Home » It’s all the Republicans’ fault: the NY Times returns to what it knows best, after a very short detour


It’s all the Republicans’ fault: the <i>NY Times</i> returns to what it knows best, after a very short detour — 20 Comments

  1. The NY Slimes, Washington Compost and LA Slimes have not been real news sources for some time.

    They are simply angry that we all see that the mask has slipped so far that it is now down at their feet, and they are now stepping all over it.

    ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN are also showing that they are fake news fonts for the democrats, the Russians and the Chinese communist party.

    Did you catch how the WHO director tried to tank our economy today, stating that the US would be the next hotspot? Guess which country got him appointed to that position and also is the major contributor of funds.

  2. The changed headline is telling indeed. It is commonly asserted by leftists that conservatives, who often watch Fox (in truth, far more diverse ideologically than either CNN or MSNBC), are misled by “Faux News”, yet ideological distortions (falsehoods, misinformation, disinformation, deflection, projection, etc) are far more common in the left-leaning MSM, and considerably more divisive and destructive; no-one should trust either Pravda-on-the Hudson or Pravda-on-the-Potomac.

  3. One anecdote on the bright side. According to my wife, one of her liberal friends (one of the few who haven’t cut her off) is disgusted at the Democrats. This is a cat lady who marched in her pussy hat.

    So maybe there’s hope.

  4. As you pointed out, these are the people who brought us the 1619 Project.

    They have made it perfectly clear in recent years that they don’t consider their job to be journalism, just left-wing propaganda. Of course they shouldn’t be trusted.

  5. I think many foreign reporters get what they think is news about America from the NYT, WaPo, and CNN Int.

  6. It’s the TWANLOC problem again. The media is largely malevolent. Partisan Democrats will file these travesties away and forget them.

  7. Although the attempt to load up this bill with the Democrats’ Christmas list is disgusting, I’m encouraged by the amount of pushback I’m seeing, even from my lefty acquaintances. Even people who have always been Democrat-leaning seem to agree that holding a disaster-relief bill hostage because it doesn’t include wind-power subsidies or racial quota monitoring is beyond the pale. I don’t believe that would have been true 10 years ago.

  8. The New York Times is now officially fish-wrap, but NBC (among others) is peddling a very fishy story.


    For now, let’s focus on that NBC News story. For the six in ten readers who get no further than the headline, this one sounds like an out-and-out indictment of chloroquine. But that turns out to be misleading, as you learn almost instantly upon reading the article. “The toxic ingredient they consumed,” paragraph two informs us, “was not the medication form of chloroquine, used to treat malaria in humans. Instead, it was an ingredient listed on a parasite treatment for fish.”

    I believe there is also a lesson in there for NBC News. Will they heed it going forward?

    *UPDATE* The Since this post went live, numerous headlines and teasers have appeared that totally distort the story. Here’s a tweet promoting a retelling of the story at The Hill:

  9. Pelosi is not the only one trying to ram through Democrat / Progressive / Socialist legislation in the middle of a crisis.


    The Squad’s plan is to create a “U.S. Debit Card” administered, not by any bank, but by the Department of Treasury. The legislation allows these cards to be used to draw funds from banks and waives the fees associated with the distribution of the cards. This legislation would establish a national database of people in the program in an attempt to reduce the rampant fraud expected of such a program. They even want to use emergency responders to deliver the cards for people who live in more areas or are otherwise deemed “at-risk.”

    The bill claims that it will not cost the taxpayer, because they just want the government to create the new money. The way they want this to work is for Treasury to create two new $1 platinum coins, then Congress will order the Fed to buy the coins. Next the Fed will credit the U.S. Mint with $2 trillion in new reserves. If this sounds to you like an accounting gimmick – it is. They basically just want to print a new $2 trillion in cash to pay for the program. There really is nothing to like about this idea.

    The goal is simple: socialism in banking. If the federal government can create a new alternative banking system administered by the Department of Treasury, they can slowly destroy our nation’s banking system. The bottom line is that the left abides by the adage “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

  10. The fact that federal government medical supply stocks were never replenished by Obama is almost certainly Trump’s fault: he should have noticed that problem on Day 1 of his administration and gotten it taken care of, before letting himself get distracted by Mueller & Impeachment.


    Oh, and I’m sure it’s his fault that NYC has feckless bureaucrats in charge of acquiring supplies. No wonder they made such a big deal about him telling States to make their own deals if they could, and not wait for Washington to do it for them.


  11. Violence in the streets? Trump’s fault – all that inflammatory rhetoric and yeling at reporters. (LU’s Ed., not me, but I agree.)


    [Ed. – But don’t worry, there will be 1,300 more deputies on patrol, to make sure the public doesn’t have to put up with any rogue businesses trying to remain open.]


    [Ed. – So now is the perfect time to have Americans unarmed and convicted criminals released from the jails and roaming the streets committing crimes for which they won’t be arrested.]

  12. I like what John Hinderaker says here; I doubt we’ll ever get to see the Democrats internal polls, though.

    Nancy Pelosi has thrown in the towel on her attempt to misuse the Wuhan virus epidemic to sneak partisan legislation that has never been able to make it through Congress into law.

    One can only imagine how bad the Democrats’ polling must have been to cause such a hasty retreat. The Democrats had no one behind them except their most extremist supporters, like the New York Times.

  13. AesopFan,

    Regarding the Squad’s idea to have the Treasury mint two $1T coins… I eagerly await the slapstick comedy to be made about the wacky hijinks that ensue when they are accidentally used to buy a Snickers bar from a vending machine.

  14. Republicans are angry because our Media tells lies about them. Democrats are angry because our Media tells the truth about them.

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