Home » Good news in academia—if it’s true


Good news in academia—if it’s true — 20 Comments

  1. Not sure about this. Fire.org’s website lists many cases in which student councils and special interest groups are the strongest supporters of censorship and indoctrination. If you interview the random “student on the street,” you probably will hear a range of moderate to slightly left opinions. But I have a feeling the hard core of the student “establishment” is still pretty radical.

  2. As a boomer myself, I commonly say to my non-boomer wife that the country (world?) will be better off when my entire generation is dead and buried.

    If the WWII cohort was the “Greatest Generation,” ours was (and is) the worst. I fully sympathize with younger people sick of hearing about the 60s; I’m sick of hearing about ’em too. Walking down Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, and getting accosted for change for the one zillionth time, I have two thoughts: 1) I was here the first go-round on this crap, and 2) I wish condom manufacturers had had higher quality control back then, so this clown wouldn’t be standing before me now.

    And there’s nothing more pathetic than those 60s iconic musical groups on PBS. The performers waddle out onto the stage and screech hits from their salad days to a bunch of geezers who’ve never grown up. Shudder. It’s so sad.

  3. Neo,
    The only way to track what will happen in academia over the next ten – twenty years is to look at who goes to graduate school and in which fields. From my view (inside the academy) non-lefty students who go on to graduate studies are concentrated in business and applied fields, such as ag and eng.
    On the face of it, this would seem to portend no significant change; however, in the non-applied sciences, in which biology (and closely related fields, such as botany and hort) is the most left leaning, the grad schools are filled with asian-American and foreign students, most of whom are decidedly not left (many come from very anti-communist backgrounds), so that may help to balance those fields.
    But our grad programs in the humanities (particularly at the elite schools) are still attractive to young American lefties, and very unattractive to non-lefties, and as the humanities include an ever increasing number of victim-studies departments, I don’t see much hope there.

  4. Can it be that we believe that those in the soviet union believed? the majority didnt, they were not ideological, but it didnt matter. the damage once done will not reverse itself since the information lost was not stored in a recoverable form, and when the boomers go they will not take the ideas with them, only the memories of the cultural ways that they failed to transmit and preserve.

    the students are not independent, and they cant think for themselves. they cant follow a logical track, they are illiterate, and ignorant.

    heck, while i sit and enjoy my new family ad their children, who are not american, its clear to see what and how far off and bad we are.

    as bugs is saying… the stuff that is the worst tenets of marxism are givens, they are never in the questions!!! so everyone appears moderate, but just ask them what they think of women returning to the home (no one said forced, etc, jsut the question to see their reaction).

    ask them if we are blank slates or pre programmed (we are preprogrammed for most of everything to an amazing degree through abstraction)..

    ask them if families are necessary..

    heck, my son wants to do something for society! help the cause!! how many people did bill gates company lift out of poverty (be careful how you answer as its not just the redmond office, but all its effects). he basically is looking for a quick way to sacrifice and end his life to give it meaning. why? beacuse nothing else is in their messages to the kids!

    i saw a little child in an interview this morning and if she wasnt so cute she would be a mini hitler. we have to make the president do this. then make the people do that. then force this to happen was all she was saying.

    they asked people on the news things like how many stars on the flag, how many states, who wrote the dec of independence, and so forth.

    i am at a med school, and the kids cant reason. which is why they still think sociology produces valid work still, and still havent weeded out meade, kinsey and others who poisoned the well.

    they tried to have the vagina monologues here. and they just did the red dress to stop women from the heart desease that the feminists gave them.. (lie, create misery, forget, earn money trying to fix the misery).

    the birth rates are dead…

    for every woman that works and doesnt have kids anothe woman has to have FIVE just so the population can remain stable.

    cities are being over run, but laws are in place so no one can report it.

    there are urban wars going on here, and no one is reporting it. how about the mexican army men who came into pheonix to assasinate some people, and would have taken on the cops but didnt bring enough ammo. or how ms13 has been hacking people apart with machetes.

    i was reading some article recently and they try to explain how the left and islam are now coming together.

    yet.. if you go online to trutv they have a greate detailed article on the brinks robery that has obamas friends in it. weathermen, and BLA, as well as panthers…. all of them having converted to islam that far back.

    i will show how much we forgot… do a search on the zebra killers. they were in the 70s and they were nation of islam members that killed 14 white people and 7 others. all members were black, and all victims were white. (other leftist orgs like the leaders of highlander were doing lynchings and bombing homes of blacks that they set them up in!)

    we are confusing facts with propaganda… the propaganda is that everythign is fine.. that things are going back… but they arent.

    if you didnt read the past and what was done, you would accept this tripe as potentially real. but the truth is that they did their jobs real well.

    here is a leftist from the past, writing about her visit to germany before the war… she was the head of the communist party in america, and she details how they took control of the teachers unions and hwo they changed the very structure of the system from that era.

    our system isnt changed, its more of that… and so it doesnt matter if they leave. they created a self perpetuating thing by design.

    In Germany I frequently discussed the rising tide of conflict, but on one thing
    professors and students alike were agreed – that fascism could never come to Germany.
    It was possible in Italy, they said, because of the lack of general education – such a thing
    could not happen in Germany. Two institutions would prevent this: the great German
    universities and the German Civil Service.

    When, contrary to their statements, it did happen in Germany, the two great
    institutions which collapsed first of all were – the German universities and the German
    Civil Service. They were the first to serve the Fuehrer, and it was from them that we were
    to learn the lesson that education in and of itself is not a deterrent to the destruction of a
    nation. The real questions to be posed are: what kind of education? to what purpose? with
    what goal? under what standards?

    we are not asking that… in fact parents have no rights to their children under parens patria… but we had to listen to the dads and fathers to know what was happening. we still arent listening, and its so much worse. (but no one is stopping them either).

    this was never a perpetual game… old groups leave, new ones come in.

    it wont matter if the boombers leave as they will leave us with a totalitarian state they dont care they are making!

    i have asked them, and without an exception, all of them just want to live and party and not be concerned. when i ask them if obama turns out to be bad like other socialists would they care? nope. not a whit. they dont care about the future, they only care about their now.

    and if made miserable enough, with their stupidity, they will vote in a hitler before leaving.

    heck, they turned the cucumber into a pickle and we think we can go back?

    how? the poision runs thorugh the publishing houses, the largest media production, the very school system is structured to function a certain way.

    and we have all forgotten the history that created it.

    we are water… the structure is a glass… whether or not the glasses creator is alive or dead, the glass will still impose its shape on the fluid people unless they break the glass and become free of its constraints.

    we dont even realize that the push to push everyone into college, which we still work in earnest was part of it!!!! it dumbed down education, creatd affirmative action, centralized for indoctrination… no wonder everyone has to go!

    its like saying… everyone has to attend compulsory indoctrination classes and we will dicatate yoru studies? learn the history that maks this place great? nope, they dont teach it anymore, womens studies, gay studies, and such have replaced the cannon.

    Many came to college because they were fulfilling for their parents the modern
    yearning of the uneducated who are determined that their children must have a college
    education. I was conscious of an increasing mass of young people entering college almost
    as automatically as they entered grade school and high school. I was aware of the lowering
    of standards. There was little thinking about the meaning and purpose of a college
    education and practically no thought of the role of free municipal colleges.

    she was part of what made this in the US.

    In Berlin we saw more pinched faces and more blatant lavishness. We were
    alarmed at the frank and open evidences of sexual and moral degradation flaunted in the
    night spots and exhibited to the tourists everywhere. The atmosphere o£ the city seemed
    charged as the air is before an electric storm.

    its the same in the US today…

    a mass movement… a blitz of the people… the same facts of the baby boomers going, is the fact that they cant wait anymore and are trying to force the cahnge before their base of ligitimacy erodes.

    notice her language, and note that this was written before almost all of us were born!

    I was continually amazed to see the diversity and the beauty of the past culture of
    the cities of Italy
    . Venice was unlike Florence. Verona and Bologna were a world apart
    from Rome. In this day, when there is so much talk about mass culture and so many
    worship, or are frightened into, an acceptance of the idea of one-world government, I look
    back to the joy I had in the past culture of these little city-states and wonder if the art and
    architecture of our day will ever achieve the beauty of that of those earlier times.

    so what was was diverse, what is is less diverse.
    and the language was the same… and is the same.

    and here she hints as to the structural change and waht was happening

    On my return to New York I went to meetings of the Teachers Union. I found
    them disconcerting because there was so much strife between groups seeking control. I did
    not then understand why intelligent adults should struggle so hard to control an
    organization which in numbers was small and insignificant. I was dumfounded to find the
    names of distinguished professors such as John Dewey and George Counts involved in the
    It was only later, when I better understood left-wing politics, that I became aware
    of the significance of control of this beachhead.

    remember this is the woman that was the head of the communist party usa.

    I did not become a Communist overnight. It came a little at a time. I had been
    conditioned by my education and association to accept this materialistic philosophy. Now
    came new reasons for acceptance. I was grateful for communist support in the
    struggles of the Instructors Association. I admired the selfless dedication of many who
    belonged to the Party. They took me into their fraternal circle and made me feel at home.
    I was not interested in any long-range Party objectives but I did welcome their assistance
    on immediate issues, and I admired them for their courage. Most of all I respected the way
    they fought for the forgotten man of the city. So I did not argue with them about the
    “dictatorship of the proletariat” which they talked about, or about its implications.

    see how it works? its like the theme of mickey blue eyes. you cant do a little deal with the devil and not get sucked in. the whole movie is a comedy that is built upon the innocence leading to moral failure naivly! of course it all works out in the end happy!!!

    Ruth continued arguing and I finally said: “Oh, Ruth, I am only interested in the
    present. What the Communist Party says about the future is not important to me. The
    sanity of the American people will assert itself. But these people are about the only ones
    who are doing anything about the rotten conditions of today. That is why I am with them,
    and,” I ended truculently, “I will stay with them.”
    Of course I was not the only American who thought one could go along with the
    good things the Communists did and then reject their objectives. It was a naive idea and
    many of us were naive. It took a long time for me to know that once you march with them
    there is no easy return. I learned over the years that if you stumbled from weariness they
    had no time to pick up a fallen comrade. They simply marched over him.
    The saddest situation I saw in the Party were the hundreds of young people eager to
    be used. And the Party did use this mass of anonymous people for its immediate
    purposes. And so young people were burned out before they could reach maturity. But I
    saw, too, how inexhaustible was the supply of human beings willing to be sacrificed.
    Much of the strength of the Party, of course, is derived from this very ruthlessness in
    exploiting people.

    want to know how far it goes?

    I now represented a growing educational pressure group. With the Communists in
    control, the New York Teachers Union expanded its membership rolls by taking in
    unemployed teachers, substitute teachers, and WPA teachers. These made a large bloc for
    political pressure. We added further strength to it by working with the communist section
    of the PTA and several student organizations.

    and that was prior to wwii!!!!!

    what do you think is there now? oh yeah… one complete controling nea union and such… it dictates everything, and no one can oppose it.

    and how do they control people?

    Of course I was hardly representing the teachers by becoming involved in matters
    which were of no immediate concern to my union. But I had learned that serving the
    Communist Party was the first requisite for continued leadership in my union.

    so there is really no way to get ahead in that union or world unless your crypto or you spout the line.

    which brings me full circle to near the start.

    that most knew the deal in germany and soviet union. you only think that they were ignorant.

    they were not.. they knew it. why else die trying to get out?

    most HAVE no choice but to comply…

    summers, watson, they didnt comply with the party line…

    what happened to watson? his whole distinguished career went the same way that stalins enemies went!

    Again and again I heard Jack Stachel and Foster and lesser Communist Party labor
    leaders repeat that American workers need to be “politicalized” and “proletarianized.”
    Their feeling was that the American worker was not conscious of his class role because he
    was too comfortable. In line with this I saw senseless strikes called or prolonged. At first
    I did not understand the slogan frequently proclaimed by these men: “Every defeat is a
    victory.” Loss of salary, or position, or even loss of life was not important as long as it
    brought the worker to acceptance of the class struggle.

    EVERYTHING and ANYTHING without limit. its always been the way of the “great game”.

    This use of fractions made the Communist Party effective in noncommunist
    groups. They went prepared, organized, trained, and disciplined with a program worked
    out in detail, and before other groups had a chance to think the Communists were winning
    advantages. They worked in every convention as an organized bloc. In other organized
    blocs the Communists had “sleepers,” assigned to protect Communist Party interests.
    These “sleepers” were active members in noncommunist blocs for the purpose of
    hamstringing and destroying the power of the opposition.

    this was how things were changed… she details a lot in her book… As do others… but we dont pay attention to that old history…

    In the Spanish Civil War, the Party called upon its many members in the field of
    public relations, agents who made their living by writing copy for American business, for
    the sale of soap, whisky, and cigarettes. They gave the Party tremendous assistance in
    conditioning the mind of America. People of all ranks joined the campaign for the
    Loyalists: pacifists, humanitarians, political adventurers, artists, singers, actors, teachers,
    and preachers. All these and more poured their best efforts into this campaign.

    this is why so many actors go to chavez land… why or movies are all now indoctrinal and no longer that entertaining… and more. (the seeds were only a few years before dodd and came from germany with the men of the franfurt school, and the backing of the state organs).

    here is how she figured it out.

    I did not understand this
    at the time. After that odd pieces of information and desultory recollections of events
    stayed in my mind and finally pieced out an understandable picture.

    and here is why i think that this thinking that the tide is turning to a better america is still a farce.

    Today there are unmistakable signs about us that the tide is turning, in spite of the fact that we have been so strongly conditioned by materialism. The turn is so apparent that I, personally, am filled with hope where once I despaired. Many of the molders of public opinion in our country are still geared to capitulation and compromise, but among the people the change is very clear.
    As I have traveled about the country I have seen evidences of this. I have seen men and women determined to set principle above personal gain. I have seen fathers and mothers study the school problem to help education from contributing to the training of a fifth column for the enemy. I have seen housewives in Texas, after a hard day’s work, sit down to a course of study on the Constitution of the United States, and I have heard them explain what they learned to their children, determined that they shall not be robbed of their heritage.

    bella dodd, leader of the communist party usa, who becomes an ex communist when she figures it out, has the same exact hope message that we just got from neo.

    but she didnt live to see the 60s revolution!!

    for all her positive beliefs, they were all wrong, for her work was so good, and the work continuing, with so much help from the left today… that we are so far along the path there really is no turnign back!!!

    it took 40-50 plus years of constant bias on the machine to create the situation today… three generations of demoralized people.

    soon the next stage comes. that will not last long…

    then crisis… which will flip things in less than 2 months..

    after that… a process they refer to as “normalization”. (bet you didnt know they coined it)… and that process is continual till the lumpen proletariats genetics hve changed making the new utopian slave man who works for the few elite that have complete control over the farm. like hitler, they wrote books on it that are being ignored.

    Dodd forsaw religious men and women coming together and chaning things.

    she didnt see the SDS… or the likes of the zebra killers and more…

    and we are in the same place… we ignoroe the sources of this stuff, the history of this stuff, the people doing it are excused, we revision things out, and have little memory.

    yet we stick our heads out the hole, see something we like, and think its turning.

    well if you look at the demographics, and you say.. ok.. everywoman alive right now that can, will have 6 kids… we would still be too far past and gone to save anything!!!!!!!!!!!

    its called an event horizon… its an imaginary position in which options forever are unreachable.

    we passed that 15 years ago too busy not listening to those old phogies telling us the truth…

    after all, the truth is much less appealing than the lies.

    remember the first lesson of the bible is that to listen to lies and live your life by them is to be banished from eden.

    eden may be as simple as living a decent life vs a life promoting the sins as virtues.

    and hell is when you live a life of lies that takes the acceptance of the first one, and never stops.

    the message that things are turning is a message to inaction. it is designed to put us to sleep and stop us from focusing on things.

    after all, when there is a huge fire, and a fire alarm, you get up and leave the building.

    when there isnt you stay there.

    and since this is a game of opposites, they are tellig you to hold still and done move, there is no fire, when the fire is the hottest it has been in 70 years.

  5. From Temple University website in April….
    ( http://www.temple.edu/newsroom )

    Temple Poll: Clinton continues to lead Obama in Pennsylvania

    Poll also shows candidates’ coalitions have different orientations toward voting
    Thursday, April 10, 2008

    Differences among demographic groups are stark:
    – 83 percent of blacks favor Obama, compared to 31 percent of whites
    – 79 percent under the age of 30 favor Obama, compared to 28 percent over 60 years old
    – 55 percent of women favor Clinton, compared to 32 percent of men

  6. Bugs Says:

    “But I have a feeling the hard core of the student “establishment” is still pretty radical.”

    Yeah, but maybe now there will less of them to love.

  7. here is a good article (on several levels), that also illustrates by the information it contains, how much our view or impression of things has been manipulated.

    Women in Combat: Why Rush to Judgment?


    before you read it, first think of what you think about west point, and the military, and what they told you it was like now, and what having women has done to it.

    even more so, you learn things about isreal and its use of women in battle. they dont allow it for two reasons. the bible with teh special place women have as mothers… and that the men instinctually will protect the women and not follow through their missions. also as stated in the article, the men became too stressed out watching the women get captured and tortured.

    so shows you how far our propaganda goes when we think as a mass that things are fine, women are good combat choices, and only a few pigs are in the way.

    not that the whole thing is a brain fart.

    here is a couple of quotes that should jolt one into thinking as to what would happen if we had to go up against better trained soldiers? (like spetnaz).

    Women cadets take “comparable” or “equivalent” training when they cannot meet standards in some events. In practice this means that West Point males must do pull-ups while females merely do “flex-arm hangs.”

    Cadets no longer train in combat boots because women were suffering higher rates of injury; cadets now wear jogging shoes.

    Running with heavy weapons has been eliminated because it is “unrealistic and therefore unappropriate” to expect women to do it.

    heck there are other things too, like the number of civilans being shot goes up for each woman on a police force, but they are not part of this paper.

    Today’s West Point males are not increasing their cardio-vascular efficiency as much as their predecessors did because they are insufficiently challenged by physical training standards geared to include women.

    The cadet honor system has been weakened by making breaches of the code no longer grounds for expulsion in most cases.

    and here is the favorite that makes me feel really secure..

    remember, the public believes (thanks to television propaganad, movies, college bs), that women can perform near men… (ignoring that women select men based on performance over looks which would breed what outcomes?)

    well, hows about this?

    In load-bearing tasks (carrying and lifting), 50 percent of the women score below the bottom 5 percent of the men.

    meaning, that if your in fire, she aint pulling you out

    care to read about the women who broke down crying trying to take men to a battle area and had to be relieved?

    how about mass pregnancies when the navy deployed to the gulf?

    given the way our ladies act today, this is no case of a pink submarine. but that movie was propaganda too to make it seem like the issue was not a real issue.

    the point is not to discuss women in the military..

    the point is to show how far apart the false and real realities are…

    well, the same is true of the schools. (you would be surprise to kow how many top administrators at these places actually were students under herbert marcuse and brag about it!!!! in fact i know that a woman who is running the gifted research areas of things was under marcuse, and so intends to use her position to skew the gifted to the party… and no one cares or thinks of it at all)

  8. SB 1322!!!

    Now comes the plan, SB 1322, from state Sen. Alan Lowenthal, a Democrat elected from the state’s 27th District, including the towns of Artesia, Avalon, Bellflower, Cerritos, Downey, Lakewood, Long Beach, Lynwood, Paramount, Signal Hill, South Gate and others.
    “This bill would actually allow the promotion of communism in public schools,” CRI said.
    That’s because the state’s Civic Center Act already requires a school district to grant the use of school property, when an alternative isn’t available, to nonprofit groups, clubs or associations set up for youth and school activities.
    “But the law also states that the property may not be used by anyone intent on overthrowing the government,” CRI said. Now, the group said, “SB 1322 would delete the requirement that an individual or organization wanting to use the school property is not a Communist action organization or Communist front organization.
    “This bill would also strike the law that a public school or community college employee may be fired if he or she is a member of the Communist Party,” the group said.
    Worse yet, the group said, “the bill would also strike the law that prohibits a teacher giving instruction in a school or on public school property from teaching communism with the intent to indoctrinate or to inculcate in the mind of any pupil a preference for communism,” CRI said.
    “SB 1322 is simply shocking,” said Meredith Turney, legislative liaison for the affiliated Capitol Resource Family Impact. “The socialist members of the legislature are now advocating that communism, one of the most brutal forms of government in history, be taught favorably to government school students. Anyone espousing communism, which does advocate for the violent overthrow of existing government, will be permitted to not only use government property, but work in schools and colleges, and teach their freedom-hating propaganda to impressionable young people.”

    “Less than 20 years after the fall of the communist Soviet Union, California lawmakers are eager to once again begin advancing a political ideology responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people,” England said. “Instead of promoting communism in our schools, lawmakers should be focused on actually teaching students to read, write and think for themselves.”

    and what about obamas boondoggle that would further the UN millinium goals?

  9. Indoctrination, even the most aggressive and total, is not all that matters: something else, which hard to explain or name, differ one generation from another. In my generation in Soviet Union indoctrination was total, but its efficiency was almost zero. Something in the air had changed, and among those younger than me by five or six years there were almost no true believers in Marxist dogmats. And in generation of my elder daughter (born in 1981) almost 100% of university educated people are bourgeois (middle-class) in all their attitudes, styles and preferences. This is more than ideology, this is the type of personality.

  10. I hope you’re right, neo. I tend to be very pessimistic about the future of academia, at least in the soft sciences and in the humanities, and suspect that the current stranglehold the left has on these institutions will simply perpetuate itself, with retiring lefties choosing younger ideological clones to replace themselves. I could be wrong, and hope I am.

  11. The bad news is they have to go somewhere. To retirement homes. I plan to put money down on an all meat-eating one that allows booze and firearms to ward off the retiring hippies when my time comes.

  12. The modern left philosophically is anti-ideological, in that they’re opposed to *all* moral systems., i.e., any viewpoint is equally bad. The New Left teaches it is better not to have a viewpoint at all; the true barbarian supposedly is the person who believes there are barbarians in the first place.

    They attained the desired result. People who can’t make distinctions inevitably see success as cheating and failure as oppression.

  13. J.H. Bowden:
    “The modern left philosophically is anti-ideological, in that they’re opposed to *all* moral systems., i.e., any viewpoint is equally bad.”

    Oh, I disagree especially considering how preachy the average “progressive” is. Like Jehova’s Witness, only stinkier.

  14. My Generation (X) is definitely less radical and ideological than yours. You have Woodstock, free love, and Vietnam. We have South Park, AIDS, and Desert Storm.

    Even the liberals I grew up with in the 1980s thought Ronald Reagan was awesome when he was president. I did, too, at the time. Later, I hated him in hindsight. Later, again, in even more hindsight, I split the difference between my childhood opinion of him and my young adulthood opinion of him.

    Every single last person I know who is my age hates Political Correctness and anything associated with it. Hates it. And almost everyone I know is left-of-center to one extent or another. I have radical leftist friends who hate it. I hated it in college, and I hated when I thought of myself as a radical leftist.

    It isn’t the worst political idea ever, but it is the most irritating to normal people regardless of their other political views.

  15. Physical (hard) sciences tend to be highly mathematical in their approach. Crummy thinking tends to lend itself to failing grades; non-mathematical skills ensures early failure.

    Biology is currently being taken over by biochemistry, genetics, and math techniques. This is one reason that biologists (speaking in generalities) tend to be on the left. Memorization and soft thinking can be still used (albeit to a lesser and lesser extent) in bio sciences…you can still get an advanced degree in botany, although job prospects in both academia and industry are not that great.

    One can observe – although women are more in evidence than when I was younger, but not wiser – that most practitioners (both academia and industry) are still white or Asian-American males. “Others”, including women, are around 15-20%, depending on the specialty area.

    And so it goes…

  16. Charlie, for my money, molecular biology fits the bill of a soft science with soft thinking. Molecular biologists seem to feel that they understand something once they name it. What’s the factor that controls X? Why, X-controlling factor, of course!

    Chemists (such as myself) see that as a tautology.

    The molecular biology literature is replete with poorly designed experiments (e.g., “we didn’t see it, so it must not be there” – are you sure you would have seen it if it had been there? Positive controls, please!) and conclusions not supported by the data. The standard (as was once patiently explained to me) was that any data that did not contradict a hypothesis supported it. Uh, no.

    And to your last point, the gender balance is much closer to 50/50 than in physical sciences.

  17. Occam:

    I too am a chemist: physical organic chemist, passionate lover of Molecular Orbitals. And have some friends (faculty members at UCLA) who are immunologists/chemists.

    Interestingly enough, last year at my undergrad re-union, both guys were adamant about one thing: they would NOT accept female grad students. Or accepting, they moved them out ASAP.

    Reason was – they said – was the attitutude of “good enough for government work”. Don said he has regularly despaired when trying to decipher their notebooks: sloppy, illogical, and full of unproven hunches.

    From your observation, sounds like you’ve had or know someone who has had the same problems and results.

    What do you think…surely there no excuse – maybe – now that we have genomes studied in detail?

    Best Regards, OB.


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