about someone other than me listing out all the stuff in one list to show?

    Currency devaluation
    budget inflation
    marxist appointees
    self proclaimed communist appointees
    appointed lobbyiest after saying they are gone
    nationalized banks
    nationalized auto industry
    seeking to nationalize health care
    health care bill implies later need for internal passports to fix problems already in it.
    establishment of kelo against property rights
    establishment of social justice
    union thugs intimidating people like sa
    black panthers inimidating voters like SA AND getting off the legal hook for it
    distribution of funds to political chronies
    pit bull attitude to any other power
    constant contradictory lying
    seeking control of the media
    seeking control of the internet
    taxes tocontrol behavior as a mass experiement in peoples lives
    removal of military to another country so we are left with a militarized police (see articles of police aquiring military equip under homeland security).
    early morning raids like gulag archepeligo describes
    police in transit areas searching innocents baggage
    change in presumption of innocence to presumption of guilt.
    employing resettlement specialists
    defining middle america as racists, when it was the democrats, a small number who did all that
    deciding outcomes by race.
    reparations are on the table.
    taxing americans to redistribute to other countries
    siding with chavez
    siding with zalya
    bowing to the saudi (who paid for his schooling)
    failure to release records

    and if i and others try we can go on.

    not bad for a lucky idiot in less than half a year in his first term.

    so i guess its smarter to be lucky than its lucky to be smart.

  26. I have no idea what’s going there other than Johnson has somehow been corrupted by the adulation of his sizeable Lizard following.

    if you had read richard wrights too smart to be a communist abotu how they tried to co-opt him. but they kept askinghim things that amounted to are you smart? they didnt want that, unless they were fellow travllers. smarts who join then figure it out become zealus enemies who convert.

    well richard described people showing up on his driveway in the middle of the night standing there waiting for him to come out and then takled to him.

    all they really have to do is talk to you… then show up here and there with a family member, or something.

    end of game..

    [the left dont like families because families are a weakness this way. that is the power of the state can be compromised by such things. so a society with no familial loyalty is less weak (presumably)]

    the tactics of the left have been consistent since before the conceptualizations of communism. its just that the soviets foudn that corrupting those already corrupted and stearing them was pretty easy as they were not so organized.

    there is a lot of stuff written about this stuff… but alas… everyone wants to work the problem from what they already know… and not learn or read and research.

  27. wow… another thread that leads back to the same place again…

    The KGB File of Andrei Sakharov

    Carter was trumped by the soviets. eventually he got to know who was winning this game, and switched sides…

    as far as antisemitism. its a marxist thing. so its also a soviet thing… i can put up marxs writings of anti semetic hate.

    so carter hating jews is just par for the course for a communist following the teachings of his god or prophet marx.

    this from the ny slimes:
    Guided by the unpublished book of a former Soviet spy, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is urgently looking into whether the K.G.B. recruited a Carter Administration official to steal secrets for Moscow, law-enforcement officials said today. The central accusation is that the American official, after leaving Government service, worked secretly for the K.G.B., the Soviet counterpart to the Central Intelligence Agency. He is said to have seduced the daughter of a C.I.A. employee and to have pressured the employee into supplying him with tidbits of classified information, which he then …

    well.. then what about this history? would it clear up anything?

    wsj ran an article once by ion mahai pacepa.
    its been scrubbed but a copy is at atlas shrugged

    familiar with him?

    Ion Mihai Pacepa (born 28 October 1928 in Bucharest, Romania) is the highest-ranking intelligence official ever to have defected from the former Eastern Bloc. He is now a United States citizen, a writer, and a columnist.

    Before I defected to America from Romania, leaving my post as chief of Romanian intelligence, I was responsible for giving Arafat about $200,000 in laundered cash every month throughout the 1970s. I also sent two cargo planes to Beirut a week, stuffed with uniforms and supplies. Other Soviet bloc states did much the
    same. Terrorism has been extremely profitable for Arafat. According to Forbes magazine, he is today the sixth wealthiest among the world’s “kings, queens & despots,” with more than $300 million stashed in Swiss bank accounts.

    so he was a key man in the whole isreal thing back when carter was president.

    anyone other than me know this?

    KGB chairman Yuri Andropov in February 1972 laughed to me about the Yankee gullibility for celebrities. We’d outgrown Stalinist cults of personality, but those crazy Americans were still naé¯ve enough to revere national leaders. We would make Arafat into just such a figurehead and gradually move the PLO closer
    to power and statehood. Andropov thought that Vietnam-weary Americans would snatch at the smallest sign of conciliation to promote Arafat from terrorist to statesman in their hopes for peace.

    we are still that way, no?
    this was written years ago…

    The KGB’s disinformation department then went to work on Arafat’s four-page tract called “Falastinuna” (Our Palestine), turning it into a 48-page monthly magazine for the Palestinian terrorist organization al-Fatah. Arafat had headed al-Fatah since 1957. The KGB distributed it throughout the Arab world and in
    West Germany, which in those days played host to many Palestinian students. The KGB was adept at magazine publication and distribution; it had many similar periodicals in various languages for its front organizations in Western Europe,
    like the World Peace Council and the World Federation of Trade Unions.

    but lets skip to carter…

    In April 1978 I accompanied Ceausescu to Washington, where he charmed President Carter. Arafat, he urged, would transform his brutal PLO into a law-abiding government-in-exile if only the U.S. would establish official relations. The meeting was a great success for us. Carter hailed Ceausescu, dictator of the
    most repressive police state in Eastern Europe, as a “great national and international leader” who had “taken on a role of leadership in the entire international community.” Triumphant, Ceausescu brought home a joint communiqué in which the American president stated that his friendly relations with
    Ceausescu served “the cause of the world.”

    there is tons more in other documents and such. carter was played like a fiddle, and so he turned sides…

    Three months later I was granted political asylum by the U.S. Ceausescu failed to get his Nobel Peace Prize. But in 1994 Arafat got his — all because he continued to play the role we had given him to perfection. He had transformed his terrorist PLO into a government-in-exile (the Palestinian Authority), always
    pretending to call a halt to Palestinian terrorism while letting it continue unabated. Two years after signing the Oslo Accords, the number of Israelis killed by Palestinian terrorists had risen by 73%.

    On Oct. 23, 1998, President Clinton concluded his public remarks to Arafat by thanking him for “decades and decades and decades of tireless representation of the longing of the Palestinian people to be free, self-sufficient, and at home.”
    The current administration sees through Arafat’s charade but will not publicly support his expulsion. Meanwhile, the aging terrorist has consolidated his control over the Palestinian Authority and marshaled his young followers for more suicide attacks.

    anyone notice when the nobel prize was taken over so that it could grant ligitimacy to soviet socialist causes? gore (2007). the ipcc (2007), Carter (2002), united nations (2001), kofi annan (2001), kim dai jung (2000), yasser arafat 1994, shimon perez (1994), Rabin (1994), nelson mandela (1993), de klerk (1993), Gorbachev ex soviet leader (1990)…

    and yet we wonder how little green footballs changes, how ludwig von misis changed, and the girl scouts changed, and how liberalism became communism, how the church changed, how schools changed..

    all in the same direction…all towards the same ideology..

    pay no heed though… you are so used to it, you cant see it any more. like forgetting air when the wind doesnt blow.

  28. malevelancy and malignancy can be hidden completely by the idea of good intentions.

    yet we dont see it being abused as a process.

    carter is incompetent, not evil so we excuse him.
    obama, hitler, etc… all the same till there was no way to stretch it that far.

    just as spam is a metaphore for statism (not email given that email was a long way off), monty python was often talking double about things.

    but they were always disguising it hoping people would ‘get it’.

    How to Irritate People

    In various sketches, Cleese demonstrates exactly what the title suggests – how to irritate people, although this is done in a much more conventional way than the absurdity of similar Monty Python sketches.

    ALL the skits have the same thing. under the guise of good intent and help, the characters are able to harm others or force their behaivor and never be blamed for creating it.

    if anyone actually thought that they knew what they were doing, then one could no longer say he was incompetent. instead he was competent and nasty, not incompetent and with good intent.

    notice how hard it is for anyone to go to that last assertion!!!

    we as good social people expressly forbid ourselves from assigning a malignancy to someone.

    wonder who gave that rule to us when we used to hold people accountable?

    today a 15 year old girl tried to set fire to a church with 50 people in it. basically attempted mass mass murder by conflagration of the congregation. they dont want her in jail though, they want the satanist to get counciling. (from peope who think that the curch is an oppressor, and thatthe oppressed (ie satanists) have a right to lash out at their oppressors (church ladies), and that they think that church goers are delusional for believing in invisable people).

    there were other skits not part of this where he even explained things… that one could literally spend all day hurting people as long as one pretended to be trying to help them!!!

    a skill sociopaths learn early….

    here is the discussion part:

  29. Just a quick note regarding the issue of intelligence and just which president is/was the smartest.

    I once briefly worked with a guy who was a bona fide member of Mensa.

    He was an incredibly strange bird that thoroughly pi$$ed off the entire office, a life long bachelor who was completely inept in even the most basic of social situations, churned away endlessly on projects without really turning anything out and finishing it, and could really only function in a very limited role within the company.

    He didn’t last long.

    I think the last straw may have been his cleaning the tuna cans that he ate out of every day in the restroom – and thereby stinking up the entire office!

    I came to hate Monday mornings as he inevitably would leave cans in the trash over the weekend.

    Ever since that experience I’ve maintained a rather critical opinion of anyone who claims they are, or are represented as, being extremely intelligent and that somehow that qualifies them to *lead* the rest of us poor slobs….

    If Carter WERE that bright – and I’m not really convinced of that to be honest, well…..it only reinforces my overall opinion on the matter.

    One can be extremely intelligent and yet still not be that bright.

  30. Carter has always been a POS. But he just won’t go away. How long, O Lord, how long must we endure, toiling on in our civility while dung is heaped upon us?

    But we have so much to look forward to…40 years of Obonga as ex-POTUS, Carter’s second coming.

  31. Well, Carter did graduate 59th out of his class of 820 at US Naval Academy, which isn’t … er … peanuts.

    Carter was also accepted into Admiral Rickover’s nuclear submarine program. Rickover was a legend in the Navy and quite demanding of the men who served under him.

    With that background I see no reason to doubt that Carter was a bright, talented, and hard-working young man. It’s certainly a more substantial background than Obama brought to the presidency.

    Of course, that’s no guarantee that Carter would be a good, much less, great president.

  32. And is it any surprise…..

    that Jimmy Carter as a former President steps up the rhetoric from the left? Carter has tipped their hand. It is now obvious that the current race baiting all this branding as racist comes from the White House and from the DNC. Saul Alinsky would be so proud.

    With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy:

    You might be a racist if:

    You might be a racist if, You disagree with Barack Obama.

    You might be a racist if, You don’t like the idea of government taking over the health care industry.

    You might be a racist if, You don’t love the national debt doubling and tripling in the first 8 months of 2009

    You might be a racist if, You expect the President of the United States to actually tell the truth.

    You might be a racist if you look forward to further government expansion.

    You might be a racist if you really, really like ACORN getting millions of dollars from the federal government.

    I could go on but I do have a job.

  33. I long ago concluded that Lincoln was one of the smartest if not the smartest of our presidents. When Obama talks about the terrible situation he inherited from Bush (which his party had a major hand in creating), it is nothing compared to what Lincoln encountered. And, instead of blaming past administrations, Lincoln got to work and won the civil war.

  34. mizpants: Thanks!

    I too am appalled about Charles Johnson and LGF. For a number of years I thought he brought considerable perception, persistence, and humor to the serious blind spot in the West about Islam.

    All I can imagine is that his fifteen minutes of fame plus absolute dominion over the lizard kingdom went to his head somehow.

    There was an art show in the eighties which featured a neon sign with the words “PROTECT ME FROM WHAT I WANT.” Johnson might be a testament to that maxim.

  35. Pingback:„Racist Card“ sticht „Race Card“ aus « Aron Sperber’s Weblog

  36. Johnson discounts personal experience in favor of intellectual rationality, which includes the SPCL.

  37. Jimmy Carter: a man born not only to be an Ex President, but THE Worse Ex-President of the United States. It is a rare and extraordinary thing to see man fulfill his destiny with such zeal. If only there was a contemporary Dante to devise a proper station in Hell for such a man.

  38. Portia
    I have it on good authority the president with the highest IQ was in fact Richard Nixon.
    Given how he ended up , that is not an endorsement for electing the candidate with the highest IQ. Certainly Nixon wrote a lot more books than the average ex-President. My father, who voted Democratic most of the time, once referred to Nixon as an intellectual. Nixon was certainly more comfortable with books and memos than he was with people.

    Carter’s Presidency was by many measures a failed one. Some successes: Camp David, deregulation of the airlines. Failures: abysmal misjudgement on Iran, across the board. IMHO, he has spent the 28 years since he left office in an attempt to redeem himself. We would have all been a lot better off if he had said, “the hell with it,” and retired to his peanut farm, emerging every year to auction off his hand-crafted furniture to support the Carter Center. Disclaimner: I voted for him in 1976, but went third-party in 1980.

    Yes, I would vote for Jimmah as the worst ex-President we have had. Maybe that makes me prejudiced against peanut farmers. That is Plains to see.

  39. Scottie – Mensa people aren’t all that uncommon. IQ 132 = 1 out of every fifty people. You know a lot of folks that intelligent. Your example may have been higher than that, of course.

    Terman thought that some social dysfunction appeared starting at about 140 (1 in a 100) – not for everyone, but with greater frequency. My experience in the Prometheus Society reinforces the notion that while most Hi-Q people are socially quite normal, there is a greater frequency of odd folks.

    Jefferson was probably as smart as advertised, though he was a bit full of himself on the matter. He read half-a-dozen languages and dabbled in a dozen others. His vocabulary was immense and he was a talented architect, facts which are still objectively observable today. He published papers in at least three scientific fields.

    The lists of IQ’s of famous people on the web are a mixed lot. Some look at least plausible, and there are at least some verified IQ’s on the lists. The one from the Lovenstein Institute is fictitious – there is no Lovenstein Institute.

  40. Assistant Village Idiot,

    The point of the personal story was not so much how supposedly *intelligent* people conducted themselves on a personal level, or even how common or rare a high IQ may be, as it was to show that simply being deemed *intelligent* by some standard or other was not sufficient reason to believe someone is suitable for high public office.

    God help us if we are ever to be ruled by overlords who attain their position based strictly upon IQ levels!

    We were informed by the MSM constantly as to how *intelligent* Obama was during the last election.

    This was in contrast to the image of a supposedly *slow* President Bush (my God, he even pronounced nuclear wrong the same way Eisenhower did!), and the intent was clearly to boost Obama’s election chances by constantly spouting this alleged intelligence.

    Never mind he didn’t really have a lot of other traits to go along with this *intelligence* he was supposed to have.

    I guess the point I’m attempting to make is that supposedly *intelligent* people can often attain high IQ ratings without really being that….ah….smart?

    A little research into the history of IQ tests is quite interesting, actually – but I digress.

    The thing about this briefly former coworker was, he actually listed his mensa membership on his resume as a qualification, promoted himself as being extremely intelligent, yet proved completely incapable of functioning at any level in the organization.

    He may have known a lot of information, but getting it out of his head and putting it to actual use was almost impossible.

    Regarding the example of Thomas Jefferson being intelligent….

    He obviously had an inquisitive mind, was extremely creative, had a wide range of interests from which to draw information from, could probably cross-reference information from disparate fields of knowledge to come to original conclusions that worked, had the financial means to pursue questions that tickled his imagination, had the shear determination to see his endeavors through to a conclusion for the most part, and had natural leadership abilities.

    That’s a formidable combination that I think combines a natural intelligence with many other traits that were just as important as simple intelligence, and it’s no wonder he ranks so high among the intellectual giants that era produced.

    He may have been “full of himself”, but it ain’t bragging if you can do it.

    I don’t think he got everything right, of course, but he did a heck of a lot better than I think anyone today would have managed if limited to no more foreknowledge of events than he had at the time.

    While he really was a smart cookie – he was bringing other characteristics to the table than simply having a high IQ.

    Compare Jefferson with Obama – and I’ll grant it’s not a fair comparison to make for any current President as those were some really big shoes to fill – and it’s clear that even IF Obama is extremely intelligent (and I’m not actually convinced of that), Obama STILL is lacking other traits that would allow him to effectively lead.

  41. Scottie – point taken and I essentially agree about IQ. Let me add that Bush’s IQ is likely a few points higher than Obama’s, though the calculation is tough to ferret out in the latter case. Obama has the style points we associate with intelligence, Bush doesn’t; yet Bush is smarter and the test shows it. If you are interested, the controversial Steve Sailer has done the calculations.

    I liken IQ to height in basketball. It’s nice to have, everyone would like a little more, a certain minimum is pretty much necessary. But after that, other factors take over as to who is the better player. Your co-worker was attempting to say “I’m 6’5″, I should be on the HS team.” You correctly divined that “You’re 6’5″, but dude, you suck anyway. Learn some skills.”

  42. My humorous tone would have been better conveyed had I included a ” 🙂 ” to match the smile on my face while I typed “Jimmy Carter, die already.” However, I refuse to apologize – even if I’ve been rude.

    I have expressed my opinion of America’s worst ex-peanut farmer in neo-neocon comments for years. I have called him a menace to liberty. I have said he should be bitch slapped. I even explained how the destruction in his wake epitomizes two thousand years of the mistaken morality of altruism.

    Not that I would ever encounter the man, but I am on firm enough ground that I would happily heckle him in the same fashion — that is, say it to his face.

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