Home » The American press: Antifa, the right, Palestine and the Jews


The American press: Antifa, the right, Palestine and the Jews — 56 Comments

  1. First we need to read the latest:
    George Floyd latest: Official autopsy declares death ‘homicide’

    21:54 The Hennepin county medical examiner has declared George Floyd’s death to be a homicide, according to an official statement.

    The declaration comes after an independent autopsy found that Floyd had died of asphyxiation, in contract to an official ruling that claimed he died due to pre-existing heart conditions.

    The latest report said the manner of death was “homicide.

    “Decedent experience a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement officer(s),” the examiner said.

    As for Antifa, the right, Palestine and the Jews
    You should take advise made by both om on May 31, 2020 at 7:31 pm also Artfldgr on June 1, 2020 at 9:57 am when it comes to Palestine & Iraq

  2. I know someone personally who is utterly sure that it’s “white supremacists” who are behind all this violence. For a lot of people, whatever CNN-etc. feeds them, they eagerly lap up every syllable. And they’ll turn around and accuse Fox News viewers of doing exactly that. (I haven’t watched Fox News Channel for some time now, so *there*.)

  3. M J R:

    A person who believes whatever CNN says has been lost to the right for a long, long time.

  4. FB:

    Still having contextual difficulties? That Antifa and the left are anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and pro-“Palestinian” is news to you? Do you have a point to make?

  5. This will set blacks back decades. The political left has panicked that blacks were drifting toward Trump. They staged this with the Floyd thing being an excuse. The federal officer shot by snipers in Oakland this week was a 53 year bold black guy. Nobody knows his name. The black businesses burned out in Minneapolis are not going to help the Dims swing back votes. Antifa now has nothing to lose and are probably hoping to provoke Trump into a Kent State. He is much more media savvy than Nixon was. That’s why he is putting it all on the Governors.

  6. Deroy Murdock made a similar observation.


    The rioters body-slammed the spotlight from the torture and murder of George Floyd to the narcissistic, nihilistic destruction of their own city. These barbarians resemble Palestinians who demolish their surroundings, such that they reduce any legitimate grievances into rubble.

  7. M J R on June 1, 2020 at 6:23 pm said:
    I know someone personally who is utterly sure that it’s “white supremacists” who are behind all this violence.
    * * *
    “Antifa now has nothing to lose and are probably hoping to provoke Trump into a Kent State.” – Mike K

    Soooo – Trump orders the National Guard to fire on the rioters and kill all the white supremacists and …. liberal heads explode?

    Yes, I know: the rioters, excuse me, protestors will then automatically snap-back into being innocent civilians.
    And also yes: the Left and its media running dogs will have no problem at all attributing any “shoot” orders given by Democrat governors into being Trump’s fault.

  8. I hope it wont set blacks back… because its clear to see in these riots unlike previous ones, the majority of the trouble is not the black folk, but clearly college edumacated men and feminists (girls will be boys), and antifa paying people (caught on video)…

  9. Also from Ace (who is getting rather … emotional … about this crisis).

    “If these riots and arsons are started by “right wing extremists,” why, praytell, are leftwing celebrities and Biden staffers paying charity funds to get them out of jail?”

    There follows a long line of pictures of the alleged “RWEs” who — sure are good actors! Maybe even cultural appropriators.

    “This is not reportage; this is simply propaganda from enemy forces in what is now as close to a war as you can get without being forced to admit it’s a war.” – Ace.

  10. From another post by Ace, about a conservative reporter doxxed by Antifa, and then terrorized by the mob.

    Cassandra Fairbanks
    But you’re still not oppressed, rioting terrorist scum. If you were, this would be over by now.

    Reminds me of the once-common response to left-wing cries that Trump was verily Hitler.
    “If Trump were Hitler, you would be dead or in jail. You aren’t. So he isn’t.”

    As Mike K and others suggested, Antifa is now trying to goad Trump into actions that will end up with rioters/mobbers/revolutionaries either dead or in jail, so they can claim they were right all along.

  11. Let me offer an observation and a sentiment from Illinois …

    Enough already. My City is burning.

    The Mayor is dithering. The Governor is dining, in Wisconsin. More protests are developing for tonight. And even though I am 13 miles north of the Loop, both of the highway exits to my “safe middle-class suburb” have been closed by local police. They fear roaming Antifa/Rioters showing up at my local shopping malls.

    I ask myself, if they come down my block …

    All talk about Palestine, Hamas, Jews and Right Wing Nazis is fine and good. I don’t mean to criticize thinking through the parallels. But here in the trenches, I’m worried about who might be coming down my street tonight.

    Donald Trump understands that. His speech this afternoon was absolutely “pitch perfect.” Some of us feel like we’re on the cusp between politics and a very hard reality. It’s salutary. It clarifies one’s though processes. I recommend it.

  12. How many people believe? Not nearly as many as assert stoutly with an affirmative expression. It’s useful to pretend.

  13. I have to disagree here. I don’t think anyone other than the most brain dead, naive, truly childlike liberal believes ‘white supremacists’ are behind the riots. If liberals believed that in any significant number, the narrative would be much different; it would be, in a nutshell, “WHY ISN’T TRUMP DOING MORE???”

    No. Instead, all I hear from my liberal friends and colleagues (90% of the people I know) are rationalizations for the violence, as well as over emphasis on occassional instances of the police pepper spraying a peaceful protestor, or that Ohio congresswoman. I hear non stop recitations of “yes, yes the riots are wrong but….George Floyd!!! Racism!!!! Police Brutality!!!”

    No one I know personally has mentioned white supremacists (except calling Trump one, of course). And I know many, many knee-jeek liberal drones.

    The establishment left can push the white supremacist narrative all they want, but I doubt it will can much traction. It’s just too absurd for all but the most idiotically credulous lefties. There are limits to the MSM’s influence…even on mainstream liberals.

  14. Neo
    now you should update your post to include Mullah regime in Tehran?

    The US Interim Government has been recognized by Iran as the sole authority of the American people, and will serve as the People’s representatives in liberated areas.

  15. No. Instead, all I hear from my liberal friends and colleagues (90% of the people I know) are rationalizations for the violence, as well as over emphasis on occasional instances of the police pepper spraying a peaceful protestor, or that Ohio congresswoman.

    But the left, including a daughter who voted for Bernie, are buying guns and learning about all those laws they were told didn’t exist. My daughter called yesterday to ask if I could bring her another gun next time. (she has one.)

  16. Mike K,

    Did you ask your daughter if she needed a gun to protect herself from “White Supremacists”, “Nazi’s” and “Jews”?

  17. One thing that amazes me is how many weapons there are among law-abiding citizens who passed rigid background checks, and yet not a shot has been fired. What I want to know is what event will set off the fireworks?

    I think that people are holding off, waiting for their neighbor to act but something will set it off and then there will be a ripple effect of massive force. Who that force is directed at is anyone’s guess. I am sure that there will be collateral damage. It really is time for our government to lay down the law with these terrorists before things spiral out of control.

  18. Generally, I think that 90% of people have good intentions but when placed in a pressure cooker it rapidly becomes kill or be killed. I mean, just today I ran to the store. As usual I complained to the cashier about “no mask no service” and “arrows down the aisles” to promote “social distancing”. She understood what I was saying but concluded that it needed to be done. But when I said that I was developing ear problems from the mask she recoiled. I think she saw this as a sign that I was “infected”. I’m just an old man with pre-existing conditions, you dimwit. So what if she has a weapon or others like her who react this way? Believe me, I’m not advocating for confiscation, I just want our government to crack down on the terrorists because you have no idea what kind of hell you will unleash if you don’t!

    I just want to point out that I live in a blue state not too far from the Big Apple. I hope things are better in your neck of the woods.

  19. Wow, Mike K.
    Is this your historian-daughter?
    I know this is beyond your responsibility as an accomplished man in his retirement years. But one wonders, is this stark and historic time any kind of “teachable moment?” A way to reach out to her sceptical conscience and leave her with a metaphorical post-it note for her posterity?
    I hope you’ll keep us informed, sometime.

  20. Ackler: cognitive dissonance. Even if they don’t “really” believe it they will blame white supremacists because it suits their narrative. “Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast”. To be a liberal nowadays you really have to be through the looking glass.

  21. Riots will continue until Democrats and their Press learn this very simple, but apparently invisible, message.

    There is nothing good about rioting, looting and burning, but these evils sometimes provide clarifying moments. Such as when progressives realize that the looters are coming for them, too. It shouldn’t be a news flash, but progressives are often surprised to learn that their support for left-wing causes, including criminal activity, doesn’t accord them any special status.

    A case in point, from North Carolina’s Post Millenial: “Editor of progressive newspaper celebrated protestors—then they stormed and trashed her office.” The editor is named Leigh Tauss. She initially cheered on anti-police protesters:

    Another case in point is ESPN sportswriter Chris Palmer. Also from the Post Millenial: “ESPN writer cheers on riots?—then they show up near his house so he calls them ‘animals.’”

    This juxtaposition tells the story:

  22. I warned you in the cities to bug out, weeks ago.

    Was laughed at. Attacked. Scoffed at. Sneered at.

    Is it still funny?

  23. Solrist:

    Given that you provided no reason or causative agent for the riots and the lag time involved I’d say it was justified. Generalized dread and fear doesn’t help anyone, IMO. Got any more predictions, say when the unrest will cease or when the Chinese conatgion lockdowns will be over?

    Where did you bug out to BTW, Tooele UT or Fallon NV?

    My memory may be failing but as I recall your prediction was in 2019, months, not weeks, ago.

  24. Actually, America is Palestine.

    Palestinians could have had a country years ago. They just didn’t accept having lost territory in the wars and they have kept the war on for decades. Palestine is an occupied territory because Jews can’t leave (without being bombed and attacked). There’s no solution because [1] Jews can’t force Palestinians to have a country and live in peace, and [2] they don’t dare to kick them out of Palestine because people would cry ethnic cleansing. So they keep controlling the territory in a non-ending conflict with no solution.

    Blacks in America don’t want to integrate, they don’t want to accept American culture, but at the same time they want to have the average American living standard. There’s no solution because [1] Whites can’t force them to integrate, and [2] they are afraid of kicking them out of the country back to Africa because people would cry ethnic cleansing. America and Palestine have the same situation: it’s a non-ending conflict with no solution.

  25. Um, careful there, Yann.
    Plenty of good, decent people in the Black community.

    The problem is how to lift the more impoverished members of that community (and NOT JUST that community) out of poverty and into a more productive place—“a better place”.

    Trump was trying to do that—getting people (not just Blacks) back to work and off the unemployment rolls—and was very successful until the virus hit. In fact, he had the Democrats biting their fingernails because of this success. (He was also getting thanks from some members of the Black community because of his efforts to rehabilitate certain categories of incarcerated people—get them out of the prison system and into a more hopeful environment. And some people noticed.)

    And now this….

    Regarding Israel and the Palestinians, there is a problem because, while there are numerous Palestinians who are ready to live together with an Israeli state, the official stance of the Palestinian leadership is essentially that Israel is a foreign body that has no right to exist (though they might “say” this in different ways, e.g., we recognize the State of Israel—even if Jews are a religious group and not a national group; and even though the Jews of today are not the same as the Jews of 2000 years ago; and even though there is NO evidence of the Temple ever existing so that the Jewish claim of having any connection to Palestine is pure invention and totally false; and even though Jesus was not Jewish but “Palestinian” (a contention that, curiously, certain Christian groups that support Palestine have no problems with!), etc., etc.—but we insist, we demand that Israel must withdraw to the pre-June 1967 cease-fire lines AND that the Palestinian refugees must have the right to return to their homes inside Israel, etc., etc. which might remind one of the wolf in “Little Red Riding Hood”).

    In a nutshell, the problem is that Israel cannot agree to Palestinian demands (and continue to exist) while at the same time, the Palestinians cannot relent on their maximalist demands to provide any assurance to the State of Israel (and most of its citizens) that any future Palestinian state can be relied upon not to continue the conflict even should there be some sort of agreement (which there basically cannot be because ultimately, the Palestinian goal is the disappearance of the Jewish State). And so, an uneasy conflict of attrition, which the Palestinians feel is in their interests anyway, as such attrition in their view further weakens Israel, which is the whole point anyway.

    To be sure, most of the blame for this stalemate (if not all of it) is placed on Israel, by wide swaths of wise and caring people globally, further adding to the Palestinian resolve (which doesn’t really need much reinforcement because of their “firm principles”, that is, the erasure of the State of Israel).

    It should be added that they have been pushing the Narrative that just as Israel—a racist, apartheid entity—has been brutally persecuting Palestinians, so has White America been doing the same to Blacks an other people of color, even going so far as claiming that Israeli police contingents have been visiting their counterparts in the US to help train them in brutal police techniques which American law enforcement can then use on Blacks, etc., etc.

    Yes, Israel’s ever-charming “partners in peace”….

  26. So, how many of the people can you fool how much of the time?

    It became clear to me during the Clinton administration that the theory was, “you can fool enough of the people enough of the time.” We shall see if the Left runs out of time.

  27. The Dem media can, and does, fool most Dem voters most of the time.

    Because the Dem voter wants to be fooled – wants to believe they are morally superior; believes they ARE morally superior, therefore the Real Truth is that which makes them morally superior, and anything else is Fake News.

    The vote is going to be close. It won’t be like Nixon’s landslide in ’72.

  28. Several random notes from this morning:

    Yesterday on FB many of white libs/lefts that I see posting on a friend’s page (who is very moderate I might add) were “totally down” with the violence. They said it was “about time”. The cultural rot runs deep, and as Laura Ingram said last night, ultimately it’s the colleges to blame for the indoctrination that has been going on for 20 years.

    Last night 4 police officers killed and one in critical condition after being shot point blank in the head. Others injured after being run down by vehicles, and others shot. The rioters just called and raised. Of course I think they want a martyr moment, but damn, at what point is lethal response needed?

    My oldest daughter lives 1/2 mile from Lenox Square in Atlanta. I talked to her last night, but my stomach still is not going to be in good shape for a long while until I know she’s completely safe.

    I live in very rural Connecticut with nothing happening within 25 miles of here. But yesterday I made sure our firearms are well oiled and operating. 2 shotguns with plenty of ammo, 3 rifles and 1 pistol, and lots of cover between the street and my house at the end of a 200yd driveway. Just saying….

  29. On bugging out …

    The easiest “score” for some while now has been some version of “I told you so … You should have left long ago.” And my answer is, “Well, yes … Let’s put a human face on that suggestion.”

    For me, that would entail separating from and possibly divorcing my wife, being permanently estranged from step-children and grand-children, and re-settling life as I near 70. For they all refuse even to consider leaving. One is actually moving BACK from Indiana to be in his home city again. So I ask those who recommend fleeing, “What would you do in our shoes?”

    I’ve been advocating flight for nearly 10 years now. At first, the family thought I was just being alarmist. Slowly, the tone changed to something more like, “That will never happen in our part of the City.” And most recently “Well, it’s too late now to do anything.” And as I said earlier, the highway barricades went up last night.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m not criticizing the call for a Blue City Exodus. I’d be gone tomorrow. I’m just offering a little deeper insight into what that actually means for some individuals and families.

    (And thanks Neo! So far so good!)

  30. Ackler,
    as you probably know, Theodore Dalrymple has a theory about Communist lies: “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

    There is a variation of this theory which I believe explains the patent lies of the left. There isn’t a Gulag waiting for honest leftists daring to oppose false narratives advanced by the left, and there isn’t (probably) a central bureau organizing the narrative; but the left works as a tribe, and you are “expelled” if you oppose the narrative followed by the group – where “expelled” means you are actually cut off from your circle of friends and colleagues, entire fields of career and social recognition suddenly barred. The tacit assumption is that everybody knows the falsity but “the end justifies the means”, or some other rationalization takes place, with the supporting role of intellectuals who decide what interpretation is acceptable and what issues or ideas have to be discussed or removed as “divisive”. Without the violence of the Soviet version, it’s still a system whose goal is to humiliate the dissidents and ban them from society; the internal moral corruption generated is also evident, hence the furious attempt to frame themselves as only moved by idealistic purposes, and the practice of rewarding those who adhere to the tribal narrative even if their actions are patently wrong, illegal, false.

    In this case, the lie is so big that it cannot even be used; but it’s not refused, and journalists using it are silently approved, because “the cause” requires that.

  31. On a completely off topic note: it’s seems the pandemic is over. Figuratively, does anyone care about it any more with this rioting going on? Masks now are for protecting the guilty.

    Literally, however, the number of cumulative cases, despite expanded testing, is now flat. New cases continue to decrease and maybe accelerating. And as of today the serious cases have now decreased for 6 days in a row. I’m going out on a limb and say within 3 weeks this pandemic will essentially be gone. Open it up.

  32. There’s someone in my life, a cross between a mentor and an honorary parent, who is comparatively sane and centrist compared to most of our shared – very lefty – acquaintances. This person is of the age to remember Kent State and actively believes that Trump is the one taking us to one. This person and friends believes that “hothead” Trump is causing all of the trouble.

    I don’t remember Kent State but as my neighborhood arms up, waiting for rioters to come into our area as threatened, I can say that Trump is not the problem. I don’t know how much my friend has been affected but I had police helicopters circling over my house last night flushing something out from nearby commercial property.

    There are only three paths to take here. One, the rioters are allowed to smash and steal stuff and hurt anyone who gets in the way until they get bored or stop being paid; or …

    “But the left … are buying guns”

    Mr G was out yesterday restocking ammunition and was waiting in line behind someone who was buying a gun for the first time. Ammo is selling out. Nothing is better for the gun business than insane lefties running loose.

    “One thing that amazes me is how many weapons there are among law-abiding citizens who passed rigid background checks, and yet not a shot has been fired. What I want to know is what event will set off the fireworks?”

    I can tell you what event will set it off. Rioters encountering heavily armed store owners (and in some areas, others who are turning out to defend stores along with their owners) and there’s a Tombstone moment when one side starts fighting and the other side fights back. If not that, I guarantee that rioters coming into neighborhoods like mine, that are armed to the teeth and waiting for them, will result in violence.

    Option two is that if the city, state, county and/or federal government does not step in and stop the rioters, citizenry will eventually step up and do so. The outcome will be ugly. Worse, it means that there really is no option one. If this goes on, in certain places, for much longer, option two will come into effect.

    Option three is legitimate, trained law enforcement or military meeting the threat and dealing with it. My lefty friends don’t understand that this is the option which results in the fewest deaths and serious injuries. That said, unless said LEO/military does its job and goes home, there looms the risk of the military police state.

    All brought to you by batsh1t crazy leftists.

    Yet, my generic lefty friends are still all at the stage of sympathizing with those poor protestors and “isn’t that [the original Floyd incident] just so terrible?” lamentation stage. A friend of a FB friend said that a business owner whose business was destroyed by rioters and who apparently didn’t have insurance yet “deserved it.” Was his fault for not having insurance. Totally insane.

  33. Somehow paranoids eventually circle back to blaming the Jews, it seems. No matter where they start, they include them fairly soon.

    It’s an open question how many people really believe it is white supremacists causing the violence. People can believe contradictory things about such stuff as A deserves to be bailed out and made excuses for but B is the one being violent. We can’t expect logic, just folks following their impressions of who the good guys and bad guys are dominating their thinking, such as it is. Liberalism does depend on a certain lack of precision, after all, so we shouldn’t be surprised by it. Also, when people are asked poll questions they sometimes give the answer they believe helps their side more, not the one they really believe. It’s actually quite efficient, because whatever comes out for information in the future they can always say, semi-truthfully “Oh I never believed that,” or “Yes I’ve believed that for months” and both will be true. Sorta.

    @ Mike K – unfortunately, the journey out of liberalism is not at root an intellectual one but a personal and social one. It’s not a question of changing one’s mind but of giving up an image of yourself and losing some or even all your friends. Gun ownership and safety may be the only route left open to subtly influencing your daughter.

  34. Slightly OT but please indulge: I’m in my mid 30’s, and have followed politics since I can remember (Rush Baby then war hawk then disillusioned by Iraq libertarian FWIW), and despite my sincere effort to treat my ideological enemies fairly and attempt to persuade I cannot help but come to the conclusion shared by people I (still) laugh at for their proud obtusity:

    The only good commie is a dead commie.

    I gave up trying to engage in good faith years ago, since it is never reciprocated. I’ve given up attempting to apply logic to their actions and ideology, as that is a fool’s errand and I tire of being the constant fool. We, as a nation and society, have compromised liberty and principles seemingly nonstop since the Constitution was signed, yet they demand more. Always more. Compromise is not possible in the long-term since for these (and indeed most) people history began on their birthday, and all previous treaties and deals are null and void.

    I do not engage with people who spout virulent anti-semitism, though their arguments often at least attempt a logical consistency. I do not attempt reason and persuasion with bible-thumping moralizers because their faith is a wall designed to keep rationality and reality at bay. However, those groups do not have widespread political, cultural, and economic power in the West.

    Communists and their various pathetic hangers-on DO have that power and support. They will never stop – EVER – until they control the entire planet. It is a virus of the mind that feeds on the abundant resources of human greed, envy, laziness, and spite.

    Watching entire nation states like Venezuela succumb to this virus all the way through the terminal phase and yet still the people beg for more has hardened me and narrowed the realistic options for curing the disease. I only hope that those of us who value liberty, accountability, individual agency, and adult sanity will wake from our wealth-induced slumber and begin dealing with collectivists in the only language they understand: death and violence.

  35. The black individual in this video was arrested..
    [I recognize him from the interview he gave later when he said he did it for the money]

    did the antifa member who guided him to his actions and looting help?
    nope… and they think this is white supremacists?


  36. Just a note for those who think otherwise. As a practicing lawyer of almost 50 years, please be advised that I have never seen a policy insuring real estate of any kind that covers damages sustained due to civil insurrection, which includes policies covering residential real estate.

  37. “Blue City Exodus” – Frankns

    I’m sure that I am not alone in recognizing the same reasons many Jews gave for not leaving German (and Europe) in the 1930s before it was too late.

    “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.” – Twain

    It also uses a lot of the same subject matter, vocabulary, and metric measures.

  38. Yann:

    Most black people in America are very much a part of this country. You are generalizing way too much.

  39. AesopFan:

    Regarding Stu’s experience I thought of the Jews in Europe also and of a post that Neo has written about that. The hard left has plans (Bill Ayers anyone?) to deal with those who don’t comply and embrace their new “just” society and world.

    Good that Neo has corrected Solinst’s prediction and refreshed my memory (it was made months ago, but not as ancient as 2019). Tough work being a prophet.

  40. @Artfldgr: “. . . and they think this is white supremacists?”

    They are objectively (as Orwell might say) white supremacists in that they are using individual black people as cannon fodder while burning down black neighborhoods and black businesses. They are white supremacists LARPing as anarchists.

  41. AesopFan:

    Correction it was Frankns not Stu. Maybe memory is the second thing to go?

  42. MollyG replies to Artfldgr but the nom on this thread is ArtfldgrUselessNothing.

    Is this the same person or not?

  43. Yes its me… i am depressed over not working since September… a friend died yesterday.. just bad all around… 🙁
    thanks for caring AesopFan

    as to molly… funny stuff… cause i didnt know there were so many joining the side that literally 99% hate to the point of hating people who arent part of it till they cant be proud of their own heritage..

    its class war, not race war..
    you should hear the black woman in alphabet city giving the white middle class college educated anarchists a superb talking to!!! the best eva!

    meanwhile, a few polls went out and even democrats in the public would be happy if the national guard were used… how many dems just lost their progressive asses and businesses in SoHo, NoHo, alphabet city, and other areas of the village? i am guessing they may be thinking twice about wanting the revolution and hopefully thinking thrice as to what that would really mean to their lives, hopes, and dreams… (shattered is a word that comes to mind)

  44. Artfldgr: I send you my best.

    its class war, not race war.. — Artfldgr

    Agreed. Race war is just the thin edge of the wedge the Left is using to divide us. But otherwise it’s the same-old, same-old Marxism.

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