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Obama: holding onto Holder — 14 Comments

  1. “Surely this disgrace or excess would do it, or that one, or the next.”

    Why would anyone expect anything different from an administration inured to shame and public lying?

    Most recently, Obama spoke of “phony scandals,” yet, when anouncing that he had been informed of the IRS scandal he claimed outrage. The man tells the public recorded, traceable bold-faced lies knowing that the media will not call him on it.

    I repeat, why would anyone expect anything different when postulating on Holder’s departure?

  2. T:

    But ever since at least 2010, people have indeed been speculating on Holder’s departure.

    I don’t know how many are still doing so, because what was clear before is now crystal clear.

  3. A better political example of “joined at the hip” would be difficult to find. Obama’s ‘loyalty’ to Holder is however due to Congress’ unwillingness to impeach. If it were a conservative Congress, Obama would throw Holder under the bus without hesitation or remorse.

  4. Sadly, I am forced to agree. We are stuck with this cowardly, shameful and deceitful administration for the next 3 1/2 years. I have disagreed with administration policies before, but never in my 63 years have I been as fundamentally ashamed of an administration as I am of these thugs.

  5. Geoffrey Britain,

    Although a theoretical point, I do not believe that even a conservative congress would have the brass to impeach Obama. For better or worse, Obama projects an endearing persona which is constantly burnished by the media. Regardless of one’s sympathies, it is simply difficult, nigh impossible, to swim against that tide.

    It’s a good example of the aphorism that “In theory, there’s no difference between theory and practice; in practice there is.” In theory, even a dyed-in-the-wool liberal can admit that there are minorities who are incompetent or jerks, but to actually call a minority incompetent makes it clear, prima facie, that one is saying that only because the target is a minority.

    Quite simply, Obama can do no wrong in their eyes because he’s black; Trayvon Martin was the victim because he, too was a minority; so, too the Duke University stripper. Damn, these white opressors (Zimmerman?) keep busy, don’t they?

  6. Ashamed of, no. Disgusted with, yes. I did not vote for this administration. I am ashamed of and appalled by the many Americans who are blindly throwing away our inheritance of liberty for the 30 pieces of entitlement silver they receive in exchange.

    They are both unknowing victims of and culpable in the tyranny that is coming.

  7. T,

    I think a conservative Congress would be eager to impeach Obama but I don’t think Obama would let it get that far, which is why I think he’d sacrifice Holder to save his own skin. It’s true that, under certain conditions, being black amounts to a ‘get out of jail free card’ and impeaching Obama because he’s black, arguably gives him the most immunity. Hey, maybe we could impeach just Obama’s white half? 😉

  8. Geoffrey Britain,

    My point, perhaps not clearly stated, was not about the willingness, eagerness or desire of any congress to impeach, but about the reality of it happening under any circumstance. I don’t think it is a possibility even in one’s wildest dreams and I believe that Obama knows that which is why he performs as he does–no consequences, no repurcussions = no limitations.

    As for shame, for the record, I didn’t vote for this clown either, but for the first time in my life, I am ashamed for my country.

  9. T,

    I see. And for that matter, if we had a conservative Congress, the dems never would have nominated Obama because the electorate would never have voted for him. I do agree, that there is no chance whatsoever of Obama being impeached.

  10. On a lighter note, if Anthony Weiner were the AG, Neo’s headline to this post would have been sort of amusing.
    I wish this guy would get out of the race because I cant stop with these stupid jokes.

  11. Obama: holding onto Holder somehow reminded me of 39 and Holding, courtesy of Jerry Lee Lewis.

    Obama and Holder are both scoundrels. We will not be rid of one until we are rid of the other. Three and a half years to go.

  12. Where is that contempt of Congress charge?

    And new charges for perjury on the AP and Rosen matter?

    Trey Gowdy step up.

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