Home » Here we go again


Here we go again — 21 Comments

  1. I just contributed $175 via PayPal. If Neo uses it to enjoy a luxury for herself, that is OK; I just want to encourage her to keep doing what she’s doing. For me, Neo writes the absolutely best prose about the worst threats we face, as a civilization, and what can be done. I urge others to dig a little deeper to support this treasure.

    I hope she is reaching an ever growing group of opinion leaders, such as Charles Krauthammer and Megan Kelly. In March Tonawanda described her prose: “The fairness, the meticulousness, the reasonableness, the scrupulosity, the maddeningly true “been there, thought of that, am completely conversant and politely ahead of you …”

    I also like what she writes about the arts, which exhibits very original thinking.

  2. My humble contribution wasn’t much, but I surely appreciate your thoughtful writing, Neo. (The commenters are much appreciated, too.) Thanks for all you do.

  3. I have great news, 6th grandchild, a boy named Silas,born in Oregon at 9:32 pacific time. Wow! Baby and sweet daughter inlaw healthy and well. Life is good.

  4. Thanks neo, I am sipping a late glass of wine and smoking a cigar with a tablet on my lap on the front porch swing. To the north I hear thunder and see flashes of lightening. Life goes on. I am satisfied.

  5. OK, I’m in again as well. You’re doing great.

    PS: I hope all that crazy Amazon money has been coming your way; I still have “Neo’s Amazon” portal bookmarked for my Amazon access. Nothing really big purchased yet, but one of these days I hope to buy me a big honkin’ HDTV (to go with the TV console I just bought on Amazon)…

  6. Hey parker: Congrats, you just passed me: I’ve only got five grand kids.

  7. Congratulations, Parker!
    Neo: Maybe it’s just me, but is there a link to click on? I’d like to contribute, but can’t figure out how.

  8. Happy to be able to contribute, Neo. Can’t improve on Tonawanda’s assessment of your craft. Thanks for re-posting it Alan F. Congratulations, Parker. I only have 1 (soon to be 5 year old granddaughter) but I watch her every Monday since she’s been born and it is my greatest pleasure.

  9. mizpants:

    You should see a “donate” button on the right sidebar, fairly high up. If you don’t see it, disable adblock and you should see it.


  10. For those that write comments longer than neo’s posts I have one thing to say: Pay up!

  11. Happy to donate, Neo. I get a lot of pleasure from your blog.
    John Att, you must be a delightful person; but rather ignorant if you do not understand the value of Neo’s site.

  12. parker:

    I thought of those possibilities, but I also thought maybe Att is trying out some sort of humor.

  13. I tossed a few shekels your way. Your stuff is well worth it, consistently well reasoned and clearly written. I even read the pieces on ballet. If you knew me, that last statement would make you chuckle.

  14. neo,
    My humble donation should have cleared two days ago.
    Here is hoping that you meet the financial goals you established for yourself.

  15. What Tonawanda said. Thanks, Alan F., for quoting it, and thank you Neo for all you do, from politics to ballet to jelly beans.

    Parker, congratulations! We are behind you at one grandchild with another on the way, but working on catching up.

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