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On small breasts — 42 Comments

  1. As far as size and shape and artificial vs natural, the clothed breasts a man may appreciate looking at are not necessarily the same breasts he most enjoys playing with. Women should favor the latter.

  2. Neo,

    It’s my experience that a typical girl has more than enough ways to convince a boy to run the bases even if the former is not as impressive as she’d like. And if he likes what he feels when he gets there, he’ll keep running.

  3. The first thing to remember about breasts is that they are a youthful result before motherhood. The perk, the power, the presentation . . . speak to the uncommitted: these could be yours.

    Then we move on. Breasts are a means to an end. They feed well; in fact, so well that no substitute accomplishes the original end.

    But here’s the thing. They do not lose their appeal. In fact, they can gain appeal. How? AND WHY?

    Because the male follows the female. Yes. He does. And how ironic that this power has been yielded by the feminist who demands equal fist against fist.

  4. Natural trumps fake, and size is almost irrelevant. One man’s opinion.

    The whole package is what counts, and legs and derrieres should not be overlooked. Neither should style and grace.

  5. ” . . . less-endowed woman.”


    Perhaps. But, some would say more perfectly endowed.

    In the case of breasts, I truly do think beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Unless talking about Dolly Parton; she has such a great sense of humor about her own endowment. Gotta love her for that!

  6. Small, perky, and ski jump .. . . just like my wife’s. We’ve been married for 25 years. She is in her 50’s now and has had two children; two children who nursed for months. Her breasts are not new, of course. The ski jump is not quite so curved, but they still fit so nicely in my hands.

    hummm… that might be tmi.

  7. 1. Women if you want to enhance your breasts on the cheap, get them pierced. It is subtle or exciting as you want and not distracting. Also promises that you’re up for more than the average, but not as intimidating a genital piercings which indicate that a lot of traffic has gone through your vagina (and that you should have the McDonald’s 1 Billionth Customer sign out).

    2. Do NOT get them tattooed. Men like breasts they are not interested in some “painting” that permanently obscures or distracts from the breasts they naturally like. Plus as your breasts sag the distortion of the tattoo will just draw your attention for your age.

  8. When I was going thru puberty the female breast was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. As I aged I became much more appreciate of the female buttocks and legs, and now that my wife tells me much of the workout regimen that women engage in these days involve enhancing the form of their buttocks I realize that there must be a good reason why my tastes changed.

  9. I hear a lot of jokes are on mainstream tv in Japan. Most of it wouldn’t transfer well without the cultural context.

    They don’t speak of surgical enhancements but rather of various superstitions, such as having the chest massaged, that will aid in growth. In some ways, it’s a health joke, like vegetarianism vs carnivores. The jokes are mostly told from a female to female perspective and company. Some comedic routines are interspersed.

    In order to elevate one’s status in the social jungle, women seek to find what is popular and desirable, then conform their mind, spirit, and body to match. In a sense, this is natural instinct to function as part of a group, a community, based upon gathering food supplies for the long winter. Those that are nails sticking up, will get hammered or exiled or shut off from society’s resources. Their prospects for future prosperity then becomes null. This is undesirable, except for those few individuals, mostly male, who do not live in or around society’s comforts.

    If one does not need to survive in a herd, more options are open. However, in a herd, there are rules and standards. Humans being humans, most of those rules tend to be unhealthy, twisted, evil, or just inefficiently stupid.

  10. Oh there’s beautiful girls here, oh never you mind,
    beautiful shapes nature never defined,
    lovely complexions of roses and cream
    but let me remark with regard to the same:
    that if at those roses you ventured to sip,
    the colour would all come away on your lip,
    so I’l wait for the Wild Rose,
    that’s waiting for me
    Where the Mountains of Mourne come down to the sea.

    Was what came to mind

  11. Agree on the fake boobs – major turnoff.

    I’m probably in the minority of guys, but I don’t particularly care for large breasts. My creed has always been “If it fits the woman, it’s great.” To be frank, breasts don’t really constitute a major focus of my attention when it comes to female beauty, being usually the last thing I look at. Face is probably most important, then, like stu, the lower extremities.

    But even then there’s no rule. A wonderful face can overcome a body I usually would not be attracted to and make me attracted to it, because it all just “fits together” somehow.

    That’s my sense of beauty, I gather – holistic, how all of it “fits together” in a Gestalt. I’m not sure I could ever become smitten with a woman’s appearance because of one part of her body, perfect as it may be.

  12. This post brings up a smiling memory from 2006. I was a producer on a Lifetime Movie(“Stranded”)which we shot in Puerto Rico about—what else—some scantily clad babes in jeopardy on an island. One afternoon in dailies from the previous day’s shooting, I told the editor to freeze the frame on the lovely blonde who had a lovely set of Taa-Taas that were(GASP)Real!! “That, Kids, is what Female Boobs used to look like!!”

    Gone, sadly, are the days. That actress was what’cha call an anomoly,’Yo.

  13. I’ve always been a member of the “Itty-Bitty Tittie Committee”; the shape and feel of real breasts, particularly the smaller and firmer ones, has always appealed to me more than even the larger natural ones. At my age now I can see that my opinion is correct. Contents settle during shipping, as the saying goes, and less content settles less. This is a nice thing as teh boobies I played with almost twenty years ago are not quite the same but are not some artificial beachballs nor are they udders to be pulled out of the armpits.

    As people get older they tend to sag a bit, and those nice bouncy perky things aren’t quite so perky; that incidentally applies to men as well as women.

    This is truly a case where less is more. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it….

  14. I’ve always felt that my reproductive success is greatly enhanced by taking a flexible approach to the issue. Whatever I’ve been presented with is perfect.

  15. Re Dolly Parton
    If you look at pictures of Dolly when she was young she was rather modestly endowed. She joked that she paid a lot of money for those breasts. I remember the first time I saw Wendy Williams and was astonished and didn’t believe that was natural. I was in the navy and we had a saying about women with disportionatly large breasts, too much sail for such a small craft.

  16. Fake boobs are an abomination. They look and feel awful.

    I prefer Asian women, who are usually less well endowed. My preference isn’t really based on that endowment.

    My late wife was half Filipino/half Chinese. She was quite brilliant. My current girlfriend is also Filipino.

    Asian women provide a refuge from the stupidity and destructiveness of feminism. Few asian women are willing to destroy their femininity for the glorious battle to sit their asses in an office and play office politics.

    My girlfriend, although she makes a very good living, has never uttered the word “feminism.” My late wife was a dynamo who conquered the world. If you spoke the word
    “feminism” in her presence, she was likely to spit at your feet and challenged you to step outside for a fist fight.

    I’ll take the smaller boobs and gladly stay the hell away from white American women.

  17. It saddens me that girls have to be convinced that they are normal. I truly despise implants. As for breast size and tastes? Well, I’m a butt, hip, and thigh guy, breasts are just added bona fides and size doesn’t matter so long as they are natural. Haven’t and won’t date falsies.

    The human woman is perfectly beautiful as she is. My quibbles are my own, and probably lead me to certain looks and forms, to a degree for good reason and to a degree because we are probably born with prejudices regarding what is attractive.

  18. Shouting Thomas,

    all the lovely white women of America thank you for staying away from us, as we breathe a collective sigh of relief.

    (Me thinks he doth protest too much.)

  19. I believe at least half the reason for artificial beauty enhancements done by women to themselves is to compete with other women rather than to attract men’s attention.

    Although you could say it’s to compete with other women for men’s attention, I think it’s more complicated than that.

  20. They develop with different shapes, sizes, and colors. I prefer when they are natural, and generally it is a package deal. I want the whole woman, who does not define herself uniquely by her parts.

  21. Medically speaking, large and huge breasts are a challenge to both physician and woman. Difficult to image on screening mammography, very difficult to irradiate to a homogeneous dose after lumpectomy for cancer, with greater adverse effects.
    Never mind the top-heavy look when breasts are disproportionate to the rest of the body–makes a woman look like an upside-down bowling pin. That, and the muscular pain of holding up the biggies resulted in reduction mammoplasty to make ’em smaller.

  22. I completely agree with kolnai that physical beauty is the result of the gestalt, the entire form, not just one aspect of it. Including, but not limited to: eyes, hair, face, complexion, shapely legs and derriere, graceful walk and movement generally–and yes, boobs. Small, medium or large, they need to fit into the overall gestalt. Large, round balloon-implants on a slender, lithe woman just look silly.

    And the above is just physical beauty, which I don’t deny is extremely important. But it is one factor among others that can make a woman attractive or alluring–and that’s the real goal, isn’t it?

    Which is more attractive: a) a woman with stunning physical attributes who is not-too-bright, self-absorbed and crabby, or b) a reasonably good-looking woman who is bright, interesting and fun, with a sparkling upbeat personality?

  23. I’ve often wondered why small breasted women weren’t huge proponents of going topless. They have the advantage when unfettered, especially after age 22.

    One advantage of internet porn is that we aren’t limited to what Hugh Hefner thinks is sexy.

  24. My response to the idea of breast augmentation: Sweetie, you are perfect just the way God made you.

  25. JKB,

    Spot on. Perhaps the reason women who are smaller busted don’t flaunt is because they have no such need. Women who implant are the ones who believe boobs are magical or something. Once invested, after being ignored often, perhaps they think going topless is the only way to make it pay? It’s insult to injury to my mind.

    A trip to Burning Man proves your, uhrm, point(s). For those who need the point proven.


    Very good as well. And, yeah, this is physical. If she has no personality, or worse a bad one… no amount of physical beauty can draw me to such a woman. Bleh.

  26. C’mon, guys. Neo is trying to provoke some light-hearted banter about tits and you’re all way too serious. I knew that when I saw the word “gestalt”.

  27. This is a tittilating subject, happy to be kept abreast of this subject.

    My thoughts on size? Honey, if they reach your body, they are big enough .

  28. A boyfriend of mine said, “The French say that the perfect breast is one that will fit in a champagne glass.”


    I also used to date a male nurse, Briefly, who regaled me with stories of the variety of male, er, “wedding tackle,” as Mark Steyn puts it.

    Having been to a nudist colony (in New Jersey, with a couple of actors — nother story), I can say he was telling the truth!

  29. Oh, and the dead giveaway for fake boobs is the two hard circular lines above the decolletage. But never fear! Allergan has developed teardrop-shaped implants!

    (That will actually be a boon for mastectomy patients, however.)

  30. Oh, and the dead giveaway for fake boobs is the two hard circular lines above the decolletage. But never fear! Allergan has developed teardrop-shaped implants!

    (That will actually be a boon for mastectomy patients, however.)

    Failure rate for said implants is 30% over a five to ten-year range: women with implants ALWAYS face more surgery down the line. Stats on the things are terrible: capsular contracture, pain, hardening, slippage, puncture, etc., etc. All apart from the questions of silicon gel in the body.

  31. Doom:

    Yeah, bad personality easily trumps good looks. Unfortunately, it seems much easier to ruin a good thing than vice-versa. “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.”

  32. Thanks for this blog article. All my life I’ve had only girlfriends (and eventually my wife) with small boobs, while my buddies always went for the big chested girls. Now I realize that it’s mostly the small breasted women who are the athletic types which is what really attracted me.

  33. Surely we haven’t forgotten the old saw, “Anything more than a mouthful is wasted”?

    I have only ever heard women say that about men’s endowments.

    I can think of several pleasurable practices which require larger breasts.

  34. dannawally wrote:

    Now I realize that it’s mostly the small breasted women who are the athletic types which is what really attracted me.

    I think there’s something to that. The sexiest girlfriend I ever had was the one with the smallest breasts. But IMHO, there’s almost no relationship between chest size and sexiness.

  35. Originally, breast size indicated the overall health and or food allocated to a female. Thus most females couldn’t sustain child birth without a sufficient chest because their food intake wasn’t enough.

    The hips and what not come into play as a secondary indicator. If the first indicator isn’t accurate, obviously there are other ways to tell.

    Skin tone was also seen as attractive or not, based upon one’s social status (pure white was a sign one didn’t have to work in the fields). Genetic diversification of different skin tones was a plus for some, but a minus if it meant a lower social status and economic worth. For genders, the standards also differend. As a man who worked under the sun was to be expected or an aristocrat that hunted all the time under the African sun. But not the females. Gender differentiation and specialization led to human survival so far, most cultures don’t discard such things on a dime.

  36. While Japan has its own problems with reproduction and what not (modern theories say that as women work more, their time for starting families decrease, especially as most families find it hard to field more than 3 children in their lifetime), they don’t shy away from using mainstream media to point out that if a woman doesn’t marry by the time she is 30 or 35, she is an office maid or an old maid. Someone who society has relegated to a “lower” status than happiness.

    And they deal with it in a mature fashion and a realistic one. Pointing out the benefits as well as the detriments.

  37. Small and perky all the way through heavy and voluptuouis; it the individual woman’s sensuality and her confidence in her inate sensuality that determnes her aallure to the male drones busy about the hive.

    Most non Californian males want natiral pver ehnced. The test is in the arousal of te nipples and the secretions from the VAgiNA and her ability to cotrol her resourced whith op interejce,

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