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No-politics thread — 9 Comments

  1. You know, this is a first time in years I didn’t get a bouquet of lilacs and another of peonies to breath in a little happiness in my mornings.

    I didn’t even had the will to go see them in BBG.

    Forgot to say, in the previous thread: that lalique vase is perfect for lilacs.

  2. Thanks, Tatyana. I got some more lilacs from my friend’s yard yesterday, too, so it’s filled again—for now.

    That vase belonged to my grandmother, I think. I don’t believe it’s a real lalique, but if not it’s a lovely fake anyway.

  3. Well, the bull nettels are in bloom around here. But that poison in their thorns- oweee. Had my knee swell up last year to about 30 to 40% larger than normal after walking into one in the long grass- with long pants on.

  4. I forget how much the seasons vary from region to region. My lilacs and iris have long come and gone, lilies and roses are going strong at the moment. Even the honeysuckle is past it’s prime and fading fast. However I do have fresh leaf lettuce, radishes, a bit of spinach gracing my evening repast with peppers and tomatoes coming on strong now! Baby pea pods and carrots are close behind. The joy of the seasons/regions! 🙂

    Take care to give a few minutes thought to what this holiday is about….and it’s not picnics and 3 day weekends. Remember our vets and honor them.

  5. A beautiful day in west Michigan. Lilacs on my bush still in bloom. I’m heading out the door right now to cut a few and put them in a vase. Mine are the traditional light purple….wish I had some of the blue lilacs Mrs Whatsit was describing the other day.

  6. The predominate color for wildflowers around here seems to be yellow, followed by white (clover, bullnettle, and yuccas)with blue (bluebonnets)and red (paintbrush) here and there. But yellow is by far the most common.

    Those Yuccas are something though. They send up these white stalks about 5 foot high or so with white blooms on them. If you try to mow them down the green leaves tend to wrap around the mower blades and drag it down. They will poke holes in tires also. I would like to have some in a rock garden someday, though. They have invaded one end of my dads peach orchard and and seem to be spreading- makes it hard to mow the grass around the peaches.

  7. I had my first rose (a William Shakespeare) on Friday, but there a plenty of other nice fat buds ready to open. Two clematis vines have turned an ugly chainlink into a mass of blue and white blooms, and the heliotropes I have in pots are finally large enough to scent the outside seating area. It will be a little while before the butterfly bushes take over for the lilacs. I love this time of year. There is so much to look forward to and the memories of the early bloomers is still fresh.

  8. There was a good-sized bed of irises on the south side of my parents’ house, grown from bulbs brought from my grandparents’ place. First the spring peepers, then lilacs and irises, and summer was nigh.

    Asparagus and rhubarb beds also added cheer to springtime. Once they were eaten.

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