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The law professors and the terrorists [UPDATED] — 36 Comments

  1. In zoological anatomy, a cloaca is the posterior orifice that serves as the only opening for the intestinal, reproductive, and urinary tracts of certain animal species, opening at the vent…
    …the rest you need not keep in you mind’s eye!

    Why read satire?
    Why read fiction?

  2. It’s not depressing. It is as I said it was. The enemy is all around and if they are left alone, Western civilization is going to die. It’s probably dead all ready except for some revivalists in Europe and NA.

    There is no reform possible for such, because the entire system is the enemy.

  3. The reason why American bombs didn’t do anything to win wars in the past is because most of the enemies that should have been bombed, didn’t live overseas. You weren’t hitting the strategic cadre, you were hitting a bunch of cannonfodder on the battlefield.

  4. “There is no reform possible for such, because the entire system is the enemy.” [Ymarsaker]

    In other words, a non-cyber version of “Skynet.”

  5. T, a little bit closer to the robot farmers in Matrix I would think. Consider Planned Profit and what they are doing.

  6. Well, some of us did say the Leftist alliance was allied with Islamic Jihad.

    There was plenty of evidence in 2007. And yes, I did discover disturbing connections between Leftists at home feeding information to jihadists overseas, as well as intentionally sabotaging US military operations via laws or interventions.

  7. Neo,

    I downloaded the PDF (before it is ‘disappeared’).

    From the article.

    Yet the advance of ISIS and Islamism is attributable less to
    bullets and bombs than to an incipient strategic adaption. Because application of traditional military power against Western armies would guarantee eradication of their vastly inferior forces,19 Islamists reconfigured their strategy to emphasize more effective modalities of battling the West that, woven together with insurgencies, maximize utility. 20 The analytical construct “Fourth Generation Warfare” (“4GW”), also known as “asymmetric” or “irregular” war,…

    Sound familiar?
    An adversary with no chance to win militarily resorts to attacking America’s most vulnerable spot. Public opinion, with the help of a dedicated cadre of enablers from within.

    This is nothing new. It’s how we lost Vietnam.
    In the 90’s a book came out called Unrestricted Warfare, China’s Master Plan To Destroy America. It was written by two colonels in the PLA. It echo’s the same basic strategy.
    Fourth generation asymmetric warfare.

    Presently, not only is the west hobbled by decadence, corruption, and subversion by a media-legal-academic axis. The enemy (in my opinion) is in the White House. If he is not actually on their side, he couldn’t be a better or more effective tool for their cause.

    While we wallow in self-doubt or liberal self-loathing, the Al Qaeda training manual says, (from the article):

    An Al Qaeda training manual boasts
    that “[t]he confrontation that Islam calls for does not know Socratic debates, Platonic ideals nor Aristotelian diplomacy . . . [b]ut it knows the dialogue of bullets, the ideals of assassination, bombing, and destruction, and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine-gun.” ISIS is using armed force, as well as beheadings, sex slavery, narcotrafficking, and chlorine gas, to extend a “Caliphate” it declared over swaths of Iraq and Syria in June 2014, and its ferocious momentum has the West fumbling for a counterstrategy even as ISIS fighters prepare to capture Baghdad and Damascus. Meanwhile, the Taliban gain in Afghanistan and Pakistan, secular regimes tumble in North Africa, and Iran races toward nuclear weapons.

    This administration has acted against this country in a most treasonous fashion. The present democrat party has been acting in a most treasonous fashion against this country. The main-stream republicans have, in their cowardice and duplicity,
    enabled this treason.

    It is fast becoming, neigh past time to stop mincing words and speak the truth. They are leading us into economic collapse, civil unrest, if not civil war, and very likely WWIII.

    Make no mistake, the blame lies completely with them.

    That’s why buffoons like Trump are resonating with the low information public. They understand, in an unarticulated and inchoate way that they are being sold out by a corrupt political class.

    As the article says:
    Islamists have been fighting a total war using information as their primary weapon, intending to destroy Western will and
    civilization, while the West has been fighting a limited war, primarily with military force, hoping to disrupt Islamist groups and democratize the Islamic world.40 In such a contest, Islamists need not win a single military engagement: they will prevail if they psychologically exhaust the West, inveigle its peoples into doubting the utility and morality of the war, make the price of victory exceed the costs, and compel its peoples to pressure their governments to abandon the fight. To destroy Western political will, Islamists have focused their primary attacks against the military, political, and economic leader of the West–the United States.41 More pointedly,
    they have targeted the most fundamental component of the
    American self-conception as leader of a civilization worth defending: veneration of the rule of law.
    [My empahsis]

    I hope for the best. Unfortunately, I think anything we do now, short of drastic action (internally and externally) which will compromise the very foundations of our society, will be too little, too late.

    We have been and are engaged in nothing less than a fight for the survival of western civilization.

  8. the word conspiracy puts a stamp on it that its not real, and no reason to discuss it…

    disinformatzia job well done…

  9. Be sure to read Hinderaker’s update at the bottom of the article, which acknowledges unfortunate information he received subsequent to publishing his piece. He ends the update thus:

    “We are long overdue for a serious discussion of the role that elites in the legal profession have played in our now 14-year-old (at least) war with Islamic extremists. Unfortunately, because of flaws in both the messenger and the message, Bradford’s essay will not prompt such a debate.”

  10. Hinderaker also said, ” I only wish that academic calls for the arrest of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld would meet with similar scorn.”

    To discredit the whole article because of the author’s alleged background, or his hyperbolic prescriptions for action, is painting with a brush as equally broad as the author himself used.

    While the article’s prescriptions may seem over the top now, I think there is a fundamental truth to what the article says.
    I also wonder how over the top it will seem if an enraged public realizes how they have been played after the next 9/11.

  11. 4th generational warfare is something Western military strategists came up with, although of course enemies of America generally tend to have to use it the most so they may have higher experience values with it.

    Riding the red horse is an interesting novel on the topic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_S._Lind is also known for being a proponent

    Our best strategic or tactical user of this would be Petraeus or various Marine leaders. The SF and SEALs understand the fight on a bottom up level, very detail orientated, but less strategic in scope. It’s not necessary for them as it is above their pay grade in most instances.

    However, I think America’s best practitioners of non violent 4th gen warfare present in the guerilla warfare being conducted against Leftist invasion here in the US. Notably, certain fanatically orientated communities on the web.

    We have been and are engaged in nothing less than a fight for the survival of western civilization.

    Correct. Which is why elections mean little to nothing at this stage. It meant about as much in 2008 of course.

  12. G6loq the so called “crazies” are coming out now.

    They can’t bottle us up any more like they did in 2007, because desperate situations call for desperate actions. To most people who have not seen the suffering caused by the Left, they considered it laughable.

    To those on the receiving end of the Leftist spear… things look different now.

  13. One other thought before heading off to work.

    The knives came out against this author and his article correctly, or incorrectly quite quickly. By discrediting the author, the article is also implicitly being discredited.

    Granted his so-called prescriptions are not mine, or many others.

    However, what is not exaggerated in the least, and what this discrediting draws attention away from are the far more disturbing statements which Al Qaeda make. The very well documented words of their, and others plans to bring this country down.

    Why no outcry about that? The author did not exaggerate or make those up.

    This type of quick reaction to denounce, does more to affirm what the author says.

  14. Ymarsakar, thanks for the link.
    Party of treason is correct.
    From the civil war (and before) to today.
    But I don’t see much difference, looking at today’s republicans.
    (i.e. Bush)

  15. I really have to get to work, but one last thing (honest).

    Why wasn’t the outcry so quick, or pronounced when noted democrat, Wesley Clark recently said, “We have got to identify the people who are most likely to be radicalized. We’ve got to cut this off at the beginning,” Clark said. “I do think on a national policy level we need to look at what self-radicalization means because we are at war with this group of terrorists.”

    He wants to put Americans into indefinite internment. In camps! But hey, he’s a (you guessed it) democrat. Also, three guesses as to who he is referring to. Because it’s not the left. But William C. Bradford is a dangerous lunatic who is to be shunned and ignored. Right, got it, loud and clear.

  16. But I don’t see much difference, looking at today’s republicans.
    (i.e. Bush)

    If the Leftist alliance is as powerful and as evil as crazies say they are, then it is easy for them to corrupt people in DC and in politics. That’s what evil does, lacking any ability to Create.

    They just convert people, like a Go game or a Japanese chess game. Any human can become their pawn and tool, that is the evil aura and power.

    Then again looking at Planned Profit, the moment you are born, you can become the Left’s money bag.

  17. We are long overdue for a serious discussion of the role that elites in the legal profession have played in our now 14-year-old (at least) war with Islamic extremists.
    – John Hinderaker

    Not to mention the elites’ (in the legal profession) part in the near 50-year-old war with the other death cult, our war the pro-choicers. And no need to mention their part the in the war with the cultural demolishers, the commencement of which we celebrate the 50th anniversary a month from today — Hart-Cellars Immigration Act promoted by Ed Ted ‘Lion of the Senate’ Kennedy.

    By all means let us seriously discuss this. And discuss it some more. And in for more, and treble down with colloquia, symposia, and summits.

    Jeremy Rabkin, a law professor at George Mason University… calls Bradford’s article an “embarrassment,” mostly on account of the prescriptions Bradford offers

    Either the prescriptions are adopted or they will be imposed, or the West will cease to exist as anything but general geography and a stump remnant of the greatest murder/suicide crime ever perpetrated and submitted to… ever.

  18. The Bradford article really resonated with me. This is straight out of the Vietnam Peace Movement play book.

    I ran into one of these tin-horn, oh-so-proper, anti-American lawyers on a cruise. Had dinner with he and his wife one night. (Open dining, you never know who you’re going to eat with. 🙁 ) He tried tell me why the American military efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq were unlawful and must be abandoned so that the criminal justice system could take over and do its work. He was not prepared for my knowledge of the Geneva Convention, what constitutes an illegal combatant, and how illegal combatants can be dealt with (A field military tribunal and execution when found guilty.) as set out in the Geneva Conventions. He made some disparaging remarks aka Vietnam and illegal warfare, upon which I related that I was one of those despised baby killers from Vietnam. He opined that he had never actually met a Vietnam Vet in person as he thought most VVs were addicts or bums. 🙁 Such a superior acting, arrogant SOB I have seldom run across.

    We did not part amigos. In fact, there was a definite chill in the air. Which pleased me very much.

    These treacherous peacenik lawyers may think they are morally superior and oh-so-correct, but they are quislings/TWANLOC. They should be called out as examples of anti-American Marxist scum whenever possible.

  19. J.J.,

    Feel free to incorporate my explanation of the law and policy, fact basis for OIF with primary sources.

  20. JJ – interesting how your dining “companion” knew all about Vietnam vets despite never having met one. Can he even spell “stereotype”?

    I also ran into some from the “Vietnam Peace Movement” while in graduate school. One guy who insisted that protest marches worked because they “ended the war” didn’t know what to say when I told him that maybe they ended US involvement; but they certainly did NOT end the war.

    In fact, I told him, millions more died preciously because they US pulled out of SE Asia so the likes of the Communists and Pol Pot could run riot across the whole region. This guy didn’t even know who Pol Pot was!

  21. In fact, there was a definite chill in the air. Which pleased me very much.
    These are days for definite chill in the air.
    Some things are unacceptable,
    Some compromises are impossible.

    Obama voter must be confronted, close and personal.

  22. I began working overseas in 1965, right at the beginning of the retreat of the Brits from the ME and Africa, America was dominate. At this time we are in exactly the same position the Brits were in then. We are in retreat for the same reasons-broke and very poor leaders. Can we come back-I doubt it, chaos will reign in the world, much to my beloved grandchildren and great-grandchildren’s detriment.

  23. Tim P,

    The solution is obvious enough.

    The author’s thesis is not a trademarked invention that only he is allowed to expound on. Viral ideas multiply and evolve independently of their originating source.

    If this particular author and parts of his work are flawed yet other parts of his work – such as you emphasize – are vitally important and fundamentally sound, then the obvious solution is for other authors to appropriate (or even expropriate) the vitally important and fundamentally sound parts redesigned, repackaged, and virally projected under different authorship and scholarship .

  24. I believe the term Fourth Generation Warfare originated with John Boyd. It’s sometimes abbreviated 4GW. I don’t have much use for 4GW theory, in part because its proponents don’t do an especially good job of explaining what the other three generations were. To the extent that 4GW describes anything, I think what it describes is a decline in the competence of Western governments. They no longer know how to fight irregulars. They do not have good judgement as to when and how to use military force, and they tend to have only the vaguest idea of what troops can and cannot accomplish.

    There’s no question that we have treasonous professors, but they cannot prevent us from executing a sound strategy assuming we actually have one. Mostly we don’t.

  25. What annoys me is the assumption of moral superiority among those who decry America’s stance anywhere in the world, the confidence that they alone exercise objectivity about our history and intentions, and the naé¯ve view that we can somehow mollify our enemies by displaying self-criticism and humility. The useful idiots will always be with us, I’m afraid. I only wish they were harmless.

  26. Jan in MN: “The useful idiots will always be with us, I’m afraid. I only wish they were harmless.”

    They’re useful to our competitors and not harmless to us because they’re not “idiots”.

    They’re competing.

    Their “assumption of moral superiority” is merely the dominance asserted by a competitor which is effected via victory/defeat.

    The way to render them harmless is to defeat them head-on in honest competition in the narrative contest for the zeitgeist of the activist game. As always, the activist game is the only social cultural/political game there is.

  27. The Left does have a hierarchy and some of them are zombie idiots following orders, others are the masterminds, others are the overseers or poor whites that fight for slavery even though they own zero slaves because of X loyalty.

  28. There’s no question that we have treasonous professors, but they cannot prevent us from executing a sound strategy assuming we actually have one. Mostly we don’t.

    How would you get one if all your leadership comes from these professors like Ayers? They use mind control to prevent even thinking up solutions.

    That’s how they prevent “us” from “executing” a sound strategy. If you cannot even conceive of what freedom means for human rights, then you cannot support freedom. It’s pretty good for a control mechanism.

    Democrats used to use the whip and chains to stop education of slaves, to beat them up when they disobey, and to breed them using eugenic theories and by separating the family members, selling them off. Now they don’t have to do that in Slavery 3.0, they have the slaves think they are free and they are shackled by their own mind and heart.

  29. Who here knows what the previous models of the atom were based upon?

    Is it really necessary to know what previous flawed models were based around to understand how the current model works?

  30. Bellarion the Fortunate Says: “I believe the term Fourth Generation Warfare originated with John Boyd. It’s sometimes abbreviated 4GW. I don’t have much use for 4GW theory, in part because its proponents don’t do an especially good job of explaining what the other three generations were.”

    Here are the definitions of the four generations of warfare:
    “First-generation warfare refers to battles fought with massed manpower, using line and column tactics with uniformed soldiers governed by the state.
    Second-generation warfare is the tactics used after the invention of the rifled musket and breech-loading weapons and continuing through the development of the machine gun and indirect fire. The term second generation warfare was created by the U.S. military in 1989.
    Third-generation warfare focuses on using speed and surprise to bypass the enemy’s lines and collapse their forces from the rear. Essentially, this was the end of linear warfare on a tactical level, with units seeking not simply to meet each other face to face but to outmaneuver each other to gain the greatest advantage. (Desert Storm and OIF)
    The concept of fourth-generation warfare is characterized by a return to decentralized forms of warfare, blurring of the lines between war and politics, combatants and civilians due to nation states’ loss of their near-monopoly on combat forces, returning to modes of conflict common in pre-modern times.”

    4GW is adopted by smaller, weaker forces as a way of fighting larger, more powerful enemies. It is basically a combination of guerilla warfare, psychological warfare, political warfare, hostage taking, terrorist attacks, and any other tactic that can be use to harass a larger, clumsier foe. The end game is to wear down the larger foe, much as a pack of wolves takes down an elk or moose.

    Following strict rules of engagement as directed by the lawyers is one of the ways a super power like the U.S. hampers its efforts to deal with 4GW. Strict rules of engagement and questioning the basis of defending ourselves against guerillas and terrorists with military force has been the primary way the anti-war lawyers and bureaucrats have undermined our tactics and will to resist.

    The minute OIF began with aerial “shock and awe” we heard the question of collateral damage/casualties raised as an objection to our use of airpower. Even as Iraq and Saddam had a full range of anti-aircraft weapons and first rate jet interceptors (admittedly flown by second rate pilots), the objections were raised as if Iraq was totally defenseless. And the objections were raised in spite of the fact that our bombing accuracy is light years ahead of where it was even in Vietnam. We can destroy targets with far fewer collateral casualties than anyone in the world. No one ever asks these traitors what Saddam would have done had the situation been reversed. It would have been no quarter, no mercy shown, that’s what.

    Warfare in the desert is especially advantageous to those with airpower. Unlike in Vietnam, it is very difficult to hide, and with all our air assets, we should be able to virtually stop all traffic on desert roads. Stopping/slowing the movement of arms, ammo, food, fuel, and water is the way wars are won. ISIS, which is acting like a normal military force, should have been bombed back into the desert by now. But the anti-war lawfare believers have put the brakes on that.

  31. Bellarion the Fortunate:
    “There’s no question that we have treasonous professors, but they cannot prevent us from executing a sound strategy”

    They and their cohort already have.

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