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Don’t sit on a hot stove… — 37 Comments

  1. “Police are described as baffled”

    Having worked with law enforcement, I doubt that is true on a personal level. Most cops are street savvy, if not street smart. But their professional judgment is not allowed to be the same thing.

  2. A terrorist (hate filled AA–African-American) is a person who believes he has no options and is filled with fear and hate. Yes, in some respects, he is a victim just like the Palestinian child strapped up with dynamite.

    But not quite. And enough moralizing for the perp. If you love violence, you’re not human; your soul is dead. When the Muslims say they love death, they admit they are not human. Their frontal cortex is jammed. The AA community find common cause with jihad because they create non-humans. Werewovles or something. That archtype has to be in our collective consciousness for some reason. We are seeing just the latest iteration.

    All that pysychology has produced. . . l for what? To legitmizes the perp and offersnothing for the victim.

    Stuart Shneiderman speaks for the victim: (This guy just keeps getting better and better. I am in awe. I wish this guy had a national stage. Dr. Oz, move over.)


  3. “He said ‘the next white person who walks by I’m going to [expletive]”

    “Police said that the attack may have been a hate crime.”

    What wild speculation!

  4. A considerable portion of African-Americans have been made feral by overt racial hatred, the inspiration of which is Ophilia; and the absolution for, conferred by the spirit of Trayvon. Ophilia is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated, anywhere. May those who voted for it be haunted by it.

  5. The key victim is also going to be small.

    Asians are in particular demand for the knockout game.


    As a general rule, such victims suffer brain damage that’s quite permanent.

  6. Those who engage in this ugly game are, as sharpie points out, non-human. Totally senseless violence. Not quite as many victims as a pressure cooker bomb, but much easier to execute. I have always been somewhat opposed to the concept of hate crimes. I mean, aren’t all crimes based on hate at bottom? But random, senseless, deadly violence that attacks the most vulnerable seems to rise to a level above crimes with the historically normal, well-defined motives. It is terrorism. The idea seems to be to show that no white person is safe anywhere, anytime. What can deter the perps? Swift and sure justice with maximum penalties? I don’t know, but public drawing and quartering enters my kind as one possible deterrent.

  7. yes, we need swift justice and very public justice.

    Justice would be to escort him from Union Square Park to the hanging elm at Washington Square Park.

    And bigger justice would be to hold obama accountable for inciting this.

  8. What cases like this, and especially since the Zimmerman case, have done for me personally is this:

    Despite having black folks in my family I am VERY leery around strangers who are black. Even in my suburban neighborhood I now exercise caution when a lone young black male approaches me, even more caution (and ready to defend myself if need be) if it is a group of young black men.

    Do they deserve for me to act like they will harm me? No, they don’t. But, given the crap that goes on nowadays, I would much rather offend that be dead.

    A few years ago I came up behind a group of three young black men while hiking (a couple of hours away from the trailhead and no one else around). The one was really going on a rant about bad customers that he deals with in his retail job. He clearly didn’t know that I had approached otherwise he might not have been so “racial” about his observations. “Hispanics do this, Asians do that, etc. But WHITES are the worst.” (I’m white) They all stopped talking when they realized I was approaching.

    Back then I just dismissed it as a young guy being a jerk. I just kept walking past them without saying a word.

    Today, after the Zimmerman case, and others things. I’m not so sure that I would have so readily dismissed it and would have been a lot more cautious. I’m not sure what I would do; but, it would have bothered me more today then it did then.

    Obama, has/had a perfect learning opportunity and blew it with Prof Gates and the Cambridge police, with the Zimmerman case, with so many others. I guess the “community organizer” can’t see beyond his own skin color and his own experiences.

  9. Pingback:Don’t dare call it a hate crime | The Americanist

  10. kit Says:
    September 7th, 2013 at 5:52 pm

    And bigger justice would be to hold obama accountable for inciting this.

    The media. Don’t forget them.

    While it’s true that the majority of crimes are intra-racial (black on black, white on white, etc.), for years the media have downplayed or outright ignored black on white crime, while sensationalizing the much rarer white on black incidents.

    For instance, the crime where three white men dragged a black man to death behind their pickup truck in Texas several years ago was extensively covered, but not the white couple who were kidnapped, raped (both of them), tortured, and murdered by four blacks. In fact, I can’t even think of their names off the top of my head. If it weren’t for the internet, I wouldn’t know about it at all.

    And there was the Zimmerman/Martin case, where the media suppressed some facts and outright lied about others. That was the most outrageously slanted “journalism” I’ve ever seen.

    Skewed and distorted coverage like that only further fuels black hatred towards whites, and ensures still more black on white crime.

    While Obama has made some inflammatory statements, the media is doing this practically every day, so I hold them more responsible.

    Then again, I also blame the media for giving us Obama in the first place. They have a lot to answer for.

  11. When I read about some kind of horrendous street crime – quite often in one of the British newspapers on line – and there is no mention given of the perpetrators’ race – it’s almost an ironclad bet that the perp is black. It’s gotten to the point that readers and bloggers in my end of the blogosphere are making jokes about it.

    It’s almost like there is this organized effort going on – to memory-hole incidents of black on white crime. Gee, I wonder how that can be?

  12. We were taught to use man made concrete as a weapon against our enemies. Thus Gaia and the Earth become our hammer.

    However, in our case, the overall goal was to destroy the brain and/or upper spinal cord by smashing the Earth into a target. As such, the person isn’t in a coma, but just dead on impact. And if that doesn’t work, some kicks and additional impacts will do the job.

    That was just “normal” in the training. This, though, may be viewed by an atypical American as over the top or extremely violent, but it’s no more violent than my milk shake is.

    Thus of us trained in H2H results, will be harder to effectively target, especially those who have upgraded their toolbox with Ancient methodology and philosophy.

    That is why humanity is made out of 95+% sheep. They don’t have to target the rare ones, they can just target the majority and “most” of the time, it will be a good one.

    This is the conundrum of counter insurgency. How can you defeat an opponent that refuses to fight you when you know you can win, and instead only attacks your weaknesses? The answer is actually rather simple. Make every body in your sphere of influence, every part of your organization, as strong as the strongest warrior in your org. Make things equal, and thus lacking in weaknesses.

  13. To me, while I profile for a lot of things really in my everyday life, it doesn’t matter to me whether someone has a gun, a knife, a grenade, is black or white.

    Humans being humans, they are extremely easy to terminate. Very much so. They aren’t as tough as they crack themselves up to be, these street toughs that have not even overcome serial killers or warriors born and bred.

  14. “Obama, has/had a perfect learning opportunity and blew it with Prof Gates and the Cambridge police, with the Zimmerman case, with so many others. I guess the “community organizer” can’t see beyond his own skin color and his own experiences.”

    The Left’s power, and Obama as a derived experience, got this power by doing exactly what they have done. They didn’t make a mistake at all, from their pov. And since their pov is on the throne of power, that counts for something more convincing than mere claims.

    His own experience is that humanity can be enslaved by a bit of racism and inter factional warfare: divide and conquer. Who is to say that he is wrong?

    When will people wake up and accept that these aren’t unintentional actions or mistakes of the left, but intended methods and goals all along.

  15. Sharpie: “If you love violence, you’re not human; your soul is dead.”

    Plato said that there are some people who are human in shape only. The thug clearly is one of those.

    When wild animals – bears, tigers &c – kill people, we usually kill them to make sure they don’t do it again.

    People need to be armed. It used to be that only the wilderness was dangerous. Today, it’s the city that’s dangerous.

    If only 20% of the population were armed – and trained – crime would go way down. A bystander in Union Square could have brought the thug down, or at least, convinced him that it would be better if he just went outside.

  16. The ruling elites of DC, Democracy, and America will never allow people to become uppity armed slaves.

    Such a thing is unthinkable for the plantation aristocrats that used to dominate the South before and after the US Civil War I

  17. Neo, thanks for writing about this.

    I was downtown near Michigan Avenue in Chicago twice in the past two days, and on both days I saw several small groups of young black men hanging around or walking with a provocative slouch. They weren’t totally menacing, but they were a little bit menacing, as if they knew that “white people” were supposed to be scared of them.

    I think they were testing us white people.

    I’m an old lady with poor eyesight, so I guess I’ll take my chances. HOWEVER, if I were more athletic and had better reflexes, I would definitely buy myself a switchblade or a handgun. I don’t care what Rahm Emanuel and his fascist buddies think. He gets police protection, and I don’t.

    Surely I’m not the only formerly liberal white person who is sick and tired of young black people being able to commit crimes because they are black. The knockdown game is going to end soon in some kind of ugly massacre of young black men.

    I agree with J.J. and kit above re public executions. Drawing and quartering seems harsh, but public hanging works for me. Ironically, one of our tourist sites in Chicago is an old courthouse, where perps were hung in the back alley.

  18. Lashawn(profile alert: black male thug raised by single welfare mom…i.e. WE paid for him to exist and become as he now is) demanded the cop be called and waited until they arrived. nice life, cops. when perps demand you drop your donuts and do your (unionized) jobs. He gains Black Face (pun intended) by going to prison, bulking up, and hsving access to a Sunni imam by statute.

  19. HOWEVER, if I were more athletic and had better reflexes, I would definitely buy myself a switchblade or a handgun.

    The highest levels of fighting requires neither athleticism nor reflexes. If anything, the power a knife or gun has is much greater than what newbies generally can obtain in a short time.

    There are only a few exceptions.

    I always wondered what would happen if I went through a metal detector or people (like the TSA) searched me for weapons and confiscated them. With H2H training, that isn’t so much of a problem.

    When people think they have disarmed you and you are harmless, they drop their guards. Such that when their heads are separated from their spinal column, they seem to be very surprised that the person they disarmed still can issue lethal force. Since the original meaning of “disarm” was in fact to separate a person’s limbs from their torso, thus neutralizing their threat, which is feasible using joint destruction methods in the modern era as well.

    Well, the point is, H2H is not good for everything, but it is good for one thing. Whatever weapons my enemies have, will be mine soon enough. Upgrading in weapons and level, from a good starting point.

  20. To put up an easily understood analogy, a 110 pound woman has a low odd of success competing directly with a 200-250 pound male that has sufficient muscle volume. Sufficient as in 100 pounds of him isn’t in his belly fat, at least.

    That essentially means the woman is outmanned more than 2 to 1. It takes more than 2 of her to match 1 of him in a direct contest.

    Utilizing ancient knowledge, modern science, and sufficient training standards, a 150 male is as much superior to the 250 guy as the 250 pound guy is superior to the untrained 110 pound female, so to speak.

    There in lies a certain “power differential”, which is most popularly bridged by 1. running away (don’t have to be stronger, just faster) and 2. guns (don’t have to be stronger, bullets stronger than muscle armor)

  21. Obama has been playing the knockout game on America. His entire presidency is no better than random violence against America.

  22. Back in 2008 or 07, was when I first learned the full extent of the shock troop training procedures the Leftist alliance had built up in those Democrat fiefdoms for the last few decades.

    When I realized few if anyone wanted to hear about it, take it seriously, or mention it on the public political stage, I sort of realized America was already screwed at this point. Everything else from that point on, was just the screams of the dying victims. Shrugs. Can’t help people who want to kill themselves, now can we.

  23. “Everything else from that point on, was just the screams of the dying victims. Shrugs. Can’t help people who want to kill themselves, now can we.”

    Good point.

    The good news is that they are getting what they deserve. These sorts of people who do this have it the worst under Obama, and they have almost no shot at a good life at this point. Still, they got what they asked for, and the best punishment is to let them have it.

    The bad news is that we are getting what they deserve too. Which means they are not only harming themselves, they are harming us too, and our families too. Until we really give them what they deserve for that, then we deserve what we get too.

    Evil prospers long term only when good people do not punish evil. At the very least this is the ballot box. Based on elections only, we are the ones at fault.

  24. The thing is, it’s not them in control. Which is to say, the same goes for suicide bombers and terrorists doing the killing. The ones controlling them are safe in palaces, with harems around them of sex slaves, and those guys don’t blow themselves up. Which is the problem. So long as they live, there is hope for evil.

    So the shock troops can die all the time, but that doesn’t do anything to impact the organization itself.

    The same reason why Islam is dominant is the same reason why there’s a problem in American inner cities that is bigger than “black votes” or “welfare” or some other “political argument”.

  25. George Zimmerman had mixed martial arts training although I’m not sure of the details. I do know his instructior indicated he was “soft” and not skilled. Had his Brazilian Jui Jitsu been better he should have been able to get our of Trayvon Martin’s mount, but I’m not sure exactly what type of MMA training he had (BJJ? Boxing? Kickboxing? Wrestling?).

  26. The MMA training was a basic gym setup combining equipment with various disciplines (the ones the instructors know), but Zim didn’t do too well or spent much time there. Part of his problem was probably his non confrontational, non aggressive nature. Very good for Democrat socialized white neighborhoods… not particularly good if you want to do some cross training in being a warrior however. A soldier would be fine, obeying the orders of 911 operators and police, but not a warrior that operates alone most of the time, and fights people based on personal desires.

    BJJ requires a certain attitude to get good, which is why only 1/30 of them are women, active at least. Talk about sexual discrimination.

    The instructor may have just said that because he didn’t want bad press on his own training methods. Since a bad student would reflect the incompetence of his school, in the martial arts world.

  27. http://www.mediaite.com/online/george-zimermans-mma-gym-offers-customers-the-zimmerman-training-program/

    The rumors sugges tthat Zim went for gym training, rather than the martial arts aspect. I know a lot of middle class Democrat community members do such things, although many of them also think they know how to “kick arse”…. right

    Zim’s personality would have prevented that erroneous self conceit however.

    There’s a dramatic difference in theoretical knowledge gained from a training environment and real world combat experience. So even if in the 1 year Zim was supposed to be at the gym, he had trained up to appropriate standards… that wouldn’t have mattered much in real fighting.

    The top ranked student can completely fall apart on the battlefield. Whereas the guy who flunked all his subjects may end up being a good survivor on the battlefield cause he has good instincts and judgment.

    While there are a lot of “martial arts” dojos and gyms around that claim to be able to teach you, the majority of them are incompetent at teaching green newbies how to bridge the gap between civilian and warrior.

  28. The knockout game isn’t all that common, fortunately.
    by what do you make that assertion?

    you cant look at the stats, since 2008 obama has prevented thos stats from being available.

    even if they were available, how would you corret for all thos incidents that are changed into non incidents?

    the knockout game IS more common than you would ralize as a whole bunch of people refuse to go to the polive as the perps are in their living area… and would know who to come after

    why not add up the other names?
    like hunting polar bears? flash mob attacks? and more… most without names

    Rangers’ Tanner Scheppers cleared for action after being assaulted in Cleveland

    According to Drew Davison of the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Scheppers was attacked by a group of young males in downtown Cleveland after going out for a food run.

    a pro ball player
    then there was the three elderly men beaten to death

    i can list over 200 incidents in over 100 cities…

    thopugh that now google has tuned up, it gives you white on black when you ask for black on white…

    here is a bunch of wonderful kids turning a young girl into what?

    lets put up their names… and what happened…

    Michael Daniels – as many as five people beat him up, when no one helped him, they came back and got nasty. they beat him until his eye popped out of his socket, he died the next day

    Delbert “Shorty” Benton: Witnesses say 88 year old Belton was in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge when the two male suspects attacked him as he was about to head inside to play pool – he died

    in 2000 Brad Heyka, Jason Befort, Aaron Sander, Heather Muller, “H.G.” were all raped, and assaulted by two men with guns before they were shot int he back of the heads

    Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom in 2007 were beaten and tortured for hours and hours before being dumped (the poster couple for this kind of violence)

    Sherry West, Antonio Santiago, march 2013, where shot while going on a walk. mother survives, child dies

    Joshua Heath Chellew was attacked by four teens, he was killed by a car as he tried to flee (like the beach attack that polarized ny when some whites chased a black to the highway. i can add two incidents near where i work at 125th in harlem – but they are not reported that way so its hard to find them)

    Jonathan Foster: was 12, and abducted by a black woman named Mona Nelson. she tortured and murdered him using a torch. she dumped the body in a ditch. they found it four days later, and she burned it so badly dental records were needed

    Chris Lane, was shot in the back by some bored teens

    Fannie Gumbinger: 99 years old, beaten to death by burlar who came into her home.

    we dont even remember the Zebra killings!!

    The “Zebra” murders were a string of racially motivated murders, committed by four African-American men who were later convicted, that took place in San Francisco, California, from October 1973 to April 1974.

    During 1973 and 1974, fourteen execution style murders and eight assaults occurred in San Francisco, whose police named the case “Zebra” after the special police radio band they assigned for the investigation. Twenty-two crimes in a six-month spree involved mostly white victims of the three black suspects.

    they have been under reporting for decades!!!

    you can read letters to editors how people are upset that they run such stories at all. when they do, they hide the race, and change the story.

    and the apologists play the people for idiots

  29. and you can read here how they hide it by reading the hiding.
    the idea is to paint the image that neo painted, and not let the actual meaningful numbers be seen


    Example 1:
    Only about 1 percent of African Americans – and no more than 2 percent of black males – will commit a violent crime in a given year;

    see? that isnt that much… (note he does not tell us the white rate)

    313,914,040 total in the country
    13.1% are black. note that the stat is diluted by all african americans.
    thats 41,122,739

    1 out of 100 will commit a violent crime PER YEAR
    or 411,227 violent crimes per year

    he also says

    Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002).

    In fact, any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American.

    his percentages hide the actual volume…
    just as his 1% hides nearly half a million violent acts…
    “whites” make up 77.9%

    if whites did this at the same rate…
    there would be 2,445,390 violent crimes per year!!!

    but back to this persons game..
    first, the subject is black on white crime
    so his reporting white on white… and then white on black
    does not give us black on white… does it?

    not only that, but suddenly his numbers shifted from violence, to murder… when you read the article, he focuses on single offender stats… why? blacks attack in groups more… so group attacks are not in his numbers

    First, according to the 2008 data Williams relied on (see Table 42), which is the most recent comprehensive data published by the Justice Department on violent crime victimizations, that year there were approximately 3.6 million violent crimes involving a single-offender. These crimes include assault, both simple and aggravated (mostly simple), robbery, and sexual assault or rape. Of those 3.6 million violent crimes, whites committed 2.1 million of them (58.4%) while blacks committed about 830,000 (22.8%)

    there are 6 times the number of whites than blacks
    so by his numbers if the populations were equal…
    blacks would commit 4,980,000 to whites 2.1
    or if you did it the other way, blacks committed 830,000, whites 350,000…

    but then, if you then go to the other table for more than one person, te nubmers get worse

    here he is again
    Thus, for crimes where the race of the perpetrator was known to the victims (about 3.2 million crimes), whites would have committed about 66 percent (two-thirds) and blacks about 26 percent (one-fourth).

    he then goes into trying to gather the numbers of the unknown races into the fold…

    Criminal Victimization
    in the United States, 2008
    Statistical Tables

    he look at table 42 Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, by type of crime, race of victim, and perceived race of offender

    but table 43 – Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, by type of crime and detailed victim-offender relationship

    and table 46 he ignores..
    Percent distribution of multiple-offender victimizations,
    by type of crime and perceived race of offenders

    he says that in his table
    3.6 million violent crimes involving a single-offender…

    there were just under 1 million more multiple offender crimes

    Completed violence multi total 325,080
    percentage white 27.2
    percentage black 40.1

    Attempted violence multi total 621,490
    percentage white 36.5
    percentage black 23.9

    his table is hard to read to get this
    which is why he avoided table 40
    Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations,
    by type of crime and perceived race of offender

    which would allow you to compare

    Completed violence single total 1,002,360
    percentage white 56.3
    percentage black 28.3

    Attempted violence single total 2,649,980
    percentage white 59.2
    percentage black 20.8

    as you can see, the apologists are cooking the numbers for the mathematically illiterate so they can hate smarter people and attack them…

  30. Victim of ‘I hate white people’ rampage dies…

    oh well. just another oppressro..

    meanwhile today

    NYC bus rider’s face smashed in during racial ‘hate attack’…

    An attacker pummeled a bus passenger so hard he smashed the bones in his face after calling the victim a “cracker” in Manhattan — marking the second time in two days that people appeared to be randomly targeted in racial tirades against white people, authorities said.

    In the latest incident, the suspect passed a 31-year-old rider on the M60 bus riding through Harlem, on West 127th Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive, around 2:45 p.m., Friday, when he shouted the racial slur and punched the victim in the face, breaking his nose and eye socket, cops said.

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