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Boo hoo — 57 Comments

  1. My sister does not blog… but is on the phone at least four hours every day — with politics and goings on a huge part of said conversations.

    Women simply out talk men — and something silly.

    They simply prefer the phone a their medium, and, for most, prefer to talk with gals in their own community.

    And they absolutely do discus the same topics of the day that hit the blogosphere, no doubt about it.

    BTW, only a minor fraction of male humanity is active in the blogosphere, something that ought to be obvious to anyone.

  2. We have discarded Occam’s Razor (the explanation which uses the fewest assumptions is best) for Occam’s Nail File (if there is a gender difference that reflects unfavourably upon women, discrimination is the only allowable explanation).

    — Ferox Ludum, commenting on Samizdata.

  3. “But I certainly wouldn’t think of blaming anyone for “silencing” me because they’re being verbally insulting or nasty.”

    Yeah. Right. Okay. We get it. Now shut up.

  4. I am really heartily sick of this “I am woman, hear me roar, but if anyone hurts my feelings, hear me whine.”

    Glad to hear it, Neo. Because, speaking as a man, when I hear it, it’s three sentences, not two:
    “I am woman, hear me roar!”
    “If anyone hurts my feelings, hear me whine.”
    “It’s YOUR fault!”

  5. Although I haven’t done an official study of it, I’ll wager that in the field of cooking bloggers, the women outnumber the men by far. Due to the Larry Summers effect, one cannot draw any conclusions from this.

  6. I think “if you can’t stand the heat, get back into the kitchen” is more appropriate at this point. Isn’t that where they keep the fainting couches..?

  7. If fewer words written equates to being “silenced”, somebody needs to quantify the words spoken in face-to-face conversations between men and women. I think I know who’d come out on top.

  8. Such a pity that you refuse to be a poor little victim/martyr, Neocon. 50+years since Women’s Lib began burning bras and we’re still hearing non-stop about Gender Equality, Fairness and the offense of being an Alpha Dog male. Let’s see, wasn’t it President Kennedy who got a law passed that forbade Gender Discrimination? Ho-Hum.

    Thank you for your balance, Neo.

  9. “And yet, when you read it, you discover that what is meant is that women just don’t post as often as men in online forums. That somehow translates into “silenced”?”

    Well, I say women must be rounded up and forced to comment on blogs because…EQUALITY!

  10. OK, someone’s got to ask this question. The linked study covered sites ranging from the Washington Post to NPR to the Huffington Post. I wonder if there’s a difference outside that little bubble.

  11. Wow. I just used that “I am woman, hear me whine!” this morning in response to the story of the two lesbians complaining of “mental rape”.

  12. Frankly, I am glad that some women choose not to participate in online conversations.
    Also glad to say neoneocon is not included in that group.

  13. Women are slightly more sensitive to social status and thus the punishments carried out in response to social transgressions. Thus even when people speak not of Eich’s demotion and flaming, or of any other such thing on the net, they understand intuitively that unless they have a horde of people who defend them, like the Left’s feminist males that desire free access to sexualized women, they will have to confront full on the Left’s own special forces enforcement units on the internet. The ones that ferrets out traitors and those who go off plantation or go AWOL.

    Now a days the pressure has increased, since people like science fiction authors have begun taking the field, when gamer internet communities like 4chan or other fan(atics) engage in digital hacking or cracking, in response to the Leftist alliance’s war path. Once they would have been safe merely obeying the Leftist alliance or withdrawing from the fight if they failed to be ostentatiously loyal to the Leftist cause. Now, the risk of entering is even greater, since they get hit from both sides if they make a mistake, now that there is are more than 1 side engaged in the savagery of the war.

    Even the veteran social justice whores have been hit hard, those with fame, legions of fans or feminist defenders. If those who have the bastion and fortress of money or fame can get hit so hard in this fight, many women intuitively understand the social rewards and benefits of taking the field on social media and other easily recorded and digitized forms of communication.

  14. Oh for the love of the Deity … I was a milblogger (a female milblogger yet) back in the early days of blogging in 2002. If there were some blog spots that I just didn’t choose to get involved with, it was just because I didn’t choose to get sucked in. Not because of … oh, Lord love a duck .
    Really, these days I am thinking that there a lot of females of our species who just ought to be confined to small rooms, decorated in pastel colors, where they shall never, ever have to contest with a loud mail voice expressing scorn and derision.
    (Cheese on a cracker, girls – can’t you at least try and grow a spine?)

  15. 1. Manspreading is saying, “Who gives a f*** if you can’t sit, [we] are men. See [our] balls.” This is as explained by a man, Mychal Denzel Smith, for the blog Feministing. (Finally a man courageous enough to cue the rest of the world in to the secret language of the subway brotherhood!)
    2. Manspreading is “an assertion of male dominance,” and “every one” of the manspreaders does it because he feels like he has to “claim [his] territory and [his] manhood in this public space, even at the discomfort of all the other passengers.”

    I am G6loq.

  16. Women do out-talk men; perhaps just not online.

    Which reminds me of this clip from Quite Interesting:


    Seriously though, I could see women wanting more face-to-face, or at least a more personal connection than one might get through an online blog.

    While men might go for the less personal online connection.

    And for whatever it is worth Neo, you do have a great blog here with so many interesting topics.

  17. Modern feminism’s tactics boil down to, ‘heads I win, tails you lose’! Feminist whining is an adolescent attempt to avoid consequence and personal responsibility, which is proof positive of their utter failure to be responsible adults.

    We’re dealing with infantile adolescents pretending to be adults, who demand the privileges of adults, while rejecting the obligations of adulthood.

    American societies failure to grapple with this admittedly difficult issue, i.e. adult in age, adolescent in mentality is collapsing this country’s societal foundations.

    “It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.” Vé¡clav Klaus (former Premier of the Czech Republic)

  18. I have a dream that the day will come when people will be judged on the content of their character and achievements. People I don’t know, I accord a nominal respect to them. Others who have demonstrated the content of their character, I accord the appropriate respect. For example, I know a woman who was a helicopter crew chief in the Army. She has earned extra respect. As has Neo, but for very dicferent reasons. At the age of 70, I have little patience with individuals, male or female, whose life is all about whining.

  19. Modern day microaggression feminists need to wear diapers along with the other ‘victims’ of the leftist hear no evil toddlers.

  20. “The linked study covered sites ranging from the Washington Post to NPR to the Huffington Post.”

    Running the gamut from A to B?


    I’ve never noticed the women commenting online being shrinking violets. This is a nincompoop premise.

  21. I am a delicate flower. The *content* of the discussion may well be controversial, but the *packaging* has to be kind, else I do not participate. Occasional slips are acceptable, as we are all human, but I avoid those corners of the internet where the atmosphere is not sufficiently polite to my taste.

    Also, when browsing the internet, I often stop reading an article or a comment after the second imprecation. I successfully weaned myself off (most) foul language and I find it grotesque when I read authors apparently incapable of writing five complete sentences without it. Likewise, I have limited tolerance for cynicism – in small doses and where “stylistically appropriate” I do not mind it, but I lose my patience when it degenerates into a sort of gratuitously contemptuos attitude for its own sake.

    None of that is what I would consider “silencing”, though.

    I like the atmosphere here. This is a beautiful blog, not only the posts themselves but also the following conversations are both intellectually interesting and civil.

    I would not open a blog of my own, though. If I were to open one, I would be “dictatorial”, approving comments before they are posted, not out of fear of “silencing”, but because I would not want all kinds of language there.

  22. And the potential of, 4 YEARS of Hillary cackling is
    grating on my ears already !

    You’re welcome!

  23. Neo Says: he ratio of male political bloggers to female ones is high

    well, that depends on your politics… the number of women that blog for general politics is low, the number of women that blog feminist politics is legion and outnumbers most everything else…

    but since most dont pay attention to them, we think that there are not many female poltical bloggers.

    neo, i would suggest spending a day (maybe thats too much?), looking at the top women political blogs that are not general and so rare?

    Pandagon is real big… Marcotte is very famous for her militant political feminist views.

    “Feminists for Life prefer to lay claim to feminism in the same way that all conservatives lay claim to progressive movements they want to co-opt, which is to find some dead progressive leaders and claim to be speaking for them. One favorite conservative line is to claim that for some reason Martin Luther King Jr. would oppose affirmative action. Their main evidence for this is that he, being dead, can’t talk back, now can he?”
    ― Amanda Marcotte, It’s a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments


    “However, despite possessing the quality of Niceness that other folks consider basic decency, the Nice Guy is not getting the dates or sex he thinks he is entitled to. That he feels entitled to these things is not considered evidence that he’s not really that Nice.”
    ― Amanda Marcotte, It’s a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments

    and here is a mens right political blogger that people listen to even LESS… on the same subject as above!!
    [note she is a lesbian, and without her, the mens rights movement generally would not be heard as much as men are not to be listened to regardless of their points, they have people like amanda marcotte to talk for them to the constituency that matters]

    Look out! It’s a Nice Guy! DESTROY HIM!!!!!

    here is an image that kind of sums up the progression

  24. Neo Says: Whatever happened to “if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”?

    it died when women left the kitchen and the family, and their mates to make money for the tax man calling it liberating to be a wage slave to the state rather than their crummy family…

  25. i would answer but that would be Mansplaining, a word in which the saying does not mean your making fun of Ricky Ricardo

    Originally, this term was used to describe boorish men who felt the need to “correct” what a woman said, even on topics that the man didn’t know anything about.

    However, the term quickly degenerated into a get-out-of-jail-free card used by angry women when a man dares to point out even the most blatant error.

    Old: That Bob is trying to tell Jill how to raise a horse? She’s raised championship thoroughbreds for decades and he’s never even ridden a horse. What a stupid mansplainer!


    There were no special words for boorish women…
    so we are stuck having ot listen to them mansplain mansplaining…

  26. Toxic Women and the 12 to Avoid

    1- Miss Feminist [men are to blame for everything]
    2- Miss Take [wants your money]
    3- Miss Romance [in love with love, but not you as a person]
    4- Miss Elusive [in love with love, but sabotages who she is with for equity with who burned her]
    5- Miss Angry [like miss feminist but angrier at men]
    6- Miss Insecure [calls 100 times a day and monitors every move]
    7- Miss Bitch [ballbusters and sulkers who dont care about anyone but themselves]
    8- Miss Me [narcisistic version of miss bitch]
    9- Miss Desperate [had her fun, desperate to find a nice guy to pay for her, or her kids, or to have kids, now that she has had sex with lots of badboys… who could have turned her into miss bitch but she still wants something, will convert once her clock tiketh over]
    10- Miss Turncoat [goes after men like a bass fisherman, offers something that looks good, then sets the hook and surprise]
    11- Miss Tease [gets your attention then slaps you for looking or feels the power of playing with others]
    12- Miss Controlling [directs every part of your life]

    basically, the men dontwant much to do with most of them… its even funnier if you watch explanations on youtube… you either get someone with real greivances who is attacked for them, or you get a woman that parrots talking points.

    the men just dont want a “strong woman”
    they should man up and pay
    grow a pair

    but if they do… then what?
    he is an abuser, he is mansplaining, he is being so male i can smell the testosterone in the morning, etc.

    damned if you do, damned if yo dont, better to not be there at all. and now, women have a room of their own, but the feminists didnt tell them its a lonely place with padded walls.

  27. G6loq Says: Manspreading…

    i say sitzpinkler!!!!

    hey, you then are familiar with MGTOW, nice guys forums (mancoat), etc… then you would know Artfldgr!!!

    where you around when the discussion over bathrooms was in play? you know, how the feminists got so pissed that men can piss standing up that they wanted to outlaw it?

    it got so bad that germany had to litigate a mans right to stand and pee!

    German court rules that men ARE allowed to stand up to urinate – but ‘must expect occasional rows with housemates’
    In Germany, the issue is certainly no matter for jokes. Lavatories in cafés, cinemas and even in private homes are often equipped with red light or “no entry” stickers ordering all male users not to pee im stehen — standing up. They often come complete with graphics showing men exactly how to manage the task of sitting urination.

    this went so far as to get people to invent ways for women to stand up and pee too.

    you can see then as you “Go Girl”

    now, liberated women can stand and pee and not bitch about the patriarchal conspiracy that exists when men stand and assert their maleness in the bathrooms!!!

    [add that to the movement to fight mans farts!!! and to end not holding the door and holding the door both considered sexist…]

  28. “the ratio of male political bloggers to female ones is high”

    This may be true of political blogs of the “inside baseball” variety, which I generally find to be not all that interesting. For blogs which are more thoughtful and issue/philosophically-oriented, I think the male/female ratio is a lot closer.

  29. G6loq should be “suspended” from posting for at least a week for planting that laugh button.

  30. from freeper
    Feminism goes totally bat-s**t crazy. Unreal picture..

    Feminist attack on Protein World backfires
    there is a lesson here for the GOP

    Nothing is more amusing that a screeching mob of radical feminists when they emerge from their lair in that liquidy out-house that is Tumblr, in a aura of patchouli with armpit hair braided for war.


    research a bit and find the history
    read about the early days of MS magazine and how they went bankrupt… that is until they got in bed with alcohol and big tobacco and made money causing desease and misery in their clients… young women.. .now with the red dress they try to make money curing what they gave them… nice people.

  31. Women were encouraged to leave the kitchen on false pretenses and choices. They’re return leaves them disoriented and unprepared to bear the heat.

  32. It’s telling that feminists rejected Sarah Palin, who for all intents and purposes is the ideal feminist, and thus undermines the political narrative of striving and cause (and leverage).

  33. in a aura of patchouli with armpit hair braided for war.

    Like here?

    Previously posted but, hey, you always go back to the classics ….

  34. clarityseeker Says:
    April 29th, 2015 at 11:07 am
    G6loq should be “suspended” from posting for at least a week for planting that laugh button…

    Yes he should or he’ll do worse

    I am G6loq….

  35. n.n Says: It’s telling that feminists rejected Sarah Palin, who for all intents and purposes is the ideal feminist..

    its only a surprise to people who dont know the movements communist wing took over a long time ago..

    its NOT the feminism of the past which actually wasnt all that negative… in fact, you can find lots of monuments feminists of the early days put up for men who died to save women…

    but after the commnists took over it completely changed.. you had the spy boas, tag meade to sexualize girls and claim free love was the human norm as if we were bonobo chimps… and then they tagged kinsey who molested babies to prove they can orgams and so children are sexual, used prostitutes as a baseline, and often used prison inmates as well.

    he is the most quoted “researcher” in law and laws written that do quote in that way

    the point was not womens rights but the destruction of western civilization… the point for marx, writing economic stuff, and being a statist who wants the money from taxes, they did not like that women worked for their families and that the state could not tax their childcare, shopping, needlework, and so on.

    womens labor was not taxable before feminism
    which was the whole point
    the other point was to flood the market with workers which would force a one earner society into a two earner society of high taxes and no more goodies for both workers than before. ie, twice the work, twice the taxes, less products homes and so on

    now, its a way to Democide one race whose internal make up include jews… if all whites go, all jews go. WWII taught them that the public does not agree wiht the elites who favor fascism or communim and exterminations… so the lovers of those others have to go…

    of course… women aresmarter than men
    so society is better for this…
    hows that .2 GDP? ever track things post second wave feminism while they crow, add a woman, like adobo it makes everything better

  36. Artfldgr:

    I was speaking of general political blogs. Of course, feminist blogs are mostly written by women.

  37. Artfldgr:

    I agree with the need for logical separation, especially of generational forms, which is an equally valid consideration for liberal, progressive, conservative, etc. They cannot be considered as monolithic unless they are based on a stable and enduring set of principles.

    When I set Sarah Palin forth as an example of “ideal feminist”, I am acknowledging the merits of classical feminism that confronted more real than manufactured disparities, and avoided indulging and exploiting what it purportedly existed to protest and reconcile. Sarah Palin succeeded as an individual, a wife, a mother, a worker, and leader without capriciously demoting and disparaging others human lives — throughout their evolution from conception to death — in order to create leverage.

    Fortunately, a large minority, and perhaps a slight majority, of women are “ideal feminists”. Thanks mom and dad who stood with her.

  38. i know your point..
    but given the melieu of today

    that is akin to discussing the merits of the length of your buggy whip… its not what they are doing, its not what is being used, its just an archaic salute to a past that we are too young to actually have lived through (unless your nearer to 100+).

    we might as well discuss the tastes and customs of the shakers… they dont exist any more either.

  39. most indubitably

    and its a shame cause all it did was make young women afraid to not be communists… the safest easiest course with the most celebration and love bombing is to tow the party line…

    its interesting to note that if you take time, finding holes in their stories, history and things is like being nearsighted and finally getting a close look at a colander you thought was a bowl in the distance.

    you know the trope about not being allowed to go to school? then how did the early feminists mostly have degrees… one fav one said was, well women couldnt to to harvard… so we had to fight… to which i asked what about radcliffe? founded in 1879

    Radcliffe College was a women’s liberal arts college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and functioned as a female coordinate institution for the all-male Harvard College. It was also one of the Seven Sisters colleges, among which it shared with Bryn Mawr College the popular reputation of having a particularly intellectual and independent-minded student body

    The Seven Sisters is a loose association of seven liberal arts colleges in the Northeastern United States that are historically women’s colleges. They are Barnard College, Bryn Mawr College, Mount Holyoke College, Radcliffe College, Smith College, Vassar College, and Wellesley College. All were founded between 1837 and 1889.

    but but they could not go to school…
    [maybe prior to that, but then again, they also may not have wanted to as much… the larger point is that the men had to earn to support a family, women got to keep their earnings and did not have to use them for family, so if you gave women work, you put a family out in the cold… that might have influenced things just a bit, but they wont tell you that. for this same reason, men go first in afghanistan, cause if they dont earn, the family can die… women who do earn also have no obligation to family. ie. whats hers is hers whats his is hers]

    i like big bang theory, as i am too much like sheldon (but not that bad)… when they had the feminist show where they were to visit a school and inspire girls into stem… sheldon the great physcist and so on, chose madame curie as the feminist inspiration

    but if he really was the physicist he claimed to be, or the authors were not so feminist leftist, he never would have picked curie… would he?

    he would have picked emmy noether…

    Emmy Noether was an influential German mathematician known for her contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics. She was described by Pavel Alexandrov, Albert Einstein, Jean Dieudonné, Hermann Weyl, and Norbert Wiener as the most important woman in the history of mathematics As one of the leading mathematicians of her time, she developed the theories of rings, fields, and algebras. In physics, Noether’s theorem explains the connection between symmetry and conservation laws

    he originally planned to teach French and English after passing the required examinations, but instead studied mathematics at the University of Erlangen, where her father lectured. After completing her dissertation in 1907 under the supervision of Paul Gordan, she worked at the Mathematical Institute of Erlangen without pay for seven years. (At the time, women were largely excluded from academic positions.) In 1915, she was invited by David Hilbert and Felix Klein to join the mathematics department at the University of Gé¶ttingen, a world-renowned center of mathematical research. The philosophical faculty objected, however, and she spent four years lecturing under Hilbert’s name. Her habilitation was approved in 1919, allowing her to obtain the rank of Privatdozent.

  40. oh… and prior to 1837 (which isnt even 100 years past the revolution), tutors were employed. so yeah, women didnt go to college… they were tutored… and none of the poor went, men or women… which is why it was sought as a means of better family provision.

    or do we forget shakespeare and taming of the shrew??
    luciano pretended to be Bianca’s latin tutor…

    it depended on your wealth and so on, as there were no free colleges paid for by the state, and families did not usually want to spend the money on their daughter (for similar reasons that chinese want sons… )… she would marry and leave, while the son would marry and tarry… taking over things for the father and securing the family future…


  41. Artfldgr:

    Narratives exploited to create political, economic, and social leverage. For example, The Constitution was gender agnostic until the Fourteenth Amendment introduced “male” into its vocabulary. The Nineteenth Amendment restored the original letter and intent of The Constitution. Women’s suffrage was not about the right to vote, but a uniform right to vote throughout the states and jurisdictions.

    Abortion is about a minority of People removing and terminating one of two named parties, “Posterity”, to The Constitution for light and casual reasons in order to pursue the secular profits of wealth, pleasure, and leisure; the liberal State’s compelling interest in taxable assets; and the Party’s compelling interest to create leverage for political exploitation.

    That said, has it ever been different for any length of time? Or is the prevailing legal/religious (i.e. prescriptive, proscriptive) philosophy in our world amoral (e.g. wicked solutions to “wicked problems”) and opportunistic (i.e. pro-choice)? My opinion is that the majority of people are innately moral actors in a majority of circumstances. However, the world does not generally operate on consensus or democratic principles (especially in Democratic societies).

  42. n.n Just so you know, Art works either under or with feminists. The nazi kind that is.

    So his perspective is a bit jinxed in some ways.

  43. As a woman, I tend to read blogs for the information and limit reading the comments since they frequently do not add anything to the conversation.

    The comments which I read and may post comments are Instapundit, Neo, Legal Insurrection, Watts up with that, and ???

    Not many – for one, it takes too much time to follow comments, most of them on many sites are rude and repetitive and sometimes it is upsetting to see the attitude. There are better things to do with my time. And, I always want to add to the conversation. Just repeating what someone has said is silly. Who is going to read through a thousand comments? Sorry that is the logical me coming though…..

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