Home » Dealing with the NYC public school system: “white adjacent”


Dealing with the NYC public school system: “white adjacent” — 21 Comments

  1. Robin Broshi, the hysterical woman in the video, is exactly the sort of insufferable progressive who would attend one of Saira Rao’s race-baiting and very costly “dinners”, who would read the pernicious nonsense peddled by Robin DiAngelo, T-N Coates and Ibram Kendi, and would no doubt applaud the recent charging, by the loathsome Cy Vance, of Amy Cooper (another SJW, but one less highly-situated in the hierarchy of victimhood than the other “Central Park Karen” involved in the completely unimportant encounter, which ought never to have become a national story).

  2. As a farm boy who is 1/32 Shawnee I hereby embrace my white adjacent privilege to tell the SJW cultists STFU and GTFO of my homeland. What they all need is a steel toed boot to the butt.

  3. I have it on the best authority (my grandad), that I am 1/32 Cherokee.
    Everybody get off my lawn!

  4. I have it on the best authority (my grandad), that I am 1/32 Cherokee.

    AesopFan: When there was no room at the regular hospital, my grandmother from Oklahoma got my mother into the Santa Fe Indian Hospital, so I could be born.

    When the person at the desk asked why, my blonde-haired grandmother just flashed her blue eyes and said, “I’m Cherokee.” We were in.

    I enjoyed telling that story during the Elizabeth Warren days.

  5. They are diversitist, which refers to Progressive dogma, under their Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic religion, that denies individual dignity and conscience, and grants liberal license to indulge color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism) for social progress, affirmative discrimination, and other purposes including abortion… cancel culture.

  6. “So Asians are “white adjacent,” according to self-righteous anti-racist racists…”

    white adjacent” is generally used:

    (n.) A person who is technically a minority, but has access to, utilizes and sometimes benefits from white privilege. This is usually accomplished by said person distancing themselves from the socio political problems their ethnic group commonly faces.”

    How does an Asian person ‘distance’ themselves from “from the socio political [economic] problems their ethnic group commonly faces”?

    Why by embracing the five secular virtues that result in socio-economic success: education, the self-discipline necessary to delayed gratification, a strong work ethic, personal responsibility for one’s actions, and acceptance of parental and familial obligations.

    Gov. statistics reveal that in the aggregate, Asians make more than do whites. Apparently, the great majority have distanced themselves… from themselves.

  7. It was always lore in my family that my mom, born in Konowa OK, was Native. She looks it, and I can walk on a reservation in Minnesota and people think I am a cousin. But the DNA says, not so (Native American DNA comparisons are fairly shaky).

    Then I’m working on my family tree, my father’s side. What do I find? My fifth great grandfather is a Cherokee chief in North Carolina in 1750. It might even be the Cherokee branch that didn’t go west during the Trail of Tears.

    In Saint Paul, MN, in the early years of the 20th century, Irish and Swedes were not considered white. It’s a funny old world.

  8. Could anything point out more clearly that the overlords are and have been fomenting a class war? Race is a red herring. Class is the real thing. If they can cause the underclasses to rise up and destroy the upper classes, the over lords will then be free of the people who cause them the most trouble. At that point, they can maneuver those who are left, those who are less educated and who tend to be a lot more gullible, into the positions they want them in, or just get rid of them because they are no longer needed.

  9. It all started in a happy gulag… once that was situated and the main force protecting ideals and so on, became the core of evil, anything goes… doesn’t it?

  10. Broshi is the PTO/PTA mom that you hate to deal with if you’re in primary education. Not because such people are always right, au contraire, it’s because they have a self-righteousness about them that it off-putting. There’s at least one alpha and the rest are followers, with one that acts as her “side-kick” or faithful raven (see: Disney’s Sleep Beauty).

  11. I’ve read—and saw in person—Nien Cheng. I know what it takes to survive a struggle session. And I’ve seen the cost. I haven’t enough to pay that cost.

  12. said person distancing themselves from the socio political problems their ethnic group commonly faces. Usually by considering considering themselves better than their minority counterparts sharing their same ethnic heritage.

    Some reform/conservative Jews looking down their nose at or avoiding attacks on the orthodox, per ever-so-genteel-1950’s-country-club-exclusionary attitudes?

    Asking for a friend.

  13. When I was in college the Asian students were honorary whites. Well, we got it almost right, they are adjacent whites. When we discriminated against the blacks by taking math, physics and engineering courses, making higher grades and staying out of trouble, the Asian students always joined us.

  14. Ah, “white adjacent”….looks like academic jargon for “Uncle Tom”. Dollars to donuts, 99% of the people who created and use this term are either white or white adjacent… ensconced in elite universities, the the morass of state and federal bureaucracy, or the HR labyrinth of Corporate America. Many of them draw six figure salaries for doing very little other than hectoring, lecturing, regulating and litigating. Most would be utterly clueless how to navigate through a working class or working poor culture of any race.

    This group of diversocrats is, in some ways, more pernicious than virtue signaling celebrities, pompous lefty politicians and loudmouth “activists”. It lies well below the surface; few Americans have any idea how large (and ever expanding) and influential it is.

  15. George Zimmerman was called a White Hispanic when it suited the left to ignore his actual racial/ethnic heritage.
    This scam has been running for a long time.

  16. @ Gordon Scott,

    If your paternal grandfather was an unmixed Cherokee chief and actually an Indian, and if the line of descent is unbroken, then your Y chromosome will reflect that. It should be C or Q.

    If it is I or R1b, then a white man was in the mix there on the male side somewhere.

    As for those DNA tests that purport to show ethnic percentages, my personal opinion is that they both tell you more than you would have known otherwise, and less than you might expect – depending on the level of mutation detail they go into, and whether or not you have that defining mutation. So for example, a test may show some men that they are definitely Irish, down to a specific lineage. But those who are not of that line, but are Irish, might just as well, be from some other area populated by Celtic people as far as the test results can show.

    I do know that there has been speculation that there was a preColumbian Europoid component to the population of some North American tribes; based on several differing old theories involving everything from Welshmen to earlier Celtic migrants, to Solutreans. But as far as I know, none of this is better supported than are the supposed Viking rune stones in Minnesota.

    Of course in the case of any Solutreans, they would predate the establishment of R1b in Atlantic Europe anyway. Just what the DNA of those who made the Solutrean artifacts in Europe was, I can’t say I know.

    The appearance and disappearance of distinct human populations and cultures is a fascinating study.

    We may have a front row seat to the process, right now.

  17. Pingback:Strange Daze

  18. I commend Tom Wrocklage and all the others who have the courage to stand up to these bullies. As a former public school teacher of many years, I can tell you exactly why teachers don’t dare speak up. The school administration from the superintendent to the principals have spies in each building, both teachers and parents reporting on every single teachers’ behavior. You must watch everything you do and say from facial expressions to how much time you spend in the bathroom. I had friends who had to furtively glance outside their classroom door each day to make sure no one was watching so they could quickly slip out to relieve their bladder—during their planning period when the students were elsewhere—lest a spy tattle to the principle that they were wasting work time. Others have had to keep silent about cancer diagnoses, as those teachers will be let go. Long gone are the days when educators cared about the kids, advocated on their behalf, and worked together for the good of the kids. Very few teachers can achieve tenure these days, which means every March teachers live in dread of being told that their contracts will not be renewed. Those that don’t spout ultra liberal and social justice deep think are let go. So many good, caring, and professional teachers remain silent and live in fear and burn out. This will only stop when we all stop being silent and confront this nonsense.

  19. Years ago, when I worked at the SFO airport I would be able to tell right away when Aer Lingus had arrived even though I was not stationed close to their arrival gate, and could not hear their voices. Interesting study–facial features.

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