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Let’s <i>not</i> talk about the weather — 22 Comments

  1. I live in N. Florida. I had to cart 5 computers about 5 blocks. I had to walk there, load ’em up, and walk them back.

    I was quite damp when I got back. At least it didn’t rain. 🙂

  2. Really really hot here, and *no* wind….lots of air conditioners running, lots of electricity being used. If wind turbines were a primary power source right now, there ones around here would all be standing idle.

  3. The heat wave finally relented in Wisconsin now, or at least my small portion of it. 115 at the high point with humidity hovering between 60 and 90% the whole while. Rather not go through that again.

  4. I R A Darth Aggie: seeing as you are in N. Florida, I can see you you responded as you did to my “It’s not the heat it’s the humidity” rant of yesterday. My experience of N. Florida is that you can start sweating in the summer from walking in the shade, which is a lot more humid than I am accustomed to.

    I am looking forward to Labor Day, which is to my definition the end of summer: very few days above 95, and practically none above 100.

  5. My experience of N. Florida is that you can start sweating in the summer from walking in the shade

    Shoot, you can start sweating in the shade while sitting on your porch, sipping a mint julep. I look at it as making up for next winter, when it gets cooler.

    On the other hand, I had the A/C set at 80 last night and didn’t realize it until this morning. Didn’t seem to be that hot…but air conditioned air is dry air, and I had a ceiling fan.

    Y’all are gonna laugh when I snuggle up in a blanket once the overnight temperatures are 70F or below…

  6. On the hottest nights in the Dee Cee area, the overnight low is 79, occasionally but not usually reaching 80. The record overnight low had been 81 — I guess it managed to happen — until last night.

    Last night, the overnight low was 83.

    (Source for records: official DCA weather station statistics.)

  7. Sunday low 67 high 83, Monday 65 to 83 , Tuesday 67 to 83 They are upping the chance of rain to 60%
    3:00 PM now and 79.
    I guess I will never be allowed to comment again

  8. I live in St Pete FL without AC. Drink lots of water, stay in front of a fan when you can, and keep a back scratcher handy.

  9. Northern NV (just south of Carson City):

    Hi — 89

    Lo overnight — 55

    RHumidity — 36%

    Not too bad at all!

  10. When I got home from work tonight, I made sure I had all the supplies I would need for the weekend. I have no intention of leaving the house until Monday morning.

    I could no more live without air conditioning than I could live without oxygen.

    Check this out. There must have been lots of talk about Global Warming in 1918 and 1936, right?

  11. This might gives those who prod of their military power how killing and destroying other people infrastructures and power plants left them in a dessert for more that eight years without power on fake claims of freedom and democracy.

  12. Looks like kk used half of that brain cell, Richard.

    Although I am not quite certain if I am prod [sic] of my military power or not. Gotta think about that one.

    Given the fact that most of us are descended from those who now inhabit the Cradle of Civilization, I guess it is our ancestors that were the ones that thought “this place sucks… let’s go somewhere else.”

  13. Given the existence of so many accurate thermometers owned by individuals, i say we need to utilise them as a broad spectrum to calculate an average temperature by at any given time.

    I’m no conspiracy nut, but it’s awfully suspicious that the “official temperature” is consistently 2 to 3% above my reading in the summer. I frankly don’t trust people who benefit from global warming funding solely being in charge of what the temperature is.

  14. I don’t know what to say.

    This may wipe out all of the global warming believers.

    And we so enjoyed their lunacy.

    I so hate to see them go…..

    Remember last winter’s record lows? Remember the AGW idiots that said global warming caused global cooling?

    This is too funny, but global COOLING causes global warming.

  15. Here is kk, or a local hippihippi doing the traditional (truly so! Nearing 50 years!) routine of criticizing the Military-Industrial Complexâ„¢ destroying Gaia.

    Air Conditiona Air Conditiona
    Zedong Mao Zedong Mao
    John Lenin John Lenin
    Get Patchouli Get Patchouli
    All we are saying… Is give peace a chance!

    Ho, ho, Ho Chi Minh
    We all stand with the Viet Minh
    Hoo, hoo, Hussein O
    We all stand with BHO
    All we are saying… Is give peas a chance!

  16. It’s only going to be 101 here in Vegas today. For those not in the know about dry desert heat….That’s Cool…

    Most of my neighbors have retired here from the cold or humid areas of the country and now sing the praise of dry desert heat. I traveled extensively in my business before retirement. I couldn’t wait to leave the sweltering humidity of the east coast for the hundred plus degree heat with 10% humidity of LV.

  17. When I visited Texas through Alabama/Mississippi, the air felt like it was full of corrosive fog. It stuck to my skin.

    It could have been New Orleans though…

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