Home » Goldilocks looks at Mitt Romney, finds him wanting


Goldilocks looks at Mitt Romney, finds him wanting — 22 Comments

  1. There are legitimate issues concerning Mr. Romney, but the claims that he:

    1. Was a bully at the debate;
    2. Lied his way through the debate;
    3. Doesn’t care about the “little people”;
    4. Is a rich snob;

    are simply evidence of how the Left is struggling with him and failing to come up with anything substantial.

  2. Jonathan is absolutely right on this:

    “Left is struggling with him”

    Yes, they sure are struggling, they believe somehow or other they just have to keep throwing mud and eventually something will stick.

    Hopefully, most folks will see that it isn’t Romney who smells – it is the chimps flinging poo who really stink.

  3. “Yes, Goldilocks, we’ll keep it in mind.”

    yeah, funny. As someone who had a bad experience with hostile taker over group… one possible answer could be (re: not saying I know if it is) but that the guy reorganised the companies properly before reselling them (vs. letting everyone go who knew how to run the company and then offering it for sale based on low overhead)… because thats how other people in that business often do things…

  4. Plus Mitt Romney is so good looking that he could’ve found a better partner!


    Hey – I find Mitt and Ann just right! Even President Reagan’s debate performance didn’t get the numbers that Romney received. I’m still amazed.

  5. Charles Says:

    “Yes, they sure are struggling, they believe somehow or other they just have to keep throwing mud and eventually something will stick.”

    It worked for them with Bush. I even know why Bush didn’t respond. The old conventional wisdom was the blood in the water theory that if you responded to a crazy claim you gave it credence and ‘legs’. Needless to say things were different. The eight years of it. The media blowing off the pretense of objectivity (which really came to head in the last pres elections… it is no worse this time…). But that level of constant bs was a new thing and the old theory did not apply properly.

    I hope Romney can do a little debating / arguing back if he wins… We can see he is able when he wants to do so.

  6. Sooooooooo, Mr.Cohan, I gotta question: IF The Boy King Obama has been sooooooooooooooo great in leading the country outta the mess that he(cough, spittle)inherited, was it due to his managerial expertise learned as the night ass’t manager of a Circle-K Mini Mart?? Ohhhh…? You mean he didn’t have THAT MUCH ‘bidness experience? S’plains much, eh.

  7. Maybe some people overlooked the fact that Romney did not spend all of his time trying to accumulate wealth.

    Lets see:
    *Thirty month Mormon mission before he completed his post-secondary education
    *Bishop (Pastor) of his congregation while he was in his peak earning years.
    *President of his Stake (a minimum of five cogregations)
    *Left the business world to save the Salt Lake City Olympics
    *Following the Olympic served as Governor of Massachusetts, then started run for Presidency effectively ending his business career

    Of course throughout his earning years, and subsequently, the Romneys have given a significant percentage of their income/wealth to charity; money that others might have put to work increasing personal wealth.

    The upshot is that it is ignorant or disingenuous to compare Romney to the typical billionaire businessman.

  8. 4 million given to charity on the released tax return for a single year. His inheritance from his dad given away to charities. I’d say that the amount of money that he gives out to charity probably has a lot to do with why Romney is not richer. I get the feeling that he feels he has plenty for himself and his family. He’s not Soros after all.

  9. As far as I am aware John, married a ketchup heiress, Kerry is the only billionaire to run for the presidency. Romney is a mere multimillionaire. That is chump change compared to Soros, Gates, and please make me pay more taxes Buffet.

  10. Kerry didn’t marry a ketchup heiress, per se. Theresa Heinz Kerry married the Heinz heir, a Republican. Funny how life is, right?

  11. Well, we can play this game all day long.

    Romney paid no taxes — the scoundrel! Romney paid more taxes than he needed to — he’s incompetent!

    Romney has five children — he’s waging a war against Ann Romney! Romney has five children — what? he’s not man enough to have more?

    Romney is a multi-millionaire — whoa! He exploited way too many people! Romney is a multi-millionaire — talk about lack of drive! He could’ve exploited way more people!

    So now, let’s see if you can be a WaPo editorialist. Complete the following sentence. Romney gave away tens of millions to charity …

  12. Paullie “The Beard” Krugman couldn’t have said it better. He’d have used twice the words, though.

  13. Let us remind ourselves . . .

    Anyone who argues with a fool ^is^ a fool.

    (Major problem is, the commentariat, as well as the electorate, is overflowing and brimming with fools.)

  14. Wonder when the MSM will wake up & realize that they damage their credibility irreparably with each of these laughably partisan stories?
    This is from the same paper that put the George Allen “Macaca” story on its front page 30+ times and published an in-depth investigative story on one of Romney’s high school pranks, right?

  15. “Wonder when the MSM will wake up & realize that they damage their credibility irreparably with each of these laughably partisan stories?”

    Never; eventually they smolder into ashes and be blown away by the wind.

  16. Reticent: “So now, let’s see if you can be a WaPo editorialist. Complete the following sentence. Romney gave away tens of millions to charity . . . ”

    Sure I’ll play this game: the answer is he gave his money to the WRONG charities.

    P.S. I wish I could take credit for this; but, alas, I heard this before.

  17. So, Obama, who isn’t as rich as Romney, is even LESS qualified to hold the office.

    Glad that’s been cleared up.

  18. If [Romney] were perceived as the first real billionaire to run for president, it would only exacerbate popular doubts about how someone living so removed from the concerns of average Americans – or even just 47 percent of them – could effectively represent them.

    I never heard that argument about John Kerry. IIRC, his wife is worth about $200 million.

    Then there are the Kennedys. Pardon me- they are rich people with a CONSCIENCE. Just ask Mary Jo Kopechne. She’ll tell you.

  19. }}}} how someone living so removed from the concerns of average Americans – or even just 47 percent of them – could effectively represent them.

    He’s not a senator or congressman. He’s not there to represent, but to lead. Not the same job.

    And considering how high on the hog most congressbozos live — most especially after one or two terms of office — WTF makes you think THEY are capable of representing you IN DIRECT FACT?

    I bet he doesn’t vote on the principle of “vote the bastards out” when it comes to Dems in Congress… so much for worrying about representatives being in touch with the problems of the average joe.

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