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CNN’s split personality — 4 Comments

  1. Everything the shill says is discredited somewhere else in the piece / even the piece she comes off as a shill.

    And they did talk about the small schools project (re: the peace school and African centric school). Just not in detail (not really the focus of the piece; it was how well they knew each other).

    I thought it was A- level work.

    Another story specifically about what they were funding would be cool though.

  2. “…no McCain spokesperson part of the discussion, but none were even consulted for the piece.”

    This is actually good as then it can’t be said that CNN is being a McCain mouthpiece. O.K., it’s less easily said- I know some will say it.

  3. “CNN actually manages to present a piece about Obama and Ayers that makes some hard-hitting points.”

    That’s surprising enough, in and of itself… 😯

  4. Right now, with about 27 days to go — McCain needs to present presentations EVERY day with “hard-hitting” points! Not one bit about Ayres here and Reczko there. He needs to memorize a hard-hitting rant (list of talking points if you prefer): Ayers; Obama LIED to the public about his relationship; Reczko; Obama LIED about his relationship; Wright – Obama ridiculously wants us to believe that in 20 years, a man who was so central to his life that he married him, baptized his children, was his spiriitual mentor….and yet Obama NEVER heard any of Wright’s racist and bigoted rants….Yes, it’s ridiculous! He LIED…AGAIN for political purposes. WHO really is Obama???? Lie after lie after lie. Obama’s financial ties to Fannie and Freddie. Obama’s significant ties to Acorn (which, under federal investigation, is beginning to admit it’s corruption in numerous states (battleground states such as Ohio) . Failure to provide direct answers — only talking points. Fear of being exposed with not only significant financial ties to Freddie & Fannie, but to the executives – Raines and Johnson who cooked Fannie and Freddie’s books to hide mishandling — all of which began this economic debacle. Continual deflection of questions to bashing Bush and characterizing McCain as Bush’s twin. Ridiculous! Hammer home: The man lies, and lies, and lies. No more reticent politically correct inferences! Hammer home Obama’s conversations with voters and the deliberate omissions. Hammer this home and leave the voters with final thought — perhaps in request form: i.e. when you are in that voting booth, make a pledge to think about YOUR future, your country’s future, the future of your family, your children, grandchildren — and take 1 minute to really think — who has a record you can count on to do what he says he will do? Really, who should you believe, and have you seen the evidence????? Then, with that knowledge, pull the lever for the man you feel best can hold us together, lead us through this economic problem, and has the wherewithal to keep us safe — on top of all that! Repeat, and repeat, and repeat!!!!!!!! Get those voters to believe they must seriously think about their vote and the import of it’s meaning this election. Convince them each and every vote is THAT important! McCain MUST — if he wants to win — spend the remaining time hammering home the continuing lies, and the evasiveness; and the absolutely blank record. The man is 46 years old and has written 2 books which tell us what we should think of him……….even as the facts point to very different conclusions. The Presidency is NOT a charisma contest nor are votes for Congress. THINK!!! THINK!!! THINK!!! it is the election of the President of the United States at a crucial time economically, internationally, domestically. And every last volunteer/strategist/surrogate should be out there repeating and repeating and repeating these same messages — THE MANTRA — concluding with the single important question: Do you REALLY know who the man is before you pull that lever???? You need to know who you are voting for! Please — DO go and look at the records — or lack there of. No other distractions, facts and figures — there’s plenty of evidence out there already — McCain can use the differential between their two tax plans as example — between empty promises (more lies) and plausible action. but then right back to hammering home this tight urgent message — and it is urgent. The people are angry — and very ready to pick up this call to action they’ve been waiting for.

    If McCain wants to win — this is what he has to do — convince voters that THEY have the power and the responsibility — a most serious responsibility. If there are so many undecideds still at this time, it’s because these people want a message – a message that tells them how they will have to shoulder the responsibility of picking the right leader.

    This won’t change the votes of the Obamaphiles. But it should make those undecideds really think — and wonder how so many lies could get by so many people for so long — why one candidate has an open record and reputation, and the other, to this day, still tries to obfuscate the facts of his history: what has he done? — or not really done at all for the last 25 years +??? How one guy can make promise after promise — with zero on the record to give one reason to believe.

    The opportunity is in those few minutes, alone in the voting booth — if the McCain folks do the job they should have been doing all along….and with the serious situations we all face — I think a appeal to people’s patriotism and responsibility to their country can ultimately turn the tide.

    It has to start immediately; the message has to be strong, constant, and logical — which it is. And it has to make people feel that THEIR decision is as significant as any other being made on voting day. They will come through!

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