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Trained Marxists — 13 Comments

  1. The MSM will never acknowledge the radicalism of BLM’s demands, nor the looting and vandalism it has inspired, nor the murders related, directly or indirectly, to its wildly irrational Afrocentric and Marxist ideology. All interested readers should take note of the latest essay posted at Quillette by Eric Kaufmann, an impressively multicultural Canadian professor teaching in England; he writes very well, from a moderately left-of-center (classically liberal) perspective about the destructive nature of today’s “woke” cultural Jacobins.

  2. Not just your ordinary Marxists, we’re “trained” Marxists. Twice as deceitful and dangerous? Something about polishing a turd comes to mind.

  3. I believe I read somewhere (to much reading happening, I can’t keep track of links) that the training may have occurred in Venezuela as both of them visited there. Great model to work from and towards, eh?

  4. “It [BLM] has been pitched as a grass roots organization opposing police brutality against black people. Almost everyone opposes that, as well. As such, it has gained tremendous goodwill and support”

    That’s how Marxism-Leninism works.
    Let’s hear it for the “dictatorship of the proletariat”. Lots of cells in lots of cities at this point, and funding from occult sources. Would not surprise me if Communist China wasn’t involved.


  5. Interesting and timely post, Neo.
    In a moment of weakness yesterday, I logged on to our local “Next Door” site – and immediately remembered why I hate logging on to it. It’s generally a collection of posts dealing with lost cats, or found dogs, or speeders, or a strange guy driving around slowly in a white van (which usually turns out to be an Amazon deliveryman). But yesterday there was a thread discussing the “Black Lives Matter” yard signs being displayed, that quickly became a self-congratulatory lovefest of comments.
    I’ve noticed them popping up around the neighborhood during my daily 5-mile walk, sort of like residential bumper stickers. Understand that this is a fairly liberal, mostly white neighborhood, so virtue signaling is a given.
    So, just for fun, I jumped in with the comment, “I didn’t know we had so many Marxists in the neighborhood.”
    The immediate responses, “What do you mean?”, “What kind of comment is that?” came back.
    My response, “You know the founders of the BLM Movement are Marxists, right? With very radical Marxists goals?”

  6. Not for the first time, I point out that Opal Tometi, a cofounder of BLM, is a fan of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro. Black Lives Matter Founder an Open Supporter of Socialist Venezuelan Dictator Maduro. Opal Tometi, a coufounder of BLM, visited Maduro’s Venezuela around the time of the December 2015 legislative elections. She also met Maduro several months before in NYC, at the People of African Descent Leadership Summit. Photo ops abound.
    An Opal Tometi tweet from her visit to Venezuela indicates where her sympathies lie (see link at “She Praised”) :

    Currently in Venezuela. Such a relief to be in a place where there is intelligent political discourse.

    The Breitbart article links to an article Opal Tometi wrote for Venezuelanalysis, a Chavista mouthpiece.

    Tometi also applauded Venezuela in an article that year stating, “in these last 17 years, we have witnessed the Bolivarian Revolution champion participatory democracy and construct a fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world.”

    Yeah, right.

    The Breitbart article points out that Opal Tometi’s sympathies for Chavista Venezuela are not an outlier in BLM. It quotes a BLM eulogy on Fidel Castro.

    “There is an overwhelming sense of loss, complicated by fear and anxiety. Although no leader is without their flaws, we must push back against the rhetoric of the right and come to the defense of El Comandante,” a eulogy by the official “Black Lives Matter” organization read.
    After some thoughts on revolution, the piece ends: “As Fidel ascends to the realm of the ancestors, we summon his guidance, strength, and power as we recommit ourselves to the struggle for universal freedom. Fidel Vive!”

    Breitbart points out the irony of BLM, an organization that is against police killing civilians, supporting the Maduro regime, as the Maduro regime has a horrendous record of police killing civilians.
    Caracas Chronicles: How Brutal Are Venezuelan Police Forces?” In 2017, Venezuelan law enforcement killed 4,998 civilians. On a per capita basis, that would be the equivalent of US law enforcement killing around 50,000 civilians. Whereas US law enforcement kills around 500-1000 civilians a year. Yet Opal Tometi, a cofounder of BLM, supports the Maduro regime.

  7. The connection to Venezuela is strong, and through that, to Cuba. And yet, the Cuban socialist dictatorship has been consistently more harsh with black Cubans than with those of more Spanish ancestry. Black lives don’t matter in that case, evidently.

  8. physicsguy

    I believe I read somewhere (to much reading happening, I can’t keep track of links) that the training may have occurred in Venezuela as both of them visited there. Great model to work from and towards, eh?

    Of the three BLM cofounders- Opal Tometi, Alicia Garza and Patrisse Khan-Cullors- I believe that only Opal Tometi has been in Venezuela. Patrisse Khan-Cullors makes no mention of Venezuela in her memoir. (When They Call You a Terrorist).

    The three were hard-core lefties before Opal Tometi visited Venezuela in December 2015. While they probably view Venezuela or Cuba as models, I doubt that Opal Tometi had much time during her short visit during the 2015 legislative elections to get a training course. Maduro took a training course years ago in Cuba that took several weeks to a month, IIRC.

    I consider it plausible that at least one of the three got some advice from Venezuelans, in a meeting taking an hour or 2, on how to proceed. The three are very skilled at what they do, which would suggest at least some advice from Cuba or Venezuela. Say what you will about the living conditions in Cuba or Venezuela, those who run those countries are very skilled at acquiring and maintaining power. (I am reading a book on the Weathermen which points out that Cuban advice to the Weathermen was to focus on organizing and on demonstrations against the War. Cubans did NOT advise the Weathermen to go the bombing route that they took.)

    Additional link: Black Lives Matter Co-Founder and BLM Movement Hearts Venezuela’s Maduro

  9. Ever notice how the Visiting Marxists always hang out with the Dear Leader, not Ivan Ivanovich, Ramon Gonzalez, or Kim Yang, who are working in the fields of the Glorious People’s Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Collective Farm? IMO, there are no Marxists; there are only people who think professing Marxism will put them on top.

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