Home » Obama says “there’s not a smidgen of evidence” that’s he’s anti-Semitic


Obama says “there’s not a smidgen of evidence” that’s he’s anti-Semitic — 20 Comments

  1. Carter’s hatred comes from an old Southern Baptist/ fundamentalist trope that Israel’s only protection was by being spiritual, relying entirely on God and not on armies. It was still current in the 1970’s, sometimes kindly meant but usually just a dark expression of dislike for Jews. Carter said those things in the 70’s – now he reaches the same conclusion but says it’s for different reasons.

    As for Obama, it is important to remember that liberalism is itself a religion. Insofar as Judaism is a denomination in that religion, it is a good thing. When it steps outside the True Faith, however, it is now heresy and subject to all the traditional punishments for heretics.

  2. It’s hard to know what is in Obama’s or Carter’s hearts since almost all that we know about either man is their public image.

  3. For whatever he professes I find it incredulous that Obama’s immersion in antisemitism, from Muslim schools to Reverend Wright’s church, has not shaped him.

  4. Acronym for Jew in name only. A jew who is a jew only because he or she came out of a jewish vagina. However, the JINO does not practice Judaism in any way, shape, or form.

  5. Great catch! Smidgen. A word that is used to deceive that a lot is not.

    I also believe that Obama’s anti-semitism is casual, opportunistic and entirely dependent on whether the Jew in question serves Obama or some other God whereas Carter, and people like him, have an issue with all Jews, as a group.

  6. Given his history, right up to the time he first ran for Senate, I think it almost a certainty that Obama is deeply anti-Semitic. I don’t think he even tries to hide it all that much since the press will never call him out on it anyway.

  7. The real tell is when the word folks exits the mannish boy’s mouth. He has a deep hatred for those who should be on the plantation of the left but are not in agreement with his dictates. They are traitors to the cause. Conservatives are enemies, and he does harbor deep hatred for us, but traitors are beyond the pale.

  8. IIRC, Moses rent his garments upon descending mount Sinai.

    He’d run into the world’s very FIRST anti-Zionists.

    For they wanted to turn back the clock to paganism — if not a return to Memphis… to boot.

    BHO is hanging with the flakes.

    It must be something universal, for every ethnicity is larded with cultural traitors.

    Marx — if you fully research it — wrote his infamous screed PRIMARILY against Jewish banking practices in Paris — circa 1832 — NOT 1848. ( He wasn’t quite that quick to the pen. )

    Marx, like Trotsky, was a flaming anti-Semite — ideologically.

    Jews confuse the goy because:

    ‘Jews’ means Ashkenazi Jewry — as in very, very, bright…ESPECIALLY in the vocal and mathematical arts.

    The result is that while the VAST majority of Ashkenazi Jewry are sane and conventional — nee orthodox — thinkers…

    None-the-less, the Ashkenazi have had a HUGE impact in what amounts to anti-Judaism.

    These FEW, these UNHAPPY FEW, leap to the lectern and proclaim their virulent opposition to everything… Moses.

    After reading enough from Trotsky and Marx — you come to realize that they are as anti-Jewish — above all — anti-Judaic — ANTI MOSES — as any NAZI — any COMMIE.

    For — at bottom — Marx blamed the ills of “capitalism” upon JEWISH financial practice.

    This is a story that is NEVER TOLD.

    It’s embarrassing all the way around.

    Ashkenazi Jewry INVENTED modern commercial // financial practice.

    It, though never heralded, is the BREAKTHOUGH that made the Renaissance what we think of it.

    Philosophy without income: a nullity.

    Jewish (Ashkenazi) financial structures + Christian schism — and a TOTAL rethink of the connection between man and God == the Renaissance.

    NOTHING propagates if it makes everyone BROKE.

    Whereas, Americanism — a fusion of (liberal) Calvinism and (liberal) Judaism — at least in economic terms — has blitzed across the planet.

    This fusion is evident when you look at the roster of Goldman Sachs — which is populated by super high IQ players. ( Increasingly Persian, Hindu, Chinese.)

  9. blert:

    I have read before about Marx’s anti-Semitism. What I’ve noticed, also (and what annoys me) is that Marx is always called “Jewish.”

    But Marx (like so many other leftist, Jew-hating Jews) was not raised a Jew and did not identify as a Jew:

    Karl Marx, the son of Hirschel and Henrietta Marx, was born in Trier, Germany, in 1818. Hirschel Marx was a lawyer and to escape anti-Semitism decided to abandon his Jewish faith when Karl was a child. Although the majority of people living in Trier were Catholics, Marx decided to become a Protestant. He also changed his name from Hirschel to Heinrich.

  10. I disagree that Obama is not a severe anti semite. The culture he adopted hates Jews. He sat in the pews of the demonic preacher of hate, Rev Wright and his church of anti semites for 22 years. He was bathing in it.

  11. C’mon, Yancey and Jim, how could you say that? You know that Barry sat in the pews of the man who was the greatest spiritual influence in his life for 20 years and didn’t hear a word!

  12. You all remember when Obama said “My Muslim Faith” and corrected it to Christian Faith when the interviewer noticed it?

    You all know that any child of a Muslim is a Muslim under Sharia law, and Obama’s father was a Muslim. That makes him a Muslim in the eyes of the Muslim world. It may seem insignificant to non-Muslims, but not to Muslims.

    Everything he has done in the Middle East has been pro radical Islamists. He supported Al Qaeda linked groups in Libya. He supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. He supported Hamas against Israel. He supports the Palestinian Authority against Israel.

    The LA Times still won’t release the infamous 2003 tapes of Barack Obama at an event honoring Palestinian anti-Israel radical Rashid Khalidi.

    He’s probably your typical Marxist atheist, these days, but he retains strong attachment to his Muslim heritage.

    Here’s where I get confused. He bowed to the late King of Saudi Arabia. His background is Sunni. Yet, now he wants to sign a deal that legitimizes Shi’ite Iran and finances their nuclear aspirations. Why?

    Does he want a nuclear arms race in the Middle East? He just started that,

    Does we want a second holocaust? He just OKed that.

    Does he think Iran will moderate if we concede everything to them in this deal? If so, he is a complete idiot.

    I’m going with anti-semitic America-hating Marxist Muslim-loving idiot. Fits all the evidence.

  13. I’m going with anti-Semitic America-hating Marxist Muslim-loving idiot “golfer”. Fits all the evidence.
    There I fixed it.
    Otherwise in every other category of Humanity he is a POS human. I hold Boner and McConnell in almost as much disdain as they enable his actions with a wink and nod 🙁

  14. Although we all associate Marxism with atheism…

    There have been no small number of Muslims that have totally embraced Marxist ECONOMICS.

    Marx never proclaimed that his nostrums ONLY worked for atheists. While he vented and ranted against religion — one must remember that only two religions occupied his brain: Judaism and Christianity. In all his screeds, he simply never teed off on the rest of the planet.

    Yasser Arafat was a Muslim-Marxist.

    Enver Hoxha ( Albanian despot ) was a Muslim-Marxist.

    “Hoxha was chosen from the “Korca group” as a Muslim representative by the two Yugoslav envoys as one of the seven members of the provisional Central Committee.” Wiki

    The vast bulk of the Islamists jihadis are all Muslim-Marxists.

    Indeed, they talk Sharia — yet their ECONOMIC schemes are devolve towards Marxism// anti-Americanism.

    The sole and only reason this tic is not widely known is because the MSM does not consider Marxism at all controversial. So they edit all of the endless Marxist proclamations out. Whereas, if you read the original agitprop, you’d swear that it was cranked out by some ditz at Berkeley.

    THIS is why you often// always see Muslims and Marxists marching in lock step around the Bay Area. Zombie has a portfolio documenting this weird collective.

    Historically, both Muslim and Marxist have liquidated each other the moment either gains despotic power. The Iranian mullahs wiped out the Iranian Marxists // Leftists. Whereas every Communist dictatorship has repressed and corrupted every faith to the limit.

    With the above track record, it must be plain that President 0bama is a Muslim-Marxist. He is not actually atheistic — hence his Wright daze — his wedding — and his STRICT observance of all Muslim customs.

    1) Does not celebrate his own birthday.
    2) Issues presidential statements appropriate to every Muslim religious holiday — while skipping// insulting Christian and Jewish marker days.
    3) Wears an iconic Islamic ring — forced his wife to accept it as suitable as their (his) marriage ring. The MSM: crickets.
    4) Uses THE classic ‘gang sign’ of the ISLAMISTS — in a public setting — indicating to knowledgeable Muslims that his is of them, indeed, is a radical Muslim. The African leaders in attendance were smiling, if Muslim, or gagging, when not. Yes, they ALL got ‘it.’ The MSM: crickets.

    ( He once proposed having a Jewish holiday ‘celebrated’ a week off (by the White House) — to fit his schedule. The MSM: crickets. )

    These four ‘tells’ indicate that he is an ACTIVE Muslim. A true atheist would be oblivious to these Islamic norms.

    Lastly, he keeps slotting Muslims to CRITICAL slots within his maladministration:

    Huma Abedin Weiner

    John O. Brennan

    BOTH speak fluent Arabic — like the President — and are out of the closet Muslims — unlike the President.

    You can’t really call them ‘moles’ — as they are well above ground.

    Further down the list, you find that the President has slotted Muslims ALL OVER Homeland Security// FBI// DoD// DoS….

    So, our nation now has no secrets. We are universally compromised.

  15. PatD:

    The “my Muslim faith” thing is usually misrepresented. Obama was quoting what other people said about him (that is, that he was a Muslim), and the interviewer misunderstood him. I previously discussed the issue in greater detail here and here, and the transcript of the relevant part of the interview is here.

    Actually, I don’t think Obama actually has a Muslim or a Christian faith at this point. He went to some Muslim schools, yes, but his actual faith is leftism, which has superseded all others. He wants America to lose its power in the world, and one of the ways to do that is to empower the third world and countries that can balance out America’s power all over the globe. That’s what he does.

  16. I find it interesting that he took a Clintonesque approach to the matter by saying there’s not a smidgen of evidence. I’d have said not a smidgen of truth and then gone on to speak of my positive views of Jews and Judaism.

  17. Yes, Ann…

    THAT is quite a ‘tell.’

    It’s what you’d expect out of a mob boss — or a teenage de·inquent.

    ” Well, you can’t PROVE it ! So there !”

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