Home » Terra infirma in California


Terra infirma in California — 15 Comments

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  4. Two points:

    1. It is indeed true that the San Andreas has been quiet a long time, and that whatever movement happens next is likely to be big. However, the longer it goes the bigger it will be. So we should still hope for a sooner earthquake rather than a later more powerful one, even if such an earthquake now would take lives.

    2. We know we just had some small earthquakes. It would be wonderful to then find out, ex post facto, that they were on the San Andreas! This would mean the San Andreas had released pressure without a catastrophe. Yet Walter, knowing they were small earthquakes, was still relieved to find they happened elsewhere. Crazy.

    This is all hair-splitting, I know, but I’m a little shocked by how strange this guy Walter is when you really look at what he’s saying.

    BTW, you wrote, “I feel a bit of reminiscent fear and trembling myself.”


    ps. having some trouble with double-posting. sorry.

  5. To alex: Yes, Walter doesn’t seem to make sense, now that you mention it. One possibility, though, is that perhaps there hasn’t been a whole lot of action on the San Andreas in enough time that they are assuming there has already been built up so much pent-up force that any action there would be likely to be big, not small. So they are hoping it just stays quiet, hopefully forever (not very realistic, I guess).

    Or maybe they just haven’t a clue how it all works–

  6. When I lived in California, I was plagued by tortilla chip nightmares.

    In these dreams, the Northern California earth that I walked on was the consistency of Doritos, which would crumble under my feet as I tried to run to nonexistent solid ground. I’d always fall through the chips and drown in the muddy guacamole below.

  7. Do these two expert opinions seem equally valid to you guys? Because one of them (Walter) sounds distinctly nutty to me.

    So earthquakes happen because the plates want to move but the surface is locked in place, so energy builds until it is enough to crack the surface and move all at once. (Otherwise there would just be a gentle, constant slide.) So there is always energy building, and that energy will be released sooner or later. If the energy is released in a series of small quakes, people feel a rumble but nothing bad happens. If it’s released all at once, people die.

    Catchings says it’s bad the recent quakes weren’t closer to the San Andreas because they could have “allowed it to release some stress.” True enough. But Walters takes the very strange tack that it’s a good thing it didn’t disturb that San Andreas because “it’s not going to unlock gently.” Well of course it’s not going to unlock gently! And the longer it goes undisturbed, the more un-gently it’s going to unlock!

    Everyone in California should be praying for a San Andreas quake tomorrow, because every day after tomorrow would be worse. And the best-case scenario would be a lot of little quakes, like these, on the San Andreas, gradually letting off the stress that’s built up. Walter’s approach seems to amount to hoping the dam breaks sometime after he’s fled the state.

  8. This reminds me of that scene in LA Story, where all the LA natives are casually talking at lunch during an earthquake while the British journallist is struggling to contain her panic.

  9. Indeed I did forget volcanoes and let’s not forget avalanches while we are at it. Did someone mention poison ivy? Holy Toledo! what about all the killer snakes and spiders like the brown recluse whose bite can rot out harge hunks of flesh? Who could forget Jaws, eh? I’m getting morbid here. Nature is absolutely awesome. I just returned from a very short vacation in the Smoky Mountains and got to see 3 bears up close. It has been years since I have been that close to bears.

  10. I went thru some rather large earthquakes when I live in Hawaii, but the rock being porous it generally was just a whole lota’ shakin’ goin’ on without much damage.

    The strangest quake I’ve been in was here in West Texas in about 1992. Almost a 5 point at it’s place of origin in the mountains southwest of here, but strong enough to shake me awake.

  11. Heh. Gotta love that spell check.

    I lived in California for a number of years, and got pretty blase about quakes. But after last December’s tsunami – which some seismologists say was the largest earthquake in modern history – I’m remembering to take them seriously.

    Goesh left one out: volcanoes. Here in Oregon they’re actually more of a factor than earthquakes. Fortunately science has a somewhat better handle on predicting volcanic eruptions than earthquakes; but some of the nightmare scenarios conjured up in the event of a really BIG eruption are enough to keep you up at night.

    Well, one day at a time. What else can you do?

  12. Frail were are in the throes of nature – tsunami, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, fire, flood, hail, drought, mudslides, even locusts. The wonders of our technology and the power of our self-image quickly dissipates when nature’s awesome power manifests and we die like common bugs.

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