Home » Hipster grandpa Bush


Hipster grandpa Bush — 5 Comments

  1. It’s his authenticity.
    It shines through all the propaganda.
    And people (especially the young and hip) appreciate that.

  2. I really like his puppy paintings and would buy one if he would consider publishing lithographs.

    And every year he hosts a weekend gathering for Wounded Warriors at his Crawford Ranch and he dances with everyone. I understand, as President, he refused to take vacations, except to go to his home in Texas, while Americans were fighting. The Obamas do nothing but lavish vacations.

    Can you imagine obama embracing out Veterans, let alone spending his own money providing a celebration for them.

  3. Even when Bush completely disengages from politics, refuses to even comment on anything political since leaving, he bugs them. I bet they even find his *breathing* annoying.

    What they really hate is that they didn’t destroy him, didn’t destroy his spirit. He’s happy and doesn’t need their approval, doesn’t need them, period. Unlike other needy former presidents we’ve seen.

    I love that Bush goes to the local airport & greets soldiers coming home, and gives them a presidential coin so that never have to pay for drinks.

  4. Can you imagine obama embracing out Veterans, let alone spending his own money providing a celebration for them.

    Wouldn’t recommend attending. Food may be poisoned. Hugging the cockroach isn’t healthy either.

  5. God Bless that great Warrior President forever. The current twit doesn’t have the moral strength of character that GWB has in one little toe.

    Following his inauguration in ’09 Obama took down the dozens of American paintings of historic significance in the West Wing and replaced them with photos of HIM. Kicked Winston Churchill’s bust out and sent Queen Elizabeth a CD of his speeches. ‘Nuff said?? Yep, waaaaaaay more than enough.

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