Home » Pubescent rites of passage: coming of age in Astoria (and elsewhere)


Pubescent rites of passage: coming of age in Astoria (and elsewhere) — 12 Comments

  1. i am doing a school project. do you know anything about the African rights of passage, or comming of age?

  2. Quinces and Bar Mitzvahs and Bridezilla-style weddings strike me as vulgar, but I’m from the midwest.

  3. Wow! Sissy’s awwwesome. Not only did she address Neo’s point about ceremonies and my point about urban phenomenon with that pull quote, she managed to drag psychology — Neo’s profession — into it! And in such a concise post, too!

    That shows why she’s a top blogger and I’m just a measley comment-hound. I’m humbled.

    No, this post isn’t sarcasm. Seriously, I’m genuinely impressed. Posts like that are what make blogs cool.


    As an aside for humor — Word verification:


    Mahzelsqwah… sort of like “Mazeltov”, but squished at the end.

  4. S – That’s interesting. The symbols can be used to display who we are as well as hide who we’re not – in large, anonymous societies, anyway.

    Maybe that’s why real initiations don’t have much of a function here. You don’t need a major life change to become part of a community. You just need to acquire and display the correct symbols.

    I would also venture to say that “American” too vaguely defined anymore to really constitute a community. An exception might be made, as Neo said, for people joining the military. They are given specific duties – a clearly-defined role they are expected to fulfill for the term of their enlistment. Just being “American” imposes no such responsibilities that I’m aware of – at least none that all “Americans” would agree on. If you can think of any, let me know.

    Do Bar/Bat Mitzvah and the other coming-of-age ceremonies today mark an actual change in the person’s relationship to the community, or are they just like extra-special birthdays? Or does it depend on the community?

  5. Love in the sense of self-love I’d say. As Peter F. Rowbotham wrote in “The Importance of Being Noticed”:

    “More specific concern with evaluative status is to be found in the work of Veblen (1899), especially his book The Theory of the Leisure Class. His three basic assumptions were that possessions are primarily significant as symbols of worth, that this significance [406] is based on comparison with other people in similar situations, and that self-respect is derived from the display of such symbols. Form and Stone (1957) later drew attention to the idea that Veblen’s analysis best fitted an urbanized society, for in smaller, more traditional communities the past history and present position of everyone is fairly well-known and there is less reliance on dress, housing and other props to reveal one’s status to others. It is in more fluid, more mobile societies, where we know less of personal biographies that conspicuous consumption, as well as other more subtle Indicators of status, becomes important.

  6. Seems like we expect the education system to usher our adolescents into adulthood. Parents tend to be spectators. It’s interesting that in the US people from other cultures still practice initiations – although watered down initiation in which the emphasis is on having fun, not on becoming an adult.

    Our culture’s message to young people tends to emphasize unlimited possibilities, not specific responsibilities. That nobody assigns the teen a definite role in society is both a strength and a weakness. Not sure we could – or would want to – go back to “serious” rites of passage designed to turn adolescents into responsible adults.

    If we do, however, I’m all for something that involves ritual subincision or filing the teeth to a point.

  7. This is the Elf Syndrome. Where you get to live longer, but it takes you longer to mature as well?

    Nothing comes free, not even immortality.

    Speaking of immaturity, I can’t help but compare and contrast the Bush bashing that went on during and after the 2004 elections on the internet, to the criticism we see now being leveled at Bush by his supporters. There’s a noticeable difference in maturity between the criticisms.

    The Democrats always seem to believe, given their repeated claims publicly, that Bush supporters are mindless drones in the service of some fascistic regime. But the reality’s a bit more sober than that.

  8. Lord knows I could’ve used some sort of coming of age ceremony. Something that said, ‘get serious now young man, you’re not a kid anymore’. Might’ve saved me some trouble and wasted years. I think Quinces are over the top, and prefer the Bar Mitzvah, as there are responsibilities, not just a big party. I saw how my ‘nephew’ stressed for his Bar Mitzvah, and really came through great at the service and reception, truly a ‘young man’. Our American seems to have taken a dangerous tack- rejecting ‘coming of age’ for eternal adolescence. Ever since teens became a demographic, instead of children, and marketed to because they had the most disposable income, our society has declined, and taken longer and longer to mature. Marriages occur later, commitment is avoided, men play boys games (quite seriously) well into their twenties, perhaps even the thirties instead of growing up and raising children.


    Anyone got any ideas for ‘coming of age’ rituals for the American youth of today (short of enlistment in the military- not that it would be a bad option!)?

  9. That wedding’s skimpy refreshments are the typical old WASP tradition. You didn’t spend a fortune, or get too elaborate – just a snack, champagne, and some wedding cake. Anything more is “just not done”.

  10. Not to rain on anyone’s parade, but coming out parties seem (at least from my perspective) to be either a native country or – here in the US – a big city phenomenon. Filipino’s have Cotillion’s for the daughter’s 18th birthdays supposedly, but I’ve never actually heard of any happening outside LA, Chicago, or New York. The only ones I’ve ever heard of involving people I personally know were for older aunts long ago in the Philippines. Growing up, my friends and I never were invited to any (we’re guys, so we wouldn’t have such events thrown for us), and given how tight all our families were, there’s no way we would’ve missed the fact that a ball was being thrown. Even regarding my relatives in other states, like Georgia and Tenessee, I haven’t heard of them throwing or attending any debutant-type balls for their daughters, and I have a lot of female cousins.

    Don’t get me wrong; I’m not criticizing the concept. On the contrary, I think they’re a great idea (although I’d probably cringe at something too over-the-top). It’s just that I don’t believe those are all that common, at least outside of certain areas.

    Although, as a side note, it is entertaining that in the Chicago Filipino newsletters, like the Via Times, debutant balls often get covered. So within those areas, they appear as popular as the NYTimes article implies.

    And as a mini-addendum to Judith’s comment: She gave me a chuckle, because she reminded me of something happening back in my hometown. The Filipino’s there saw the Latin American families use of Pinatas during parties and decided to completely rip it off for their own kids birthdays. So now, whenever I’m back and one of the younger, single-digit kids has a b-day party, I get an amusing sort of non-sequitor experience: I see Filipino food, hear Filipino conversations, occasionally see Filipino attire (Barong Tagalogs, or Maria Claras)… but then see a big, fat Pinata sitting right in the middle of the room!

    And Lord knows, you tell a kid there’s candy inside and hand him a stick, there’s no need for further instruction!

    Anyway, one more cultural tradition crosses the border.

    (Note – For those who point out the Filipino palayok and parol exist and are similar: Yes, I know. They palayok is similar, but it’s a clay pot. Not a big, ruffled, silly looking animal. And a parol is a Christmas thing, not a birthday one. Although, I readily admit, both those get beat to death by a kid with a stick for the candy inside, so I guess a Pinata really isn’t that much of a stretch.)

  11. As a footnote, I should have added that my sister, and now her daughters, have adopted the tradition of going on a trip instead of having a quince.

    In my nieces’ case, it’s been a cruise, with the whole family along. It’s a combination vacation/quince/family reunion: as memorable but much more enjoyable for all involved.

    As for serving only champagne and roasted peanuts, they should have been run out of town!

  12. There was an article a few years ago about how gentile families were adopting the Bar/Bat Mitzvah idea, after their kids were going to their Jewish friends’ celebrations and getting jealous that Jewish kids have a rite of passage.

    Looks like the same thing is happening with the quince.

    Shows how these rituals supply something intangible but desired. They are like weddings. Being married is different from living with someone. Having a coming of age ritual within your community is different from not having one. In fact, having an ethnic community itself is something people have a love/hate relationship with. If you don’t have one, you fear them but also are envious of them. If you do have one, you both hate and love its demands on you.

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