Home » Michelle Malkin on anarcho-tyranny in the US


Michelle Malkin on anarcho-tyranny in the US — 27 Comments

  1. It is a very useful term which has been known to some of us for quite some time, but, until recently, I imagined that it would not be an accurate description of our situation until many more years (and elections) had passed. In England, where Muslim rapists of vulnerable young girls are only seldom punished but the police will harass ordinary people for “offensive” posts on social media, it has been operative for decades, but only now in this country can an informed and rational person begin to understand what it means for criminals (looters, rioters, statue-topplers, and thugs) to be applauded and defended by those who hold the most power (cultural and political) while law-abiding citizens are mistreated.

  2. And right on cue:

    …with many, many more in the same vein.

    Insanity as public policy. The Democrats and the MSCM have gone full USSR.

    And yet, think of it, too, as a strategy to DISTRACT and PROTECT—keeping Biden well-hidden and out of the limelight while, similarly, protecting the criminals and plotters of the Obama administration from being outed.

    As the nation bleeds and the jackals howl.

  3. If authorities refuse to enforce the rule of law, eventually everyday people will. In blue cities and states you are on your own. Arm yourselves accordingly, if you are allowed.

  4. The left-right, totalitarian-anarchist nexus is leftist.

    Surprise! the Google search engine is now getting into the act of suppressing information.

    At the very least, they are, and have been, steering. So, don’t “Google”, search, ideally using independent engines/models to reduce or expose bias.

  5. dem-rep-bobby-rush-trump-instigate-race-war

    Diversity (i.e. class-based taxonomic system, process, bias perchance prejudice perchance bigotry #PrinciplesMatter), division, and adversity. 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, and projections, and this is their fallback strategy that will socially justify excess capital losses and bloodletting.

  6. Here’s the story behind Red and Blue states. Draw your own conclusions, but I think it was deliberate.
    From http://www.mentalfloss.com:
    “According to the Washington Post, the first use of “red states” and “blue states” occurred about a week before the election on the Today Show. Matt Lauer and Tim Russert were discussing what states would go to which candidate with a map and the color scheme that MSNBC had used a few days earlier—red for Republican, blue for Democrat—when Russert asked, “How does [Bush] get those remaining 61 electoral red states, so to speak?” In the days following the highly contested election, everything seemed to align: Both the New York Times and USA Today released maps with Gore’s states in blue and Bush’s in red, and then David Letterman suggested that a compromise would “make George W. Bush president of the red states and Al Gore head of the blue ones.”

    MSNBC, NYT, USA Today, David Letterman, and the Today show: any common thread there? Duh!

  7. Anarcho-tyranny. I’m thinking…

    I get it, but with the proviso that the anarcho and the tyranny aren’t talking to each other much.

    They are a marriage of convenience at some distance. For a political calculation which could change in a heartbeat.

    Think the “Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.”

  8. “Arm yourselves accordingly, if you are allowed.”

    Just finished on Saturday the NRA pistol course so I can start the laborious process of a pistol permit here in CT. My wife has hers so she buys the ammo etc. Thought it was time for both of us. The PP here trumps all other certs and gives cart blanche for purchases. We already have 2 12 gauge, 1 20, several .22, and a nice Sig 9mm. As per usual CT has no castle law or stand your ground provision. The invader gets a pass and the homeowner goes to jail.

  9. ‘Think the “Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.”’

    Actually, think Weimar and what brought about its dissolution.

    And what ultimately replaced it….

    The US should not be compared to Weimar in all ways; however, the question is how and by which strategies the various violent groups intend to fatally weaken the US so as to ensure its downfall.

    And also, who supports them “morally” and financially; and by suppressing the truth about them.

    That is, the question is, how can the US be saved from going down the Weimar path.

    In any event, “anarcho-tyranny” is only a name of seeming opposites. The violent groups include “anarchists”, “anti-fascists” and “BLM” (and no doubt, others) but these are only names (i.e., the “anarcho” part of the equation) which are meaningful only insofar as these names—along with a host of other seemingly virtuous slogans such as “human rights”, “justice” and “anti-racism”—enable these groups (and their supporters) to manipulate public opinion by making it appear that their cause is just while deliberately disguising their true goal, which is violently (and be other means) destroying the status quo and replacing it with a Marxist thuggocracy (i.e., the “tyranny part of the equation).

    This is the deception that they expect will confuse and throw off-balance the governments and populace until the tipping point, they hope (and expect), is reached.

    To be sure, a significant number of “governments” (mostly municipal) and government representatives at all levels are supporters of the violent overthrow of the country that these movements espouse.

    The reason/rationale/excuse is because they believe (or claim to believe) that Trump is a severe threat to the country and must be countered—RESISTED—by any and all means necessary.

    Including violence. Especially violence, now that it is becoming clear—to those who have eyes to see—-that the Russian hoax and its related impeachment proceedings were part of the vast, Obama-initiated, led and managed conspiracy against Trump and against the Constitution and Laws of the US.

    Needless to say, the MSCM—as it has from day one—is providing the required ground-softening artillery and enfilading fire, along with with the streaming prevarications 24/7, to protect these thugs and to do their best to ensure that the Truth does not get reported.

    (Since for the MSCM, the only “Truth” is the need to remove Trump from office and to wreak vengeance on his supporters—who MUST be continually branded as “racists” and “fascists”, etc., by those who have been acting as racists and fascists.)

  10. I looked using DuckDuckGo, and found very little from major news outlets.

    Even some of the coverage listed was not very fair. “Channel 9 News” had this to say in its online article:
    “A group of counter-protesters on Sunday afternoon were demonstrating at a law enforcement appreciation event in Civic Center in downtown Denver.
    “According to a Facebook event page, the Becker Band hosted a Law Enforcement Appreciation Day for the sixth year, and the family-friendly event was scheduled from 3 to 6 p.m. at Civic Center Park.
    “A counter-protest organized by Denver Homeless Out Loud, Aurora Copwatch and the Party for Socialism and Liberation – Denver was scheduled to take place from 2 to 5 p.m., also at Civic Center.
    …”While the two demonstrations remained mostly peaceful, the collision of the two groups was loud with dueling chats, and a pile of “Make America Great Again” hats along with a blue-line flag was set on fire.”
    Ron MachLachlan and Michelle Malkin are not mentioned.

  11. “If authorities refuse to enforce the rule of law, eventually everyday people will. In blue cities and states you are on your own. Arm yourselves accordingly, if you are allowed.” parker

    If you live in a blue state you are absolutely NOT “allowed”.

    There have been a number of incidents where merely “brandishing” a gun, to warn off aggressors resulted in prosecution.

    This despite clear aggression and no gun being fired. In blue states, there is no acceptable use of a gun. Even in Georgia, killing a man repeatedly punching you while attempting to wrestle your gun away from you will result in prosecution.

    The Left seeks to intimidate law abiding gun owners with the certainty of prosecution if you “brandish” a gun outside your home.

    My Dad, a combat veteran and WWII military policeman always said, “it’s not a toy, it’s a deadly weapon with but one purpose, never pull a gun unless you intend to shoot to kill.”

    It’s now clear that law abiding gun owners should be extremely careful in how they defend themselves. The main benefit to gun ownership today is in preparation for when the Left “cancels” the Second Amendment.

  12. I have been saying anarchy tyranny for a while. I might have even mentioned it on a comment on this blog, though spelling may vary. The democrat powers that be protect those destroying private property and make it difficult, even criminal, for otherwise law abiding citizens to defend themselves.

  13. anarcho tyranny never heard? of course not… you never read my recomendations all these years… duh..



    Francis’s term “anarcho-tyranny” refers to armed dictatorship without rule of law, or a Hegelian synthesis when the state tyrannically or oppressively regulates citizens’ lives yet is unable to enforce fundamental protective law. Commentators have invoked the term in reference to situations when governments focus on weapon confiscation instead of stopping looters. On Francis’s death, the Rockford Institute magazine Chronicles dedicated its April 2005 issue to his memory and the concept

    In September 2017, New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote:

    The only time I saw Sam Francis face-to-face — in The Washington Times cafeteria sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s — I thought he was a crank, but it’s clear now that he was at that moment becoming one of the most prescient writers of the past 50 years. There’s very little Donald Trump has done or said that Francis didn’t champion a quarter century ago.

  14. for the record, Anarcho-Tranny is a completely different concept…

  15. Malkin’s final grafs:

    On Tuesday morning, a Denver police union official called me to apologize for the department’s failure to protect those of us who tried to speak on their behalf. The “backlash” for defending our constitutional rights was too high a price to pay, he told me. Sorry.

    So the message is loud and clear. When push comes to bloody shove in end-stage America, under the rule of the anarcho-tyrants, we, the law-abiding, are the enemy. Those in uniform sworn to protect and serve will turn their backs on us because their bosses don’t answer to the public. They protect and serve the mob.

    And the mob serves … who?
    I was going to write “the mob serves the Democrats” but it seems that the Democrats are themselves serving someone (someones?) or something (ideology?) — what is the head of the hydra?

  16. As Art points out (as did Malkin in her excellent piece) the term “anarcho-tyranny” originated with the late Sam Francis, as a kind of Hegelian synthesis.

    Sam Francis was a controversial figure, without a doubt (truly the intellectual godfather of much of the alt-right), but he was eerily prescient in many things, anarcho-tyranny being the most prominent. That’s where we are now. It’s still on the periphery, for the most part. If you’re not in a large, leftist controlled city, you can mostly put it out of mind, as you dutifully put on your mask and socially distance. But it’s there. And it is only going to grow.

  17. Cicero on July 22, 2020 at 5:27 pm said:
    Here’s the story behind Red and Blue states. Draw your own conclusions, but I think it was deliberate.
    * * *
    It was absolutely deliberate.
    Once the Democrats began to openly (if still somewhat stealthily) espouse socialist policies, “they” — shorthand for the Dems, Left, and Media conspiracy — did not dare let the Donkeys end up with the color Red on the maps.

  18. Barry – the story linked at Power Line has a very accurate observation:

    Tuesday’s incident threatens to enhance the scrutiny in the lead-up to the 2020 election.

    “There are two problems here,” Epstein* said. “One is the unfettered, unregulated power to suppress content around the world. The second is the complete lack of transparency. The problem with content suppression is that you don’t know what you don’t know.”

    I’m somewhat surprised that Mediaite criticized Google for suppressing (mostly) conservative sites; that’s not their usual ideological wheel-house.

    *”Dr. Robert Epstein, a researcher who has argued Google has the power to sway up to 10 percent of American voters in the 2020 election,”

    PS there is at least one conservative commenter on the thread —

    Honest headline…

    “Google Appears To Test Its Ability To Blacklist Conservative Media Ahead Of Election”

  19. “…to apologize …”

    He’s sorry that the Denver police got caught.

    An apology worthy of the CPC.

  20. Barry – thanks for linking the Dershowitz article.

    His political predicament is very real — see his book, which he mentioned, titled “The Case for Liberalism in an Age of Extremism: or, Why I Left the Left But Can’t Join the Right.” He lists the positions he supports on the Democrat side, that he doesn’t see as part of the Republican electorate consensus (we aren’t considering RINOs in Congress here).

    The centrists from both parties have that dilemma: “For [whatever reasons], I can’t support my former party, but I don’t want to vote for the other one either.”

    The #WalkAway videos I have watched are largely taking that position, as are many of the leading black intellectuals and former civil rights activists who just can’t sign on to the Marxist manifesto and the cancel culture etc. (they have been discussed in other threads, but Bret Weinstein posted a good round-table by a number of them, link below).

    In re the NeverTrumpers of the day, they are, in fact, enthusiastically supporting the “other party” because, OrangeManBad horrifies them more than do the Democrat extremists — the arguments on that are in other threads — but it seems to me that most center-right Republicans (who are actually conservatives) have come around, reluctantly, to supporting President Trump for lack of any viable alternative.

    They are following the advice given to Dersh by his liberal Republican brother-in-law: “Look, we have won gay rights. We have won equal rights for blacks. We have won many of the other issues. The issues that are now more important are the fight against terrorism, the fight against extremism.”

    That is the argument of 2016’s “The Flight 93 Election” on steroids.
    One could even say something like “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

    Barry Goldwater was vilified by elements in both parties for his “deal breaking” speech, just like the NeverTrumpers vilified Trump before and after his election.

    However, I don’t believe the “extremism” Goldwater advocated was anything similar to what the hard Left is practicing; more like “committed and passionate legal support of liberty instead of rolling over and giving the left everything they want just because they make threats” — and the Supreme Court has shown us in numerous cases when your indulge in moderation instead of justice —
    so, he wasn’t actually wrong-wrong, just victimized by the same forces attacking conservatives, Republicans, and President Trump today.

    They had to shut Goldwater down because he was asking Republicans to do for their conservative (and Constitutional) values exactly what the Democrats were doing in pursuit of their liberal (and socialist) ones; and they have to cancel Trump for the same reason.


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