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What’s the terror risk? — 7 Comments

  1. I have been saying and writing for some time that the politicians in DC are developing a national suicide pact. But, hey, who am I to know about such things. Maybe I should be like our leaders and just ignore what I have read about what has happened in the past and the experiences I have had with individuals who follow the lead of much greater tyrants.

  2. I am one of those people who recoils at the thought that the Left, which now controls this country, wants us all to participate in the suicide pact. Truly, the Gramscian Marxists are interwoven into an ethic of the Culture of Death. Well, having been a Leftist at one time who actually studied Marxist writings, I am not fooled by the multiculturalism. I refuse to be a useful idiot.

    But we are now in the Age Of The Useful Idiot.

  3. I don’t think it’s a question of suicide, whether personal or social, just yet. Like all complicated things, it depends. The risk, I think, so far as this administration is concerned, involves making a decision that will leave some people dead (other people, to be sure, but not them), no matter what the outcome.

    Imagine being faced with the knowledge that a devastating bomb is going to go off somewhere, soon. Do you send in response teams, some of whom will certainly die, or do you wait, leaving your response intact, but many dead who might otherwise have lived?

    No good choice. But, like Lincoln’s general, they will need to accept the “terrible arithmetic.” I’m afraid this administration doesn’t and won’t understand that there is a need to choose. They don’t accept, now, that that sort of choice is necessary. They are committed to searching for the third way, or the fourth, or something else.

    If they fail to learn soon enough that sometimes you’re in a box with only one hole out and that past the tiger you must fight, then we might get to the suicide part.

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