Home » Poll on illegals: what America wants…


Poll on illegals: what America wants… — 20 Comments

  1. The livestock are never asked what they want. They are told what to do, or else. They will comply, or else.

    The Judas goat, mentioned before, is something farmers used to use to get nervous cattle and other livestock on the truck, for meat processing. Most animals freak out when they smell blood or get unto moving vehicles. The Judas boat is an animal especially trained to remain calm, and present itself as an example of a First Time National Healthcare user, to calm the fears of the herd.

    And it works. Even, perhaps, now more than ever.

  2. When, oh WHEN, will a Republican presidential candidate address “birthright citizenship”?

  3. neo observes, “But Obama couldn’t care less.”

    O thank you, thank you, thank you, for a little thing.

    What “little thing”, you may or may not be wondering? Here it is:

    So many people say “I could care less” when what they’re actually trying to convey is “I could not care less”.

    Someone who “could care less” leaves room for caring still less than they presently care, but someone who actually, literally “could not care less” thereby leaves no room for additional apathy on the subject.

    And since I’m one of those souls who actually believes (as does El Rushbo) that “words have meanings”, and since I’m one of those souls who is possessed by this peculiar notion that sentences actually ought to be conveying their literal content [except in obvious cases of sarcasm or of joking or of pulling one’s leg — hmm, come to think of it, an additional exception being cases of idiomatic expressions such as “pulling one’s leg”], . . .

    ** where was I? **

    . . . since I’m one of *those* souls, thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. I’m a White-Anglo-Saxon-Irish-Alpha Dog-T-Rex Male Unapologetic American born in AMERICA. In other words—FOCUS PC-Koolaid Consumers—a Native American.

    NO, Idiots, NOT an American Indian. One of that insensitive breed of NO-Spikey Hair/NO-Skinny Jeaned/NO-ISH-SHOE Blathering/NATIVE Born Americans. You know, an American.

    There, I’ve outted myself.

  5. Michael Adams, 9:42 pm —

    You got *that* right, bro’.


    Hey, you’re not UNC Professor Mike Adams, are you?

  6. Excessive and illegal immigration are necessary to compensate for abortion policy; to neutralize dissenting voices; and to ensure future market demand for a post-trillion dollar deficit economy.

  7. M J R:

    I have long had a similar pet peeve about the phrase “I could care less,” from the very first time I ever heard it. So you won’t catch me using it.

    Glad to have brightened your day.

  8. MJR & NEO;

    Off topic, but, I remember so many years ago when a college classmate said: “I could care less” and I responded “so, why do you care at all?”

    My joke seemed to have gone over her head.

  9. No, MJR, nor am I rector of All Saints Episcopal Church, Austin Texas, nor the UT English professor who won a Pulitzer prize, but I am happy to be I.

  10. If Ted Cruz came out against birthright citizenship it would be very powerful.

    The thing is there is a very strong legal argument against it. Some of the cases are dicta. The cases supporting it are very old. The issue reminds me of Second Amendment jurisprudence. IOW, if one looks at the entire clause there is no basis in law for the proposition that these Chinese tourists who fly into CA for the sole purpose of giving to a U.S. citizen are doing so lawfully and constitutionally. They fly HOME after the baby is born. And birthright tourism is no different than anchor babies.

  11. MJR & Neo: How’bout the response now on steroids: “I know…Right.” or…”Yeah…Right..”
    …or..”Like…like…” ad nauseam to start a sentence…place after every third fourth or fifth word..??? Makes my head POP.

    I have a lot of wonderful ‘yoots in my life and I hear the above constantly. GGggrrrrrrrr…

  12. Ymarsakar said:

    “The livestock are never asked what they want. They are told what to do, or else. They will comply, or else.”

    True dat. It reminds me of what Obama said when justifying his hoax deal with the Iranians over their nukes. He said he believed the Iranian regime was somewhat responsive to their people.

    I hurt myself laughing at that one. But, it’s revealing to his mindset. He believes a regime that gunned down people in the streets of Tehran are capable of being responsive.

    Or, more to the point, he is capable of lying on behalf of such a regime. They don’t need to moderate their behavior. Something to keep in mind.

  13. NeoConScum, 11:57 am —

    You mean, as when someone wants to say.

    “and then she said”
    “and then she replied”
    “and then she answered”
    or even
    “and then she shrieked”,

    but it comes forth as

    “and then she was like”,

    as in, for example,

    “I told her to call back tomorrow, and then she was like, why can’t we do this right now”?

    Yes. Anyway, for my part,

    not only




  14. MJR… Or, like, when they’re supposed to say, “Yes, I know.” or “Isn’t that the truth.” and it comes to you as “…I know, Right..?”

    WTF is with the RIGHT, Little Duuudes??

    Furthermore on the pisses me off language subject, how’s your tolerance level of “Issue(s)”? I spell it(to irritate them): Ish-Shoe(s). Even our Rays baseball announcers are saying s*** such as, “…and he’s got ish-shoes with his swing..” and “…he’s got ish-shoes with his shoulder..” !!! WTF is wrong with the descriptive word: PROBLEM?????


  15. My pet peeve is when people use an adjective that collocates something at the highest point (supreme, optimal, perfect, EXTREME etc.) preceded by “the most”.

    There is no “most optimal”, optimal is that which by the very definition has been – optimized.

    Or “most extreme” – “extremes” are the ends of a range, not the range itself, so it cannot be “more” or “less” if it is extreme. If you really want to add “extreme” to the mix, say something like “more near to the extreme end of”, “tending to the extreme” etc.

    Or “most perfect” – a perfect(ed) state cannot be further perfected. The “LEAST perfect” though can work, because there are degrees of declination from the state of being perfect(ed), and one degree may be objectively further from it than another.

    Not that I am not occasionally guilty of all of these myself, but it is irritating.

    I am fine with “issue” though, although I prefer to use it as a verb, in a more typically French fashion (A “issues” from B, descends from it, results in). It never occurred to me it might be a bad choice as a synonym for “problem”.

  16. Anna…Here’s another overused/badly used word: CLOSURE.

    Makes me want to scream. “We were able to bring CLOSURE to this Ish-Shoe.” GRRRrrrrrrr…!
    Re-Perfect: My late mother used to tell us boys, “Perfection is for the Next Life.” God Bless her forever. It has remained an important part of my Non Anal-Compulsive Life.

  17. we are so way past the idea that the electorate gets what the electorate wants… its now a case of, vote for what we want, and you get it, vote against what we want and you dont get it, we get what we want… your local despot has spoken… from illegal immigration, to windmils, closing of coal plants, green non-tech tech, food control, medical rationing, taxes, various laws, forced permitting of 8 year olds lemonade stands, denuement of the military, forced homosexualization of anything, making some groups unequal and substantially more punitive towards one glass of scape goats. (which many now are thinking… if we had to do it all over again, we would oppress women, leave blacks as slaves, etc… )

  18. Birthright citizenship, divorced from parental citizenship, is antithetical to the rule of law, and sabotages societal cohesion.

    As for illegal or unmeasured immigration, but also excessive (i.e. unassimilated, unintegrated) immigration, and unaccountable immigration, it fosters corruption in America and the alien’s origin, especially in second and third-world nations, due to unreconciled liabilities, displacement, replacement, abortion policies, etc.

    It’s not a coincidence that the H1B program is now under investigation, but that is only part of a larger problem in the political, social, academic, and industrial complex that deprives Americans and their Posterity of opportunity.

  19. Open or unreconciled immigration is another “wicked problem”, just like unwanted human lives and elective abortion, whose solution is worse than the problem, and actually serves as positive reinforcement.

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