Home » Excellent video on COVID


Excellent video on COVID — 21 Comments

  1. Oxford and Stanford have the most reasonable experts going right now. Goes to show how far off the rails the media has gone that now these guys are unacceptable while grifters like Fauci and Gottlieb (congrats on Pfizer Scott!) are on perpetual speed dial.

  2. I no longer reference COVID19. It actually the ORANGEMANBAD virus. Shutting down the economy is a hell of way to address a flu. The poseur Fauci recently compared orangemanbad virus to the Spanish Flu. So much for ‘experts’.

  3. neo: How about a one-graf summary beyond “one of the best things…”

    Forty-five minutes is a long time.

  4. Thank you Neo. Very worthwhile viewing. Evidence-based decision making. What a concept. Interesting that Dr. Fauci recently lauded Cuomo for his response which in fact exemplified what was cited as the most egregious mistake in response to this virus.

  5. The evidence supports that the primary transmission method is fecal, not aerosol. So, good hygienic habits (e.g. wash hands with soap and water) are imperative, and manage touching transmission interfaces (e.g. eyes, nose, mouth). Also, context matters, including location (e.g. greenhouse effect which concentrates virions), and symptomatic cases that can be monitored. The masks (and no goggles) have limited utility and efficacy, which may actually create a false sense of security, and concentrate virions (i.e. viral load) in susceptible locations where the viruses will enter your body and the disease progression becomes viable.

  6. It appears that the media has found yet another means of killing us off… promoting false prophets. Or perhaps that has been MO # 1 all along!

  7. In the worst case, this may be a repeat of the Polio epidemic, where the mitigation strategies, and delaying infection to a later age, actually served to normalize disease progression in its most destructive form. It could also be similar to HIV/AIDS, where social progress (i.e. trans/homophobia, social liberalism) served to normalize the primary transmission mode and excess deaths.

  8. The HCQ+Zn+AZ disinfectant cocktail has a well characterized risk profile, monitoring and mitigation strategy, and in vitro and substantial anecdotal and retrospective evidence that it reduces excess deaths. An effective choice in a Planned Pathogen (PP) protocol to control viral viability and disease progression.

  9. I wish Neo would implement graphic/jpeg posting here. I’ve got some great graphs of data to show everyone. All taken from worldometers and individual state health sites from March 1 for some of it. What you’ll never see or hear about from Fauci and the MSM.

  10. physicsguy:

    I would do it, but I don’t think it’s possible. I’ll look for a plugin, though.

  11. Can you email the info to Neo so she can look at it and potentially post it? I would be very interested in seeing it.

  12. I only wear a mask where it is mandated and if I absolutely need to be there. I don’t wash my hands more than pre orangemanbad virus. OCD infects sheeple, to live in fear is not my way.

  13. Warning: a little off-topic, but relevant to the issue of COVID-19 evidence. In her post, Neo has linked to a video with a lengthy discussion of evidence-based COVID-19 policy.

    I’ve started looking at the CDC site that publishes data for excess deaths. I haven’t dug deeply into the data collection and standardization issues; but the category “excess deaths” avoids some of the problems associated with deaths categorized as “by COVID-19” when they are actually just “with COVID-19.”

    Anyway, lots and lots of data, and quite a few different kinds of easily selected displays.

    Example: a link to weekly number of excess deaths from all causes (https://tinyurl.com/y7aeko6f).

    Example: a link to weekly counts of excess deaths by age group (https://tinyurl.com/y358fqf8).

    Data can be broken down by age, state, race, ethnicity, numbers, percentages, etc.

  14. “…the HCQ+Zn+AZ…cocktail…”

    The question is simple:
    How many thousands of Americans did the Democratic Party and MSCM help to kill (with some “anecdotal” assistance from Dr. F.) by ridiculing and thus rejecting the “Trumpian” suggested treatment of HCQ+Zn+AZ?
    But it’s a question that will never be asked (not at least by our elites), as Dr. F. bizarrely lauds New York’s response to the virus. (Perhaps his rather elusive point is that the Cuomo-de Blasio tag team could have caused more deaths than they actually did?)
    H/T Instapundit

  15. parker on July 22, 2020 at 8:58 pm said:

    CDC, FBI, and the rest of the alphabet soup are not trustworthy. Sheesh.


    Of course, even a child knows that neither the CDC nor the FBI are inherently trustworthy. That doesn’t mean that all their data is false, or that some of their data can’t be used to develop rational policies — policies that could save many lives.

    Do you really believe that the CDC is lying to you about the number of people who have died this year? What about last year? What about ten or twenty years ago? Is it all lies? Is all data part of a conspiracy against you?

    Do these questions sound condescending? They should. Skepticism is reasonable, but you’ve gone off the deep end. Baby, bath water, and all that.


  16. “CDC, FBI, and the rest of the alphabet soup are not trustworthy. Sheesh.”

    Baby, bath water, and all that.

    Yes, we should be wary of diversitist thought and practice, a Pro-Choice religious dogma.

  17. From

    In a large-scale retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients hospitalized between March 10 and May 2, 2020 across the system’s six hospitals, the study found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died compared to 26.4% not treated with hydroxychloroquine. None of the patients had documented serious heart abnormalities; however, patients were monitored for a heart condition routinely pointed to as a reason to avoid the drug as a treatment for COVID-19.
    * * *
    The study also found those treated with azithromycin alone or a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin also fared slightly better than those not treated with the drugs, according to the Henry Ford data. The analysis found 22.4% of those treated only with azithromycin died, and 20.1% treated with a combination of azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 26.4% of patients dying who were not treated with either medication.

    Zinc was not mentioned at all in the article. So, while the Henry Ford data casts a favorable light on HCQ, and a less favorable light on HCQ+AZ, it is silent on HCQ+Zn+AZ.

  18. But Zinc show antiviral activity in general. I’m taking the zinc with HCQ.

    Plus, I want high measured serum Vitamin D before I travel. This is simple and effective apart from CV19 (despite a variety of studies suggesting its effectiveness against CV19).

  19. It’s all science nothing but science.

    Today our governor in WA banned eating in restaurants with anyone outside your home. And no alcohol after 10 pm and a whole bunch of other completely arbitrary

    Of course deaths have not gone up but ‘cases,cases,cases!’ have. Hospitals must be doing fine because he never mentions them which is always a clue.


  20. “…zinc…”
    Here’s a parallel recommendation: adding quercetin (instead of HCQ) to Vitamin C and zinc.
    Key grafs (caveat emptor—note the “likely” in “likely equally effective to HCQ” below):
    “I am a huge fan of zinc, quercetin and vitamin C, but it is important to understand some very basic principles before using them. It is clear in my mind that quercetin is far less expensive, is safer and is likely equally effective to hydroxychloroquine at driving zinc into the cell, where it does its job of inhibiting viral replication, and unlike hydroxychloroquine, it reduces inflammatory cytokines and also increases interferon.
    “However, it is important to understand that if this excellent strategy is going to be optimally effective it needs to be administered early in the disease phase — the earlier the better. Using quercetin and zinc would be best done if you were recently exposed to the virus. This way you can inhibit viral replication and keep the viral load low while your innate immune system does its work in clearing the virus.”

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