Home » Mrs. Giuliani: the first third-lady First Lady?


Mrs. Giuliani: the first third-lady First Lady? — 13 Comments

  1. Question: does everyone else see the links in this post as showing up in red instead of the brownish color they should be? Or is it just my computer?

  2. That’s good, stumbley. It’s not happening to the other posts, anyway.

  3. c-span.orgneimanmarcus.comGiuliani has succesful administrative experience in NYC, which has a larger economy than most states.

    I started working in NYC right before Giuliani started the clean-up. Back then winos were exposing themselves downtown, and 42d & Broadway was run by pimps and pushers. Giuliani cleaned that up and the city profited enormously.

    Before that as State Atty, he had taken on the Italian mob and won. He also successfully prosecuted Bin Laden and Marc Rich.

    After that, he was in charge during 9/11 and its aftermath.

    Then I heard him speak at CPAC last Friday and I was very encouraged by his optimism, and his philosophy of a strong America (CSPAN has the speech).

    In view of all that, the furtherest thing from my mind is his marital history.

    Anyway, instead of that dress with the hip ruffles, I’d suggest this gown instead.

  4. “.. never been all that keen on judging Presidents by their sex lives or their romantic lives (and sometimes the two even intersect)”

    I know what the Clintons did to us. But when did we start making this an important part of history, much less politics? A man or a woman to hold public office was expected to show decency and to uphold standards of personal honor and integrity. Devotion to family counted as well as honesty. Certainly the backgrounds of those seeking higher office should exhibit such.

    But how then how did rumour, dirt, and scandal mainstream into the process? All the hateful rumours that were lost 2 centuries ago surface in current academic histories, led by Jefferson, but bleeding off into the lives of other past American leaders. My own conclusion: our present public vulgarity imposing upon the past in order to justify itself. Designed to deliberately obscure the necessary requirements for President. (‘Hey, anybody can grow up to be..)

    I half recall Helen Thomas spitefully (how else?) interrupting a Presidential press conference in Maine about the Middle East to ascertain whether George Bush the elder had obviously had an affair sometime in the past.

    (Of course, there was certainly no connection to those ribald Clinton stories just beginning to surface as that primary season of 1992 opened.)

  5. I don’t know how, but instapundit’s links somehow track to my mozilla history cache such that if I had visited the link (from any website), it would be highlighted… I’ve found that curiously useful at times.

  6. The links are sorta brownish until they get rolled over, then they’re red. There’s a CSS thingy that says something like “a:link” for the color it shows up as, “a:hover” for the rollover color, and “a:visited” for the “I’ve been there” color.

    About the candidates: more than one observer has noted that of all the candidates, Romney – the Mormon – is the only one still married to his first wife.

  7. neo, it must be the coming change of seasons. It seems the press has unearthed another hypocrite who is likewise a potential Presidential candidate. And guess his hypocrisy..

    “Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich admitted having an affair while leading the fight to impeach former President Bill Clinton in 1998.”

    Your post was prescient.

  8. The are dark RED, like a blood transfusion before it hits the oxygen.

    Dell Laptop with XP pro on Firefox 2.0.02

    As for dresses, a little weird but she probably only wore it once. Looks like a penguin Suit event anyway where weird dresses reign supreme. She has better taste than the Kerry Daughters or the Kerry Ketchup Grape soaked in Vodka wife.

    I recall Hillary getting a couple of makeovers.

  9. The photo is cropped, you need the full length version for the dress effect, it wasn’t meant for a closeup view I’m thinking.

    Here it is Plus a bonus — all the other weird dresses at overweight guys in penguin suits.


    And I think you said she was a Nurse before, not a fashion designer.

    Hail to the Nurses

  10. Neo – How would you rate the skill required to operate a blog using WordPress? – VJ

  11. Mrs. Giuliani looks like she could be the first First Gal.

    In a good way, that is. One would not be surprised to hear her call reporters “babe” at press conferences.

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